A New Consciousness is Emerging

A New Consciousness is Emerging

– With the Touch of Your Soul

Read A New Consciousness is Emerging With the Touch of Your Soul article by Genevieve Gerard

What is a touch of your Soul and how does it impact your life?


We are told by the writings of the Ageless Wisdom that from the moment of creation of humanity on this planet there was, in the mind of God, an overall plan of evolution.

Our Deepest Truths

It was part of the plan of God when in the creation story God said, “let us make man in our own image” (Genesis 1:26,) after our likeness.  Biblical scholars and believers alike have often wondered who is “us”.  Who is the “our” that God, as the creator, referred to?

To understand this passage in the creation story, there are many concepts that we must grasp that are beyond our everyday consciousness and awareness.  Concepts about the nature of consciousness and thus the nature of reality.

Amazingly, the understandings of these truths have, throughout the eons of time, only been revealed as hints, such as in the above bible passage of Genesis.

The Universe is vast, much vaster than our human experience as a dweller on planet earth may be able fully to comprehend at this time.  However, spiritual truths have been slowly revealed over time, often with the instruction to “ponder on this.”

Truths about our human experience as beings who are both material and spiritual are often difficult to fully grasp.  This dual nature of our being, a material physical creature whose body dies, yet who is also an eternal being because it has an eternal Soul, is often perceived as a conundrum.

It is in understanding the incredible miracle of this dual nature of our being that the full power and potential of what it means to be a human being is revealed.  Only man, and of course the version of the man with a womb (woman) are, of all of creation, created in the image of God.

With the breath of life came the creation of the eternal spark of consciousness that is the Soul.  This spark of consciousness shares eternity with the creator.  This is the mystery that is the deepest truth of awareness held in the human heart that is revealed only through love.

Not only are many of the most profound truths obscured by the teachings being held as secret. A quick scan of the known history of civilization shows that humanity has often not only rejected truths that contradict “consensus reality” but has put to death those who reveal truths before people are ready to hear and accept them.

There are more things in heaven and earth, Horatio, than are dreamt of in your philosophy.
     – Hamlet to Horatio in Hamlet (1.5.167-8) by William Shakespeare

A New Consciousness is Emerging Now

The timings of revelations require a certain level of consciousness to not only be accepted but more importantly to be understood.  History has shown us that ideas have their own unique moment in time to be accepted by the collective consciousness of humanity.

Currently, I believe, a new consciousness is emerging at this very moment in human awareness.

This new consciousness, new awareness, and new understanding is just happening now, in this time of human evolution, revealing truths that have long been held beyond a veil waiting for humanity to be ready.  Divine Love fuels that consciousness.

Awakening with A Touch of Your Soul

What reveals Divine Love is what I call “The touch of your Soul.”  Your Soul is the divine spark that was breathed into your being the very moment you were conceived in the mind of God as a part of creation.

This awareness of the life of the Soul and the progressive revelation of the touch of the Soul is for the individual human personality life transforming.  It creates a new consciousness and with it, new understandings.

This new consciousness goes by several names in the human adventure.  The names are not important, the shift in consciousness is.

Among the modern descriptions of this new awareness are the words “awakening,” and “ascension.”  These powerful words do reveal some of the truth of what humanity is now becoming able to be, what humanity is becoming able to understand about what are true essence is as human beings.

We are in a fantastic time in the revelation and evolution of human consciousness.  It calls forth from the human experience new ways of understanding and, far more important, new ways of being.

I use the words “new ways of being” specifically because this step forward in the human consciousness adventure is more about “being” and “becoming” than it is about doing. 

In the ongoing process of humanity learning to be and become what is emerging in this particular transition in understanding is a powerful transformation that will shift everything.

Part of this shift is “spiritual,” because it requires an expansion of awareness beyond the material expression of life.  This expansion requires what I call “The touch of the Soul.”  The touch of the soul, your Soul, is of paramount importance in this process because it is your Soul that takes on the mantel of being your teacher through the revelation of profound truths that you might well question if revealed from an external teacher.

The role of your Soul as your teacher ultimately results in the creation of this new kind of human being.  This new revelation is a coming into fruition of what has always been true but is just now coming into expression.

Ponder the deeper meaning of the ancient Sanskrit greeting used throughout our planet, Namaste“The Divinity in me recognizes and honors the Divinity in you.”

The Divinity in me in that phrase speaks to a deep yet often unfocused upon archetypal understanding that each and every human being is endowed by the Creator with a spark of Divine Light.

I often in my writings and teachings refer to that Divine spark as your Soul, and I encourage you to, through meditation, invite and invoke the power and the presence of your Soul to take on the duties of your teacher, the master, and guide that has been with you since the dawn of time and travels with you throughout all of eternity.

The emergence into consciousness of the Soul is what is different about what I am calling a new kind of human being.  It is not really new since your spiritual anatomy has always had your Soul as a part of it.  What is new is the active incorporation of the Soul into your life experience (ideally your everyday experience.)

The expanded conscious awareness that comes from the touch of your Soul is vast.  If in your meditations, prayers or contemplations you have experienced this touch of your Soul certain revelations are consistent and profound.

The amazing thing is that the touch of your Soul puts you in touch with a reality that is beyond your normal awareness of body, mind, and emotions that are guided by your five physical sensory inputs.  The touch of your Soul reveals a touch of Divine Love that opens and fills your heart to overflowing.

If you would like to open yourself to the divine love of your Soul, download my Gift of Love guided meditation MP3 and experience the essence of your Soul.

Learn more about the Gift of Love Meditation by Genevieve Gerard

Download your copy of the Gift of Love Meditation MP3 Now 

The touch of your Soul may reveal concepts and thoughts that bring clarity and solutions to life challenges you have never considered.  You may experience a sense of expansion into an awareness of unity that transcends the sense of alienation that has so often plagued the human experience.

Whatever your personal awareness of your Soul, it will initiate and herald the start of being and becoming this new kind of human being that is emerging into the world.

This new emerging stage of humanity, whether we consider it an awakening, an evolution, or an assentation, requires a new kind of consciousness; a consciousness that integrates the realm of the Soul with the material realm.  It requires a conscious that brings into manifestation a human being who is both in the world, but not exclusively of the world.

A merging, integration, and blending of the spiritual perspective of the Soul, with the reality of the human kingdom which is a world of substance and matter in a new way of considering and expressing life.

Over the eons of spiritual teaching parables, stories and analogies they have alluded to this Soul, Mind, Body merged perspective.  Jesus’s discussions of the kingdom of heaven are an example that quickly comes to mind.

What is unique to this moment in the cosmic calendar is that with the touch of your Soul, the personality and ego are shown the possibility of being a citizen of the world while being aware and open to the prompting and direction of your Soul.

You can simultaneously be fully a human being with all of the “oh so human failures” and be a spiritual being, aligned with Divine Will and Divine purpose.  You can explore your life challenges with this dual perspective of your human nature and your nature as a child of God who is concurrently the Son of Man.

This is a new manifestation of human consciousness and a new expression of spiritual consciousness in a more integrative and thus empowering way than has ever been possible before.  It is an opportunity to be truly the being that the creation story of old said was created in “our” image.  This is the being that provides the way the old sage words of the catechism can be answered.

Question 1: What is the chief end of man?

Answer: Man’s chief end is to glorify God, and to enjoy him forever.

It is in the realm of the Soul, the kingdom of Heaven and by the blending of the dual consciousness of your human life experience with your spiritual life experience that this becomes possible.

What makes this transition from a human, being limited to the physical, emotional and mental material perspective, to the expanded awareness of the spiritual consciousness is the touch of the Soul.

The touch of the Soul connects you to Divine Love, which is unconditional in nature and transformative.  The touch of the Soul grants an eternal perspective which shifts your perception from the temporal to timelessness, a shift that grants awareness of the eternal now.

I invite and encourage you to call upon your own Soul to touch your life in this transformative way.  I invite and urge you to call upon your own Soul to be your teacher and your guide in your life adventure. See the related posts listed below for more on this subject.

You are a miracle of Divine Light, created by Divine Love and infused with Divine Wisdom to be a Soul having a human experience, right here and right now on planet earth.
      – Genevieve Gerard

This union of consciousness that you are, and always were created to be, is available to you through the relationship that can begin with the touch of the Soul.



The Blessing of Love on All That You Do!


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Last updated on 8-27-2017


Copyright © 2016-2017 Genevieve Gerard and Touch of the Soul LLC


8 thoughts on “A New Consciousness is Emerging”

  1. Nicely done. I agree completely. For me, only in the duality of personality life, perfected and refined, plus the soul life, vast and loving, can we appreciate the ability of a human being to face and eliminate the warlord’s problems. In that duality we are learning how to use the great personality creation and the vast soul creation together to meet and embrace a wondrous future. The touch of the soul is the opening of he door of duality to meet the world’s challenges and overcome them. The time is now. And duality life, brings our immortal loving side into our human struggle. What a promise fulfilled that is.

  2. elizabeth d .farinas

    i might say its awakens my me my self. Amazingly truth revealed. Thank you genevieve gerard

    1. Thank you Elizabeth, increasing awareness of the amazing being we are as humans is what motivates me in all my work and writing. Please visit my website for further articles or take the time to explore my archive (I have published over 250 articles to help and teach.) I always appreciate comments and sharing with other like minded people. Blessings. Namaste

  3. I agree. In fact I do not believe there is any more important single thing we can do to serve our planet, the divine and each other, than to take upon ourselves our duality of soul and personality – in soul as soul, in personality as personality – thereby letting love, in its pure form, into the human experience.

    By doing this every human problem, personal or group, will be resolved. This is the new humanity, the new era, the revelation of the Age.

    Thank you for leading the way – this is beyond religion. This is spiritual science.

  4. In the Bible it states God made man in thine image, which means his image. Not our image. Might want to correct that.

    1. Genevieve Gerard

      I was quoting Genesis 1:26 KJV: And God said, Let us make man in our image, after our likeness: and let them have dominion over the fish of the sea, and over the fowl of the …

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