
Two Secrets To Ignite the Law of Attraction

Two Secrets To Ignite the Law of Attraction

Appreciation & Gratitude to Ignite The Law of Attraction

There are a number of secrets in what is known as the Law of Attraction. It is by incorporating them into your life that you will gain mastery and abundance.

The Law of Attraction, like many of the universal principles that govern life, is stimulated and empowered by what you do.

As with all of these universal laws and principles, the more consciously you employ them, have appreciation in the moment and then take action, the more effective they are. This is the far-reaching benefit of living a conscious life.

Living a conscious life means having the willingness, curiosity, and courage to stay present to your thoughts and feelings, to the meeting point of body, emotion, mind, and spirit.

It means staying present to the impact you have on others and your environment, as well as the choices available to you. To live a conscious life—to be awake and aware—is to be gloriously alive!”
      – Dr. Jennifer Howard,
          Host of the weekly radio talk show, A Conscious Life

1. Living A Conscious Life

Living consciously involves understanding and incorporating many of the tools and techniques that are available from the Ageless Wisdom.

Conscious living is an underlying theme in most of the Wisdom Wednesday blogs I write because it is a key element in living a happy and successful life in which the choices you make have a direct impact on your experience of joy and life.

Revealing and encouraging you to use these ageless tools and techniques and to learn to live an integrated life where you can express and enjoy your life purpose and your Soul purpose, is what this Wisdom Wednesday blog series is all about and what fuels all of my meditation products.

You may have noticed that Abundance is a theme that I address repetitively because it is a challenge in so many lives.

To assist you, I have a free download on the home page of my website called Invocation of Magnetic Attraction. It is available for you today along with a downloadable PDF of the Invocation that you can print and use. In addition, two of my most successful products, “Awaken to Success” and “Soaring to Success,” offer affirmations for abundance. You will find that this is an area of life that responds to the conscious focus of the technique of affirming what you are striving to achieve and has the added benefit of increasing your enjoyment of life’s adventure.

Appreciation and gratitude signal your mind that this is something good, this is something you want, this is something that you desire. Therefore, the act of conscious appreciation works as a powerful magnet to bring to you more of what you enjoy.
      – Genevieve Gerard

2. Gratitude and Appreciation

The very act of appreciation works in many ways.

First, it focuses your attention on what you already have in a positive and dynamic way. This unleashes the subtle power of the Law of Attraction. Immediately upon noticing what you have that you appreciate you are affirming your abilities. When your attention is upon what you have accomplished in life and have already received, you are naturally stimulated to consider creative solutions to current goals and desires.

This starts a chain reaction that leads to even greater success. Your creativity is stimulated with new ideas. Solutions to issues you have held in the background of your mind open up to you. This is a subtle alchemy that influences your life.

It is no surprise that people are more open, receptive and generous to those who express their gratitude. This is a significant factor in successful relationships, both personal and business. Appreciation is a powerful stimulant to do more and give more of what is appreciated. That is a subtle dynamic of how the Law of Attraction works that is both logical and easy to understand.

This energetic principle also utilizes the dynamic principle that “energy follows thought.” These combined forces make a powerful tonic for creating success in your life. To use these tools to enhance your success just makes sense.

Just as thoughts, send out vibrations to which there is a creative and attractive power, gratitude stimulates the field of etheric energy that surrounds you on a subtle level to bring into your life more of what brings you joy.
      – Genevieve Gerard

The Law of attraction and the dynamic principle that Energy Follows Thought are at work in the world whether you use them or not. They can be used consciously for your advantage or denied and ignored completely. Whether they are used or not, they are still at work. That is the nature of universal laws and principles. They are amazingly impersonal. Yet, by consciously using these laws and principles in your life, you have at your command ways to impact and influence your life for good, for success, for joy.

Expressing your appreciation works by energetically magnetizing to you more of what you appreciate. When your appreciation is expressed to someone else, everybody in the situation feels good. That seems like a pretty great result by doing something that is easy to do.

Appreciation is a wonderful thing: it makes what is excellent in others belong to us as well.”
      – Voltaire

Consider your life today. As the year is winding down into the oblivion of the past and a shiny new year is ahead, it is a good time to take stock of and consider the many ways you have been blessed. I suggest you use this period to try an experiment.

Create an Appreciation List

Make a list of 10 things in your life, which you truly appreciate about your life. As you move through your days leading up to the New Year, express your appreciation for those things.

If there is someone who enhances your life, let them know you appreciate them.

As often as you can throughout the day, remember what is on your list and express your appreciation for it, even if it is only in your mind, silently. Let yourself be filled and strengthened by the satisfaction and happiness that expressing your appreciation brings.

It is helpful to review your “appreciation list” every morning. You can make a copy of the list to post on your mirror or copy it into your mobile phone. Make it available and accessible, easy to consider, easy to remember, easy to express.

So much of our thinking is habitual. If you make it your habit to appreciate what you already have you are incorporating one of the most effective techniques of conscious living.

In the weeks before the New Year, consciously observe what opportunities and circumstances reveal themselves to you around the items on your “appreciation list.” I think you will be delightfully surprised.

Igniting the Law of Attraction in your life can have far-reaching impact. Using the powerful principle of appreciation as a magnetic force for what you wish to attract can enhance your effectiveness.

I suggest you experiment and then observe your life on a variety of levels.

At the end of this posts are some related links that you may find helpful and supportive. I invite you to share your impressions either in the Transformation Stories page of my website or as a comment at the end of this post.

Choose to take this fertile time and open up to the new possibilities and promise of a New Year. Through appreciation and gratitude, you will be taking an important step in creating the life that you desire.



The Blessing of Love On All That You Do!


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Copyright © 2014 Genevieve Gerard and Touch of the Soul. All rights reserved.


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Wealth and Abundance

Differentiating between

Wealth and Abundance

Wealth and Abundance

Recently, while I was talking with a spiritual friend of mine he shared an insight a mutual friend of ours had that felt very significant. That insight is that many of us when focusing on manifesting our needs don’t understand the difference between wealth and abundance.

Often the lives of those who follow the principles of the Law of Attraction have lives of great and glorious abundance. What they may not have is abundance of wealth. What they may need is wealth. If you think of your own life, as I thought about mine through this filter, there may be a significant shift in your energy. Manifesting wealth is very different from manifesting abundance.

There are many wealthy people who lack abundance and as many spiritual people know there are many whose lives are overflowing with abundance that lack the wealth necessary for their needs.

Take a moment and consider and review your own life within the context of these two very different energies. Ponder upon which you need and which you need to manifest in your life. If you already have an abundant life take a minute to realize that and express your gratitude. If what you need is to manifest greater wealth then shift your words and intention when you practice your meditation or prayer and visualize with this clear differentiation in mind.

If what you need is to manifest greater wealth then shift your words and intention when you practice your meditation or prayer and visualize with this clear differentiation in mind.” – Genevieve Gerard

This subtle change, this subtle shift, will unleash great change in your life. Words possess great power and using the word that truly reflects what you need, especially when working with the Law of Attraction is very important. Consider this differentiation between abundance and prosperity. Remember that energy follows thought. Consider what you need and what you desire so your message to your Higher Self and your message to Source can be both accurate and clear.

Ponder on this and realign your thoughts to ask for what you need. This increased clarity can only enhance your ability to manifest in your life. Take a moment and comment about this below.


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Father’s Day Prayer

A Father’s Day Prayer for Prosperity

Fathers Day Prayer

When Jesus walked the earth, slightly more than 2000 years ago his teaching and preaching transformed humanity’s understanding about God, and more importantly about our relationship with God by using the analogy that right relationship with God was as with a loving Father.

In so doing, he taught us that the nature of God is love.  He described God not as a distant cruel and uninvolved Divine entity as God had been understood since the time of Abraham but rather as a loving and caring God, a God whose blessing upon his creation was generous and available.

In the age that has passed since this teaching was imparted, the recognition of the nature of God as Love has permeated worship and prayer when we turn to God for help in our life we turn to God as our Father.  God, the Father is the cornerstone of the Trinity and as demonstrated in the petition of the Lord’s Prayer, the giver of prosperity as well as grace and forgiveness.  God as Father and God as the one who bestows our many blessings are now ingrained in the consciousness of most people as they seek right relationship with God.

This being said, Father’s Day 2019 is a fitting time to express our gratitude to both our worldly Father but also our heavenly Father.  As we consider what Erik Fromm described in his famous book The Art of Loving, a Father’s love is integrally focused to supporting success and prosperity.”

Therefore, as a day to express our gratitude to our earthly Father is celebrated in the United States it seems appropriate and fitting to turn our thoughts to material success and the principle of abundance by sharing this prayer for Father’s Day.

Prayer for Prosperity

My Father/God, I place all my dependence in You,
affirming that You are the giver of every good and perfect gift.

You are the source of my being and
You are the source of all of my supply.

ALL that I shall ever need now and throughout my life
is in your Divine mind for me and has been
prepared for me from the beginning. 

Omnipresent substance,
the garment with which you clothe your entire universe and
with which you nourish all of Your creation, is also
mine to have and to use for my every desire and
for the blessing of others of your children.

I open myself fully through my faith in You,
through my vision of Your abundance,
through my expectation if its manifestation for me.

I open my hands, my pocketbook, my wardrobe, my business,
my bank account, and from Your rich storehouse,
You fill every vessel that I hold out to You full to
overflowing with Your own omnipresent good and
in Your own good measure, pressed down,
shaken together, running over.

I thank You my Father that through the Christ in me,
I can touch Your omnipresent substance and
my entire world be clothed with Your opulence. 

I praise and give thanks that now and throughout eternity,
I am ONE with You and in that union,
all Yours is mine and all mine is Yours, forever and ever.

So Be it, It shall be so.



     – Genevieve Gerard

This prayer was freely adapted from an old prayer of the Unity Church.  The original prayer can be found in Robert Colliers Book Riches Within My Reach published by Robert Collier Publications Inc., 1984.


As we celebrate Father’s Day this prayer is offered to help and support prosperity as Father’s work and strive to provide a life for their families and children filled with abundance.


   Genevieve Gerard

The Blessing of Love on All That You Do!


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Last updated 6/16/2019


Genevieve - Soulful


About the author:
Genevieve Gerard teaches Transformational Consciousness – from first awakening to enlightened Soul awareness. She helps you experience the joy that results from the spontaneous “touch of the soul.”


Genevieve has a Bachelor’s Degree in Philosophy and Theology and a Master of Arts Degree in Counseling and for over thirty years has worked one-on-one with people who were recovering from devastating disabilities and chronic pain. Teaching the mastery of the mind-body relationship she was one of the early professionals trained in biofeedback, visualization, imagery, and meditation as essential techniques to help people heal their bodies, heal their emotions, heal their minds, and heal their lives.

Genevieve’s work demonstrates what she knows so well, “It is spiritual connectedness that triggers physical healing and emotional and mental well-being.”  Helping people, like you, tap into your higher-self is the power she wields to guide you to heal and transform your life.

Now, with this understanding, she combines the effective techniques she developed over decades teaching mind-body mastery along with her extensive experience in meditation and spiritual development to create a synthesis of mind-body-spirit that delivers complete healing and opens the door to unlimited personal growth and an encounter with your Soul.

In addition to her current life guidance coaching sessions, and workshops performed around the world, Genevieve has produced more than 20+ guided meditations in the last eight years that are available on iTunes, Amazon, CDBaby, and her website.

It is her vision that through your experience with the techniques of awareness, visualization, and meditation, the love of your Soul will touch and transform your life through her writings and products. It is her sincere desire that the potential of a life of joy and celebration that seems to elude so many people can become a reality for you, now and forever.

Browse her life story and read the Touch of the Soul that changed her world. To contact Genevieve, visit her keep in touch page.


Copyright © 2013-2019 Genevieve Gerard and Touch of the Soul LLC. All Rights Reserved.


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Blossoming Prosperity Paradigm

The Blossoming Prosperity Paradigm

As we have struggled with the fear mongering of the Washington DC pundits, the issues of prosperity, how it works and why it does not seem to work at times has been on minds across the nation and the world.

Fear may be the most limiting aspect of all of the “sky is falling” talk of the past month. To try to dispel the damage being done I wrote the article Light a Candle for Hope article where I included both a free downloadable meditation on Abundance and an Invocation to Magnetic Attraction. These are gifts to enhance prosperity in this important time.

Through this period, I have been meditating and pondering about the issues of both abundance and prosperity. It came to me that part of the problem is the thought forms we as a society are using. As I have written in other articles, a basic life principle is that energy follows thought. That means thoughts have power and when a whole society holds a thought form it can become very powerful.

A thought that many holds (and have been keeping for many years now) have become, in my opinion, a part of the challenge for creating abundance on a global and national scale. That is the belief in what has been called “Trickle Down Economics.” In pondering our nation and the world’s current economic challenges, that theory which many use to justify keeping taxes low on the most affluent seems to be demonstrating a fatal flaw. As I considered this issue in depth, I realized that prosperity does not “Trickle Down,” it Blossoms.

As I began to work with that new thought, I saw a beautiful blossoming garden where every plant was growing healthy and strong as it reached for the light and reached out to touch everything that grew near it. In addition and more importantly, produced seeds that create new flowers and new blossoms around it. As I hold that image in my mind, it seemed to reflect truth.

I am not an economist, but I do understand the basic principles of money circulation in the world and feel that focusing on the image of prosperity blossoming is a powerful metaphor for how abundance and the world of money works. The growth from the touch of the blossoms to others and more importantly the release and planting of new seeds in the garden of life are all a part of an image and thought that can help rebuild prosperity in the world through the energy of creation. The petals from our blossom caress the flowers that are nearby. The pollen from one flower helps the fertilization and pollination of all of the flowers in the garden.

Every flower in the garden is beautiful and has its place in creating the lush abundance and beauty of the garden.

This prosperity blossoms image is very powerful because it contains within it a fundamental principle about abundance. When there are good times, not just for those at the top but for all levels of society is when we see the economy blossom and grow. Entrepreneurship brings new ideas and solutions to society. The seeds of new ideas can be planted and create jobs and opportunity for others, who then as those businesses blossom spark new ideas and new growth, spreading out and increasing as far as our thoughts can imagine.

Jobs and opportunity are the solution to our debt crisis. This is reflected in the old adage, as goes Main Street, so goes Wall Street. The very rich need the prosperity of the less rich to move the wheels of commerce. Job creation rather than resource hoarding is a part of how prosperity can blossom. Rather than waiting for prosperity to trickle down, those who have the resources need to think how they can blossom forth.

It is just a single thought. However, we all know, thoughts are powerful things.

So I suggest as a nation and as a world, we consider changing our thoughts and our paradigm to Prosperity Blossoming so the petals of prosperity and the seeds of growth can reach the fertile fields of creativity and potential.

In the Light,

Genevieve Gerard

About the author: Genevieve Gerard teaches Transformational Consciousness – from first awakening to enlightened awareness. She helps you experience the joy that results from the spontaneous “touch of the soul.” Browse her body of work at

Copyright © 2011 by Genevieve Gerard. All rights reserved.

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