U.N. World Meditation Day 2024 – Winter Solstice Vision

The seventy-ninth session of the United Nations General Assembly has officially declared December 21st as “World Meditation Day” (document A/79/L.27), and invited all Member States, the United Nations system and civil society to observe it.
In short, to enhance awareness of meditation and its benefits, emphasizing the universal right to the highest attainable standard of physical and mental health.
This achievement brings immense pride to all meditators worldwide.
Specifically, The General Assembly,
Recalling the right of everyone to the enjoyment of the highest attainable standard of physical and mental health,
Reaffirming its resolution 70/1 of 25 September 2015, entitled “Transforming our world: the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development”, especially target 3.4 on promoting mental health and well-being,
Recalling its resolutions 68/98 of 11 December 2013 on global health and foreign policy and 77/300 of 26 June 2023 on mental health and psychosocial support,
Recalling also its resolutions 53/199 of 15 December 1998 and 61/185 of 20 December 2006 on the proclamation of international years and Economic and Social Council resolution 1980/67 of 25 July 1980 on international years and anniversaries,
Recalling further its resolution 69/131 of 11 December 2014 on the International Day of Yoga, and acknowledging the link between yoga and meditation as complementary approaches to health and well-being,
Reaffirming rule 62 of its rules of procedure on the invitation to silent prayer or
Affirming the importance, as a place for prayer and meditation, of the meditation room at United Nations Headquarters in New York,
Acknowledging the universality of meditation, practiced in all regions of the world,
Recognizing that meditation can contribute to health and well-being
Recognizing also that the wider dissemination of information about the benefits of meditation would be beneficial for the health and well-being of people around the world,
- Decides to proclaim 21 December as World Meditation Day;
- Invites all Member and observer States, the organizations of the United
Nations system and other international and regional organizations, as well as civil society, including non-governmental organizations and individuals, to observe World Meditation Day, in an appropriate manner, in order to raise awareness of the benefits of meditation;
- Stresses that the cost of all activities that may arise from the implementation of the present resolution should be met from voluntary contributions;
- Requests the Secretary-General to bring the present resolution to the attention of all Member and observer States, the organizations of the United Nations system and other relevant stakeholders for appropriate observance.
Meditation: A Pathway to Global Harmony and Unity
Meditation holds a prominent role at the United Nations, showcased by the Meditation Room at UN Headquarters in New York.
Established in 1952 under the leadership of Secretary-General Dag Hammarskjöld, this “room of quiet” signifies the importance of silence and introspection in fostering global harmony.
Hammarskjöld articulated the necessity of a space dedicated to both outer silence and inner stillness within a place focused on peace and debate.
In the face of global challenges like armed conflicts, climate change, and the rapid pace of technological change, meditation emerges as a potent tool for cultivating peace, unity, and compassion.
World Meditation Day highlights the critical need for nurturing human consciousness to address these challenges and create harmony within ourselves and our communities. By fostering inner peace through meditation, individuals play a crucial role in building a more resilient and sustainable world for current and future generations.
Promoting Health and Well-Being
Meditation is gaining recognition for its positive impact on mental health, an essential human right, and its support of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).
The 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development places health and well-being at the heart of sustainable progress. Goal 3, “Good Health and Well-Being,” focuses on ensuring healthy lives and promoting well-being across all age groups, tackling challenges such as maternal and child health, communicable and non-communicable diseases, and access to essential medicines and vaccines.
This goal underscores the significance of mental health, universal health coverage, and the reduction of health disparities to foster resilient and inclusive societies.
A Meditative Vision to Usher in the New Age
The telling of a meditative dream by Genevieve Gerard, preparatory to the Winter Solstice.
Here, Now, at this moment of time this exists within, cloaked and encased in the poignant power of this moment of time, in the space of the Eternal Now, the opportunity to be free, be released, to be healed and restored.
Gather As Souls in the Hall of Records
Visualize yourself entering into the Hall of Records.

Into this sacred place you are invited today.
Here we gather as Souls, as our consciousness only, we are free from the trappings of our bodies.
We are aware, without the burdens of our physical desires in the radiant pure blue Light of the Soul, of our eternal and essential Self.
This holy place is only accessible in the Eternal NOW. It is open to you through your meditation for your healing, for your empowerment to provide the perspective of enlightenment, to grant you greater clarity and freedom.
Here, in this radiant room of white alabaster, as far as the eye can see are sections of shelves overflowing with golden scrolls, here is the recorded history of your progression through lives and your progression through the annals of time.
Here reside the lessons your Soul has learned in the adventure we call life. Here all of your glories are recorded, all your failures are accessed, all your challenges recalled.
As you prepare to enter here you are met at the door by three angels, the first of which presents you with a gossamer robe of resounding light.
Your Angel of the Presence, blazing forth in resplendent Light and Glory, places a golden crown upon your head.
The Angel on the Threshold places a (rod) (staff) in your prepared and waiting hands.
Your Guardian Angel places a golden chain around your neck that has a diamond resplendent with rainbow light as unlimited prisms of color sparkle forth lighting the hall before you.
That Diamond Light connects your heart to the heart of the Christ and radiates in the Light Supernal the essence of pure love. This love lights the room in ever-changing prisms of loving light.
You have come here today to do great work, great service. From this task, you shall not waver. From this task, you shall not shirk.
Behind you are all of your brethren. Their strength supports you as your strength supports them.
Great work stands before you in the hall of records. A service that will free your fellow man. A work that will serve the transforming power of love. A service that will heal and release bindings that have subverted and sabotaged the best efforts of man, lifetime after lifetime.
Now is the hour of release. Now is the time of transformation. The key to freedom has been given to you and to all who enter herein with a clarity of purpose and intention.
The tasks before you are not small. The task before you may not be easy. The task before you is absolutely and completely essential to ushering in the new age in a way that can bring real and lasting change.
So important is this work that all of the hierarchy, masters, and initiates are here to join this work and do their part, encompassing all of their lives throughout the span of time.
So important is this work that the Souls of all those dedicated servants of mankind called the New Group of World Servers are gathered to both aid the work and receive the blessing and transformation it will bring.
This is a moment in time for which mankind has waited for over 26,000 years. This is a release that will heal our hearts, our minds, and our Souls from sorrows and pains that we did not even know we carried.
Here, in the Hall of Records, with the aggregate of all of our lives since the earth was formed we are charged to completely, now and forever, wield the power of forgiveness.
As we look upon the recorded history of our journey through time we are charged to forgive, now and forever, any and all slights and wrongs, no matter how large, no matter how small. We forgive every betrayal, every selfish or self-serving act that ever caused us to hurt or harm.
We release now and forever any vows of vengeance or retribution, releasing us and the other from the karmic bonds that have limited us.
No sin is too great or too small. It is all offered up. It is all forgiven. It is all released through an act of grace by the Lords of Karma.

Freedom from the limitations of the past is opened, here and now, through this unprecedented flow of forgiveness. You must give the forgiveness to receive forgiveness.
This is the opportunity to wipe your slate clean and to wipe clean the slate of all your brethren through their parade of roles and relationships in your lives.
Now and forever you may be free of all that has come before by this awe-inspiring act of forgiveness, this profound, powerful, and poignant moment in the annals of life and the annals of time.
Embrace this power of forgiveness; free yourself from the karmic ravages of the past in time. Release yourself and release all who have ever walked through any of your lives, completely, now and forever, throughout time, beyond time, freed from time.
Forgiveness is the portal to your complete freedom to be and become all you were created to be. This gift is yours and available to all of your brethren who gather in this hall today.
Now is the moment, the moment is eternal, the release is complete, the healing is complete. The miracle of forgiveness opens to freedom. Love is fully served and love prevails beyond our imagining.
Something magical and miraculous is happening here on planet earth. It happens at the winter solstice as we move out of the challenging recent years, we move beyond the sacrifice and sorrows of a worldwide killings that has cost the world so many as we enter a new time of hope and healing. As we transition from the darkness into the Light comes an opportunity to practice the pillars of virtue, harmlessness, kindness, compassion, and right speech.
As we celebrate the Solstice it is time to celebrate and embrace the transforming power of Love that is flooding to Earth from the Heavens. As we enter the New Year of 2025 the Angels are aligning with the ashram of Christ to help humanity make the next step forward in learning to Love.
Love is the answer to a myriad of life’s problems. The power of Love is transformation. It is available without limitation freely to all simply by opening your heart and inviting it in.
Within you is your Soul, whose nature is Love. As you open your heart, calls to like and Love flows freely to you from the unlimited Source of Love to infuse you and transform you. The stars and planets are aligning across the Universe to ignite and empower the consciousness of humanity with enlightened awareness as the veils of illusion shred.
Truth and clarity reveal the strength of unity and brotherhood/sisterhood among the human family of the world. Resources of revelation guide restoration and redemption. The gifts of this Solstice of 2024 are available to heal the world after the death and devastation of a worldwide pandemic and offer hope and the promise of new solutions and new opportunities.
As always in the human adventure there is free will and free choice. I call upon you to choose Love, to choose kindness, to choose compassion, and to choose harmlessness. After a year of disagreement and division, it is time to practice forgiveness. It is time to find what strengthens and unites us. It is time to practice the commandment of Christ to “Love One Another“.
A Winter Solstice Ritual for Forgiveness
This is to help you take full advantage of this event of forgiveness.
From the sacred place within the hall of records, take your stand.
Declare from the point of focus of your Soul to forgive all others who have ever, in any time, in any life, caused you harm, created sorrow or suffering in your life, wronged you in any way.
Let yourself release the pains of attachment. Let the Light of Love enlighten you and free you as being in the eternal NOW loosens and releases you as you stand forth in the eternal glory of your eternal essence, your Soul.
As you clearly state your intention and desire to forgive, focus your heart energy in Love. Let that love fill your heart and pervade your being. No matter what the sorrow, no matter what the sin, love can heal it and you and all who have ever sinned against you can be released into the freedom and the joy of forgiveness.
From the center of your heart see lines of love come forth from your Soul, scanning and reviewing the aggregate golden scrolls stored in the hall of records. Let the bond of Love connect your Soul to the Soul of the one whose life is recorded herein. At that touch, forgiveness springs forth and Love heals and restores you and all with whom you have ever shared the bonds of love.
All sorrow melts away and the joy of unity is restored. Karma is both transcended and released at this touch through the miraculous transformation. This is an act of Grace over-lighted by the Lords of Karma who have gathered at this juncture of time, the transition of the ages to give the gift of release and forgiveness to all who are willing to forgive.
Freedom rings forth throughout the universe with the release that forgiveness brings. The healing is complete and on all levels.
Your will and intention are all it takes.
With each strand of Light that flows forth from your heart and your Soul, carried on the wings of love, forgiveness heals and transforms the past, throughout the annals of time, along the scrolls of the recorded events of all your lives and the recorded lives of all who you have touched throughout time.
With the full force of your will, with the full power of your love, send forth from your Soul to the awaiting Soul of the other with the statement, “I forgive you, now and forever, from the past and in the present, in this dynamic moment of the eternal now.“
Within the laws of love and imbued with the grace of compassion and mercy I release you from any karmic debts owed to me. I join this spirit of utter and complete forgiveness by asking forgiveness from you for any harm or wrongs I may have committed, knowing, or unknowing throughout our lives, no matter how large or how small.
Lastly, but as important I invoke and invite this gift of forgiveness by forgiving myself. I have made mistakes. I have been selfish and self-serving. I have failed to live by the laws of love and harmlessness. I sincerely repent of these ways and invite into my life the release of redemption and the joy of love and unity for the rest of my life.
In the downpouring love of the heart of the Christ with the outpouring cleansing and healing waters of this new Age of Aquarius I am made anew. I assert my intention to live my life from this day forth by the laws of love, aware of harmlessness and right speech as my guiding principles.
Most of all know that I Am Love.
And thus, I stand. Here as revealed and recorded in the sacred space of the hall of records, freed to go forth and live fully and serve fully unencumbered by the past, free to the joy and grace of the ongoing celebration of the eternal Now.
Before you leave this sacred place take a moment and pause. Give your thanks and appreciation to the Angels who keep the Hall of Records as their work and service throughout eternity in the eternal now for the granting of Grace and igniting the release of forgiveness empowered by Divine Love.
Then take some time to bask in this release today as the 2024 Winter Solstice celebrates the return of the Light after the darkest hour. Let all of your sorrows be released into the darkness as with the rising of the Light comes the reassurance that good will prevail.
Record your meditations and contemplations to help empower you and enlighten you as you prepare for a new year in the turn of life and a new decade in the wheel of time for humanity in the evolution of consciousness.
Genevieve Gerard
Last updated 12-21-2024
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About the author: Genevieve Gerard teaches Transformational Consciousness – from first awakening to enlightened Soul awareness. She helps you experience the joy that results from the spontaneous “touch of your soul.”
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Genevieve has a Bachelor’s Degree in Philosophy and Theology and a Master of Arts Degree in Counseling and for over thirty years has worked one-on-one with people who were recovering from devastating disabilities and chronic pain. Teaching the mastery of the mind-body relationship she was one of the early professionals trained in biofeedback, visualization, imagery, and meditation as essential techniques to help people heal their bodies, heal their emotions, heal their minds, and heal their lives.
Genevieve’s work demonstrates what she knows so well, “It is spiritual connectedness that triggers physical healing and emotional and mental well-being.” Helping people, like you, tap into your higher-self is the power she wields to guide you to heal and transform your life.
Now, with this understanding, she combines the effective techniques she developed over decades teaching mind-body mastery along with her extensive experience in meditation and spiritual development to create a synthesis of mind-body-spirit that delivers complete healing and opens the door to unlimited personal growth and an encounter with your Soul.
In addition to her current life guidance coaching sessions, and workshops performed around the world, Genevieve has produced more than 20+ guided meditations that are available on iTunes, Amazon, and her website.
It is her vision that through your experience with the techniques of awareness, visualization, and meditation, the love of your Soul will touch and transform your life through her writings and products. It is her sincere desire that the potential of a life of joy and celebration that seems to elude so many people can become a reality for you, now and forever.
Browse her life story and read the Touch of the Soul that changed her world. To contact Genevieve, visit her keep in touch page.
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