How To Sleep

Genevieve Gerard Posts & Products About Sleep Tools

The Healing Power of Sleep

The Healing Power of Sleep

Read about the Healing Power of Sleep by Genevieve Gerard

Did you ever wonder why you need to spend a third of your life asleep?

Amazing things happen while your body rests, amazing things that have a profound impact on your waking life.

While your body is at rest healing occurs in multiple ways and on multiple levels.

Just because you are not conscious and aware during sleep does not make your sleep time irrelevant.  What happens when you are asleep is healing and restorative on a physical level, integrative and calming on an emotional level and stimulates both insight and intuition on a cognitive level.

Sleep is a critical time for your being, physically, emotionally, mentally and spiritually.

The third of your life that you spend sleeping is an active and vital part of your life.  It is a time to activate and synthesize thousands of decisions and directions you have generated in your waking hours.  It is the time to set into motion your thoughts and desires.

It is a creative time of manifestation for your consciousness.  The directions of your thoughts throughout the day become the blueprint for your sleep.  During sleep, it is important to harness the power of your mind generated throughout your waking hours.  I believe your life force listens to your dream thoughts and resolves to create in your life what you have directed it to do.

This directing of your life through the power of your thought happens on a very diverse field.  It includes your glands and your organs and even works on an atomic level, shifting your subtle energies to bring them into harmony and alignment with your desires.  For this reason, it is best to reach a state of peace as you enter into sleep.

Sleep is not a time of unconsciousness, but rather is the fertile time in which your mind, your emotions, can align with your Higher Consciousness (your Soul).  Sleep creates a productive and creative time.  While you sleep, as your physical body rests and restores, the autonomic parts of your body are engaged in healing and balancing your hormones which activate a whole host of factors that were created by your emotions and glandular secretions in the day that has just passed.

It is a process of healing your, mind, your emotions, and your body that is a subtle yet powerful part of healing sleep.  Sleep as a healing balm is understood in our collective awareness since the time of Shakespeare.  Sleep is a vital and dynamic part of your day.

For this reason; it is important to learn how to sleep.

The vital and important role of sleep in your consciousness physically, emotionally and spiritual is why I created my guided “Sleep in Heavenly Peace Meditation.”

Checkout Sleep In Heavenly Peace CD by Genevieve Gerard

Because sleep is such a difficult issue for so many people, and the failure to get a restful and restorative sleep has such far reaching implications in life, sleep was one of the very first challenges I addressed when I started publishing my guided meditations. My Sleep In Heavenly Peace meditation CD remains one of my most successful, widely distributed, and reviewed products I have ever created. Click learn more here to check out this MP3 download and glide effortlessly into sleep. USE COUPON CODE sleep5 and get the digital mp3 download for only $5 until Sunday May 13th 2018.


In addition to what is happening to you physically during sleep is the emotional processing of what you have experienced throughout your day.  This often occurs in the creation of your dreams.  Dreams are certainly the assurance that when your body sleeps your consciousness remains actively engaged.

At times your dreams may seem random or strange.  On other occasions through dreaming, it is clear that you have come to a resolution of a significant life issue.  In your dreams, you may gain insight into something you have been striving to understand and gain mastery over.

Dreams can leave you feeling empowered.  It is often beneficial to record your dreams in a journal to bring into your conscious awareness the insights and information that may have come to you as you sleep.  When you do this as a part of your spiritual and psychological development, many report that their intuition is enhanced and awareness is increased in a dynamic way.  To keep a journal next to your bed and then spend a few moments recording your dreams is a simple morning meditation.  Try it tonight.

It is hard to talk about the process of dreams, especially the healing power of resolution, without mentioning the less than pleasant part of dreaming, nightmaresI believe nightmares are a way of working through and resolving fears.

I have found throughout my life that the more I have consciously worked to transmute, transform and transcend my fears as an integral part of my spiritual and life lessons, the fewer nightmares have plagued me.

I have also found that there is a direct relationship between what I have focused my conscious attention on during the day and the creation of nightmares in my sleep.  For this reason, I discourage people from watching violent or dark movies or television shows or even reading horrifying novels right before bed.

In sleep, your mind processes all of the input of your day that pertains to your positive thoughts and your fears.  Somehow it all goes into the consciousness mixing bowl of your dreams.

A well-spent day brings happy sleep.
      – Leonardo da Vinci

That is why before sleep is a particularly valuable and vital time to say affirmations, especially affirmations that begin with the magic words of “I Am.”  Meditating before you sleep is also something that many people find beneficial and empowering.  And, of course praying just before sleep is a tradition many learned from their early childhood that remains an effective and valuable ritual with which to transition into sleep.

While you sleep your consciousness is often growing and expanding your awareness.  Sleep is a particularly fertile time for incorporating and synthesizing insights you have received in meditation. In fact, I have often found that after a particularly insightful and profound meditation, it is beneficial to take a nap to incorporate your experience.

The National Sleep Foundation recommends the following levels of sleep.

Age and condition Sleep Needs
Newborns (0–3 months) 14 to 17 hours
Infants (4–11 months) 12 to 15 hours
Toddlers (1–2 years) 11 to 14 hours
Preschoolers (3–4 years) 10 to 13 hours
School-age children (5–12 years)  9 to 11 hours
Teenagers (13–17 years)  8 to 10 hours
Adults (18–64 years)  7 to 9 hours
Older Adults (65 years and over)  7 to 8 hours


Many traditions consider sleep as a spiritually enlightening time because your Soul is free from the constraints of your ego and personality. Using your dreams as a portal to wisdom is common among the teachings of many of the world’s people. It is particularly valued by indigenous and spiritual teachings across the world.

Sleep is the best meditation.
      – Dalai Lama

Consciously considering what you do to prepare for sleep helps this part of your life to be valuable beyond just an opportunity to restore your ability to keep going.  If you consider the times in your life that you have, by necessity, been sleep deprived and how that affects your overall efficiency and sense of well-being, you can realize the significant opportunity for healing and empowerment sleep is.

It is a common experience that a problem difficult at night is resolved in the morning after the committee of sleep has worked on it.
      – John Steinbeck

Each day is divided into a time for doing and a time for sleep.  We all strive to use our doing time wisely and efficiently.  Now empower your sleeping time to be the blessing that it can be.  Sleep time is valuable to your success and your happiness.  You want to make it a productive part of the fabric of your life.

When you awaken with the light of the new day, you can place the past behind you and open your life to the promise and unlimited possibilities of a new day brimming with new opportunities!

Sweet Dreams and Rest Well.



The Blessing of Love on All That You Do!


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Last updated 5-9-2018


Copyright © 2016-2018 Genevieve Gerard and Touch of the Soul LLC, All Rights Reserved.


The Healing Power of Sleep Read More »

Surrender To Slumber

How To Surrender To Slumber

Read "Surrender To Slumber" Wisdom Wednesday Blog by Genevieve Gerard

Sleep is a unique function in life. It is one of the most powerful tools for the body to rest, rejuvenate and heal. To surrender to sleep is a blessing of peace and relaxation.

Unfortunately, for many people it is a challenge to get to sleep and stay asleep.

More than 70 million Americans report they have trouble getting to sleep and staying asleep every night.
        – National Sleep Foundation

The purpose of sleep is not fully known, and it is still studied intensely today. What we do know for sure, though, is that sleeping regularly is essential for survival.

What is especially significant about sleep is that it has an impact on so many different levels of your well-being. In sleep the unity of the body, mind and emotions are all inter-related.

Quote about sleep by Thomas Dekker


The peace of sleep and the way that it works with your organs, your glands and your hormones make getting a good night’s sleep very important. While your body rests, balancing, healing and restoration takes place.



Today I would like to offer you some pitfalls to avoid and some things you can do to help you get the best sleep.


Sleep Medication

When I think of pitfalls to avoid the very first thought that comes to my mind is using medication to go to sleep.

Since I first released my guided sleep meditation in 2011 to help people get a restful deep sleep, I have observed something that I think is very significant about people when they struggle to sleep. Those who regularly use medications to go to bed are less receptive to a natural way to go to sleep. Although using medication to sleep may not be addictive, it is habituating. In fact, of those who have told me they tried the meditation and were still unable to get to sleep, 100% were regularly using medication.

It is interesting to note that among those who were using medication to sleep, most of them reported that even with the medication they still had a significant problem getting to sleep. Frequently they told me they needed increasing doses. Still, they report that even with medication they fail to have a deep and restful sleep. This shows that the habits you practice to go to sleep can have a significant influence.

The worst thing in the world is to try to sleep and not to.
        – F. Scott Fitzgerald

Not Letting Go

I often wonder what it is about sleep that is so difficult. After frequent consideration on the matter, it seems that one factor is that to fall asleep involves a letting go, or surrender to sleep. Even the common phrase to “fall asleep” implies a letting go.

Being multi-dimensional in nature, in order to go to sleep you must let go on different levels, your physical body, your emotional body and your mind. These layers of release must all take place to achieve a truly deep and restful night’s sleep. Perhaps this is a clue to ponder.

Then into the mix goes the nature of your dreams which are often a way that your Higher Self tries to guide you while you sleep.


As with so many experiences in life, fear seems to play a part in the problem with sleep. Some fear their dreams or the possibility of a nightmare. Many seem to fear the fact that when you are asleep, you are not in control.

I believe that it is an illusion that you are in control during your waking hours; however, this illusion seems to contribute to the resistance to sleep. You will sleep best if you let yourself relax your body. There are a number of ways to relax your body before you go to sleep.

Since regular rituals or habits seem to enhance the transition from waking to sleep, it is often helpful to incorporate some regular activities into your pre-sleep time. For the ease of consideration, these can fall naturally into focusing on the different parts of achieving a good night’s sleep.


Here are some practical things you can do to incorporate into your nighttime pre-sleep rituals that can help you surrender to slumber.


Your breath is a part of a complex interrelated system that is run by the autonomic parts of your nervous system. Therefore, you can use your breath and this integration of the body, mind, and emotions to help you relax sufficiently to enter into sleep seamlessly.

Breathing in through your nose and filling your lungs fully, dropping the diaphragm and filling the lungs from the bottom up to the very top lobes of the lungs and then releasing the whole breath through your slightly pursed lips, is known as a deep and relaxing breath.

These kinds of breaths signal your autonomic nervous system that you are safe and not threatened. This kind of breath, especially when repeated induces a relaxation response that can prepare you for sleep.

When you find it difficult to relax, repeating deep relaxing breaths can be beneficial. Sometimes it helps to count the breaths. For most a repetition of 10 deep breaths put you into a state of preparation for sleep. In fact, you might just naturally drift off to sleep before you have finished the count.

Put The Day Behind You

When you lay asleep it often helps to consciously create an endpoint for the day. If you consciously release the demands of the day that have been met or have been left unfinished and enter into the present moment in your mind, you are making an important step in preparing to rest while you sleep.

The past is now over. It has no more power over you. You can let it go. Between the past and the future is the peace of the present and you can use that peace to let yourself surrender to sleep.

Tomorrows tasks, tomorrows challenges, will all be there waiting for you when the new day dawns. The promise and potential of tomorrow are part of the miracle of life because that future is uncreated and not yet formed.

By putting the past behind you, you are opening to the power and the promise of a new day unfettered by the limitations of the past. You can, as you let go of the old day, be assured that anything left undone can be incorporated into the tasks of tomorrow if they are important.


Perhaps because many of us prayed before sleep as children, or as a way to surrender the cares and concerns for which you desire help, praying to a higher power (God) before sleep is an effective ritual.

I have often recommended a gratitude prayer before sleep which in the words of the old song recommends counting your blessings instead of sheep. This focuses your mind on what is good and positive in your life, and the gratitude stimulates and activates the Law of Attraction to bring into your life more of what you want.


A meditation, guided or self-directed, can be a dynamic tool for transitioning from your waking state to a sleep state where your Soul and Higher Self are accessible. It allows you to breathe, focus in the moment and relax. There is between waking and sleeping a fertile time when you can open your being to the impressions and guidance of your Soul.

Checkout Sleep In Heavenly Peace CD by Genevieve GerardBecause sleep is such a difficult issue for so many people, and the failure to get a restful and restorative sleep has such far reaching implications in life, sleep was one of the very first challenges I addressed when I started publishing my guided meditations. My Sleep In Heavenly Peace meditation CD remains one of my most successful, widely distributed, and reviewed products I have ever created. Click learn more here to check out this MP3 download and glide effortlessly into sleep.

Warm Bath

Take a warm bath before you get ready for bed relaxes the body and gives you the opportunity for reflective time before you get in bed. Combining the warm bath with a relaxing meditation can be very helpful.


Affirmations are powerful tools that speak to your creative mind to direct the life that you desire. Using a positive affirmation before you sleep sets the creative power of your mind toward what you envision for your life.

Ultimately, let it be. What filled today is enough for today. What will come is still evolving and being created. It is enough to release the day and take the time to rest, to relax and restore yourself with the healing blessing of sleep.

Sweet dreams!




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Last Updated 11-13-2018


Copyright © 2015-2018 Genevieve Gerard and Touch of the Soul LLC. All rights reserved.


Surrender To Slumber Read More »

Perchance to Dream

Perchance to Dream

mysteries of dreaming

Sleep is an essential part of our human life, our human experience. We know we spend approximately one-third of our lives in sleep, and that to do so is essential to our physical, emotional and mental health. And we know that when we get a good night’s sleep we feel better; again, physically, emotionally and mentally.

Since the advent of tools that measure the subtle activity of the brain, we have learned that sleep is an active and fertile time for our consciousness. Dreams are an essential part of the sleep experience. Measurements of time in dreams through the tracking of REM (rapid eye movement) cycles helps scientists and doctors track and examine when in the sleep cycle we dream. And, psychologists will attest to the importance of dreams in the process of communicating to the conscious mind, often in a symbolic language in subtle ways that we sometimes can understand and sometimes find confusing. Indeed there are psychologists who devote the main focus of their practice to interpreting dreams.

Even among those therapists who do not focus their practice on dreams, most psychotherapists would agree that the process of dreaming is important and through the experience of dreams people are put in touch with a part of their consciousness that Carl Jung called supra-personal consciousness. Realizing this, understanding this fact of the dreaming experience, leads us to examine both sleep and dreams from the perspective of consciousness.

Here, in the realm of consciousness, no machines, no matter how scientific or advanced can answer our inquiries. How we dream, and why we dream what we dream, are mysteries. At times our dreams may be a jumbled reflection of a book we were reading before sleep, or a movie or television program we saw, or a conversation we had in the course of our day. I even recall dreams of solitaire- layouts on a night when obviously too much of my day had been spent playing computer games. At other times our dreams present deep insights, revealing greater understanding and wisdom about our life.

Dreams and their symbols remain in the realm of our consciousness, and therefore to my way of thinking, are spiritual, by which I mean pertaining to the spirit or soul contact. – Genevieve Gerard

Old biblical stories resound with prophets or characters being directed in dreams. Recall the story of Jacob who dreamed of an angel telling him to return from where he was staying, to his family’s land. (Genesis 31: 13) “ Likewise Pilate’s’ wife was reported to have been warned in a dream that he should have nothing to do with Jesus, “that just man.” (Matthew 27: 19) Recall that the Wise Men who traveled to the manger, following a star, were told in a dream to return home by a different route when leaving Jerusalem, after they had found the baby Jesus. (Matthew 2: 12)

So throughout over 4,000 years of spiritual stories, the importance of dreams have been considered and recorded. Dreams have been a part of the human experience and our human expression both spiritually and psychologically, as reflected in the words of Shakespeare as Hamlet records in his famous soliloquy of “To be or not to be,” in which he extols the blessings of sleep but fears dreams when he notes “to dream, ah there’s the rub.” So the importance of our dreams has long been known to humanity.

Unfortunately our science, our pursuit of medicine and instant solutions for life problems, have resulted in a in a disruption of our dreams. Those who use sleeping medication on a regular basis are said to dream less. Sleeping medication represses the REM cycle. Those who become habitual users of these medications are removed from both the blessing and the curse of this natural and essential human experience. This is the most unfortunate result of using medication to sleep.

In the years since I first released my “Sleep in Heavenly Peace” visualization, the only people who have told me they tried to use the visualization but it didn’t help them sleep, were those who were the habitual users of sleep medications, and unfortunately that is a large part of our population. So as I examine the experience of sleeping and dreaming from the perspective of consciousness I wish to encourage the use of meditative and relaxing techniques as solutions to sleep problems. These natural solutions leave the portal to dreams open for the insights and awareness that dreams may bring. To disrupt this natural part of our consciousness’s ability to communicate through the sleep experience seems unwise.

And I wish you sweet dreams.




© Genevieve Gerard 3-3-13



About the author: Genevieve Gerard teaches Transformational Consciousness – from first awakening to enlightened awareness. She helps you experience the joy that results from the spontaneous “touch of the soul.” Browse her body of work at Copyright © 2013 by Genevieve Gerard. All rights reserved.


Please feel free to pass this article on to others who may find it of interest. You may reprint the article by following the Permission to Reprint information below.


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You are allowed to reprint articles published by Touch of the Soul, as long as proper credit and citation is given. To reprint an article, you must credit the author, indicate the original date of publication on Genevieve Gerard’s website, and include the appropriate reprint permission language. Content reproduced from Touch of the Soul may not be edited, but you may use excerpts. When reprinting content, you must always include this reprint permission language at the end of the article. If the content will be reprinted on your Web site or blog, you must include a live (search engine followed) link to Genevieve Gerard’s website and the original article Perchance to Dream.


Reprint Permission Language: Reprinted from Touch of the Soul with permission from Genevieve Gerard, author of ‘Perchance to Dream’ 3-3-2013. All rights reserved.


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Count Your Blessings

Count Your Blessings

Be blessed and grateful by reading Genevieve Gerard's blog on Counting Your Blessings

In an old movie with Bing Crosby he sings a song in which the words give sage advice about falling to sleep.  They are “When you’re worried and cannot sleep just count your blessings instead of sheep, and you’ll fall asleep, counting your blessings.”

Counting your blessings, acknowledging and appreciating all that you already have in your life is a powerful technique that works not only as an antidote to worry but also as a way to let yourself relax into the peace and release of sleep.

When you’re worried and cannot sleep just count your blessings instead of sheep, and you’ll fall asleep, counting your blessings.       – Bing Crosby

By focusing your attention on your blessings, gratitude and appreciation naturally emerge.  By noticing what is right in your life instead of worrying about what could go wrong in your life you are not only shifting your energy in ways that can help you relax and ease yourself into sleep, but you are also applying the principles of “energy follows thought” that in are in keeping with the Law of Abundance as discussed elsewhere on my site and in the book by Esther and Jerry Hicks “Ask and It Shall Be Given.”

By doing this you are energetically drawing to yourself, more of the blessings you appreciate and can be grateful for.  As you acknowledge and appreciate the many blessings you have been given, you are given more.  Gratitude and appreciation act as a magnet to attract that which you enjoy and desire.

To turn the valuable time before you fade into sleep to an expression of gratitude and magnet for the increase of what you most enjoy and appreciate is a powerful technique.  The act of appreciation increases your sense of both joy and wellbeing.  It is a way to end the day well.

Focusing upon the positive by counting your blessings, or using positive affirmations in the fertile time before you fall asleep is an invitation to both your subconscious mind and your preconscious mind to use your dreams as a way to show you insights, solutions and new creative ideas.
      ~ Genevieve Gerard

The use of positive affirmations prior to falling asleep is a technique I recommend in my audio instruction “How to Use Affirmations Effectively” which is available as one track of my Awaken To Success or Soaring To Success Affirmations For Abundance CDs or for free as a MP3 download on my website when you join our community at  So if you want to unleash the potential in your supra conscious mind check this out.

Read Count Your Blessings by Genevieve Gerard

Harnessing the power of your mind in the fertile period before you sleep unlocks your potential in a different way.  Counting your blessings, appreciating what is good in your life, focusing on the positive, what you have now instead of worrying about what you fear or might need in the future, creates a space for more blessings to come to you.  It opens the door for the free flow of abundance to come to you without effort.

It also calms your mind and emotions and helps your body relax.  It seems a good way to end the day and a good way to enter into sleep.  When you end your day affirming your blessings, you are positive, hopeful and happier.

This simple little technique works on so many subtle energetic levels that need not be explained or explored in this blog.  If you wish more information on how this works, or why this works I have multiple posts on how “Energy Follows Thought.” Also “As a Man Thinketh” by James Allen is one of many books that others have written on these dramatic life changing principles.  To receive a complimentary free Adobe Acrobat pdf copy of “As a Man Thinketh” email us at CustomerCare (at)

Of course for any truth to be important it must be your truth, so I recommend that you give this little technique of counting your blessings before you fall asleep a try.  Try it and then observe how your life is impacted.  This is simple and actually easy.  As you think of your blessings before sleep you might find your list of blessings multiplying and your awareness of how blessed you really are growing, not only in your time before sleep but throughout the following day and throughout your life.

Gratitude feels so good because it is the state of mind closest to your natural state in which you were born to live.       ~ Abraham-Hicks

Sweet Dreams and may your blessings continue to multiply.


With blessings and gratitude,



P.S. In order to reduce spam we have substituted “@” in the email address above with (at) on this post.  An email shown as Customer Care (at) would actually be [email protected] when you email us.


Last Updated 3-10-2017


Copyright © 2012-2017 Genevieve Gerard and Touch of the Soul LLC, All Rights Reserved.


Count Your Blessings Read More »

Go To Sleep

Sleep In Heavenly Peace MP3 Download

Checkout Sleep In Heavenly Peace by Genevieve Gerard

A Guided Visualization To Help You
Go To Sleep


Want To Know How To Sleep Peacefully

This 18-minute “Sleep in Heavenly Peace” MP3 download was created especially for people who suffer from sleep problems, sleep deprivation, sleep disorders and have difficulty sleeping.

According to the research and sleep studies of the National Sleep Foundation, more than 70 million Americans report they have trouble getting to sleep and staying asleep every night.

The frustration and fatigue of problem sleeping can become cumulative and have a negative impact on all areas of your life. You can begin to feel that your life is out of control. You especially know that restful sleep is necessary for good health and the enjoyment of life.

To view this short video on YouTube directly click Go To Sleep.

Now, you can regain control.

Simply by listening, you will experience a deep relaxation process that allows your mind and your body to truly relax for a restorative sleep that lets you wake up feeling refreshed and energetic.

This process is so effective, people who can’t sleep have reported being led to sleep in the first few minutes after laying their head on the pillow. Others who wake up in the middle of the night now find they are able to go right back to sleep again and sleep in if they want.

Sleep in Heavenly Peace delivers the key that unlocks the door to a sound, restful sleep night after night. Utilize Genevieve Gerard’s decades of experience helping people gain control of their lives through mastery of the mind-body relationship as she guides you to achieve deep relaxation, go to sleep quickly and stay asleep all night.

iTunes & Amazon Sleep Reviews:

The CD on Sleep has changed my life. I now begin the CD when I get into bed and never hear it end as I am fast asleep and stay asleep until morning. It is so relaxing and the voice is so soft and soothing!”
        5-Stars -Alma V.

I certainly sense a gentle assurance and deep peace… drifting gradually but surely deeper toward sleep. It is masterful!”
        5-Stars -Doug R.

After years of tossing and turning and looking at the clock to see what time it ’could be‘ I finally got a restful night’s sleep. The soothing voice of Genevieve lulled me to sleep in the first few minutes after I went to bed. What a difference for me as I usually am not able to fall asleep. I slept soundly and felt rested in the morning. Frankly, I cannot wait to go to bed tonight…. sweet dreams.”
        5-Stars -Sandy K.

Click here to securely download your copy of Sleep In Heavenly Peace right now and learn how to sleep peacefully. In addition we will also send you a confirming email with a download link.

So if:

  • You are tired of no sleep
  • You just can’t sleep through the night
  • You want to know how to sleep

Just click below and eliminate your sleep deprivation and finally get a deep sleep.

Download Price: Only $9.97
(will be $19.95)

Add to my cart to Learn How To Sleep

ABOUT THE AUTHOR: For decades Genevieve Gerard has taught Transformational Consciousness – from first awakening to enlightened awareness. She helps you experience the joy that results from relaxation and meditative techniques. Her work today is setting the stage of a worldwide vision to help you connect deeply with your self and with your higher source.

P.S. Everyone who has reviewed this product on iTunes and has given it an outstanding 5-Star rating.  Now is the perfect time to treat yourself to something that will make a difference and finally allow you to go to sleep.

Click here to get your Sleep MP3 download now. You deserve a break for all of your hard work.

Get your guided sleep MP3 now


Free 1-minute sample cut

P.S.S. Follow this link to our Sleep In Heavenly Peace CD if you would like to own a physical CD disc.


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Last updated 9-1-2018


Copyright © 2018 Genevieve Gerard and Touch of the Soul LLC, All Rights Reserved


Go To Sleep Read More »

Sleep In Heavenly Peace CD

Checkout Sleep In Heavenly Peace CD by Genevieve Gerard



Sleep In Heavenly Peace

A Guided Visualization To
Help You Go To Sleep



Want To Know How To Sleep Peacefully

This 18-minute CD “Sleep in Heavenly Peace” was created especially for people who suffer from sleep problems, sleep deprivation, sleep disorders (like insomnia and sleep apnea) and have difficulty sleeping.

According to the research and sleep studies of the National Sleep Foundation, more than 70 million Americans report they have trouble getting to sleep and staying asleep every night.

The frustration and fatigue of problem sleeping can become cumulative and have a negative impact on all areas of your life. You can begin to feel that your life is out of control. You especially know that restful sleep is necessary for good health and the enjoyment of life.

To view this short video on YouTube directly click Peaceful Sleep.

Now, you can regain control.

Simply by listening, you will experience a deep relaxation process that allows your mind and your body to truly relax for a restorative peaceful sleep that lets you wake up feeling refreshed and energetic.

This process is so effective, people who can’t sleep have reported being led to sleep in the first few minutes after laying their head on the pillow. Others who wake up in the middle of the night now find they are able to go right back to sleep again and sleep in if they want.

Sleep in Heavenly Peace delivers the key that unlocks the door to a sound, restful sleep night after night. Utilize Genevieve Gerard’s decades of experience helping people gain control of their lives through mastery of the mind-body relationship as she guides you to achieve deep relaxation, go to sleep quickly and stay asleep all night.

CD Price: $25.00

Learn How To Go To Sleep

iTunes & Amazon Sleep Reviews:

The CD on Sleep has changed my life. I now begin the CD when I get into bed and never hear it end as I am fast asleep and stay asleep until morning. It is so relaxing and the voice is so soft and soothing!”
        ★★★★★ 5-Stars -Alma V.

I certainly sense a gentle assurance and deep peace… drifting gradually but surely deeper toward sleep. It is masterful!”
        ★★★★★ 5-Stars -Doug R.

After years of tossing and turning and looking at the clock to see what time it ’could be‘ I finally got a restful night’s sleep. The soothing voice of Genevieve lulled me to sleep in the first few minutes after I went to bed. What a difference for me as I usually am not able to fall asleep. I slept soundly and felt rested in the morning. Frankly, I cannot wait to go to bed tonight…. sweet dreams.”
        ★★★★★ 5-Stars -Sandy K.

Click here to own your copy of Sleep In Heavenly Peace and learn how to sleep peacefully.

So if:

  • You are tired of no sleep
  • You just can’t sleep through the night
  • You want to know how to sleep

Just click below and eliminate your sleep deprivation and get a deep peaceful sleep.

Red Arrows Pointing Down

Add to my cart to Learn How To Sleep

P.S. Everyone who has reviewed this product on iTunes and has given it an outstanding 5-Star rating.  Now is the perfect time to treat yourself to something that will make a difference and finally allow you to go to sleep.

Click here to get your Sleep CD now. You deserve a break for all of your hard work.


1-minute sample cut:


P.P.S. Follow this link to our Sleep In Heavenly Peace CD MP3 download if you would like to own a downloadable version of the CD instead for just $9.97. You can download it immediately at any time of day. In addition, we will also send you a confirming email with a download link.


You will get Instant Access and an additional confirming email with download link.

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MP3 files are playable on all mp3-compatible devices including iPods, Smart Phones (Apple/Android), Tablets, PC/Mac Laptops and Desktops, or burn to a CD/DVD.
Download yours now


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Last updated 8-31-2018


Copyright © 2018 Genevieve Gerard and Touch of the Soul LLC, All Rights Reserved


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