All Souls Day

All Souls Day

– Experience it with a Meditation to Celebrate Love

What Day Is All Souls Day, article by Genevieve Gerard

Did you
know that Halloween is a trilogy?

The first is Halloween, October 31.

The second All Saints Day, November 1.

And the third All Souls Day, November 2.

All Souls Day caught my interest because helping you experience and get in touch with the power and glory of your Soul is one of the primary purposes of my writing. So, it seems the perfect day to create a new meditation. A meditation that celebrates love and a meditation that will help you experience the eternal nature of the bond of love.

Since my post was so close to All Souls Day, it seemed like serendipity to write a special visualization to guide you, using meditation, to connect with the love of those who have passed away.

This is going to be a variation on the typical religious tradition of All Souls Day, which has traditionally focused upon prayers for the dearly departed. It is going to be a meditation that celebrates the very best of life, which is love.

Love one another, but make not a bond of love: let it rather be a moving sea between the shores of your Souls.
        – Khalil Gibran

The reason this meditation works is that when you truly love someone, it is an act of the Soul. The bond that is eternal is a bond of Soul to Soul. This is the miracle of love that allows you to transcend both time and space and creates a bond that has no limitations.

It is to this realm of the Soul, where you are an unlimited being, that this meditation will guide you today. It is as Soul consciousness that you can cross the barrier between life and death and touch eternity.

Your Soul is the eternal essence of your spiritual anatomy. This is true for everyone’s Soul. The nature of the Soul is Love, so we use this meditation to open you to the Presence of your Soul and the connection with a Soul of one who does not currently inhabit a body and resides in eternity. This is not only possible but can be a profound experience.

Many people, probably most people, believe that those they have loved who are passed on are still in some mysterious way still present in their lives. This might be as angels who watch over them from Heaven or as a Presence in dreams. Whatever your belief is, it does not interfere with the experience of this meditation. I ask you not to let your mind get bogged down in beliefs and theology and instead open your heart and your mind to what you experience and let your inner guide and arbiter of truth make judgments only after your experience.

This meditation is done from the consciousness of your Soul. Although you bring to this experience the awareness of your whole anatomy, you are meditating as a Soul, and you are connecting through the realm of the Soul that has its essence and nature that is distinctly different from the dense material world but just as real.

You may have already experienced this realm when you used the Mantram I gave in my post “Understanding Mantras,” or in my post “An Invitation to Your Soul.” You may have opened your consciousness to the realm of your Soul regularly when you meditated or prayed or invited the Presence of Angels.

A significant step in moving from the material realm to the spiritual reality is your awareness and the intention to do so. This is a critical step because the realities of the world of matter and the world of spirit are very different and it is essential to keep clear in your mind where you are focusing your awareness. In that sense, the clear invocation of intention acts as a protective barrier to keep the awareness of the material and awareness of the spiritual separate. No one wants to see a departed loved one walking up to you when you are engaged in your normal life, no matter how much you may have loved them.

With this meditation, you are safely opening yourself, with your intention, to both your Soul and the Soul Presence of someone who has already crossed over from life to death or eternal life, whichever definition you wish to use. Please keep this focus of Soul connection clear in your mind. It is important.

A Meditation to Celebrate Love


To begin, Calm Your Mind, Open your Heart, and Invite the Light. Put all of your concerns behind you, knowing that you can come back to anything you were doing, if you like, after the meditation. This is now a special time, a sacred time to be open to Love and your Soul.


Relax your body as completely as you can. As you relax become aware of your breath. Make no attempt to control your breath. Right now, just observe.

You might notice as you observe that there is a natural weight to your physical body as you realize that you are supported by your seat, which is supported by the floor, which is supported by the earth. Therefore, you find your support on the earth.
You could observe that the pull of gravity is available to help you relax as you realize that it is always available to support you and help you when you wish to meditate.

Continue deeper, as you relax even more and prepare for meditation; continue to observe your relaxing breath in a detached way. You might notice the natural rise and fall of your chest as you breathe. You might observe that your breath is natural and spontaneous and requires no direction from your conscious mind.

You could notice that the air that you breathe in is cool and the air you exhale is warm.

As the detached observer, you can perceive all of this with no conscious engagement or judgment.


The Light of the Soul Descends
Soul Light Descending

Then, with conscious intention, using imagination and visualization, consider your Soul to be a radiating point of golden light about 3-to-6 feet above your head. Your Soul is of course much more expansive than this, but locating your Soul in this way helps to open you to the conscious awareness of the Presence of your Soul. As you become aware of your Soul, soak in its golden light as you relax even more.

If you are having any trouble connecting with your Soul, you can visualize the light and love of the Christ as a connected gentle radiating point of energy high above you on one end, and feel the love and light of your radiating Soul in-between you and the Christ.

As you become aware of your Soul, invite its gentle, loving energy into your heart. The most common response to your Soul’s Presence entering your heart is one of the sensations associated with both loving and being loved, filling your heart. The nature of the Soul is love and experiencing that love is one of the blessings of connecting with your Soul in meditation. Ponder on this.

You can sit and receive that love as often and fully as you like.

You might enhance that Presence by using one of the Mantras shared in the related links below.


When you can experience the Loving Presence of your Soul in your heart, you are ready to proceed to invite and invoke the Presence of the Soul of someone with whom you have shared the bond of love during his or her life and yours.

As you think of them and the bond of love you shared with them, visualize your own radiating golden white Soul and imagine a beam of Light and Love going from your Soul to their eternal Soul. You are now sending forth a beam of Light and Love energy from your Soul to their Soul. Know that this is an energy that connects outside of time and moves both to and from their Soul.

You could both enhance and empower this Soul to Soul connection by seeing lines of light and love go from your Soul to the heart of the Christ and then from the Christ to the Soul of your departed beloved. Along that energetic pathway send with your love, your gratitude.

This becomes a prayer for their Soul according to your desires and beliefs.


Continue to be quiet and receptive to the Presence and consciousness of your own Soul and expand your receptivity and awareness to the resonance and energy that you associate uniquely with the other Soul.

Please remember the pathway from your Soul to their Soul is in the realm of the Soul. It is composed of pure Soul Love and Soul light and has no dense physical form to it.

Although this Celebration of Love Meditation can serve as a profound affirmation of the eternal bonds of love, it is not good either for you or for the Soul of the departed loved one, to energize this link too often. The Soul after death moves on through a number of transformations until it is time to return to incarnation. However, once a year on November 2nd, All Souls Day, or once a year perhaps in memorial of their day of passing, it is appropriate to let the love link you Soul to Soul in a Celebration of your love.


It is always a blessing to celebrate love. Remember that love has no attachment. At this time gently release the connection to the other eternal Soul and come back to being in the here and now feeling fully rested and integrated with your Soul.



Recent discoveries in Quantum Physics, regarding the nature of electrons in atoms and how they bond and have relationships with other electrons and move beyond space and time, reveal how this is possible. New scientific discoveries are being revealed that are just now explaining what has been taught through the Ageless Wisdom and the mystery schools of esoterica and meditation.

This celebration of love is an act of giving and receiving. It is a blessing. It is a prayer, and it is an affirmation of the eternity of love. It is a meditation that invites you to experience the majesty and the glory of your Soul and Love.



The Blessing of Love on All That You Do!


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Last updated 11-1-2017


Copyright © 2014-2017 Genevieve Gerard and Touch of the Soul LLC. All rights reserved.


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