You Are a Spark of Divine Light

You Are a Spark of Divine Light

Read "You Are A Spark of Divine Light" Serenity Sunday article by Genevieve Gerard

This bold truth reveals what is magical and mystical about a human being.

This truth has been a foundation of all world religions and of all paths since the beginning of time, yet it remains one of the deepest secrets in our human consciousness.


The truth can set you free. Yet, it is a truth that is not easy to really understand and often difficult to manifest in the world. It is this truth that speaks to understanding the nature of God and the purpose for mankind in the world.

What is amazing is that although this is a concept that is as old as time itself it seems to be ever a new revelation each time it is expressed. As I write these words I am aware of all of the traditions that have tried to share this truth about the nature of humanity and the nature of God that have become obscured in dogma. This unfortunately only hides the truth leaving just small hints or glimpses into the full power, the full majesty and the amazing glory of what the statement “you are a spark of divine light” means.

It is beyond my ability to imagine how frustrating and disappointing it must be for God to have tried so many times in so many ways to reveal this truth about the nature of life and the purpose and promise of life itself only to watch His amazing creation of humanity suffer and struggle through their lifetimes both unaware and unwilling to be what we were created to be.

Even as I look internally, I am aware of so many obstacles in my own mind and in my own consciousness that I understand that this concept is not easy to understand. I find that I lack the vocabulary and the writing skill to teach or express the vast magnitude of what is possible when I let myself realize the implications of that truth.

In India, there is an ancient tradition that has emerged from one of the world’s oldest traditions, that of greeting and acknowledging one another by saying “Namaste.” This greeting serves as a reminder of this great truth when you slightly bow your head with your hands together and over your heart because the word Namaste means, “the divinity in me recognizes and honors the divinity in you.”

In this simple act of tradition lies a reminder of the truth that you are created as a spark of the Divine Light. The Namaste greeting or acknowledgment serves not only as a reminder of this often shielded truth of our true nature but also as a brief blessing. The slight bow of greeting and honor that is commonly seen throughout India, China and most of the Asian world works in a subtle and mystical way, as blessings do. This is because as you acknowledge and honor the divinity in another as you honor and acknowledge the divinity in yourself you are automatically and spontaneously aligned with God.

That is a mystical part of blessing someone. As you give a blessing you must open yourself to the Divine, and to do so you are also blessed. This is the power and the magic of blessing and it is true and profound in whatever culture, with whatever words are used.

What is so magical about both the giving and receiving of a blessing is that when you bless someone you are consciously aligning with the Divine using whatever words you choose to understand God or your higher source. Even more important, you are acting in your role as a co-creator with the creator.

We are told that God created man in his own image. God granted man that spark of His own Divine nature. This Ageless Wisdom and the ancient scriptures from all traditions and all paths tell us this. I cannot think of a single religion or tradition in the world that does not acknowledge this truth.

However, to understand the purpose and the meaning of this great gift that God gave to humankind when life was breathed into his creation is our challenge as human beings. God gave us this great gift but because free will is a universal element of the nature of life itself, God must give us hints and nudges to guide us and help us learn to align our personal will with Divine Will.

There are so many times and so many ways God has tried to bring us into the harmony and union for which we are created. The history of the world is filled with messages and examples of God’s saving grace through history. This relationship with God is the essential element of all spiritual paths and spiritual teachings.

If we study the history of revelation from world teachers to world saviors to prophets and saints, we have been left with some basic directions. These are amazingly consistent despite all of their individual dogma and diversity for they all direct us to love, to love God, to love ourselves and to extend that love to others. We are reminded that the nature, the essence and very being of God is love. And that spark of Divine Light that is within each and every human heart, mind and Soul is composed of love and created by love.

How can something that is so basic to our very existence and so integral in our very nature be so hard to manifest? How can what we all long for so deeply be so often beyond our reach?

Simple teachings like those of Jesus when he answered the Pharisees about the greatest law, upon which all the laws and rules are based when he stated, “Love God with all your heart, your mind and your Soul and love your neighbor as yourself.” Although this sounds very simple, anyone who has strived to live by that direction will acknowledge that this may not be so easy to do.

To love God, to truly love God requires living in right relationship with God, which is an I – Thou relationship as described by the theologian Martin Buber in his book “I Thou.” To love yourself is one of the most important elements for psychological health and well-being and the subject of more teachings and books than I can name. To love your neighbor as yourself requires demonstrating both Good Will and the Will to Good to all who share the planet.


Expressing your Divine Spark is a significant way to demonstrate your love and your service to others. Enter coupon code “NGWS50” to instantly download this meditation for only $5 USD.


Perhaps the reason that Jesus guided his disciples to these manifestations of love is because the significance of how to do things affects your behavior and consciousness. Long ago Saint Augustine said “Love God and do as you please” because he knew that if you were truly aligned with God in that “I Thou” relationship that what you would choose to do, how you would choose to treat others, how you would choose to honor and respect others would result in right action and right human relationship.

These principles that are woven into every spiritual teaching are so basic to your personal and societal success and happiness that you need to be reminded that “You Are A Spark of Divine Light.” As that spark it is important that you honor and Love God, that you honor and love yourself, and that you honor and love your fellow man. Ponder On This. Perhaps it is why that reminder inherent in the ancient greeting of Namaste has had such longevity and purpose. It serves as a blessing, but also as a reminder of who you are, and an acknowledgment of your unity with your neighbor and your need to show homage and love to God.

So I encourage you to as you go into the world this week to greet and bless all who cross your path with the meaning of Namaste, I recognize and honor the Divine spark in you as I recognize and honor the Divine spark in me and in so doing I recognize and honor my unity with the Divine.

Remember, this thought serves as a blessing and an honoring of those you greet and automatically aligns you with your own Divine spark, your Soul, and spontaneously brings you into right relationship with God as you serve your fellow man.

When you consciously extend this greeting and these thoughts with intention you are, through the universal law that energy follows thought, serving as an emissary of Goodwill and Right Relationships. You are actively joining with God in your role as a co-creator to be of service and to be a force for goodness, love, and mercy to come into the world. This simple act of kindness, love and grace does have amazing power. It will impact and influence the world around you as it will influence you and all around you in subtle and yet powerful ways.

You can be an agent of change, and a source of blessing and a force for good in the world. You can make a difference and help create the world you desire to be and help to usher in the new age and the new world that has been foretold in the prophecies of old.

A helpful and powerful affirmation, which is my very favorite from my “Awaken to Success: Affirmations for Abundance” CD, is:

I am a spark of Divine Light, it is my nature to shine.”

Therefore, I encourage you to be a blessing to the world and to affirm yourself as a spark of the Divine as I say to you a heartfelt Namaste.



The Blessing of Love on all that you do!


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Copyright © 2014-2015 Genevieve Gerard and Touch of the Soul. All rights reserved.


16 thoughts on “You Are a Spark of Divine Light”

  1. Reading this gave me hope. Thank you. I have spent quite a bit of time browsing this inspiring website and will happily return for more.

    1. I am very happy this article gave you hope and that you are enjoying the website. I look forward to your return. Namaste

    1. Scott I am so glad you liked the article and the graphics. I strive to find the right picture to set the right tone for the post. It is lovely to know it is appreciated.

  2. Violet Hillcrest

    Thank you for the inspiration to let my light shine. This is a wonderful website. I am grateful that this is available for me, for free.

  3. This article is very deep. It helped me tune into a place inside where I am OK. I can’t thank you enough. I really appreciate what this website offers. Thanks

    1. Thank you for your kind words. This site and all of its posts are a labor of love and service. I am encouraged that it is of help in your life.

  4. Jossalyn Miller

    This article was uplifting. I felt more confident and positive after reading it. It was a gift in the midst of self-doubt and confusion. Thank you for making it available.

  5. Jovita R. Miguel

    This article lifts me up and now I’m more positive to burdens that come. I’m reading a lot of your articles to accept fully my sister because she has lapses many times and she can’t fix herself.

    She doesn’t know where she belongs so i am always being the older sister who is the one who understands her a lot and I’m hoping that she will change and listen and will come to understand and accept her crosses in life and so I share all your articles with her.

    1. Thank you. I will put your sister in my prayers. I hope my writings can provide some comfort and support for her. I have a brief guided meditation called “The Gift of Love” that many use as a daily meditation that may be of help. Blessings. Namaste

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