You Are Made of Starlight

You Are Made of Starlight

starry universe with text You Are A Spark of Divine Light

This article is part of my ongoing series on the Soul.

It is a fact that within us all are particles of the universe, and you are made of starlight.

It is this spark of Divine Light embedded in you that is available to guide you throughout your life.

Amazingly, deep within you is a felt sense of what is right.  This is your spark of Divine Light. This is your Soul.

You are designed to be aligned with and aware of what is good.  This goodwill toward others is at the core of your being.

Troubling at times is also a sense of knowing when lies are being fostered, and deep within you is also a nagging awareness of when something is wrong.

Listening To Your Soul

Learning to listen to that inner wisdom is important. You are a child of God and although you may be swayed by the influence and opinions of others, deep within you have a sense of knowing particularly what is right and what is not right.

This deep sense of knowing is the start of connecting with the presence of your Soul. It is always with you.

How much you use your Soul to guide you depends completely on you and the decisions and choices you make. Your Soul is always available but is never controlling or demanding. That is part of the amazing miracle of free will in life.

One of life’s amazing opportunities is the dance and dynamic of knowing and ultimately deciding between what is right and what is wrong. Your Soul, your spark of Divine Light is given to you to help and support you in making that choice.  It is always available for you, but it waits for your invitation.

You can, throughout your life call upon the wisdom of your Soul to guide you and help you determine what is right for you in the many times in life you may be being told things that are untrue.  Within you, from deep within you, your Soul will resonate with a recognition of TRUTH.

You sometimes may not listen to that recognition, but it gives you a felt sense deep within you of what is truly right, even when others are trying to convince you to do or believe what that sense is telling you is wrong.

As you journey through life you are presented with a myriad of choices that are presented to you moment by moment.

Thought Leader Bernie Gunther once created a little poem that speaks to this dynamic. “There’s a positive side and a negative side and at each moment you decide.

This is truer than you might realize but fortunately you are not alone in having to make that decision because you have a spark of Divine Light within you to help guide you.

Whether or not you choose to listen to it or dismiss it and ignore it is totally up to you in the moment you are experiencing it.

Sadly, the input of others can be a powerful force. And only you can decide what is right for you.

Life is amazingly only lived moment by moment.  Ponder on this!

Within that truth and within that concept is both great power and freedom.

I suggest that you consider and ponder on this for more than a minute, for within that truth is the key to happiness.

In the moment no problem and no pain are unbearable. It is when you take things out of the moment and project them into the future or begin to believe they will always be that way that worry, and fear get control.

That makes being present and being in the present a tool that is powerful beyond your imagining.  This is an awareness that your Soul can bring to you.

Part of accessing and using your Soul to guide you is the availability and perspective of eternity that is known as the eternal NOW.

The eternal NOW consciousness and awareness may not be fully understood but just the touch of it can vault you into an inner sense of truth and knowing about the many choices and decisions you are called upon to make in life.

That “Touch of the Soul” empowers you to choose good over evil, right over wrong, and most importantly love over hate.

These are important life choices to make.  These are moment by moment the decisions and choices you make that impact who you are and what you are as a human being.

Calling on your Soul to guide you grants you a superpower to live a life informed and empowered by Divine Light and even Divine Love.

By calling upon your Soul to guide you are engaging with and aligning with Divine Will.

That cannot help but bring you into the awareness of Divine Love, for the Divine nature of God is Love.

Connecting to Divine Love also informs your choices of right over wrong.

Using your Soul to help you make the myriad of moment-by-moment choices with which life presents you opens you to begin the exalted journey of being and becoming all that you can be and were created to be as a Soul-infused personality.

You are a being who is made of starlight, and infused with a spark of Divine Light, and a Soul, and you are also a creature who has a personality, a mind, and emotions.

The challenge of which part of you is in control and which part of you makes the moment-by-moment decisions about: what you think, what your feel, and what you choose from the great smorgasbord of life decisions and life choices is what this great adventure of life is all about.

The amazing and wonderful thing about life is that you are who makes the choices.

That is both the power and the promise of life. Free will assures you of that.

What you choose, what you decide, is important to you and all humankind.

Fortunately, in life’s adventure you are not alone.  All people everywhere are engaged in making the exact same kind of life decisions you are.

If people choose good over evil, truth over lies, kindness and compassion over selfishness and greed, that affects the whole world, societies, governments, war, and peace.

Your choices matter by influencing the energy of thought into matter and the tenor of what happens.

It is awareness of the group nature of reality that makes the principles of: Harmlessness, Right Speech, Right Relationships, Right Action, Right Governance, all important.

Demonstrating kindness is a way that you can help support and empower the positive choices that others are making in the world.

It is in the community of fellowship that positive change impacts the world in which we all live.

It is as Gandhi said,You must be the change you want to see.

You are made of Starlight embedded and informed by Divine Light, infused with Divine Love, and supported throughout your life by access to the guidance of your Soul.  That touch of your Soul offers but never demands or requires.  It offers you the opportunity to integrate these exalted energies into your life in all the choices you are challenged to make.”
                  – Genevieve Gerard

This is a gift.  This is a blessing, and this is the way that you and your consciousness grow and evolve into the amazing being you were created to be.

Invite the Presence of Your Soul

Accessing your Soul and being guided by it is best achieved through a combination of meditation, invocation, intention, and visualization.

To empower you and enable you to experience and invite the presence of your Soul there is an ancient meditation mantram from the teachings of the Ageless Wisdom that I would like to share with you.

Before you begin inviting and accessing the wisdom of your Soul I suggest and recommend that you prepare by having a paper and pen near you so that you can capture any insight and guidance that could become available to you.

This is a powerful tool to invite and invoke your Soul.  It is best done meditatively and contemplatively. Then if seeking guidance on a troubling life choice I suggest that you gather your journal so that you can record any thoughts and impressions you may receive from your Higher Consciousness, your Soul.

In the Ageless Wisdom we are assured that calling upon your Soul, immediately and spontaneously activates your access through invocation, intention, meditation, or prayer. Calling upon your Soul, for support, wisdom or insight opens you to an alignment with the Divine that is always available to you because that is both who and what you are.

I also recommend that before you begin to meditate that you take a moment to: “Calm your mind, open your heart and invite the light.


A Meditation to Invite and Align with Your Soul


To begin, sit comfortably and receptively.

Take a deep breath, relaxing and receptively surrender your weight to your chair.

As you do this realize you are being supported by the chair, which is supported by the floor, which is supported by the earth.  Realize that you find your support of the earth.

Surrender to the gentle pull of gravity knowing and trusting that it will always be there to help you relax and reach to the wisdom of your Soul whenever you need it.

Imagine your Soul to be like a Star of Light (a Soul Star) that is about 6 to 12 inches above your head.

Take a moment to pause and just breath deeply and evenly as you calm your mind.

In that pause realize that by connecting with your Soul you are opening your heart, letting love heal any part of you that needs to be restored to harmony and balance.

As you invite the light you are choosing to align with what is good, and right.

With the help of your Soul, exhale one deep breath imaging that with this exhale you are releasing any negative energies in your body, emotions, and mind that may be impacting your life, bringing you to a relaxed and receptive state.

Now visualize a two-way energetic conduit connecting your Soul Star to the higher energies of Divine Light and Divine Love.

Imagine that Light and Love coming to rest on the top of your head, and with another deep breath visualize it entering you and circulating clockwise on the breath throughout your whole being, filling your mind with insight and wisdom and filling your heart with the energy of divine love and peace.

Let that light energy, as it circulates, enrich, and infuse you to just the right amount (known by your Soul) as you continue with this mantram by saying:

I Am the Soul, and also Love I AM.
Above all else, I am will and clear design.

My will is now to lift the lower self into the Light Divine.

That Light I Am;
therefore, I must descend to where the lower self awaits my coming.

Now, making no attempt to control your breath, imagine and visualize your Soul energy descending from your Soul Star and entering your body through a lotus of light at the top of your head in the location of what is known as your crown chakra.

As that Light energy enters your being at the top of your head realize that you are given the power to move that Light as you direct it to circulate (in a clockwise pattern) creating a triangle from the top of your head to your ajna center (a minor chakra also called the third eye which is located between your physical eyes.)

Then conclude the triangle inside your head by bringing the light energy to the alta major center, a minor chakra located at the top of your spine.

Let the energy circulate through the triangle you have created with 3 breaths, integrating your Soul with your mind.

Visualize that Soul Light and Soul Love moving with your breath, on your breath naturally, gently, and easily as the energies move (clockwise) up and down your spine along an etheric energetic path that is known as the central energy channel which is located about 2 inches behind your physical spine.

In this way you are integrating your higher Soul with your lower personality helping to bring about personality and Soul integration and fusion.

Relaxed and receptive continue the circulation of these energies as long as feels right to you.

Moving the energies through the easy circulation of your breath up and down your central energy channel integrates and infuses you with the wisdom of your Soul and empowers you to make the choices that are wise and right for you in the moment of time in which you find yourself.  It clarifies your vision and empowers you to know Right Action.

Then continue the Mantra by saying:

That which intends to lift,
and that which invokes the lifting are NOW at ONE.


Then conclude your meditation by sounding the sacred sound of the OM three times.

As the OM resonates from and through you, see your Soul Light and Soul Love empowering and infusing the space around you as a blessing to the world.


Now take a brief pause to recap in your heart and mind what you have done.

Tune into your Soul to know the truth
            – Genevieve Gerard

Lastly, return to your day, your work, and your life letting the wisdom of your Soul influence and permeate your mind, your thoughts, and your emotions, realizing that having done this meditation you are a blessing to the world and source for Divine Light entering the world.




The Blessing of Love on All That You Do!


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Genevieve - Soulful

About the author:
Genevieve Gerard teaches Transformational Consciousness – from first awakening to enlightened Soul awareness. She helps you experience the joy that results from the spontaneous “touch of your soul.”

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Genevieve has a Bachelor’s Degree in Philosophy and Theology and a Master of Arts Degree in Counseling and for over thirty years has worked one-on-one with people who were recovering from devastating disabilities and chronic pain. Teaching the mastery of the mind-body relationship she was one of the early professionals trained in biofeedback, visualization, imagery, and meditation as essential techniques to help people heal their bodies, heal their emotions, heal their minds, and heal their lives.

Genevieve’s work demonstrates what she knows so well, “It is spiritual connectedness that triggers physical healing and emotional and mental well-being.”  Helping people, like you, tap into your higher-self is the power she wields to guide you to heal and transform your life.

Now, with this understanding, she combines the effective techniques she developed over decades teaching mind-body mastery along with her extensive experience in meditation and spiritual development to create a synthesis of mind-body-spirit that delivers complete healing and opens the door to unlimited personal growth and an encounter with your Soul.

In addition to her current life guidance coaching sessions, and workshops performed around the world, Genevieve has produced more than 20+ guided meditations in the last ten years that are available on iTunes, Amazon, and her website.

It is her vision that through your experience with the techniques of awareness, visualization, and meditation, the love of your Soul will touch and transform your life through her writings and products. It is her sincere desire that the potential of a life of joy and celebration that seems to elude so many people can become a reality for you, now and forever.

Browse her life story and read the Touch of the Soul that changed her world. To contact Genevieve, visit her keep in touch page.


Copyright © 2023 Genevieve Gerard and Touch of the Soul LLC. All Rights Reserved.


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