Search Results for: forgiveness

Difference Between Prayer and Meditation

The Difference Between Prayer and Meditation

Read the Difference Between Prayer and Meditation, Serenity Sunday article by Genevieve Gerard

This article is part of my on-going series on Prayer & Faith and Meditation.

The spiritual journey, no matter the name of the path or the structure of the belief has always contained the techniques of both prayer and meditation.

Some paths include both prayer and meditation, comfortably vacillating from one to the other depending upon the purpose or needs of the moment.

In many ways prayer and meditation are twins, but they are not identical twins. They differ in subtle but significant ways.

When I was first taught to meditate by a Maharishi Yogi; as I was leaving the instruction called an “initiation” back in the 1960s, I recall pondering about the experience I had just had. I remarked to myself that I had previously known the state of consciousness that I had just experienced at the conclusion of a time of deep prayer; a state I had referred to as “prayer beyond words.” Ponder on this!

Even at that young age the universality of the path we take to connect to our Soul struck me. Beyond the connection to our Soul, which I have come to believe is the hearts desire of everyone, exists the desire to connect with a higher source (God), however, you define God.

Each one of us needs time and space for recollection, meditation and calmness…. Thanks be to God that this is so!”
        – Pope Benedict XVI

It is to reach the Soul and connect to God that people along all spiritual paths engage in the practice of both prayer and meditation. And although both prayer and meditation serve a similar function there are differences in both the purpose, method, and outcome of the two practices.

Prayer is you speaking to God & meditation is allowing the spirit to speak to you.”
        – Deepak Chopra

Oprah Winfrey and Deepak Chopra on prayer vs. meditation

Prayer has always seemed to be best suited to times when praise or petition is the need. In times of great need, prayer seems to spring naturally from the human heart as we reach out for help and healing in times of danger, distress, and pain, be it physical or emotional.

In times of trouble we reach automatically for the help and intervention of the Divine, even if we have no sustaining belief in the Divine. It is archetypal in the human experience to reach out, indeed cry out for that which is beyond our human limitations for help and comfort.

Likewise, in times of transcendent joy praise rises spontaneously in our heart. Even if we do not conceptualize what we are praising that welling feeling, praise accompanies the experience of great joy and great love.

I deepen my experience of God through prayer, meditation, and forgiveness.”
        – Marianne Williamson

Meditation is best suited for contemplation, deepening our understanding or quieting the chattering mind and engaging the power of our higher source (Soul) to bring about the desired result. One would meditate for deep relaxation, healing and to invoke the power of our intention using techniques such as visualization.

Meditation is more a conscious approach than prayer and as such garners the best result when entered into with conscious intent and regularity. The continuity of consciousness that disciplined practice of meditation grants makes meditation the technique of choice when one desires a specific outcome, which is why visualization is a technique incorporated into most meditations.

There exists a myriad of techniques of meditation designed by spiritual leaders and masters throughout time to bring the student of meditation to the desired state of consciousness, being or understanding.

In understanding the subtle differences that exist between prayer and meditation, we are empowered to draw from these two ways to connect with our Soul and connect with our Source using whatever method is best suited to our desired outcome.”
        – Genevieve Gerard

Fortunately, we can choose and use whatever technique best meets our needs at the moment, freely guided by the wisdom of our inner nature and our Soul in any moment of time to receive what we need.

I encourage you to explore prayer and/or meditation and see which resonates with you.



The Blessing of Love on All That You Do!


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Last Updated 11-03-2019


Genevieve - Soulful


About the author:
Genevieve Gerard teaches Transformational Consciousness – from first awakening to enlightened Soul awareness. She helps you experience the joy that results from the spontaneous “touch of your soul.”

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Genevieve has a Bachelor’s Degree in Philosophy and Theology and a Master of Arts Degree in Counseling and for over thirty years has worked one-on-one with people who were recovering from devastating disabilities and chronic pain. Teaching the mastery of the mind-body relationship she was one of the early professionals trained in biofeedback, visualization, imagery, and meditation as essential techniques to help people heal their bodies, heal their emotions, heal their minds, and heal their lives.

Genevieve’s work demonstrates what she knows so well, “It is spiritual connectedness that triggers physical healing and emotional and mental well-being.”  Helping people, like you, tap into your higher-self is the power she wields to guide you to heal and transform your life.

Now, with this understanding, she combines the effective techniques she developed over decades teaching mind-body mastery along with her extensive experience in meditation and spiritual development to create a synthesis of mind-body-spirit that delivers complete healing and opens the door to unlimited personal growth and an encounter with your Soul.

In addition to her current life guidance coaching sessions, and workshops performed around the world, Genevieve has produced more than 20+ guided meditations in the last eight years that are available on iTunes, Amazon, CDBaby, and her website.

It is her vision that through your experience with the techniques of awareness, visualization, and meditation, the love of your Soul will touch and transform your life through her writings and products. It is her sincere desire that the potential of a life of joy and celebration that seems to elude so many people can become a reality for you, now and forever.

Browse her life story and read the Touch of the Soul that changed her world. To contact Genevieve, visit her keep in touch page.


Copyright © 2012-2019 Genevieve Gerard and Touch of the Soul LLC. All rights reserved.


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Reflections on Life

That Was Yesterday: No Regrets

Yesterday has passed. It shall not come again.  Whatever you have done, or left undone can be released into the moment, the nowForgive yourself and any others who may need forgivenessFlow into today open to the promise of becoming with No Regrets.  Every moment brings you to the NOW.  Celebrate!


To Forgive

To Forgive

Forgiveness seems to come in layers.  Too truly focus upon forgiveness requires looking at events from different perspectives and each of those individual lenses benefits from the act of forgiveness.  I use the words act of forgiveness because forgiveness is not passive.  It involves both will and intention.

The power and significance of forgiveness in our lives is a source of endless blessing. – Genevieve Gerard

To forgive has so many levels and layers to it that it is an issue to which we can return to over and over again.  Moreover, each time we release ourselves from the toxic poison of holding a grudge, or anger or hate we move more toward wholeness and health and open the space for more healing and joy to come into our life.

To forgive completely you need to look at the whole circumstance around the event or incident that requires forgiveness.  This is best done from the perspective of the dispassionate observer.  The dispassionate observer is a vision of your life when you free your awareness of the emotions and judgments you have held previously, invite, and invoke the perspective of your Higher Self or Soul.

When you observe the act or event that requires forgiveness from an outside perspective, you can become aware of factors that influenced the behavior of the other person that have not been clear to you in previous memories of the event.  Your perspective widens, as you can begin to understand factors about the other person that had previously been shielded from your sight by the anger you carried about the event or circumstance.

As you become more aware of the factors regarding one who wronged you, it becomes easier to forgive them.  Likewise, when evaluating a past wrong from the insight of the dispassionate observer you usually become aware of how your own behavior, needs or desires, played into the event where you were wronged and you can see the areas in which you need to forgive yourself.

It is often in this step of self-forgiveness that we receive the greatest healing.  The greatest release and freedom often comes from the actual act of self-forgiveness.  The bonds that have held you to this sorrow are finally severed and you are open to new understanding and new joy as you look forward to new opportunities and experiences.

Often this is felt as a sense of lightness or openness and the spontaneous openness of your heart to more love and more joy than you were able to experience.

To forgive the act of the wrong that was committed, and forgive the one who committed the act, and then to forgive yourself for whatever ways in which you allowed the wrong to be done to you is a powerful tool of transformation in your life.  It frees you of the past and enables you to enter into the joy of present time, unencumbered.

Open yourself then to the Grace that abides and the presence of Love in your life.  This grace and this love are available from your Soul to aid your personality to live your life more fully and completely.  This grace and love is available from your Soul to help in your healing and to help you to live life more abundantly.

About the author: Genevieve Gerard teaches Transformational Consciousness – from first awakening to enlightened awareness.  She helps you experience the joy that results from the spontaneous “touch of the soul.”   Browse her body of work at  Copyright © 2011 by Genevieve Gerard. All rights reserved.


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One Day At A Time

Reflections on Life

One Day at a Time

In spite of our attempts to plan and control our lives, all that we can ever do is live our lives one day at a time.  In fact, even that is a misnomer, for truly all that we can do is live in the moment, in the now.  No matter how much we plan or try to bring our wishes or will into the future, we have only this moment of time, this now.  Refusing to accept this essential fact or trying to change it is a significant factor in denying us the peace and joy that is our birthright.

Ironically, it is in understanding this fact that we are freed from our fears and the tyranny of our worries.  In the moment, we know that we will never be tried beyond our ability to cope with the challenges that life puts in our path.  Fear becomes both meaningless and useless as we acknowledge the deep truth that what we most fear may never happen.

Forgiveness too becomes more powerfully possible as what we need to forgive is in the past, and thus looses much of its pain in the transition to the moment.

You can remember the pain, but the pain has passed.  You can worry about the future, but the future has not yet happened.

In the moment, in the now we are granted a grace that gives us the strength to bear what we had feared would be unbearable and forgive what we thought would be unforgivable.” – Genevieve Gerard

To help us bring our awareness to this moment and let go of the fears and illusions our mind and emotions create we can meditate, and through meditation be blessed with a life free of fear.  Our sorrows and losses are diminished by the realization that they are in the past and you have survived and thrived; your have transcended and conquered all.

You are here, right now and whatever life brings you can handle it and cope with it in the blessed awareness and wisdom of the now. 


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Promise of A New Day

Reflections on Life

The Hope and Promise of a New Day

Each morning comes with the hope and promise of a new day.  What was is dissolved and what is now opens into being and manifests.  This quality of opportunity seems to be held in the light of the moments before the dawn.  We are in the moment held within the embrace of possibility.  All being and all becoming are available to us.

In the magic of this moment we can release and forgive mistakes of the past and enter with joy into the creative potential of the present, the now.  Grace is ours for the taking.  All of our dreams are available as the energy from which we can sculpt the expression of our work and our purpose in the world.

In this moment of time, in the poignant pause between yesterday and today we are granted the sorcerers’ power to transform our life to reflect our Soul purpose and bring into manifestation what we have always known are the gifts we have for life.

What has been in the past has already passed away.  What we bring to this moment is the full power of our creative self to express the love and the service to life that is uniquely ours to give.

Take advantage of these pregnant moments of power and promise to open yourself to the wisdom, insight and intuition of your Higher Self to guide you in this day that opens before you.  Use the power of attraction and invocation to strengthen and support each step that you take, each word that you speak and each though that you release into the world to be a clear reflection of love you have to share with the world. 

Recognize that what has been before is not a limitation to what will be, but a preparation to bring you to right here, right now. – Genevieve Gerard

Let go of any self-criticism or self-judgment and let yourself receive and accept the forgiveness and grace that the new day offers to you.

Know to the depth of your being that in the twinkling of an eye, in the mystery of the moment all that you have known and understood is available to you.

There are no limits other than the limitations you place upon yourself.  You have the ability to transform your world today.  Everything that you need is here for you, available to you in the clear promise of the unfettered potential of the pre-dawn light…  Now!

To change the world, you need only to change your mind. – Genevieve Gerard

This is the promise.  This is the power and this is the potential promised in the Light.


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Thoughts on Forgiving

Thoughts on Forgiving

This morning I was reviewing the comments made to my Blogs and I noticed something very interesting.  Every Blog except the blog post on “What is Forgiveness” had comments.  Many of the Blogs had a significant number of comments.

This observation made me wonder why.  Is it because we find it hard to forgive?  Is it because we do not understand the importance of forgiveness in our life?

Forgiving is one of the most profound and powerful things we can do.  It is life changing.  It can relieve us from carrying an unbearable burden.  It can free us to be in the now.  It can remove the filters of illusion from our sight and allow us clear vision.  It is a significant tool to transforming our lives.  It frees us to experience the joy that is in our life.  It increases our awareness of our many blessings. It is special because it simultaneous benefits us when we give to another.  Forgiving ourselves is one of the keys to living a joyful and fulfilling life.  

It is not easy to forgive, but when you do so the reward far outweighs the effort.

So… Since no one had commented on this blog post since I wrote it in June I decided to write an article on Forgivess: The Key to Freedom and Happiness.

You can read it here

Let me know what you think!

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Key to Freedom and Happiness

Forgiveness: The Key to Freedom and Happiness

by Genevieve Gerard

I often said I would write an article entitled “Forgiveness, the Ultimate Act of Selfishness.”  However, this morning as I sit down to write it seems a more appropriate title would be “Forgiveness: The Key to Freedom and Happiness.”  We have all seen the results of a failure to forgive in mean, embittered old people who live lonely lives, blaming others for their misery and their lot in life. 

Shakespeare shared his insight on forgiveness’ grace in these lines from the
Merchant of Venice:

“The quality of mercy is not strain’d,

It droppeth as the gentle rain from heaven

Upon the place beneath. It is twice blest:

It blesseth him that gives and him that takes.”[1]

Forgiveness may be a blessing to the one you forgive, but to you it offers a healing and freedom to move forward in your life that is much more powerful for you than it is for the one who is forgiven. 

When I have said this to people they frequently ask if forgiveness is warranted even when someone has done something that is unforgivable.  They ponder whether it is right to forgive someone of a truly heinous act.  My answer to this is always a resounding yes.  In forgiving someone there is always the possibility that the grace of forgiveness will allow them to truly see the error of their ways and thus bring about transformation. 

However, far more important is the grace that forgiveness offers you in freedom from the burdens of anger, hate, resentment, or sorrow that is harbored inside of you.  Carrying these old feelings burdens you in the present.  If past wrongs are continually brought into present time they are never really over.  As long as you carry the burden of your anger, hate and resentment the past is dominating your present.  You become inextricably bound to that old wrong as you carry it with you into the present, into the now.  By not forgiving and letting go, you allow the old wrong or hurt to color your whole life.

It is reminisant of an old Zen parable from Zen Flesh, Zen Bones called “The Muddy Road” about Tanzan and Ekido, two Buddhist monks, who were renunciates. 

Tanzan and Ekido were once traveling together down a muddy road.  A heavy rain was falling.  Coming around a bend, they met a lovely girl in a silk kimono and sash, unable to cross the intersection.  “Come on, girl” said Tanzan at once.  Lifting her in his arms he carried her over the mud.  Ekido did not speak again until that night when they reached a lodging temple.  Then he could no longer restrain himself.  “We monks don’t go near females” he told Tanzan, “especially not young and beautiful ones.  It is dangerous.  Why did you do that?”

“I left the girl there.” said Tanzan.  “Are you still carrying her?”

So it is with us when we fail to forgive past wrongs.  We are required to carry them long beyond their time.  If you fail to forgive, the past limits your ability to fully appreciate and experience the gifts of the present, because these old harbored wrongs are filling your present time with useless baggage from another time and place.  In order to fully experience the freedom and the happiness that is granted to those who live in the now, it is necessary to let go of what you are bringing with you that is not a part of the now.  To do this you must forgive the people who caused all the old hurts, wrongs or resentments you are carrying with you.

Of course, there is often another element that must be faced.  In order to fully forgive you must make an honest assessment of any responsibility you may have had in the situation that resulted in your being hurt.  If after an honest assessment you find that you share any of the blame in bringing about this situation, you also must forgive yourself.

One final step in any situation where you find mutual responsibility is to allow yourself to be forgiven by the other.  All that is required is simply your openness to the energy of forgiveness from the other and does not require their active participation.

Forgiveness of old hurts and forgiveness of yourself is like dropping a heavy load that you have carried for far too long.  Once you have let go of it you may well find yourself wondering why you chose to carry it for so long.  Once you have let go of the old hurts, resentments and pains you will be free to experience what is happening and what is possible in the now. 

There is a tremendous freedom that comes from being able to cope with the challenges of the now, in the now.  Burdens are lightened and your perspective becomes clearer. Today’s challenges become sufficient for today. And, at last, you have the freedom to live your life fully, one day at a time, one moment at a time, blessed by the freedom of the eternal now.

About the author: Genevieve Gerard teaches Transformational Consciousness – from first awakening to enlightened awareness.  She helps you experience the joy that results from the spontaneous “touch of the soul.”  Browse her body of work at

Copyright © 2011 by Genevieve Gerard.  All rights reserved.


[1] The Merchant of Venice, Act 4  Scene 1

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