Ways To Connect With Your Soul
Perhaps the most wonderful and inspiring experience you can have in meditation is to connect with your Soul.
When you connect with your Soul, also known as your Higher Self, you become aware of a part of yourself that is so glorious and magnificent that experiencing it is often transformational and profound.
To me, to connect with your Soul is the greatest gift of meditation.
An important factor is how the regular practice of meditation actually makes it easier and easier to meditate. It is more than the old adage practice makes perfect. Each time you consciously, and with intention, connect to your Higher Self (your Soul), you are creating additional threads of energy that build a bridge to ease your passage.
Whenever you call upon the Light of the Soul for inspiration or guidance, you are building a bridge in consciousness from your personality to your Soul. In so doing you are making the wisdom of your Soul available to you.
– Genevieve Gerard
You are able to tap into and expand your awareness and perspective to a much greater understanding of who and what you are and a much deeper understanding of the meaning and purpose of your life.
When you meditate regularly, invoke, and invite the Presence of your Soul to be an active and incorporated part of your life, you are raising the frequency of your mind and your physical body. This leads to an expanded awareness, and insights and clarity greater than you may have believed possible.
In addition, since the nature and essence of your Soul is pure love, increasing and inviting Soul connection into your life expands your experience of true love and increases your understanding and ability to love.
One of the other profound benefits of calling on your Soul in meditation is an awareness of the connection and interconnection of all of life. This expanded awareness is often accompanied by feelings of unity and purpose. It often fills you with a very deep joy. This sense of universal Oneness, with others and nature, can be a life-altering, magnificent experience of bliss.
Some find that the act of using rituals helps to prepare them for meditation. The primary purpose of preparing to meditate with a ritual is that the action of preparation serves to reinforce your conscious intention.
You can experiment with creating rituals that work for you. When you find one that you feel is of help, you can incorporate it into your meditation practice.
When you use a ritual the time and the effort of performing the ritual serves as a preparation and helps you be ready and receptive to the meditation process. An additional benefit of setting up a ritual is it serves the purpose of helping to quiet your mind chatter as you focus on the intent of your meditation time.
Remember, there is no right or wrong way to prepare for meditation. Although you may choose to set aside a specific amount of time for the meditation, this is all your choice and should be guided by what works for you and for your life.
Some rituals that have been helpful over the ages:
- Lighting a white or gold candle. If you choose this, having a special or specific candle is usually recommended.
- Burning incense (again choosing a specific scent is often helpful) although as you gain more experience with meditation you can change or shift that scent. Some choose the scent based on the desire for a specific energetic result. You may find some favorite scents that you associate with feeling peaceful or calm or feeling more empowered to reach the desired state of consciousness.
- I begin all of my guided meditations with an instructional invocation:
Calm your mind, Open your Heart and Invite the Light. - Sitting quietly and receptively for some time before you start to meditate helps you quiet your mind and put everything behind you.
You can experiment with different rituals and see if they enhance the ease with which you become calm, and quiet your mind chatter so you can experience the presence of your Higher Self.
Setting aside a time daily to meditate, whether you choose to use mantrams, guided meditation experiences or affirmations or mindfulness techniques will empower you and enhance you.
Ageless Wisdom Mantram
A Mantram from the Ageless Wisdom that is often used to help you gain the wisdom of your Soul is:
May the energy of the Divine Self inspire me
and the Light of the Soul direct.
May I be led from darkness to Light,
from the unreal to the Real,
from death to Immortality.
Then, still holding your consciousness in the head and visualizing a sphere of deep electric blue, vivid and living, say the following words, endeavoring to realize their significance as you say them:
I stand in spiritual Being and, as a Soul, I serve.
I stand within the Light, and as the Light shines
throughout my form, I radiate that light.
I stand within the Love of God,
and as that Love streams through and from the heart,
I magnetise the ones I seek to aid.”
– Alice A. Bailey, Djwhal Khul “Discipleship in the New Age: Vol I” p.306
You can incorporate this mantram into a daily meditation, or it can be used as an affirmation of intention to connect with the Light of your Soul. This is a sacred time that you arrange, as much as possible, to be free of distractions or interruptions.
Regularity of the practice of meditation helps it become increasingly easy to give yourself the blessings and benefits of meditation. I can think of nothing else that provides so much opportunity for mastery, success, transformation and joy and takes such little effort.
Because meditation is such a powerful opportunity to grow and expand your consciousness, I recommend keeping a journal where you can record your insights and impressions. Writing or recording what you have received in mediation will be valuable to you over time so you can ponder, look back over, and appreciate the ways you have improved your life adventure.
The Blessing of Love on All That You Do!
You May Also Like:
- An Invitation to Your Soul
- Calm Your Mind
- Into the Silence
- Understanding the Power of Mantras
- Gift of Love MP3 Download: Open Yourself to the Love of Your Soul
Last updated 4-30-2017
Copyright © 2014-2017 Genevieve Gerard and Touch of the Soul LLC. All rights reserved.