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Gift of Love

The Christmas Gift of Love

Today is Christmas Eve.  Around the world, children await the magical arrival of Santa Claus laden with gifts.  Songs are sung and stories are told.  Families gather and feasts are prepared.  Celebrations abound each according to their own traditions, some more secular and some more religious.  Gifts are given or exchanged.  People rush around and worry as the hour descends, spending money, wrapping gifts, decorating trees, so very busy, so very determined that a good time is had by all.

But in these upcoming moments to the gaiety and fun, let us take a few moments to focus upon the deeper meaning behind this event.  Let us ponder less upon the business and the material gifts to focus our attention on the love that is shared and the bonds that are strengthened.  Let us understand the gift giving from Santa as symbolic of the real gifts we are giving one another, the gift of Love.  It is that which is tangible long after the toys have broken or are relegated to the latest garage sale.  Although the material manifestations pass quickly away to make room for the new latest and greatest trinket or toy, it is the love and the openness of the heart that remains.

So as you give and receive this season consider the true gift that lasts forever, the gift of love.  Let that be the mark of the day that you bring into your heart and hold there.  Let that be the memory you cherish as you look back upon Christmas.

As you hand one another the brightly wrapped trinkets take the time and intention to consciously imbue the gifts you give with the love in your heart.”

And as you receive the gift that may not be exactly what you wanted, open your heart to receive the love that was intended.

In this is the secret of Christmas revealed. In this is the joy that is shared by the positive energy being created all around us as the positive thought and the desire to demonstrate our love permeates the very air around us even in the midst of the bustling crowds of often rude people as they rush about too busy and too stressed by the season.

It is the demonstration of our love for one another that is the true gift of Christmas. Let us open our hearts to our family and friends to that love.  Let us take a moment to consider and ponder that deeper meaning of this season.  Let us give conscious thought and conscious consideration and intention to the love we are demonstrating. 

And if with Christmas we celebrate the birth of the Christ child tonight let us invite the love of the Christ into our hearts to be shared with everyone whose life we touch in this special season.  Sharing the gift of love is a gift we can all give, no matter the size of our wallet.  It is a gift we can give without worrying about if it is the right size or the right color.  The gift of love is always perfect and lasts forever.  It is a gift that keeps on giving long after the dishes are washed and everything is put away.

This Christmas, make the gift of love the biggest gift you give.

With Love and gratitude, from my heart to yours,

Genevieve Gerard

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The Return of the Light

The Darkest Day Marks
The Return of the Light

Read The Return to the Light by Genevieve Gerard

The Winter Solstice has always seemed to be a particularly mystical time in the cycle of days.

It is both the demarcation of the shortest day of the year and the day that marks the return of the Light.

In this way, it encompasses both our deepest fears and sorrows and our most profound hopes and promises. It reminds us that our life is one of constant change as we ebb and flow between sorrow and joy, symbolically Light and Dark.

The ever so brief shift of the days to the return of the Light has been celebrated since ancient times by many different cultures. There is something deep within our archetypal sensing to the world that this shift in the Light speaks to.

Just as the darkest hour proceeds the dawn, so the darkest and longest day of the year in the northern hemisphere heralds the return of the Light. This fact of nature serves as a metaphor for the promise and potential of transformation to a better day, a better life, a better world.

Change is truly the one constant in life.

When the change that is coming is the return of the Light and the experience of living reassures us that this transition from the darkness to the Light is guaranteed we can dare to hope and work toward bringing the Light into more and more of our thoughts and consciousness.
         ~ Genevieve Gerard

As energy follows thought, so the collective consciousness of all of the people on the planet, regardless of culture, irrespective of religions and independent of race, brings us together as the unity of the human family; a brotherhood of man yearning for the Light to return to our lives, more each day as it brings us the perspective of new possibilities and new clarity to the challenges of our lives.

So, as humankind has done since the dawn of time we celebrate the Solstice as the depth of our sorrow, knowing it brings in its wake the height of our joy; the return of the Light with all of the blessing and promise that entails.

Let us invite the hope of the Light into our hearts as our ancestors have since the dawn of time.




The Blessing of Love on All That You Do!


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Copyright © 2011-2018 Genevieve Gerard and Touch of the Soul LLC, All Rights Reserved


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colorful butterfly of welcome change

Pondering on change,
in the midst of change.

Life is constantly changing.

Change is the one part of life that we can always count upon.

This is often a blessing that sees us through hard times.  It is a factor in all of our attempts to plan for what will be.

We might welcome some changes with anticipation or strive for with all of our might to avoid others, but change will come.

Quotes On Change

All great changes are preceded by chaos.”
   — Deepak Chopra

It is only as we focus upon the present moment, the now, that we can let the changes in our life unfold and flow free of fear.”
   — Genevieve Gerard

All our dreams can come true – if we have the courage to pursue them.”
   — Walt Disney

Change Process


Each breath that we take, each step that we take slips seamlessly into the next.  Then, often when we least expect it we can stop and look around our life and realize how profoundly these little changes have grown until we realize that our life has entered a different chapter.

But that too will change.  So let us enjoy and appreciate each season of our life and each and every transition.  Just this being in the moment that we live, the thoughts that we have, the things we experience, all open the door to our ongoing process of being and becoming what we call life.

You might desire change, or you might as many do, fear it, but change is a part of life. It is a constant in a world in which nothing is ever really constant.

The amazing factor that must be considered when contemplating the nature of life is the power of being in the moment, in the NOW. Being in the present is life empowering. It frees you from fear and keeps you open to the many new opportunities that are opening for you. It frees you from fearing what is going to happen in the future. It frees you from the tyranny of the past.

No one ever knows what the future will bring. The future has not yet been created. That is the wonderful thing about the change it continuously opens new possibilities for you. It is the creative force of life and can as easily bring to you what you desire as to bring to you what you fear.

As you understand the Universal principle about life that “energy follows thought” you can use the power of your mind to manifest your dreams. You can dare to dream and let the constant of change in life work for you. You can embrace change without fear and welcome it with excitement and anticipation. There is as much chance that it will be a good and positive change as it is that it will be a negative or troublesome change.

Using your mind to keep hope and open to the new possibilities and opportunities that can manifest for you is how you can work with change to help it manifest into fulfilling your dreams and desires. Likewise, worrying and indulging in fear uses that same principle to work against creating what you want and desire. Because of this principle that energy follows thought influences your life, I recommend accepting change and avoid worrying (which I often call “praying for what you don’t want.”)

As much as you are able to keep your heart and your mind open to change as the force in life that can bring good. An attitude of anticipation and appreciation helps you remain both open and receptive to the abundance and blessings that are available for you.



Last updated 12-12-2019

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Genevieve - Soulful


About the author:
Genevieve Gerard teaches Transformational Consciousness – from first awakening to enlightened Soul awareness. She helps you experience the joy that results from the spontaneous “touch of your soul.”

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Genevieve has a Bachelor’s Degree in Philosophy and Theology and a Master of Arts Degree in Counseling and for over thirty years has worked one-on-one with people who were recovering from devastating disabilities and chronic pain. Teaching the mastery of the mind-body relationship she was one of the early professionals trained in biofeedback, visualization, imagery, and meditation as essential techniques to help people heal their bodies, heal their emotions, heal their minds, and heal their lives.

Genevieve’s work demonstrates what she knows so well, “It is spiritual connectedness that triggers physical healing and emotional and mental well-being.”  Helping people, like you, tap into your higher-self is the power she wields to guide you to heal and transform your life.

Now, with this understanding, she combines the effective techniques she developed over decades teaching mind-body mastery along with her extensive experience in meditation and spiritual development to create a synthesis of mind-body-spirit that delivers complete healing and opens the door to unlimited personal growth and an encounter with your Soul.

In addition to her current life guidance coaching sessions, and workshops performed around the world, Genevieve has produced more than 20+ guided meditations in the last eight years that are available on iTunes, Amazon, CDBaby, and her website.

It is her vision that through your experience with the techniques of awareness, visualization, and meditation, the love of your Soul will touch and transform your life through her writings and products. It is her sincere desire that the potential of a life of joy and celebration that seems to elude so many people can become a reality for you, now and forever.

Browse her life story and read the Touch of the Soul that changed her world. To contact Genevieve, visit her keep in touch page.


Copyright © 2011-2019 Genevieve Gerard and Touch of the Soul LLC, All Rights Reserved


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Gratitude on Veterans Day

Today we celebrate Veterans Day 2011.  Today let us take the time to express our gratitude to all who have served our country to protect and maintain our freedom

Feeling Free
In this spirit of gratitude, and to honor all Veterans, and to celebrate our Freedom, I am offering for 4 days only a very special 90% off the $9.99 download price (only $1.00) of my “Feeling Free” meditation/visualization through my website:

This has consistently been one of my most popular meditation/visualizations on my 5 star ratedMeditations For Daily Joy” 4-CD Set. 

Using this Feeling Free meditation visualization gives you the power to transmute and transform the impact of your emotions on your life and the world around you.

Get your download

If you or anyone you know are dealing with a lot of emotional issues, or are struggling with fear, or whose life is limited by outbursts of anger, please do yourself a favor, invest the $1 and get this now.

This step-by-step simple meditation/visualization will change your life and the lives of those you love.

As we celebrate our freedoms, take the time to celebrate learning to master your emotions by taking advantage of this opportunity to Feel Free and share it with all of your friends and family.  ACT NOW.  TAKE CONTROL OF YOUR LIFE for $1.  Limited time only.

This visualization comes in a MP3 format.

If you like the idea of taking control of your life and think it would be helpful to you or someone you know (veteran or civilian), please show your appreciation by clicking on the Google +1 or Facebook Like buttons at the bottom of this post. (If you don’t see them just click on the FREEDOMS headline to be taken to the actual post page. Thank you for allowing me to be of service.

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Meditation for Inner Peace

Meditation | Inner Peace

To quite the mind of meaningless chatter, to calm the emotions to peaceful repose and then to receive the Transcendent Love of the Soul is the joy of meditation that is available any time, any where you are, once you learn how to meditate daily.

If you would like to hear about my future programs and products related to meditation and joy, receive discounts and get your FREE copy of my article: 10 Keys To A Happier Life, please opt in to our community.

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One Day At A Time

Reflections on Life

One Day at a Time

In spite of our attempts to plan and control our lives, all that we can ever do is live our lives one day at a time.  In fact, even that is a misnomer, for truly all that we can do is live in the moment, in the now.  No matter how much we plan or try to bring our wishes or will into the future, we have only this moment of time, this now.  Refusing to accept this essential fact or trying to change it is a significant factor in denying us the peace and joy that is our birthright.

Ironically, it is in understanding this fact that we are freed from our fears and the tyranny of our worries.  In the moment, we know that we will never be tried beyond our ability to cope with the challenges that life puts in our path.  Fear becomes both meaningless and useless as we acknowledge the deep truth that what we most fear may never happen.

Forgiveness too becomes more powerfully possible as what we need to forgive is in the past, and thus looses much of its pain in the transition to the moment.

You can remember the pain, but the pain has passed.  You can worry about the future, but the future has not yet happened.

In the moment, in the now we are granted a grace that gives us the strength to bear what we had feared would be unbearable and forgive what we thought would be unforgivable.” – Genevieve Gerard

To help us bring our awareness to this moment and let go of the fears and illusions our mind and emotions create we can meditate, and through meditation be blessed with a life free of fear.  Our sorrows and losses are diminished by the realization that they are in the past and you have survived and thrived; your have transcended and conquered all.

You are here, right now and whatever life brings you can handle it and cope with it in the blessed awareness and wisdom of the now. 


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