
Genevieve Gerard Posts With Videos

Bliss is Perfect Happiness

Bliss is Perfect Happiness

Bliss Is Perfect Happiness Serenity Sunday Article by Genevieve Gerard

Bliss is a word that you do not think of when describing your life experience.

To me, bliss is the best word that can be used to describe the experience of being aligned with and connected, first to the Presence and energy of your own Soul, and to the Source of Divine Love which for want of better words I would call the heart of God.

Ultimately, bliss is perfect happiness.

Follow your bliss and
the universe will open doors where there were only walls.
        – Joseph Campbell

As I ponder how to describe an experience with which I have been blessed with in my meditations, and more importantly, to write the words that can serve as a portal for you to have these blissful experiences, I am aware that my heart is pouring forth with so much love. I am filled with so much joy that I can only pray that as you read these words you open to your own Soul’s inflowing Presence by calming your mind, opening your heart and inviting the Light into your awareness.

If my words and my work can be a gateway for you to touch your Soul and open you to Divine Love then my joy is complete.

As I write to you, what I most want to share is this sensation of bliss, this grace and this Love that is permeating the wholeness of my being.

As I try to identify what I can teach you and how I can best guide you so that I can truly share this with you, I realize the limitations of words. I am reminded that the distance between us and the sense of separateness that we all experience is an illusion, for in the mind of God and the heart of the Christ we are all One. We can connect in that Oneness beyond both space and time. That is the consciousness that I invite you to embrace today.

It is through that Oneness that I can connect with you and share this bliss and sensation of Divine Love that is filling me with overflowing abundance. I invite you to experience this through the Presence of the One Life, the One Love and the amazing grace of Brotherhood and Sisterhood.

“I invite you to join with me in the miracle of the eternal now that transcends both time and space, to be here with me in the presence of the Father, embraced in the cloak of the Divine Mother and emboldened by the Christ, so that I can affirm that Bliss is beckoning to you.”  [tweet this]

Bliss is beckoning to you to join with your Soul and it is beckoning to you to use your Soul as the entrance to the blessing of Divine Love, endless Grace and Light that is your birthright as a child of God and a living moving breathing and ever-evolving co-creating human being.

Now, many concepts are buried in that last statement. Concepts that could extend beyond what your logical mind may understand. Therefore, I invite and encourage you to ponder on this. I encourage you to expand your awareness out from your body, your emotions and even your mind to the full range of what you can experience as your Self integrating into that expansion an awareness of your Soul.

To help you open to these energies and these Presences I am including a simple bliss meditation using visualization and incorporating the powerful principle that “energy follows thought.”

Although we cannot be physically together for this meditation, the cumulative group power that this meditation will stimulate is profound. However, to strive to cross the boundaries of time and space I encourage you to declare your desire and intention to connect with the Presence of your own Soul as you enter into this meditation consciousness.


Bliss Meditation

To view the bliss meditation on YouTube directly click Bliss is Perfect Happiness.

To begin, Calm Your Mind, Open Your Heart, Invite the Light.

Sit quietly and calmly with your spine aligned and your feet firmly on the floor.

Enter as completely and a fully as you can into this moment of time. Put all that has ever come before this moment firmly and completely into the past as you open your heart, your mind, and your Soul to receive the wisdom, the blessing, and the insight that is here for you, right here, right now.

To begin to become aware of this wholeness of yourself, focus on your breath. Observe your breath as you inhale deeply through your nose. Observe your breath as you exhale fully through your mouth.

Continue to breathe fully as you relax completely and deeply into this moment in time.

Now, do not attempt to control your breathing. Simply be aware. As a part of that awareness, you may say silently in your mind, “I am aware that I am breathing in,” “I am aware that I am breathing out.”

Then repeat the phrases:

“I am aware that although I have a body, I am more than my body.”

“I am aware that I have emotions but I am much more than what I can feel.”

“I am aware that although I have internal thoughts, I can expand my awareness without limitation.”

“I am aware that I am more than my mind, much more than I can think.”

Sitting quietly, with awareness, just observing your breath, is already having an impact on you. Just the thoughts and affirmation about who and what you are is having an impact on you.

You might notice how much more calm you feel. You might notice that your mind is more peaceful and quiet. You could be sensing fullness in the area of your heart. You could be feeling more aligned with the wholeness of your being. You might be experiencing a profound sensation of being loved that pervades your being.

These feelings and sensations are the gifts of meditation. Embrace them. Appreciate them and enjoy them.

Now, for a much fuller and profound awareness, consciously invite and invoke the Presence of your Soul.

One of the simplest ways to connect with your Soul is to use the power of your mind through your imagination. Just visualize your Soul as a radiating golden point of Light about 3 to 6 feet above your head.

Trust that the principle that “energy follows thought” that governs energy is working in your life.

Visualize this golden radiating light flowing over your entire body with Love.

Be aware that although you are visualizing your Soul as that point of Light, 3 to 6 feet above your head, your Soul is your eternal spark of Divine Light and is not confined to any location. Realize that your connection with your Soul is such that it is a part of the wholeness of your being to be integrated with your physical body, your emotional body, your mental body and your personality. Your Soul is not separate from you but is an essential part of who you are and what you are. It is available for you to touch right now!

To further facilitate and enhance your meditation experience, imagine lines of light on an energetic level from your Soul to the Soul of another, and then another. This interweaving of the energetic lines of Light, of Love and Power, connects you on a mystical level.

With Love and service, I offer the Light of my Soul and the Love of my Soul now to help support you and strengthen you as you focus your attention on Soul Light. It is through this Soul connection that I send out to you Love and Light to enhance your meditative experience.

It is through this network of Souls that you are granted the experience of Bliss beyond joy and the Peace that passes understanding not only for you but for you to share openly and freely with others.

Know that this energetic network of Light and Love follows thought and intention in the etheric energies that are not confined to matter. In that etheric field of Light is complete freedom.

Embrace, enjoy and delight in this sense of the limitless nature of your Soul and the fullness of your whole being.

In the pervading Presence of your Soul, you are an eternal being. You are a beloved child of God; you are the miracle of creation that is the son of man and the son of God, a human being created to walk with God in the garden of His overflowing abundance and grace as the first man and the first woman walked with Him.

Here and now as you come closer into the Presence of your Soul you are brought into the Presence of the Father and enfolded in the loving Grace of the Divine Mother and mystically join with the Christ as a manifestation of his work, will and service in the world. Here you represent humanity as the Light, the Love and the power to manifest God’s plan on earth, infuses you.

Rest in the loving embrace of the Trinity as long as it feels right for you. This unity with the mind of God, the Love of God and the Grace of God is the communion that nourishes your Soul. In this trinity of Father, Son and Divine Mother your Soul serves as a conduit to the trinity of the Self, body, emotions, and mind that reveals the principle “as above, so below.” Ponder on this.


To foster your conscious awareness of the Presence of your Soul is an important step on your journey to enlightened awareness. With your intention and invitation, especially when you are meditating, this Presence will expand to become more and more a part of your perception of your being.

Because these times that you come into conscious recognition of the Light and Life of your Soul are special, I encourage you to have a dedicated journal book nearby to record whatever insights and understanding have been made known to you during meditation. You might want to record your thoughts, feelings, and impressions right now. I have found that concluding your meditation experience with recording the sensations helps to ground and solidify the positive energy.

Know that this experience of Bliss, this great blessing, is given to you that you can share it with the world as I share it here with you. Amazingly, it is in giving that I receive. My gratitude for this blessing knows no limitation and my appreciation to you for our unity of Soul Light and Soul Love flows spontaneously to mingle with and create good in the world.

I invite you to repeat this Bliss Meditation often and join with me in weaving in the Light of Spirit and the Love of the Soul into your life.

A matrix, along which Divine Love, sublime Grace and the Spirit of Peace, can flow through your life into the world and into the hearts and minds of all who live on earth.
        – Genevieve Gerard

Know that this is mystical work that magically brings with it the essence of Bliss. In this way, we can manifest the mystery of One Life, One Love, One Work and the Oneness.



The Blessing of Love on all that you do!


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Last updated 11-12-2017


Copyright © 2014-2017 Genevieve Gerard and Touch of the Soul LLC. All rights reserved.


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Life Guidance Coaching Testimonial

Here is a Life Guidance Coaching
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Video Testimonial about Life Guidance

To view this short 1 minute video on YouTube directly
click Genevieve Gerard Life Guidance Coaching Testimonial.


What you’ll accomplish with Life Guidance:


1.  Experience Peace of Mind
     Free From Your Chattering Self-Talk

Experience how it feels to have a completely Peaceful Mind that doesn’t get anxious, fearful or critical about your circumstances.


2.  Feel Perfectly Centered

Experience how you are going to feel to be perfectly centered so that people feel the depth of your presence.


3.  Enjoy Clarity and A Focused Mind

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4.  Bust Through Your Fears

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5.  Learn How To Recharge and Invigorate Yourself

Experience taping into an unlimited source of energy.


6.  Touch Your Soul

Experience the true joy, bliss and wisdom that result from the spontaneous "Touch of Your Soul."


What is Life Guidance Coaching.

For more information about this please click ==> Life Guidance Program
or click below to talk to me directly.


Last updated 8-29-2018


Copyright © 2014-2018 Genevieve Gerard and Touch of the Soul LLC, All Rights Reserved


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Here is the Genevieve Gerard
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Please share with your friends and comment and post likes on YouTube.

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