A Perfect Moment In Time

A Perfect Moment

Experience A Perfect Moment In Time by GG

This post is part of my on-going series on Awareness & Being In The Now.

Have you ever experienced a perfect moment in time?

In a perfect moment you are released from fear with the full faith and confidence that you are OK exactly as you are.

You are freed from worrying, striving and stress, relaxing into what is and not trying to control life but letting life just unfold before you.

In a perfect moment, time seems to stand still. It is a moment when your heart is filled with feelings of love and your consciousness seems to expand to include a sense of Oneness with all of creation, with all of life. It is a moment of utter peace and complete joy.

Within a perfect moment are so many life lessons we can embrace and use to empower us when perfection seems out of our reach. In our experience of a perfect moment is a mind that is calm, not trying to do anything, not trying to change anything, but accepting with gratitude and appreciation what is available right here and right now.

In a perfect moment you are just being, and being is just perfect. If we ponder what is special and unique about that perfect moment we realize that it is free from the recriminations and judgments with which we so often burden our life. The flow of judgments in the form of “I should have, I could have, I ought to” as a part of our self-talk and mind chatter are ways we can deprive ourselves of joy. They are habits of thought that are a toxic poison. These self-judging thoughts take us out of the present into a consciousness of what never has been and never will be and is NOT real.

This illusionary standard of “could have”, “should have”, “ought to” holds us up to an imaginary standard of life and by so doing deprives us of the spontaneous joy and appreciation that is available to us when we let ourselves receive it instead of “shoulding” on ourselves.

We can free ourselves from this habit of killing our joy by becoming conscious of our thoughts and by making a conscious decision to focus our thoughts on editing and eliminating the often negative habitual thoughts that start with those illusionary phrases.

This technique of thought monitoring and thought editing is very powerful and can be life changing and life empowering. It is a way of harnessing the amazing power of our mind to bring into manifestation what we desire and claiming our role as a co-creator in our life. It is a way to become the director of your life rather than only an actor.

Whereas, statements such as “I should have” or “I could have” are dis-empowering and illusionary, statements in our self-talk of “I can” or “I will” are very empowering and start an automatic chain reaction to bring the plan into being.

Training your mind to empower your life requires your conscious intention to use the power of your mind for good in your life instead of letting your thoughts harm you by self-defeating, judgmental self-talk. Just this simple shift in your thought patterns and thought habits will create a very profound difference in your life. A difference you can feel and see quickly.

Love the moment and the energy of that moment
will spread beyond all boundaries.
          – Corita Kent

Observing your thought, just monitoring and accessing the content of your thoughts is a good place to begin. When you do this you might be surprised at how much of your “mind chatter” is filled with these toxic patterns. When you have observed the frequency of these damaging illusionary phrases, take a moment to consider how these thoughts make you feel. For most of us, it is tense, anxious and disheartened.

Then, as an experiment take just 1 minute and observe your thoughts and each time you catch yourself thinking the “coulda, shoulda” thoughts, consciously with intention, replace those thoughts with “I can and I will” thoughts.

Now how do you feel; excited, hopeful, powerful?

Thoughts have power. That truth can be used either for you or against you.

You can, by harnessing the power of your thoughts, unlock a powerful tool that both enhances your success and increases your joy. Since most of us do very little to consciously control our thoughts that power is left underutilized. By bringing your thoughts into consciousness and by choosing what you think, you are making a shift that will change your life in so many ways.

To take the reins of your mind and use its vast power in your life to create the life that you desire is the first step on a journey to success and joy. This you can realize, this you can do when you consider what you can learn when you have “a perfect moment in time”.

I invite you and encourage you to harness the amazing power of your mind and your thoughts to bring to you the life transformation that you desire.

There is a positive side and a negative side and
at each moment you decide.
          – Bernie Gunther (High Cards)

Now is the perfect moment to empower your life with joy.

Now is the time to experience and live in that perfect moment!




The Blessing of Love on all that you do!


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Last updated 9-23-2018


Copyright © 2014-2018 Genevieve Gerard and Touch of the Soul LLC, All Rights Reserved.


3 thoughts on “A Perfect Moment In Time”

  1. Thanks for this article. I hope to read it again and again till I master the art of getting rid of all the unnecesary “judgements” in my head.

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