In the Beginning


Genevieve - Soulful

Even as a small child, Genevieve Gerard wondered at the world around her. She felt that joy belonged in every beautiful blessing that the world offered.

She asked herself, “What was there about life that created sorrow and weariness for so many around her and seemed to drain away the joy? What was it that held just out of reach the smile, the love, and the celebration that seemed as if it should be there for everyone, every moment?”

Her wondering and questioning led her on a quest to understand the nature of life and put life’s challenges in perspective. “Why,” she pondered, “did some people face unbearable adversity with a smile on their face and a song in their heart, trusting in life, while others seemed damaged and broken by every disappointment?”

These reflections drove her to observe and ask, “What is it that makes the difference between a life of joy and a life of sorrow?”

Genevieve longed to understand better how people could transcend the limitations that betrayed the joy that life could hold. She envisioned a world where humanity was transformed and healed, and her quest to make this a reality eventually led her to study and earn her Bachelor’s Degree in Philosophy and Theology.

Her desire to make a difference in people’s lives brought her to work in the inner city to help children, young adults and adults use education to create an opportunity to transform their lives. In that experience, she saw many lives changed with a positive result, yet she saw that some people were unable to gain control over their destinies.

She wondered, “What gives some people the power to grow, to transform and to succeed, while whatever magic they use remains out of reach for others?” One thing became apparent: Education was an important key. She could see that education opened the door to transformation and success for many people, so she made the decision to focus her life work on teaching and educating people. Her early experience helping inner-city students make the transition to a university was very exciting to her. People forming goals and then seeing them achieve seemed to be a primary key to life transformation.

Creating Life Transformations

However, it also seemed that there was an “intangible dynamic” – something more than just increased knowledge and education was at play in the universe. So, Genevieve explored the world of the spiritual in parallel with her work to educate and inspire people. In addition to a deep faith and prayer life, she began to explore the world of meditation. She was indoctrinated into Transcendental Meditation (an evidence-based technique for inner peace and wellness) by the Maharishi Mahesh Yogi, and later she discovered Zen meditation.

Desiring to understand the nature of life and the power we possess as human beings also led her to the study of Tibetan Raja Yoga and the Master Djwal Khul and the ancient esoteric spirituality known as The Ageless Wisdom tradition. In both her inward journey and her outward work, the great mystery of life continued to occupy her pondering.

There was so much that could be done to teach and expose people to the power of their potential in life. Genevieve felt blessed with the opportunity to be a facilitator for the transformation of many lives. She worked to address specific life problems seeking unique solutions beyond the scope of how things had always been done. In this process, Genevieve discovered it was at the moment when people were able to touch their own potential that their power emerged and that their transformations began to occur.

Opportunities come to everyone at one time or another, and Genevieve wondered why some people could rise to the occasion of life transformation when an opportunity was offered, and other people failed. What was it in the human spirit that allowed someone to reach out and embrace opportunity while others cowered and fled? Still exploring the world of meditation and spirituality, Genevieve was drawn to training and education as a counselor. Within the vast knowledge of psychology, especially combined with the profound insights of spirituality, she would find the key to help people face the challenges life presented and be victorious.

Teaching Mastery of the Mind-Body Relationship

After she had completed her Master of Arts Degree in Counseling, she was invited to Los Angeles to develop the curriculum for a new degree in Rehabilitation Counseling at California State University. Once there, another aspect to overcoming life’s challenges came into her awareness, that of helping people cope with a disability. For many years in her career as a counselor, she had the opportunity to explore these unique challenges. She worked not only with physical rehabilitation but also with mental health issues, including those that arise when people must face and handle the devastating factors involved in suffering a severe disability.

Then Genevieve was chosen by the State of California to design a groundbreaking curriculum to train rehabilitation professionals, which she hosted at the world-renowned Rancho Los Amigos Hospital. Leading those professionals to entirely new levels of awareness and effectiveness was one of the most fun and rewarding jobs she ever had. Transforming attitudes and expectations seemed to be key in helping unlock the potential in the rehabilitation process that allowed individual clients to re-create their lives in a way that brought triumph from the ashes of disaster.

For over thirty years Genevieve worked one-on-one with people who were recovering from devastating disabilities and chronic pain. Teaching the mastery of the mind-body relationship she was one of the early professionals trained in biofeedback, visualization, imagery, and meditation as essential techniques to help people heal their bodies, heal their emotions, heal their minds and heal their lives. She found that recovery was a group event – one of the most important factors was the support of family and community. Genevieve facilitated transformations that restored lives to purpose and productivity. She also integrated what she was continuing to learn in her own spiritual journey into the process of empowering people to heal.

On a societal level, she was elected by five different Governor's to serve for over 25 years as a member of the California Governor’s Committee for Disabled Persons (CGCDP) to bring positive opportunities to people with disabilities. There she directed projects to change the attitudes that limited opportunities for the disabled by teaching employers to understand that, “Ability, not disability is the lens through which a potential worker should be seen.” She reinforced this belief in her work with the CGCDP’s Media Access Office, whose primary thrust was the accurate portrayal in the media of people with disabilities.

The Synthesis of Mind-Body-Spirit

Through decades of clinical success, she demonstrated time and time again that adversity could be transformed into an opportunity for growth. Her understanding and appreciation of people’s ability to transcend often seemingly insurmountable challenges showed her that within the indomitable human will was the potential to bring to life the transformations she had believed possible as that small wondering child.

As she continued her spiritual development and her clinical work helping people heal on many levels she uncovered another key truth – “It is not what happens to a person, but how they react to it that determines their ability to transcend the challenges that life brings their way.” She noticed that there is a direct relationship between a person’s ability to embrace all that flowed between joy and sorrow in life and their ability to transform and grow from their challenges.

The success of her work with mind-body healing clearly showed that healing physically was stimulated by healing mentally. Now she realized it is the deep indomitable part of the human spirit – the inner spiritual connection – that takes people to the highest part of themselves and creates the growth, the understanding, and the transformation.

Genevieve’s work demonstrates what she knows so well, “It is spiritual connectedness that triggers physical healing and emotional and mental well-being”. Helping people tap into their higher-self was the power she wields to guide them to heal and transform their lives.

With this understanding, she combined the effective techniques she developed over decades teaching mind-body mastery with her extensive experience in meditation and spiritual development to create a synthesis of mind-body-spirit that delivers complete healing and opens the door to unlimited personal growth and spiritual experience.


As education was the cornerstone of life transformation in her early understanding of life, so meditation seemed to be the cornerstone for putting a person in touch with the power to heal their life and find the keys to joy and abundance. For years when working with individuals, Genevieve used what she called “prescriptive meditation” to address and help transform specific life problems and help people have the experience of awakening to a new level of perception.

She knew that her own life was made ever richer and more filled with joy through the ongoing deepening of her own meditative experiences. This became such a pervading part of her spiritual life that a friend often teased that meditation was “Genevieve’s idea of a good time.” After an unusually deep and profound meditation concluded she could be heard to comment, “That was fun!”

The joy, the connectedness with all of life and the gratitude that began to pervade her life from her early days of meditation grew and grew until the desire to share that joy and share the power that resides within each of us as we access our soul (our higher self) became compelling.

Genevieve came to feel that she had found the answer she had sought since she was a young child to the questions she long pondered about life and what could be done to help people live their lives more fully and more abundantly.

Indeed, it was the joy that meditation brought to her life and Genevieve’s desire to share her experience with millions of people that led to the creation of "Meditations For Daily Joy." These downloadable meditations are easy to use, activity-based, awareness and mindfulness meditations available worldwide now.

Personal Transformation

Helping you live fully, joyously and abundantly is the theme of her 2011 CDs Awaken To Success and Soaring To SuccessAffirmations for Abundance.

These audio tools center on helping people transform and heal problem areas in their lives through the power of visualization, the power of intention and ultimately the power of living in contact and connection with Soul awareness.

She also uses her vast experience to help resolve the often challenging life problems that affect millions of people in her recent products Sleep in Heavenly PeaceA Guided Visualization for Restful Deep Sleep, and Relax and ReleaseEffective Techniques for Releasing Stress.

Genevieve has designed these meditation experiences to be fun and enjoyable and to take you on a journey into your inner world. Genevieve has been sought out to teach this method of meditation in workshops and lectures both nationally and internationally.

One special Touch of the Soul meditation is now being introduced in her workshop How To, Why To Meditate, this experiential workshop lets you explore and sample 12 different styles and techniques of meditation in a rare one-day event.

Soul Awareness

You have within you the innate wisdom to seek and experience your own truth. And when provided with the tools and opportunity to explore and experience your higher self you will intuitively know the way to develop and grow.

Genevieve’s work is presented with the complete trust in you, to know your own path by what feels right to you, to find your own truth and to discover through practice and experimentation how to use the keys for your own transformation. Take from her body of work what can serve you and leave the rest. Follow your heart, your mind, and your soul and celebrate the joy that fulfilling your purpose and finding your place in the plan of life will bring to you.

Genevieve Gerard wants to share with you the joy of life that is your birthright and to empower you to transform and heal your life so that you can be all that you can be. It is her vision that through your experience with the techniques of awareness, visualization, and meditation, the love of your soul will touch and transform your life through her writings and products. It is her sincere desire that the potential of a life of joy and celebration that seems to elude so many people can become a reality for you, now and forever.


Last updated 6-9-2019


Also, check out the Touch of the Soul that changed her world. To contact Genevieve, visit her keep in touch page.


Copyright © 2019 by Genevieve Gerard & Touch of the Soul LLC. All rights reserved.


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