Namaste Means

Namaste Means . . .

Namaste Means - Genevieve Gerard - Super Serenity Sunday Article

Namaste is an ancient Sanskrit blessing.

It is said that Sanskrit is the most ancient of languages.

Sanskrit has been called the Universal language, as the basic building block of all language is contained within Sanskrit. It was the language created to communicate with God. The Gayatri, which is known as the first and oldest prayer, was created in Sanskrit.

Simply, Namaste is derived from namas = salutation, bow + te = to you.

You might have noticed that I end all of my posts and meditations with this ancient blessing. Today I would like to share with you the profound and essential meaning of Namaste.

Namaste is both a greeting and a blessing. It is an acknowledgment of a deep truth about whom and what we are as human beings, especially in relationship to the Divine and with one another.

It is pronounced “Na ma stay” with the first two a’s like the first “a” in “America” and the ay as in “stay”, but with the “t” pronounced soft, with the area just behind the tip of the tongue pressing against the upper-front teeth with no air passing.

When you say Namaste to someone, you can press your two hands together, palms touching and fingers pointing upwards, thumbs close to your heart (or brow chakra) and bow your head gently as you face them.

Thus, it is both a spoken greeting and a gesture, a Mantra and a Mudra. The prayerful hand position is a Mudra called Anjali, from the root Anj, “to adorn, honor, celebrate or anoint.”

The hands held in union signify the oneness of our dual cosmos, the bringing together of spirit and matter, or the self meeting the Self. It has been said, that the right hand represents the higher nature or that which is divine in us, while the left hand represents the lower, worldly nature.

Great power is released when we greet one another with Namaste because using that greeting is an affirmation of an old mystical truth of our essential nature. Excavations for Indus civilization have revealed many male and female terracotta figures in Namaste posture. These archeological findings are dated between 3000 BC to 2000 BC.

Namaste is simply interpreted to mean, “The Divine spark in me recognizes and honors the Divine spark in you.” This is a powerful thought because it affirms that as human beings we are One with the Divine. In many cultures, the Namaste greeting is acknowledge by a bowing of the head and in some cultures even a bow.

I honor the place in you where Spirit lives
I honor the place in you which is
of Love, of Truth, of Light, of Peace,
when you are in that place in you,
and I am in that place in me,
then we are One.

It is good at times to transcend the habit and ritual of things to consider their actual meaning. I have often thought it is significant, that this bowing and ritual greeting is so widespread across cultures. This greeting speaks to your unity in the human experience as all being children of God who are endowed with the spark of Divine Light as an integral part of your being. It affirms your humanity and your Divinity as co-creators with God.

The reason why we do Namaste has a deeper spiritual significance. It recognizes the belief that the life force, the divinity, the Self or the God in me is the same in all. Acknowledging this oneness with the meeting of the palms, we honor the God in the person we meet.

In saying Namaste, we greet, honor and acknowledge that great truth. And, as we bow or greet another, we celebrate the unity in our human experience. The logical conclusion of the Namaste acknowledgment is in the awareness of the fellowship we share as the children of God. We are One Humanity.

As we acknowledge this essential brotherhood, compassion for our fellow man ignites in our hearts. We are united by this profound understanding of life. Our perspective can expand to consider how to relate to one another in light of this identification of the other, as a walking living breathing manifestation of God.

It makes all of humanity your brothers and sisters and makes every good and service that you can provide to them an act of service to God. It encourages the important principle of harmlessness as the guide to your actions and relationship.

Namaste is not a meaningless or simply a ritual greeting. It is the declaration of a great truth. When you treat others in a way that expresses and honors that truth, you have made a significant step toward right human relationship which includes right speech and right action.

These dynamic ways of interacting with our fellow man and women, of harmlessness, right speech, and right action can become a guidepost for all relationship behaviors. Relationships guided by these principles are in keeping with the Namaste greeting. The more you live by these principles, conscious, aware of your Divine spark, and the Divine Light within others, the more you create a world of peace and joy that allows fulfillment and success for everyone.

When you walk through your days, as your eyes meet others, greet them with a silent Namaste and at that moment offer the recognition and affirmation of the Divine spark within.
      – Genevieve Gerard

As you say Namaste to those you meet, you are also acknowledging and aligning with the Divine spark that is within you. You are confirming and asserting the truth that we are all Divine Light, beloved and blessed, as you bless and greet others.

This simple greeting and gesture is an affirmation and an invitation to great joy.

This little thought takes very little time, it happens as fast as “energy follows thought.” Doing this sets up the basis for more harmonious and satisfying relationships. You are in this way also serving as a beacon of Light in the world. You are sharing your Light and joining your Light in acknowledgment and community with others. You are blessing them and blessing yourself. Ponder on this!

You may also find that this greeting and affirmation will increase your personal sense of joy and wellbeing. Connecting with others through the conscious expression of the meaning of these ancient words will serve to increase your sense of unity that reminds you that you are not alone in the adventure and journey of living.

Giving a blessing, or greeting someone with the acknowledgment of Namaste, has an incredible impact on your day. I invite you to try this and observe how it influences your experiences.

To further support your understanding of the meaning of Namaste, I would like to share with you a YouTube video recently shared with me in response to my “Mystery of Eternity – Magic of the Soul,” article.

To watch this 4-minute video on YouTube directly click Namaste.

It was the sharing of this beautiful YouTube on Namaste, that prompted me to finally write and share with you my thoughts on the meaning of Namaste.

With my heartfelt appreciation, I bless and honor you and appreciate you as the Divine Light that you are from the depth of my Soul, the Divine Light and Divine Spark within me.



The Blessing of Love on All that You Do!

P.S. The word “Namaste” can also be used as a closing notation (without the accompanying prayerful hand and bowing head gestures) in written communications similar to “sincerely,” “best regards” or “love.”


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Last updated 9-9-2018


Copyright © 2015-2018 Genevieve Gerard and Touch of the Soul LLC, All Rights Reserved.


2 thoughts on “Namaste Means”

  1. Maria Fe Divera

    Hello Madam Genevieve,
    Thank you for sharing your brilliant ideas. I have learned a lot from you. You have inspired everyone through your very germane and educative information. You let positivity reigns in our hearts to overpower negativity. Being optimistic can drive away all negative vibes such as stress, challenges, trials, problems, hatred, envy, anger, etc. Love and peace should rule our planet earth. And above all, faith in God must have in us.
    Keep touching lives.


    1. Genevieve Gerard

      Thank you for your kind words and support. All of my work is a labor of love and service that strives to help people live lives of greater love and joy. It is heartening to know that my work and words accomplish that purpose for you. Love and Blessings. Namaste.

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