Check out my article on “Opening Your Heart To Your Childhood Angelic Message” that I wrote to go with this meditation.


As always to begin, calm your mind, open your heart, invite the light.


Sit quietly with your spine aligned, let your energy center as you bring your awareness to a place of peace.


Although you are opening to remembering a childhood event, come into the present.  Let the past fade away.  Firmly relegate the past to the past.  That was then, and this is now.


Release any feelings that may accompany the reactions others had if you shared your experience.  Free yourself from external judgments and influences.


Take a deep breath as you are calming and centering your energies.  As you do so, forgive yourself.  Let go of any blame or self-judgement.


Forgive those who may not have supported you in the way that you needed in your childhood.


You are here now.  You are now open and receptive.  The past has no power over you.  Right now you can expand your awareness to hear the message that the Angels bring to help and guide you in your life.


As you draw in your breath, draw in the Divine energies of grace and forgiveness.


As you exhale, release all of the negative “should” thoughts you may be having, imagining them moving away on the breath until they disappear.


You may wish just to sit quietly breathing while your energy calms and centers.  You can do this as long as you like being gentle with yourself, letting yourself come to the point of calm and a place of peace.


Release and forgive with the exhale of each breath anyone who may have encouraged you to forget these childhood moments you are now endeavoring to recall.  Let the past be in the past.


Surrender into the safety of being right here and right now.

Now, draw in a really deep and relaxing breath, drawing the air to the very bottom of your lungs as you expand your diaphragm to draw in more of the vitality of the breath.


Continue to draw in your breath until you have filled your lungs all the way to the upper lobes of the lungs.


Hold your breath briefly and consider that as you release your breath, you are also releasing anything that could interfere with you receiving the guidance and clarity that is available to you today in this meditation.


Pause and be receptive in the stillness to the quiet promptings of your heart.  In the silence open your mind and heart.  Listen.


With your heart and mind open, remember the time of innocence when the whole of your life lay before you were naive and unformed.  Then, let any memories that are hidden emerge.


Take this time to recapture your childhood experience and bring it to your conscious recall, open your heart and mind as a child.


If no memories appear, take a moment to imagine a connection to your Guardian Angel on a thread of Light and open your mind to receive any guidance and clarity that may be available for you today.


You may wish to visualize a bridge from the top of your head to a golden radiating Light that represents your Soul.  Then, with your mind calm and your heart open be receptive to whatever awareness of the spiritual realm that is available to you today to guide and empower you on your life’s journey to help align you with your life’s purpose.


Remain in this meditative focus for as long as feels right for you and record in your journal any thoughts, impressions and memories that may come to you.

Stay in the peaceful nurturing calm and grace of meditation.  Let your heart be filled with the unconditional love that accompanies an Angel’s presence.

Be open and receptive without judgment or expectation.  Let what comes to you flow to you spontaneously.  You can consider and evaluate it later.  Right now just be receptive and open.

When you feel you have completed the meditation, take the time to record your impressions.  You can ponder on them either now or later.

Last express your gratitude to your Angel for the gift of guidance that you have received. If not now, then shortly.




Copyright © 2016 Genevieve Gerard and Touch of the Soul LLC. All rights reserved.



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