
Mantram of the Soul

The Mantram of the Soul

I am the Soul


And also Love, I am



Above all else, I am Will and clear design



My Will is now to lift the lower self into the Light Divine


That Light I Am



Therefore, I must descend to where the Lower Self awaits my coming



That which intends to lift and
that which invokes the lifting are now at One


Such is my Will


        – Djwhal Khul and Alice Bailey


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Understanding The Power Of Mantras

Understanding the Power of Mantras:

With The Mantram of the Soul

Understanding the Power of Mantras - Genevieve Gerard Super Serenity Sunday

This article will give you an example of a Mantra (which is a sacred utterance in a word or group of words that has psychological and spiritual power) to help you understand and explain how and why they work energetically.

The Mantram I have included in this article is one I have personally used for years.

The saying of this Mantram daily as a part of your practice of meditation will help you build the bridge to your Soul in consciousness.

Today we will use this as a stand alone meditation, so before you begin you might wish to calm your mind, open your heart and invite the Light.

As always when you meditate, I suggest you have a journal handy to record any thoughts or impressions you may receive from your Higher Self (your Soul.)

The Light of the Soul Descends
Soul Light Descending


It is often helpful to imagine or visualize the Soul as a radiating golden Light 3-6 feet above your head.

To facilitate the creation of a pathway to your Soul there are certain building blocks that help to extend and pave the road. Many of these are Mantra that have come from ancient teachings. A Mantram may have been written 5,000 years ago, or it may have been written yesterday. Today we will use a Mantram from ancient times, however; you can create one from the guidance of your Soul.


To expedite your movement on the path of meditation by the use of a Mantram you begin by stating a truth. In the stating of a truth, you use a number of very powerful energies.

  1. You use the power of intention.
  2. You use the power of affirmation.
  3. And, you use the powers of invocation and evocation.

Each of these energies are in many ways similar, but they are subtly different.

So, let us take one of my favorite Mantrams and break down
how these different powerful energies work together.

The Mantram of the Soul

I am the Soul

This truth contains both affirmation and identification. An “I Am” statement has great power because of the dual voice of those two truths.

And also Love, I am

This is also an “I am” statement invoking affirmation and identification. The addition of invocation, calling in the energy of Love, adds power to the statement, as the invocation is like a prayer added to the affirmation. It is truth because you are the Soul (you cannot leave home without it). It is your nature that the Soul is a part of your essential being, and the nature of the Soul is Love.

Above all else, I am Will and clear design

Now this section not only contains the power of identification, and the power of affirmation but it adds more invocation and clarity. Will and intelligence are being added to describe not only the nature of the Soul but also the nature of the human personality; that part of the self that is working in concert with the Soul and the mind.

The Will is the constantly creating part of the self, the clear design. This constantly creating nature of the self works, whether you are consciously aware of it or not, so by directing and invoking the Will you take conscious control of your life to achieve the results you wish, by invocation, evocation, and clarification of intention.

My Will is now to lift the lower self into the Light Divine

You have now made a clear statement of intention of where you wish your personality to go: into the Light Divine. The Light Divine is another word for Spirit, so you are stating both your intention to take your lower self (personality) to your Higher Self (Soul), as both an invocation and evocation of your Will, the creative part of your nature, aligning your intention with the Divine part of your nature.

That Light I Am

Again, by affirming the truth of your identity as the Soul Light, you add the power of identification, the power of affirmation, the power of invocation and the power of evocation (invitation for the Soul energy to make itself known.)

Therefore, I must descend to where the Lower Self awaits my coming


At this point in the Mantram, let me review what you have done.

  1. “I am the Soul” — You have identified with your Soul using the power of identification, and you have affirmed that identification.
  2. And also Love I am” — As you have continued with the power of identification and affirmation you have added the power of invocation, which adds power of clarification.
  3. “Above all else, I am Will and clear design” — You have now invoked the will, not only identifying with it as you invoke it, but also affirming it and defining it.
  4. “My Will is now to lift the lower Self into the Light Divine” — You have now directed our creative intelligence by your Will and further affirmed the intention of the personality to connect with your Soul not only by invocation and evocation but also by the power of clarification and description.
  5. “That Light I am” — This statement affirms that in addition to being a personality who invokes your Will and directs your intention, you are also identified with that which is Divine, the Soul. You are both simultaneously the creator and the created.
  6. “Therefore, I must descend to where the lower self awaits my coming.” — The “I am” of the Soul–Love, Will and Clear Design–affirms that it has heard the invitation of the personality. It has been invoked, it has been evoked, and therefore it must respond. It must make itself available to your personality. Moreover, the personality knows this and in complete confidence and assurance, simply waits.
  7. Now, having reached the point of the fusion, the Soul energy circulates from the place of the Soul (often visualized as a point of Light about three feet above the head, because the Soul is most often perceived as residing in the upper reaches of the higher mind in your etheric body.)

The Soul energy descends along with the gentle circulating breath, down into the head, down all of the chakras (nested as centers in the etheric body about two inches outside of your dense physical body.) You have invited it, you have affirmed it, you have invoked it, you have evoked it, and the Soul has responded.

You can now enjoy this descent and circulation of energy for as long as you wish.

You may, in this interval, receive clarity about the nature of your Soul. You may experience the profound Love, Joy, and Acceptance that are the nature of the Soul.

You may recognize this consciously, or you may just feel a gentle circulation of energy that is completely beyond thought. It is a state of being. It does not matter how or if you experience anything here. You know what you have done. You have identified with your Soul.

You have specifically identified with the Love nature of your Soul, the Will nature of your Soul and the Creative Intelligence nature of your Soul; and you have invited them into the integrated wholeness of your personality: your etheric body, your physical body, your emotional body, your mental body, and you have circulated it through all of your chakras energy centers of your being through your breath.

Now, when you feel ready, the Mantram continues with an invocation that affirms what you have done.

That which intends to lift and that which invokes the lifting
are now at One

“That which intends to lift” is the Soul, and “that which invokes the lifting” is the personality. Again, the clarification of identification, the intention of invitation, and the power of invocation and evocation, have achieved their purpose in a statement of Will.

Such is my Will.

This is simply the reality affirmed.

The OM, the sacred sound carries that energy out into manifestation as it is sounded.

If you incorporate this Mantram into your daily practice of meditation and then sit quietly and receptively, you will have empowered your meditation with the magic of the Light, the Love, and the wisdom of your Soul.

The healing power of the circulation of Soul Light from your Soul and through all of your chakras and all of your body as an integrating and unifying force can not be understated. This balancing and aligning of your physical body with your emotional body and your mind and personality with your Soul opens you up to the wholeness and integration of your being in a way that is exciting as it is igniting the Divine Spark in you. Ponder on this.

Bringing the Light of your Soul into your conscious awareness is the most empowering and transforming benefit of meditation you can receive. Therefore, I suggest that you use it daily, and you can certainly use it more than once a day if so inclined.

This blending of Soul Light to integrate the Soul with the personality is a tool of great value. Using the magic of this ancient Mantram in your meditation will empower you in amazing ways.



The Blessing of Love on All That You Do!


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Last updated 8-6-2017

Copyright © 2014-2017 Genevieve Gerard and Touch of the Soul LLC. All rights reserved.
Mantram of the Soul is from the work of Alice A. Bailey and Djwhal Khul.


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