Healthy Hugs

Healthy Hugs

Please read A Heathy Hug, blog post by Genevieve Gerard

I recently read an article about the health benefits of hugs that is directly related to both the healing advantages that came from hugging and how we hug one another.

The real health advantages in a hug occur when it lasts at least 20 seconds. The average hug, the author lamented lasts only 3 seconds.

As I began this blog and looked for pictures it was interesting to see how many of the hugs that were available on the photo site I use, were given sideways. The energetic blending of life force that to me represents a healthy hug is heart-to-heart.

Twenty-second hugs help depression and anxiety

In a heart-to-heart hug, you both give and receive concurrently. That is part of the magic that unleashes the physiological and psychological benefits of a hug. Oxytocin begins to be released after 20 seconds in a hug. Oxytocin is nature’s antidepressant and anti-anxiety neurotransmitter. In that way a “healthy hug” is healing.

The information that hugs result in better health and wellbeing is not new. Over 40 years ago, when I worked as a counselor in a community mental health center in Los Angeles, there was research published that proposed that for optimum mental and physical health an individual needed to receive 7 hugs a day.

Of course as mental health professionals, we were all into optimum mental and physical health. Among the staff, a tradition began that changed the work environment in a way that made it less stressful to be in a very intense and stressful work environment. The staff began to hug one another in the interest of health and wellbeing. Since you cannot really give a hug without receiving one the atmosphere of the workplace began to transform into an environment that was much happier and supportive.

Teams became much more effective. Networking and interdepartmental collaboration improved. Patients and clients who were by professional ethics not eligible for hugs seemed calmer and I know in my program migrated back out of the hospital and into society much more rapidly. The measures for success improved.

If I was a researcher, which I am not by nature or inclination, this would have been a wonderful opportunity to understand the healing power of hugging. My observations remain anecdotal and completely subjective. Of course, as others and I migrated into other work environments I realized how rare and special work environments like that little community mental health facility long ago were.

Actually, I had not thought about that experience in years until I read the article about hugs achieving their optimum effectiveness at 20 seconds and realized that even in non-intimate situations where hugging is considered socially appropriate average hugs are so brief.

This realization made me evaluate the nature and duration of the hugs I give to close friends and family members and resolve to relax into a hug and sustain it beyond that brief socially acceptable 3 second parameter and I have found that the researcher was right. A hug of at least 20 seconds is more relaxing.

Stress and tension I had been unaware that I was holding is released in the longer hug. Breathing is deeper and in just a few days of my own brief experiment with healthy hugging, I seemed able to return to my work tasks more creative and focused. In a longer hug, you seem to share breath and the life energy or Prana.

Now, to make a healthy hug also a healing hug add the power of your intention and the principle that “energy follows thought.”

As you are hugging heart-to-heart imagine the person you are hugging being infused with love, from your heart to theirs, and see them being strengthened and supported in what is right and good for them. In this way, your hug becomes a healing force in their life.
            – Genevieve Gerard

This you can do without any personal needs or expectations. This hug is a gift you can give freely. This is a gift that by giving you receive. Your gratitude as always enhances the experience.

Since you have to feel comfortable with both the person you are hugging and the concept of giving and receiving a hug it is perhaps the mutuality required in the act of hugging that enhances the power and effectiveness of a hug.

Consider this simple way to reduce stress and enhance everyone’s wellbeing.

When you hug, linger a bit longer and make it a healthy hug.

So as a way to reduce stress, increase joy, and in general, live both a happier and more healthy life I encourage you to hug one another. Relax into the hug and let your hearts blend, and enjoy!



The Blessing of Love on All that you Do!

P.S. Comment below with the number of hugs you gave or received today.


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Last updated 9-12-2018


Copyright © 2014-2018 Genevieve Gerard and Touch of the Soul. All rights reserved.


Small Photo Credit: Daily Celebrations


4 thoughts on “Healthy Hugs”

  1. Dear genevieve,
    I was wondering how did everyone in that workplace agree to start hugging? did one or two people just get the whole thing going and then others joined in? Was it awkward at the beginning?

    I just started a charity fundraising campaign called Healing Hands Happy Hearts. To take part volunteers or nominees have to count up how many people they hug or shake hands with in one 24 hour period. For each hug or handshake they donate a nominal sum (I suggest €1) to a collection of mental health charities. I set up a page for this on
    I am hoping that others will plagiarise the idea with similar fundraising pages for local charities like the Samaritans in their own countries. Eitherway, I ask people to share photos and or a few words about their experiences on the Healing Hands Happy Hearts Facebook page.

    HOWEVER: so far most of the people I have nominated have not managed to hug or shake hands with anyone. (Or at least they have not got back to me about it !) Any ideas on how to help people overcome the barriers? P.S. Feel free to copy/link to the idea!

  2. Your charity idea sounds very interesting. I checked out your website. I invite you to e-mail me and perhaps we can find some ways to enhance one another’s work.

  3. I needed to thank you for this great read!!

    I definitely enjoying every small bit of it. We all need hugs. I have you bookmarked to take a look at new stuff you post.

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