Laying on Hands for Healing
This article is part of my on-going series on Healing.
Hands-on healing, also known as energy healing or the spiritual healing practice of laying on hands, has been experienced for thousands of years.
In Greek mythology, Chiron, taught Asclepius, the God of Medicine, hands-on healing. This was the source of the word Chi-ergy, which evolved into surgery.
Later, in Christianity, we are told stories of Jesus ability to heal using the laying-on-of-hands and initially the Apostles laid hands on new believers as well as believers.
If God can work through me, he can work through anyone.
– Saint Francis of Assisi
Even Science has proven that your energy; your thoughts and intention can be used to help heal another. This is a gift we can give one another in life. One important way we can do this is by the laying on of hands. This connection of your physical body with the body of the one who needs healing acts as a transmitter to energize and empower the act of healing.
A tradition of the early church that extended well into the middle ages was the laying on of hands for healing.
Offering healing to one another is a way of
demonstrating love for one another.
– Genevieve Gerard
For whatever reason, the laying on of hands is not widely offered today even among groups of spiritual people. Yet to participate in healing is one of the most significant ways you can demonstrate your faith and serve others.
As I open my heart and my mind to the guidance of what I should share with you today, I realize that some of your hesitation to engage in the act of “laying on of hands” could stem from having never been provided adequate instruction in this lost tradition. So this article is to help you gain a deeper understanding of the how’s and why’s of this ancient art.
There are some crucial understandings that will enhance the experience and the effectiveness of the requested healing that I share with you today.
Work In A Group
The first is a recommendation that you work in a group. Not only is working in groups for the purpose of healing a part of the ancient tradition of “Laying on of Hands” but working in groups increases the effectiveness of the healing. If you are moved by this instruction, I encourage you to gather together a group of like-minded people who want to learn and to heal as a service to their community.
The reason for gathering a group together to offer healing to others is that working in groups dramatically increases the effectiveness of healing. From the days of the early church believers were assured that whenever two or more are gathered in His name, Christ is present. When gathered for the purpose of helping and healing another, that Presence further empowers the healing energy. Therefore, to work as a group is more effective than you can ever be as a lone individual.
While this has always been true among a community of faith, it is even truer as humanity enters into the new Aquarian Age that is all about learning to work in groups. On the issue of healing, the passing age and the New Age are in complete agreement. Working as a group is not only more efficient, but is also more effective.
Right Use of Will
When forming a group for the purpose of healing there are certain basic things it is important to honor and understand. There is perhaps no place in life where it is more important than in healing to combine Will and surrender effectively. There is so much about a life experience that can only be understood in a broader perspective than we are privy to that certain safe guards have been built into the tradition of energetic healing since time immemorial.
Among these is the right use of will. Whereas intention, the intention to provide healing, is very important it is also important to invoke the powerful principle of Right Action. Although there is more about this principle that I can say here today, and surely will be a subject I bring up again in future articles and is a subject I know I have mentioned previously, surrendering what you are asking for in the process of healing another to an invocation of, and a request for, Right Action is where that important blend of will and surrender come together.
Ask Only For Right Action
A disease, an illness or an injury may have a purpose, meaning or lesson in someone’s life that we cannot see from our perspective, so requesting or invoking the healing we desire with the clear intention of also invoking Right Action is a way of protecting the person requesting healing from unintended consequences or harm. This alignment with Right Action whether by aligning with Divine Will or the Higher Will (the Soul) of the person you are striving to heal is of paramount importance.
For most engaging in laying on of hands, is for healing. You must however remember that as a group participant it is not your personal will that you are invoking. You need to surrender to and be a conduit of group Divine Will, and focus on what is right action for the person you are trying to heal.
Phrases such as “within God’s Will” and “the highest good of all” are examples of how to invoke the desired healing and the necessary surrender of your personal will. There are many others. Whereas what protective phrase you use is not important, this harmony of using you mind and intention while concurrently surrendering to right action, highest good or Divine Will are essential “rules of the road” to energetic healing. That blending is a protection from the unintended consequences that can cause harm, which is certainly never the intent of healing.
Soul to Soul
It is important to build this invocation for Right Action into your thoughts and techniques of healing and “Laying on Hands.” Therefore it is important that when you offer healing Light you are offering it with Love, from your Soul to the Soul of the one who seeks healing in the full understanding that it is the Soul that brings the miracle of healing into fruition.
Formation of Groups
I would love to see the formation of groups with the focus to do energetic healing be the result of publishing this article. As I realize that I need to bring this article to a conclusion I am frustrated by the understanding that there is so much that is important to know about healing that I can share with you and that I wish to share with you that I find myself wondering about how that could best be provided.
In these days of the technology miracles of Skype, YouTube Live and a variety of other international and national possibilities, if you feel directed in your own meditations and prayers to form a group of like-minded individuals to learn more about energetic healing I invite you to make contact with me and I will consider and create a way that I can provide further teaching for you and your group.
Both my website and Facebook provide ways to contact me so we could together determine what would be most effective for you and the group that you gather for the purpose of healing. If you do not feel so directed at this time I invite you to watch for other articles and instruction on energetic healing that I will publish in my Super Serenity Sunday Articles and I encourage you to check back on my website and I will today commit to twelve more article on the subject of energetic healing. Everyone has the potential to be able to help in the healing of others and I am grateful that I can guide you in this important life service.
The Blessing of Love on All That You Do!
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Last updated 8/19/2018
Copyright © 2014-2018 Genevieve Gerard and Touch of the Soul LLC. All rights reserved.
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