Be Open To Love

Be Open To Love

– Love is Where Two Worlds Meet

Read Be Open To Love post by Genevieve Gerard

This post is a part of my ongoing series on Love.

We live in a material world.  Life is impacted by what can be seen, touched, heard, smelled or tasted.  These five senses are of vital importance as they impact on your understanding of the world.

The strength of these five senses is so powerful that it is easy to believe that unless you perceive something with your five senses, it is not real.  That is a mistake!

The truth is that we live in the material world as citizens of two worlds.  Neither world reflects the wholeness of whom and what we are as human beings.

A human being is a miraculous blend of a physical being with a spiritual being.  Any attempt to be only one part of this equation is doomed to failure.  Indeed to require every part of life to be able to be perceived through your five senses, or to believe that only what you can see and touch is real, defies life’s experience.

The successful blending of your awareness as both a physical being and a spiritual being is one of the great mysteries of life. It is easy to err on one side or the other based on the situations and circumstances of your life.

Indeed, answering the questions of the dual aspects of human nature has fueled the ponderings of philosophers and theologians since the dawn of time.  Likewise, it has fueled many of my questions about life.

This dual nature of human experience led me to summarize this dichotomy in this way on

You are a miracle of Divine Light, created by Divine Love and infused with Divine Wisdom to be a Soul having a human experience, right here and right now on planet earth.
       ― Genevieve Gerard

It is the blending of these two worlds, the material world and the spiritual world through which much of the mystery of life exists.  That is because it is challenging to understand how what is eternal can co-exist so intertwined with what is temporal.

Recently, my challenge to understand this mystery has led me to understand that the bridge between these two worlds and these two realities is Love. Anyone who has every loved has crossed this bridge.

One way this merging of the two worlds happens is when two individuals are initially drawn together by the urges and expression of physical desire.  Out of their romance, they begin to realize that something more is present.  That more is love.

Be Open To Love

In opening your heart and your mind to love you begin to experience something that is bigger than desire and subsequent gratification of physical expression.  Often, that drift across the barrier between these worlds is so subtle that you don’t even realize you have gone from the world of matter to the realm of your Soul, which is the realm of Love.

This transition is most often called “falling in love.”

Love requires a merging of Souls.  That fusion takes you out of the world of the temporal and physical into the world of the eternal.

When love is created, there is a subtle energetic shift.  This change is often tangible and may be a surprise to the one who has fallen in love.

The realization that love has been created out of a relationship changes everything.  It changes the nature of friendship, and it changes the depth of romance.  When it happens in the throes of passion and ecstasy, those who are aware of subtle energies can tell you that they felt the shift from “just sex” to love.

That transition can be frightening.  Love is powerful.  Not everyone wants Love.  Some people fear Love.  Free will enables an individual to run from Love and reject Love.

For some, just that touch across the bridge is so different that it is unknown and terrifying, and they choose to reject it.  For others, it opens them to a lifetime of bliss and joy.

Of course, sex and passion are only one way to cross that bridge between the temporal and the eternal, from the world of matter to the world of Soul.  It is one of the most amazing parts of life.

Poets praise that portal to Love.  The real miracle is not the passion or the sex, but that you, from your selfish, physical personality have been able to cross that bridge, a bridge from the limitations of matter into the eternal realm of unconditional Love.

In pondering this miracle, I am amazed at the wisdom of the Divine in using Love to create that bridge between these two realities and the two worlds.

As I mentioned, romantic and sexual love is not the only pathway on the bridge of Love.  True friendship is also a path that can take you across that bridge.

Friendship is a gentler and less threatening way to move into the experience of Love.  And it is one of the three ways the Ancient Greeks described Love.  Friendship is a portal to Love.

Love, no matter whether erotic or the Love shared by family and friends, is an essential part of the lessons of life.

There is only one happiness in this life, to love and be loved.
        – George Sand

Love serves as a bridge from your personality to your Soul.  The essential nature of your Soul is Love.  When you love someone, a bond between Souls is created that transcends beyond time and space.

The giving of love is an education in itself.
        – Eleanor Roosevelt

In the university of life, I have come to understand that learning to love is the most life transforming lessonWhen you Love, you merge the world of matter, which is temporary and fleeting with the realm of the Soul.

This is a major transition in consciousness.  To be consciously connected with Love opens the doors of awareness to joy.  Love is the most powerful healing force we can touch with our mind and heart. Ponder on this!

Meditate on Love.  Open your heart to Love.  Let your awareness be infused with Love and you will find your life filled with a joy that knows no boundaries and peace that passes understanding.

Learn more about the Gift of Love Meditation by Genevieve Gerard

Download your copy of the Gift of Love Meditation MP3 Now 

Love has the power to guide your life as it opens you to your Higher Self (your Soul). 

The deepest ethical questions in life are best answered by considering “How Love is best served in this situation?”

The unconditional nature of Love allows you to forgive, even what seems unforgivable.

By loving you have crossed from the world or sorrows and the veil of tears to an awareness of the bliss of the world of the Soul and the Peace that passes understanding.  These are the hallmarks of the world of Spirit (the Soul.)

To begin to experience this joy watch my YouTube, Bliss is Perfect Happiness.

Just remember, Love is the bridge where two worlds meet and your life is opened to greater happiness and joy.  I recommend that you dare to learn the lessons of Love.  I suggest you open your heart to the love that is the essential nature of your Soul and let yourself love freely, unconditionally and spontaneously.

Share the radiance of your Love with everyone you meet.  Be a source and a force for Love in the world until you can “Give Love, Live Love and Be Love.”



The Blessing of Love on all that you do!


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Last updated 2-7-2018


Copyright © 2017-2018 Genevieve Gerard and Touch of the Soul LLC. All Rights Reserved.


2 thoughts on “Be Open To Love”

  1. It is astounding to realize that the greatest energy in the universe is still for all practical purposes unknown to most of humanity. When we identify as our creative self in love what we can create with that limitless power is beyond our imagination but not our intention. Humanity is just learning how to use the creative power of love. Thank you so much for the affirmation.

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