What Lessons Will Love Teach Me?

What Lessons Will Love Teach Me?

Be Open to the Lessons of Love by Genevieve Gerard

This post is a part of my ongoing series on Love.

As I ponder the meaning of life I find myself considering the lessons of love.

When I look back over my life the lessons of love stand out as the most important things I have ever learned.

This leads me to ponder and consider why learning to love is more life-enhancing and transforming than the many lessons that must be mastered every day?

Somehow, the lessons of love stand out as more significant and more meaningful than all other life lessons.

I have long seen life as a university of consciousness.  Throughout life, you can do right, or do what is wrong. And from that adventure learn what works and what fails.

Each of life’s lessons is important but I believe the ones involving love are the most profound.  Cumulatively, these decisions on a trial and error basis form wisdom.  Over the ages, as you live and learn, your Soul, as the Divine Spark of your consciousness, learns its lessons that it can make available to you when you call upon your Higher Self for insight and wisdom.

Your Soul, as the eternal part of your being and essence, becomes a storehouse of wisdomMiraculously, you can call upon that accumulated consciousness to guide you and advise you in this life experience.

Accessing the wisdom that is stored in your eternal spark is part of how your Higher Self supports and teaches youIt’s still quiet voice can guide you and inspire you in many of life’s challenges.  Your Soul’s voice is vast and when called upon provides discernment that spans knowledge.

There seems to be an indwelling guidance system of calling upon your Higher Self that works amazingly well in life.   The more you use it to solve and resolve your life lessons the better it works.

Yet, it is in learning life’s lessons about love that there is a shift.  There is something about love that stands out as different.  Learning to love which is arguably the most important lesson life will ever teach you stands out as unique.

That is because love is not a decision or action of your personality, your mind or even your emotions.

Love is a state of being that is created Soul-to-Soul.  The essence of your Soul is already love and when that essence is turned to another it forms a miracle of eternal connection.  This is a part of both the mystery and the magic of love.
                   – Genevieve Gerard

Once love enters the equation life’s experience moves from the material and temporal into the realm of the spiritual and eternal.  It is effortless for your Soul to make this transition.  Your Soul already lives in the spiritual and the eternal.  Love is the very essence of your Soul.  To love is the expression of your Soul’s highest nature,

Love is different from anything else you learn in life.  Love is where your Soul and your personality must meet by the very nature of what it truly means to love.  When you love, what seems to be situational and circumstantial shifts into what is beyond time and eternal.

It is with love that the blending of action and being come together in that is unique in the human experience.  It is when you love that you can really function as a dual being of both Soul and personality.

The nature of love is Divine Love, so when you love you have opened yourself to the eternal and you have opened yourself to your Soul.

Unconditional love really exists in each of us. It is part of our deep inner being. It is not so much an active emotion as a state of being. It’s not ‘I love you’ for this or that reason, not ‘I love you if you love me.’ It’s love for no reason, love without an object.
                    – Ram Dass

It is this blending of action and being, this merging of your Soul with your personality that makes the lessons of love different from any other life lesson.  It is in the coming together of the temporal and the eternal that love can provide such joy in your life.  It is when we love that we touch the very nature of the Divine.

God is Love
                   – Jesus Christ

It is when you love that you have an understanding of what life is all about.  Meaning is granted to the most mundane experiences.  To love changes everything.  It opens you to joy and fills you with contentment.

True love is free from attachment because it dwells in the eternal.  We learn to love because we are loved.  Our hearts expand with love as we touch our Soul, whose very nature is love.  The more we open our life to love the more we know joy.  The more we open our hearts to love the more we understand the seemingly incomprehensible concepts of Grace, compassion, and mercy.

Learn more about the Gift of Love Meditation by Genevieve Gerard

Download your copy of the Gift of Love Meditation MP3 Now 

It is because your Soul dwells in the eternal that aligning with and calling forth the Love that is the nature of your Soul allows you to begin to learn the lessons of love through choosing to connect with your Soul.  It is because when you love another you must access your Soul to form the eternal bond that is the nature of love that your life is transformed by learning to love.

I can think of no situation or circumstance in life that has more power than love.  I can think of nothing that is more profound than letting yourself love.  Love immediately creates a magnetic attraction that can be sensed by all of life.  This occurs intuitively and preconsciously beyond logic or understanding.

Like draws to like so the more you love, the more loving people come into your life.  The more kindness and support you receive from unexpected places.  As you choose to give more love and be more love in the world you find your connection with Divine Love is a source that you can draw upon without limit for the blessing of others. Ponder on these lessons.

Love becomes its own reward.  This reward is not measured in material things but is measured in joy.  It brings with it a deep sense of peace, yes even the peace that passes understanding when this lesson is learned and demonstrated.

Below is a meditation to help you experience the Love that is available to you.  I suggest that before you meditate that you have a journal beside you so you can record and remember any insights you receive in meditation.

A Love Meditation
to Bring You to the Touch of Your Soul


Sit quietly as you calm your mind, open your heart, and invite the Light.

Let your breathing rise and fall naturally with the awareness that you are the one who is breathing in and you are the one who is breathing out.

Let yourself open your heart and your mind a little more with each breath.

As your mind calms from the focus on your breath allow your heart to expand with the energy of love.

As you are aware that you are the one who is breathing in and breathing out realize that the love that is filling you is a part of who you are.  That part is your Soul, whose very nature is love, whose very essence is love.

As you fill your heart with the love energy that is streaming into you invite the Light of your Soul.

Identify with that energy that is filling you to overflowing by affirming

“I Am the Soul”

Let that affirmation resonate with you.

Then affirm:

“I Am Love”

As you say those words let the power of Love fill your heart to overflowing.

Then using your creative imagination visualize a source of Divine energy that you may experience as a golden or ultra-bright white light, a braiding path of love moving into your heart and imagine that light expanding your heart with the Divine Love that is the nature of your Soul.

Let the love stream of energy coming from your heart touch the love stream of energy coming from your Soul.

Imagine those two energies moving back and forth, up and down from your Soul to your heart, and from your heart back to your Soul.

As these two streams of loving light circulate realize that they are blending and fusing.

As they merge and fuse they are expanding the love in your heart and fusing your love with the blessing of Divine Love.

The chalice of your heart overflows as you touch this Source of Love that comes to you.

In this love, with this love, you are being love.  Let that essence flow through you and then with intention let that essence flow through you as a blessing to all others and a blessing to all of life.

This love that flows through you and from you is completely free of desire or need.  It just is.  It blesses every being that it touches without need or attachment.  It is full and complete as you are full and complete as you serve as a conduit for Divine Love.

Let this love and this light flow outward to the weary waiting world for as long as it feels right for you to do.

You have merged your heart with your Soul.  Let the strands of the braid from your heart to your Soul relax and loosen. 

As you become aware of your body again focus on breathing in and breathing out.

Be aware that you are the one who is breathing in, and you are the one who is breathing out.

You are also a Source of endless Love centered in the Will of Love Divine.

Standing thus let yourself be aware of your body and your breath.  

Be aware that in meditation with the touch of your Soul you can be a dual being of Soul and personality, of love and Light.

Take a really deep, satisfying and relaxing breath to enjoy and appreciate the amazing being that you are.

Let your breath return to a normal relaxed breathing.  It may take a moment for the beating of your heart to quiet and calm.

As you return to your normal awareness take a moment to stretch your body and relax.

Then take a few moments to record the sensations of this experience along with any sensations you can recall of holding love in your heart.


This Love, this connection with your Soul and with the Source of Love is something you can draw upon for your healing and your happiness.  It is also a Source of Love you can use to share with all of those you Love.

This Love is given freely, requiring nothing from the other.  It can flow freely from your heart to their heart with your only desire being the highest good of all.

You can use the above meditation technique any time you need it to connect your life with Love and demonstrate the lessons of love that you have learned.




The blessing of love on all that you do!


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About the author:
Genevieve Gerard teaches Transformational Consciousness – from first awakening to enlightened Soul awareness. She helps you experience the joy that results from the spontaneous “touch of your soul.”

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Genevieve has a Bachelor’s Degree in Philosophy and Theology and a Master of Arts Degree in Counseling and for over thirty years has worked one-on-one with people who were recovering from devastating disabilities and chronic pain. Teaching the mastery of the mind-body relationship she was one of the early professionals trained in biofeedback, visualization, imagery, and meditation as essential techniques to help people heal their bodies, heal their emotions, heal their minds, and heal their lives.

Genevieve’s work demonstrates what she knows so well, “It is spiritual connectedness that triggers physical healing and emotional and mental well-being.”  Helping people, like you, tap into your higher-self is the power she wields to guide you to heal and transform your life.

Now, with this understanding, she combines the effective techniques she developed over decades teaching mind-body mastery along with her extensive experience in meditation and spiritual development to create a synthesis of mind-body-spirit that delivers complete healing and opens the door to unlimited personal growth and an encounter with your Soul.

In addition to her current life guidance coaching sessions, and workshops performed around the world, Genevieve has produced more than 20+ guided meditations in the last eight years that are available on Apple Music (iTunes), Amazon, CDBaby, and her website.

It is her vision that through your experience with the techniques of awareness, visualization, and meditation, the love of your Soul will touch and transform your life through her writings and products. It is her sincere desire that the potential of a life of joy and celebration that seems to elude so many people can become a reality for you, now and forever.

Browse her life story and read the Touch of the Soul that changed her world. To contact Genevieve, visit her keep in touch page.


Last updated 2-2-2020


Copyright © 2016-2019 Genevieve Gerard and Touch of the Soul LLC, All Rights Reserved


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