Calm Your Mind

Calm Your Mind

Read Calm Your Mind - Serenity Sunday Article by Genevieve Gerard

Calm your mind,
Open Your Heart,
Invite the Light


These are the instructions that I use at the start of every guided meditation that I create.

When I reflect upon what characteristics best exemplify a spiritual life, I realize that the qualities of patience, kindness and calmness are key virtues for us to strive to develop in our life.

I believe you can best manifest these qualities as a reflection of your experiences received in meditation. The practice of meditation and ultimately the discipline of meditation, focus you on calming your mind.

Quieting your mind is an ongoing challenge for those of us who practice meditation, no matter what form of meditation we practice.

It is only in the quiet mind that the full peace of the serenity of our Soul can be experienced.”
     – Genevieve Gerard

It is in the quiet mind that we can open ourselves to the wonder and the Oneness of the Universal Presence. It is in a quiet mind that the promptings of your spirit guides and guardian angels can be heard. It is in the quiet mind that intuition can be truly revealed.

The more tranquil a man becomes, the greater is his success, his influence, his power for good. Calmness of mind is one of the beautiful jewels of wisdom.
     – James Allen

Releasing Anger

Calming your mind requires an active manifestation of the important principle of detachment, because to achieve that blessed state of calm you must disconnect from and release any anger you may be carrying, which will automatically bring you in touch with forgiveness. This forgiveness often needs to focus on those who have annoyed you, whether with petty acts or grand, but in order to extend the grace of forgiveness to another; you will find you must also extend that forgiveness to yourself first.

This contradiction of that by giving we receive has been revealing itself more and more clearly in my recent meditations. It seems to be an important principle. Ponder on this. It is very empowering.

This release and this resolution of whatever anger you have been experiencing combines with a spontaneous ripple effect of shifting your awareness away from the events that made you angry. This does much to bring calmness to your mind and quiet the chatter, by letting go of expectation, demands or desire.

This movement in your consciousness from expectation, desire, and demand, to letting go of your anger enables you to forgive both the other person and yourself. By this act of forgiveness, you will accomplish a great step forward in calming your mind.

All of this can occur in a nanosecond once you consciously turn your attention toward the content of your mind chatter and the emotions that are locked within it. You might find that this process is enhanced by taking a really deep breath and exhaling fully. The deep breath not only enhances the experience of the release but it also works with the physiology of the autonomic nervous system as the deep breath signals the body-mind-spirit connection that you are now safe to be calm.

Concurrently, your being is interwoven with the influences of your mind, your emotions, and your Soul. The release of the anger and the dual decision to forgive both yourself and the other person spontaneously opens your heart to experience more love.

Open Your Heart

This opening of the heart is the second instruction that I give each time I introduce a guided meditation.

When you open your heart with a quiet mind love rushes in.”
     – Genevieve Gerard

The initial focus to calm your mind has a cascading benefit that is like domino’s falling bringing greater benefit and blessing.

When you open your heart with a quiet mind you are able to both give and receive more love. The heart becomes an open receptacle for the love your Soul brings to you and the love that is available to you from God or Source that is your birthright as a child of God.

Your heart opened makes it possible for you to love without demands or conditions. In this state of openness the qualities of compassion and kindness are stimulated in your consciousness.

Compassion, like forgiveness, cannot really be given, without also being received. This interrelationship and interplay of energies do much to bring about the desired effect of calming your mind. The combined factors of letting go of desires and expectation, and the resulting release of anger, by stimulating forgiveness of both the other and yourself, all shift your awareness and render your heart open to receiving and expressing love.

The initially stated intention to enter into meditation by calming your mind has opened you to all of these blessings.

The second injunction that I give at the start of every guided meditation to open your heart began automatically as you let go of your anger in the process of quieting your mind; forgiving yourself and the other.

To consciously choose to open your heart in the approach and intention of meditating does much to expand and enhance your experience of meditating. By adding the power of intention to what you are experiencing and adding the wisdom of understanding, the power and influence that meditation can have in your life will be significant.

Invite The Light With Meditation

The last instruction I give with each guided meditation is to invite the Light.

Inviting the Light is a step to enlightened awareness. Enlightenment is expressed in the peace, the calm and the love and the joy which becomes a state of being offered to all who tread upon the path of meditation.

There are a myriad of benefits and blessings along the way. Among these are the now undisputed health benefits of meditation. Meditation has been proven to reduce physical stress. It can also give you a different perspective and a sense of Universal Oneness. In addition, the transformation available to your life as you learn to forgive both yourself and others can be very powerful, very profound and very freeing.

The integration of all of the talents and tools that you have as one who has a body (an amazing and complex source of delight and sensation), emotions (a rich and diverse portal to enjoyment and happiness) and a Soul (the gateway to joy and bliss) is a miracle. It is the miracle we call human life. It is a miracle with which you are blessed. And because we live each life of this miracle blessed by free will, it is a miracle that we are empowered to make of it what we will.

In my life meditation has provided the way to harness and to calm my mind as I receive the blessing and benefits of a calm mind. Meditation is the tool that has enabled me to forgive both others and myself. It is how I have conquered the stresses, the strains and the pains in life. It is how I have utilized universal laws such as the Law of Attraction and the dynamic opportunity to be a co-creator in my life through the principle that Energy Follows Thought.

There is no work I can do that I believe to be more important than teaching about and creating meditations. There is no gift or service that I can give that offers more opportunity to help you live your life in joy fulfilling your potential and promise, manifesting your Soul purpose.

In my adventure through the lessons of my life, meditation is the foundational pillar upon which I build. I am far from perfect. I often fall way short of whom and how I would like to be. I am a work in progress and will remain a work in progress all of the days of my life.

For me, meditation is the way I progress along the path. Mediation has become over the years a practice that has given me so much, taught me so much and exposed me to so much that my joy and my love overflow into so many aspects of my life that my gratitude for this great gift to all of my teachers and guides along the way is unlimited and ongoing.

I wish this great joy and this blessing for you:

Calm Your Mind, Open Your Heart, Invite The Light!



The Blessing of Love on All that you Do!


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Last updated 11-19-2017


Copyright © 2014-2017 Genevieve Gerard and Touch of the Soul LLC. All rights reserved.


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