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Forgiveness Sets You Free

Forgiveness Sets You Free

Set Yourself Free by Genevieve Gerard

For many people, forgiveness is difficult, they wrongly associate forgiveness with weakness and victimhood.  Those people are wrong.

There is great power in forgiveness.  To forgive is a way of welcoming transformation in your life and will set you free.

Forgiveness, while it may seem to be an act of kindness to someone who has wronged you is, in fact, an act of kindness and compassion for yourself.  Forgiveness is the only thing that can free you from the past.

Forgiveness is one of the most powerful and significant spiritual tools to transform your life.  Forgiveness is an act that has a dual benefit.  It benefits the one who forgives and the one who is forgiven.  It is freeing and releasing.


If you forgive someone only to free yourself and let yourself move forward in life, forgiveness still has a powerful impact energetically in both mysterious and powerful ways.  Forgiveness influences the karmic connection between you in another in ways beyond conscious awareness and experience.


Forgiving releases old attachment to the past and frees you to enter into present time.  By forgiving, you open the opportunity for a positive change in your perspective, your understanding and your consciousness.  You create the possibility for a new and better way for things to be.”
      – Genevieve Gerard

Stop Being Trapped In The Past

When you forgive someone, you are no longer trapped in the hurts of the past.  You are released and are free to begin a process of healing.  You ignite and empower your life simply by having chosen to let go of what is in the past.  That opens you to the present, to the NOW, to the unlimited potential of freedom, the freedom to be present and thereby experience what is now available, what is possible.

To choose not to forgive is weighing your present down with chains that keep you from being able to grow, to thrive, live fully and be free.  That is a choice you can change today.

Amazingly, no matter how long you have clung to the pain, sorrow, and resentment of old wrongs, once you forgive, you can be released immediately.

You may feel a lightness, a peacefulness, a sense of being more centered or empowered.

The past, which you may have clung to relentlessly immediately losses its power over your life.  In fact, forgiveness has such a positive and empowering influence in your life that I have often thought that forgiving is an act of self-love.  Give forgiveness, not for the one who has wronged you, but for yourself.

Forgiveness opens you to a consciousness that is Divine in nature and aligns you with Love, Truth, and Grace.  When you hold an unforgiving mind, you are trapped within focusing not only on how you have been wronged but also on thoughts of failure, sin, and separation from God.

The Course In Miracles puts it this way,
“Forgiveness is the key to Happiness.”
      -pg.250 workbook for students.

Forgiveness opens you to a consciousness that allows you to experiment and make mistakes in life in full faith and confidence that you are a beloved child of God having the adventure to learn and explore all that life offers.  You claim that power immediately when you forgive.  By forgiving you automatically and spontaneously are provided forgiveness.

You don’t have to be perfect.  You are not expected to be perfect.  You are a human being, a being created in matter, and endowed with a spark of Divine Light.

Your life has a purpose in the Divine Plan of evolution.  Learning and growing throughout life can be messy.  It is O.K. to make mistakes.  In fact, it is expected that you will make mistakes.  That is how a human being transforms and its Soul learns. 

Transformation Will Set You Free by Genevieve Gerard


Life lessons and life learning rely upon forgiveness as an energetic flow that allows you the freedom from the past and ushers you into the possibilities and potential of what is being created and emerging in front of you.

Not forgiving traps you outside of that free-flowing energy.  Forgiveness opens you up again and relegates the past into the past where is the only place the wrong or harm exists.

Don’t Forget to Forgive Yourself

Forgiving others is important.  However, it is also important to forgive yourself.  To forgive yourself may seem to be the more difficult thing to do; still, it is of vital importance.   To deny yourself self-forgiveness is to reject both the power and energy of grace and in a way which denies the very power and nature of God.

You can forgive yourself of past mistakes and foolishness or wallow in your shame and guilt, or you can forgive yourself.  You can examine and explore your past and learn from the error of your ways.  It is never too late to make a new start.

Each morning brings a new day, an opportunity to start anew and open to new possibilities.  You can live your new life, one day at a time.  This is always possible. In fact, that is the only way anyone can live, one day at a time. Forgiveness and self-forgiveness give you that gift.

The Essence of Love is Forgiveness

The nature of God is Love.  The quality and essence of Love is forgiveness.

Refusing to accept God’s Love or forgiveness is refusing to accept life.  Forgiveness wields the power of growth, transformation, and healing.  When you forgive someone, you are opening to a dynamic force of healing and transformation.  It empowers you and frees you as it enables and frees the person you forgive.

Forgiveness is an essential ingredient of Love.  The life adventure of the Soul is learning and ultimately understanding how to Love; therefore, learning to forgive is vital.  You can waste a lot of life shaming and blaming, or you can choose to learn to forgive.  You can let go of past sorrows and open to the new possibilities that are emerging before you in the present.

Life and indeed the Law of Karma requires that you get the lesson until you learn the lesson.  You don’t need to waste your energy on shame and guilt.  You can pick yourself up and forgive your mistake and go forth and not make that mistake again.  Demonstrating what you have learned becomes a vital part of incorporating a life lesson into your consciousness.

Over the experiences of life, you learn and grow.  You become a better person, a wiser person, a more enlightened and aware person.  Along the way, forgiveness is important for it opens you to the present and only in the present can you take on the next challenge and lesson life is offering you.

Forgiveness Techniques

It is clear that in life the energies of Love and forgiveness are entwined with gratitude and appreciation.  A great example of this is the forgiveness technique of the Hawaiian cultures.  A powerful forgiveness technique that comes to us from the Hawaiian shaman is a simple repletion of three simple phrases:

    Thank you

    I Love you

    Please forgive me

These phrases come from the practice of Hoʻoponopono [ho-o-pono-pono] which is an ancient Hawaiian practice of reconciliation and forgiveness.

I have found adding the words:

    I forgive you  and

    I’m sorry

Add to the effectiveness of the technique.

Remember that with the technique of forgiveness you are releasing both you and the one you felt wronged you from the actions of the past and are allowing transformation and healing to take place to set yourself free.

Today’s challenges are sufficient for today.  Open your life to the new possibilities and potential that are coming to you today.  Claim those possibilities and let your potential come into manifestation with the power of living in the present moment.



The Blessing of Love on All That You Do!


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Copyright © 2019 Genevieve Gerard and Touch of The Soul LLC, All Rights Reserved.


Forgiveness Sets You Free Read More »

Breaking Through To Forgiveness

Breaking Through To Forgiveness

Read "Breaking Through To Forgiveness" a blog post by Genevieve Gerard

Forgiveness is a subject that I write about frequently. This is because in my life, in my experience, whenever I have been able to forgive someone, my life changed and improved in a dramatic and dynamic way.

Not so long ago, when speaking with my much-loved Aunt Merle, we were talking about my writing and teachings, and my efforts to use my life lessons for the benefit of others.

I commented to her that forgiveness was something I knew a great deal about and that I had become very good at it.

My aunt, who knew many of the challenges I had experienced in my life’s journey, got very quiet for a moment. Then she said with love and compassion in her voice, “Perhaps dear that is because you had so much that needed to be forgiven, happen in your life.”

That statement gave me pause. It is certainly true that my life has provided, possibly like yours, so many experiences and situations that were so awful that I rarely speak about them. In my mind, I just consider them my own personal horror stories. I frankly rarely think of them anymore. Still they are a part of my past, a past I have been able to be free of through my ability to forgive. Because forgiveness freed me.

By forgiving, I was able to let what was in the past, not be a factor in my present.

It is in light of this awareness that I write today to encourage you to forgive.

It’s not an easy journey, to get to a place where you forgive people. But, it is such a powerful place, because it frees you.
        – Tyler Perry

Moreover, I encourage you to do it for what it will do for you and how it will impact your life.

It has always fascinated me that the most powerful and significant impact that forgiving had, was for me, rather than upon those I had forgiven. In fact it is not even necessary for those you forgive to know you have forgiven them. My forgiving freed me from carrying the pain. My forgiving permitted me to heal and move forward in my life.

Forgiveness is not always easy…
And yet, there is no peace without forgiveness.
        – Marianne Williamson

When I think back to the moment that I was able to fully and finally forgive, I feel such joy remembering the relief and release that I experienced, it still makes me smile.

Energetically, when I broke through to forgiveness there was a shift that felt like a thousand hurts and burdens shattering, like tempered glass, into refuse on the floor of my life, that could now be cleaned up and swept away.

Up until that moment I knew that I had only attempted to forgive, I even told myself that I had forgiven the myriad of betrayals and cruelties I was made to suffer. I persisted, and with each attempt I paved the way that helped me reach a point where I could finally and totally forgive, and with each attempt to forgive the burden got lighter.

In fact, I had been working on forgiving much of my life. It is as if I knew from an early age, even in the midst of being subjected to terrible acts and situations that I needed to find it in my heart to forgive. In fact, when I shared what was happening in my life and what I was being subjected to in terms of abuse with teachers, preachers and counselors; they advised me to return love and forgiveness. And I certainly tried.

It was only when I realized that an important part of forgiveness was acknowledging the wrongness of what I had been subjected to, that I could release the anger that I was carrying. Otherwise, in the words of my spiritual mentor it was “premature transcendence.”  Honoring and admitting the reality of my anger was important.

Actually, it was only when my own spiritual journey took me to doing A Course on Miracles and I entered a phase of daily seed thoughts and affirmations on forgiveness, that I was ultimately able to forgive sufficiently and to be truly free.

Two seed thoughts that had a profound impact upon me, which were offered back to back, and which I spent days contemplating on I offer to you now. They are, “forgiveness is the key to happiness”  and, “forgiveness offers everything I want.”

Doing, Not Trying

I had been doing spiritual work in A Course in Miracles when my business travel placed me in a situation where I felt compelled to visit my Mother. In my life, much of what I needed to forgive was centered on my relationship with my Mother. Some for what she did, but much for what she failed to do, for the ways she left me vulnerable and unprotected.

When I found myself face to face with her after many years of my avoiding being subjected to her cruelty, and the memories that being with her made inescapable, I thought I might as well put into practice what I had been learning.

I went into my visit with my mother determined to not fall victim to her abuse. I had decided that I would not give her the power to push my buttons. (Up until that time, her behavior stimulated a response in me that I did not like and was vastly different from my usual self.)

Certainly, it is true for most people that their Mother knows exactly what to say or do to push their buttons. That was very true for me. My Mother’s strongest weapon was her poison tongue. Her vitriolic attacks and demeaning insults were only a part of what I needed to forgive, but they were something that had continued even after her failure to protect me from others was no longer relevant, because as an adult I could now protect myself. These verbal attacks made it hard to be with her.

In addition, although I could never understand how or why she seemed to enjoy being mean and cruel, I knew that I needed to find a way to not be her victim.

When, in the course of our visit she said something that was both demeaning and cruel, something shifted in me. This was not new behavior for her and certainly not new in our troubled relationship. What was new was how I reacted to it. I looked at her and instead of being angry, I returned love. I maintained my center and did not react. In fact, I recall feeling a deep sadness.

Then, the most amazing thing happened. When I did not respond in kind by saying something mean and cruel back to her, she became angrier. She became frustrated as she lobbed insult after insult at me. As I stayed centered in myself and not reactive she became so angry and so frustrated that she ultimately insulted herself back for me. She did this by saying “I know what you are going to say is…”  Ironically, what she said had never even crossed my mind.

What I then said, from my center, calmly was “I didn’t say that Mother, you did. Is that how you feel?”

In that moment, I was finally able to break through and forgive her. In that moment, I became free. I knew that for as long as we lived after that point I had the power to be who I was and not give her the power to control my behavior. In that moment, I discovered the amazing power of turning the other cheek.

forgiveness taking flight

In forgiving her, I was now free. That moment changed our entire relationship and that change remained until she passed from this life.

That does not mean that she was never mean again. Of course not. She was who she was. She did, over time come to appreciate the forgiveness I had given her, but the significant change was in me. The freedom and the release was mine, and that freedom and release allowed me to be in her company and be true to myself. To be who I had become in life.

There are in other articles I have written on forgiveness meditations and techniques that I have shared to assist you. I encourage you to consider them on your own quest to learn to forgive.

Forgiveness often contains many layers. Each time you forgive a wrong you peel away a layer and weaken the hold that the hurt has on you.

At its core, forgiveness is tied into love. The more you can love, the more you can forgive. The more you can forgive the more your compassion is stimulated as you understand better the factors that led to the circumstances you are striving to forgive. I encourage you and will continue to offer guidance and support on your quest to forgive.

When you forgive, you in no way change the past – but you sure do change the future.
        – Bernard Medtzer

Over the next 4 days I will post daily seed thoughts on forgiveness to support you through my Imagine 1 Minute social posts (please follow me on Facebook and Twitter.) Also, keep checking back, I am sure I will write again on the subject of forgiveness.

I invite you to experience the freedom that forgiveness gives. I encourage you to find it in your heart to forgive whatever horrors you may have been subjected to in your life. Your intention provides power.

Honestly own your anger and then let it all go with forgiveness.


Forgiveness Affirmations

To help you forgive here are some affirmations that you can use:


I Forgive You


I forgive myself for letting you harm me.


By forgiving you, I release you from our mutual past.


By forgiving you, I release me from the past.


By forgiving myself, I am now free of the past


I am sorry for all the time I reacted with anger.


I forgive myself for the times and ways I failed to love.


Now is a new moment, forgiveness enables me to open to new possibilities.


Forgiveness frees me to have the life that I desire.


What I receive by forgiving is freedom; freedom to free myself from old hurts, freedom to let go of the past. With forgiveness you are able to break free of old established patterns in relationships.

Most importantly, after you have forgiven, there is an opportunity for healing.

Forgiveness allows you to leave what has happened in the past where it truly belongs, in the past. This frees you from constantly needing to relive it or react to it.

It is even possible to develop a new bond and a way of being with the person you have forgiven that is much more satisfying and gratifying than what had preceded.

Forgiveness changes everything because forgiveness changes you.
        – Genevieve Gerard

On the heels of forgiveness comes the chance to build something new and different. You are able to shed the anger that held you captive and limited, and give yourself the ability to move forward in your life. Ultimately, forgiveness permits both compassion and understanding to emerge. Ponder on this!



The Blessing of Love on all that you do!


P.S. I see that I have 20 other posts on forgiveness. Some offer tools and techniques that may be of help to you.

Check out How To Forgive Yourself: Let Go Of The Past and Release Your Pain and Sorrow guided meditation by Genevieve Gerard


You may also be interested in my 5-star guided meditation called “How To Forgive Yourself: Let Go Of The Past and Release Your Pain And Sorrow.” Because when forgiving another, it often brings up the need to forgive yourself for not standing up for yourself or letting another harm you. This seems to be true whether you had any control over their actions or not.


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Last updated 2-21-2018


Copyright © 2015-2018 Genevieve Gerard and Touch of the Soul LLC. All rights reserved.


Breaking Through To Forgiveness Read More »

The Last Step in Forgiveness

The Last Step in Forgiveness

Open Yourself To Forgiveness - by Genevieve Gerard

This morning in my meditation as I was considering the concept of forgiveness I was granted a new understanding of how forgiveness works. Something I realized is the last step in forgiveness.

Forgiveness has long been a pondering point in my meditations. It is a subject on which I have often written. It is a spiritual work that my life experiences required for me to become free of assaults and indignities that I suffered in my childhood, and sorrows and betrayals in my adult life.

Therefore, to have a new revelation about how the subtle and energetic workings of forgiveness impact life is very exciting for me.

To understand the mechanics of forgiveness in this new light expands the power of what is already one of the most powerful tools of transformation. Forgiveness is a liberation that frees pain and sorrow and allows it to heal. It unravels the chains of anger so that you no longer have to carry the past around and trip over it.

I shall try to share this new understanding with you because I know it is important. The way that this disclosure that I am calling the last step in forgiveness released the energy around a wrong committed by another released a whole new layer of forgiveness that I had never seen before. If you have read any of my previous writings on forgiveness, you know that I teach that the best reason to forgive another is to free yourself from the burden of the past. This then opens you to the unlimited possibilities of an unformed and now unfettered future that is just coming into manifestation.

As such, I have advised you to forgive another, not so much for them, but for you, for it is your life that is freed from the past, and it is your burden of anger and betrayal that is laid down. All of this is imparted in my prior writings and can be explored in detail in the links to related posts at the conclusion of this blog.

Let me start by saying that Forgiveness is profound spiritual work, it, however, is also one of the most life-transforming tools you can use for your personal growth and development.

When we have opened ourselves to give forgiveness or to accept forgiveness we have opened ourselves to touch the Divine.”
        – Genevieve Gerard

Today’s revelation and understanding go beyond anything I have ever written about the importance of forgiveness. It is not only something I have never talked about before, but it is also a new understanding of the dynamics and workings of forgiveness on an energetic level that makes the act of forgiveness much more powerful than I have ever realized before.

It works on an alchemical energetic level. It works with the powerful principle that energy follows thought and it relies on the truths expounded in the teachings in the field of Neuro-Linguistics. It requires a new layer in the process of forgiveness that has the power to transform the one you are forgiving.

It speaks to an age-old question about forgiving that has always been intertwined with the concept of forgetting. Yes, it has long been argued I can forgive, but I cannot forget what the other has done. In addition, since what has been done in the past cannot be changed, that has had to do.

We all know that it can be a challenge to forgive, so to forget throws it over the top. It is just too much to consider for most people. What we are forgiving in another are usually the most painful things they have done. Just to forgive something seems to be enough.

Indeed, on many levels it is too much for most people. Nevertheless, the insight that I received this morning in my meditation and indeed the whole purpose of this article is to take forgiveness to a entirely different higher level. A level that can bring about real and lasting change in the life of both the one who is forgiving and the one who needs to be forgiven.

Thoughts, as I have often written have great power. It is a universal principle that energy follows thought. Thoughts, in fact mold the world around us in creating our experiences and our reality. They influence the very fabric of matter itself in the world around us. This is part of the new knowledge that began when the world of physics discovered in recent times the workings of subtle energies that are being explored by the newer field of Noetic Studies. The secrets becoming known are beginning to confirm what have long been the teachings of the occult and have been passed down throughout time as the Ageless Wisdom.

This ageless truth is also the basis for the teachings of many past and present thought leaders and motivational speakers. It is to them that I reach today for the words of how to explain this new layer of forgiveness, this new revelation about how forgiveness works.

My Insight on How To Forgive

We all hold in our mind thought forms about one another, just as we hold thought forms or beliefs about ourselves. These thought forms, these beliefs that we hold onto about ourselves often are a focus of our personal work and often must be removed consciously when it is realized that they are “limiting beliefs.” As any practitioner of N.L.P. can tell you and most counselors, life coaches and therapists would confirm, releasing a limiting belief about yourself or making a conscious decision to revise that belief to bring about a desired change when you can affirm “that was true of me then, but now I am …” is a life changing transformational tool.

What I realized to be true that relates to forgiveness is that these beliefs, these limiting beliefs we have of one another create a reality manifested by our thought forms, expectations and the power of the energy we give to it. To release the negative and/or limited thought form you hold in your mind about the other person gives the act of forgiveness the life transforming power of empowering them to change. Ponder on this.

If we can, when we forgive another, also release the thought forms we have created in our minds about them, there is an energetic discharge that frees the person you are forgiving and empowers them to go on in their life and become the person they are striving to become.

To forgive, without this dynamic extra step in the forgiveness process, dare I say the last step in forgiveness, adds to both the probability and possibility that they will again live up to our expectations (and energetic thought forms) and continue to do exactly what they have always done before that needed forgiveness.

Certainly, the best predictor of future behavior has been past behavior. That very expectation, that limiting belief held by both you and the one you are forgiving creates a huge obstacle to their change. Likewise, when you forgive down to the level of shattering the limiting belief you are holding in your mind about the one you are forgiving, you open the door to real and lasting change for them to take full advantage (and responsibility) of the possibilities and potential of the unwritten emerging future with a real freedom that simple forgiveness without this step does not grant.

So, when you forgive, although you may never forget what was done, if you can within your own mind, with the love of your heart, release the limiting belief you have held of them and hold the image in your mind of how they can be and who they can be, freed from the hurtful and painful behavior they have exhibited in the past, you are by your forgiveness, setting them free.

They can release all of the failures and foibles so that they can be, all that your love desires them to be and all that they desire to be for themselves. Then your act of forgiveness has the power and potential to expand into an act of transformation that will make you, and the one you are forgiving and who has needed forgiveness, much happier.

As I was pondering this, I saw the image of the person I was forgiving shatter into millions of shards that exploded and released an amazing rush of energy.

Releasing a Limiting Belief

To release a limiting belief, whether about yourself or another, requires being aware of your mind chatter and what you are thinking. Then you need to change the thought “change your mind” and thereby “change your life.” This is done by editing your negative or limiting thoughts and replacing them with positive, transformational or healing thoughts.

As soon as you catch your thought defining someone (including yourself) with an “am” or “is” statement such as “I am . . .”, “He or she is . . .”, immediately revise the negative or limiting thought with a reframed new positive, limitless thought, now free of the negative limiting belief.

This takes vigilance and consistency. Energy follows thought, that is both the rule and the underlying principle but conflicting thoughts undermine the efficiency of the desired change especially when it requires changing ingrained patterns of behavior. Ponder on this rule.

Know that, with this process transformation and change do occur. It begins with the alteration of a single thought, which works its way energetically into manifested substance, until one day you notice that the limiting thought or belief is no longer in your thoughts. Interestingly, it is often only vaguely in your memory and at that point, you truly know that you have exercised your role as co-creator of your life.

I encourage you to experience this last step in forgiveness, releasing the negative thought forms you have held in your mind about the other and watch how their lives may transform.

Know that this new aspect of forgiveness can bring about real healing in relationships when forgiveness is being asked and being granted.

Remember the past is finished. It has no power over you or over them when with your forgiveness you also free them from your thoughts that have held them in that past. The future is now revealed, as the unfettered and unlimited possibility, to evolve as the fulfillment of all of your dreams.



The Blessing of Love on All That You Do!


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Copyright © 2014-2016 Genevieve Gerard and Touch of the Soul. All rights reserved.


The Last Step in Forgiveness Read More »

The Gift of Forgiveness

The Gift of Forgiveness for Father’s Day

The Gift of Forgiveness on Father's Day, a Serenity Sunday article by Genevieve Gerard

As Father’s Day arrives our thoughts turn to what gifts we can give. I suggest forgiveness.

Many of you may have had wonderful Fathers, who you love deeply, and who have loved you deeply. But no matter how wonderful they are, or were if they are no longer with you, odds are that there is in the life experiences you shared some slight, real or imagined, event, accidental or careless act that will benefit from being forgiven.

Such is the nature of life. We miscommunicate, misunderstand, and fall short of meeting one another needs. It is usually not intentional. It may stem from busyness or a clash of needs at a particular moment of time. It may be forgotten or harbored with justification and resentments.

Without forgiveness life is governed by…
an endless cycle of resentment and retaliation.
        – Roberto Assagioli

Whatever the situation or circumstance, I suggest Father’s Day as an opportunity to forgive it. Forgiveness is a gift you can give that requires no money. It is a gift that by giving to another, you also give to yourself.

You might upon reading these words say there is nothing to forgive. Or if as you read this you may begin to make justifications or excuses like “he did the best that he could” or “he didn’t mean to hurt me.” Or when remembering and realizing the hurt you still think that is too small or too petty to forgive.

All of that may be true, but the power of forgiveness is so broad and vast that I would recommend strongly to just forgive the hurt anyway. Forgiveness is a tool you can wield to bring you into the present moment, into the NOW. Forgiveness frees you from the past, and especially in relationships, opens you up to both give and receive love at a whole new level.

Forgiveness heals relationships of pain and hurt of which you may only be vaguely aware. The wonderful thing is it isn’t really hard to forgive once you have chosen to do so. Choosing to forgive can be the hard step and resisting forgiving harder still. Yet there is nothing I could suggest to you as families gather together and celebrate Father’s Day that could empower you more, bless you more or transform your life more than to use this opportunity to forgive.

To forgive is the highest, most beautiful form of love. In return, you will receive untold peace and happiness.
        – Robert Muller

Forgiveness ends all the illusions of any conflict you may have had with your Father throughout your life. It does not matter if the slights are real or imagined. It does not matter if he even knows you were hurt or injured. He need never know you harbor anger or resentment. Forgiveness wipes all slates clean, opening your relationship to a new depth and a new understanding.

Heart of the Family Meditation by GG




To experience a transforming guided awareness meditation that unites families, download my 12-minute meditation: Heart of the Family.



One great advantage of taking this opportunity to forgive is that by forgiving you are bringing your relationship with your Father into present time which then enables you to relate to one another from the mutual understanding of two adults.

This will be incredibly freeing and empowering. This shift in perspective may well enable the two of you to express things that have never been said before. After choosing to forgive their Father, I have had clients frequently report that the entire relationship with their Father changed, although they may have never said a single word to their Father about forgiving them or even feeling that they had a need to forgive them.

The task of forgiveness can be spiritual work. It is so very powerful and expresses in so many deep and subtle levels that it provides a fast track to transformation. As it transports you from the past into the present it also corrects errors of perception bringing you from the unreal to the real.

Ultimately an act of forgiveness is an act of love. By giving forth the love that created you to the one who sparked your formation with an act and expression of their love you are activating deep magic in your life.

Forgiveness is also an act that can release profound healing. It is a way of demonstrating love and by so doing it automatically triggers grace and compassion. It can be one of the most powerful things you can do to transform your life and enhance your success and ultimately your happiness and joy.

Forgiving one’s Father can also be interwoven with issues of success because archetypically a Father’s love is less unconditional. Most children grow up feeling that they must earn a Father’s love and most feel the best way to do that is to be successful.

Likewise, for many the primary issues for which they need to forgive their Fathers are tied into a perception of unavailability or lack of attention because of the Father’s involvement with work and career. Therefore, the act of forgiving your Father can have far-reaching implications in your life.

One very effective forgiveness technique is Hoʻoponopono [ho-o-pono-pono] (an ancient Hawaiian practice of reconciliation and forgiveness.)

    The Key Phrases That You Can Repeat Are:

  1. Please forgive me
  2. Thank you
  3. I love you
  4. I forgive you
  5. I forgive myself

I wrote in more detail about this in my Holiday Forgiveness and Gratitude post.

Ultimately, forgiveness is the foundation to bring greater peace and serenity into your life. It is a cornerstone of all of the great spiritual teachings for thousands of years. But the most amazing part of forgiveness is the way that forgiving improves your life. What you intend as a gift and a blessing for the person you are forgiving ends up being a blessing and a gift in your life that impacts your life in ways that can be unimagined and empowering as you are freed and unburdened from wounds you may have forgotten and not even have realized you were still carrying.

The link between Love and Forgiveness is woven into the fabric of your life and whatever effort thought or energy it takes is returned to you with more benefits than you can measure as it ripples through your life releasing and freeing you from often unseen or unrecognized disruptions on your path as you journey through life.

So this Father’s Day just say I Forgive You and enjoy the gift of forgiveness in your life.



The Blessing of Love on All that you Do!


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Genevieve - Soulful


About the author:
Genevieve Gerard teaches Transformational Consciousness – from first awakening to enlightened Soul awareness. She helps you experience the joy that results from the spontaneous “touch of your soul.”

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Genevieve has a Bachelor’s Degree in Philosophy and Theology and a Master of Arts Degree in Counseling and for over thirty years has worked one-on-one with people who were recovering from devastating disabilities and chronic pain. Teaching the mastery of the mind-body relationship she was one of the early professionals trained in biofeedback, visualization, imagery, and meditation as essential techniques to help people heal their bodies, heal their emotions, heal their minds, and heal their lives.

Genevieve’s work demonstrates what she knows so well, “It is spiritual connectedness that triggers physical healing and emotional and mental well-being.”  Helping people, like you, tap into your higher-self is the power she wields to guide you to heal and transform your life.

Now, with this understanding, she combines the effective techniques she developed over decades teaching mind-body mastery along with her extensive experience in meditation and spiritual development to create a synthesis of mind-body-spirit that delivers complete healing and opens the door to unlimited personal growth and an encounter with your Soul.

In addition to her current life guidance coaching sessions, and workshops performed around the world, Genevieve has produced more than 20+ guided meditations in the last eight years that are available on iTunes, Amazon, CDBaby, and her website.

It is her vision that through your experience with the techniques of awareness, visualization, and meditation, the love of your Soul will touch and transform your life through her writings and products. It is her sincere desire that the potential of a life of joy and celebration that seems to elude so many people can become a reality for you, now and forever.

Browse her life story and read the Touch of the Soul that changed her world. To contact Genevieve, visit her keep in touch page.


Copyright © 2014-2020 Genevieve Gerard and Touch of the Soul LLC. All rights reserved.


The Gift of Forgiveness Read More »

Holiday Forgiveness and Gratitude

Thank You, I Love You, Please Forgive Me

What is it that makes the difference and more importantly what can we do to make our experiences of family gatherings fun, joyful and a supportive experience?

Read Thank You, I Love You, Please Forgive Me article by Genevieve Gerard

For some people being together as a family is the joyous, celebratory part of a holiday. For others the events of holiday gatherings are stressful and challenging.

I am reminded of a story my sister-in-law told me several years ago. She was working in retail when a customer asked her what her plans for the holiday were, and she responded by saying the whole family was gathering at her sister-in-law’s home. Her customer began to offer her sympathy, and when she said how much she was looking forward to it, her customer was shocked. My sister-in-law commented that in her family were people she considered her dearest friends. Her customer was surprised and then went on to express the dread of being with her own family.

At the time I remember us being grateful that we had the family we did and the relationship of being both friends and family, not only in loving one another but also in the support and encouragement we shared not only with one another but within the family structure. Today I considered what makes the difference in these two very different experiences of families gathering for the holidays. It seems that these diverse experiences of family life and family gatherings are common. What is it that makes the difference and, more importantly, what can we do to make our experiences of family gatherings fun, joyful and a supportive experience?

When we look at the structure of the family two vital factors come to my mind. They are love and forgiveness. How the love is expressed or all too often not expressed is a significant part of family gatherings and whether or not we leave those events happy and fulfilled or disappointed and frustrated. By the time a family gathers together, there has been a lifetime of experiences. Expectations and what we desire and need from one another have colored our history of family gatherings and unless we consciously do something different the best predictor of what will happen is what has happened in the past.

However, we do not have to be tied to the past. We have the ability to change and transform the dynamic of these events by what we bring to the event in our thoughts and with our actions. We have the power to act rather than merely react. When we take that power, we change our experience and provide the opportunity to heal relationships in ways beyond our imaginings.

Forgiveness is the final form of love.
      ~ Reinhold Niebuhr

One essential key to facilitating transformation of family gatherings is forgiveness, and the other is love. Although there is a great deal that can be said (read my other forgiveness posts) in these two areas instead of thinking and theorizing on these. I suggest a dynamic experiment that you can do. It requires no agreement or participation from anyone else. It is very simple and yet both powerful and empowering. No one needs to know you are doing this.

To forgive is to set a prisoner free and discover that the prisoner was you.
      ~ Lewis B. Smedes

This exercise incorporates the very powerful forces of Love, Forgiveness and Gratitude. They involve saying in your mind specific repetitive phrases when observing the behaviors of those around you. You can shift freely and fluidly between these phrases. You can choose them at will. For as much of the time you are with your family as you find possible, repeat these phrases in your mind. You may find your own variations and expressions of the phrases. Keep repeating the phrases no matter what is happening or what anyone is doing. Beyond using the power of your mind, there is nothing you need to do or say. There is no reason to explain or belabor this, just repeat these phrases in your mind and heart.

The Phrases are:

    Please forgive me
    Thank you
    I love you
    I forgive you
    I forgive myself

You may find other similar thoughts flow through your mind. You may find yourself lured by specifics. Let yourself be freed from your entire past “story” and return to repeating these simple phrases in your mind. The past is over. The future is unwritten. At this moment, right now, just repeat these simple phrases.

The past is over. The future is unwritten.
      ~ Genevieve Gerard

You may observe dramatic changes in others from doing this experiment. You may only experience a change in yourself. You may not see any response or effect. That does not matter.

It is not important to explain or express anything to anyone. The transformation you are creating in this experiment happens on a subtle energetic level. Just return to repeating in your mind the phrases and carry on with what you are doing.

Please continue with this by continuing to repeat these phrases for the duration of your family gathering.

I would love to hear from you about your experience with this experiment. On my website I have a section called Transformation Stories. You are invited to share your experiences there.

Please note: The phrases included here are a minor modification of the teachings of Hoʻoponopono [ho-o-pono-pono] (an ancient Hawaiian practice of reconciliation and forgiveness.)

You can find more about this in a book by Dr. Joe Vitale and Dr. Ihaleakala Hew Len, titled “Zero Limits”

Thank you,

The Blessing of Love on all that you do.


Genevieve Gerard


P.S. Please feel free to pass this article on to others who may find it of interest (just click one of the buttons below and share it socially.)


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Copyright © 2013-2016 by Genevieve Gerard and Touch of the Soul. All rights reserved.


Holiday Forgiveness and Gratitude Read More »

Accepting Grace and Forgiveness

Accepting Grace and Forgiveness

graceful swans

The concepts of grace and forgiveness are inextricably tied together in our minds and emotions.

We know grace exists, and on some deep level of our consciousness, we know that the existence of grace has nothing to do with worthiness or deserving.

We know grace, like forgiveness, cannot be earned. We know that these experiences are available but are not really fully understood by us.

Because we have done nothing to deserve the healing power that grace and forgiveness bring into life, for many it is hard to accept.

Rejecting grace, rejecting forgiveness, and especially learning to forgive oneself are key elements in what must be transcended to permit healing. Suffering, dis-ease, keeping oneself separate from others are all manifestations of a mistaken attempt of penance, an attempt that is unnecessary.

Grace and forgiveness do not require you be worthy, they require that you are willing to accept that there is a Higher Power and a part of you that is willing to align with it. Forgiveness and grace are integral parts of Love in action.

You are not perfect, and you are not expected to be perfect. You were created to learn and grow through the adventure of life. Grace and forgiveness are available because God knows you will make mistakes. God offers these things as a demonstration of how God Loves you.

Love, which ultimately has the power to heal us and restore us, is kept away by this same sense of lack of worthiness and separation that deprives us of receiving and accepting both grace and forgiveness. Whatever mistakes one has made in life prior to this very moment in time, it pales in comparison by continuing to reject the opportunity to be forgiven, to be restored to the unity that is available.

We often, as a society and as individuals wrap ourselves in concepts of penance, suffering to the depth of our being in an attempt to earn or to deserve, that which cannot be earned or ever deserved, but is by its very nature and its essence, freely given, grace and forgiveness. This suffering is self-inflicted and completely unnecessary.

You were not created to suffer. You were created to learn and grow and expand your consciousness. You were created to enjoy the many blessings life offers you through a myriad of diverse experiences to grant you happiness and success. These are the gifts of Love. These are the expressions of grace and forgiveness that give you the freedom to have a life fully and abundantly.

Happiness cannot be traveled to, owned, earned, worn or consumed. Happiness is the spiritual experience of living every minute with love, grace, and gratitude.
          – Dr. Denis Waitley

The glamour’s, the illusions, the Maya you have built to sustain the sense of separation, has trapped you in a lie. Let us for a moment consider and imagine what our life would be like, what we could accomplish if we allowed ourselves to fully accept the grace that accompanies forgiveness. Come into this moment of powerful potential by imagining that all the mistakes of your life from the past up to this moment of time were erased and totally and completely forgiven. Do you, like me feel tremendous relief and release?

In this moment, right now you can let that which is past be wiped clean. Because it is all in the past as you enter into the now, in this moment you are freed from it all; freed to be fully in this moment, freed to simply be and accept the joy and the Love that releasing your bondage to past events brings. Let the truth free you into this moment of awareness into the redemption that is here for you in the now.

What has been has no power over you. What will be is just emerging.
          – Genevieve Gerard

To further experience and incorporate this blessing, take a moment to align your spine and visualize grace and forgiveness descending from your Soul as radiating golden-white light. Hold out your hands to fully accept and receive this blessing. As that Light descends you are renewed, you are restored. You are forgiven. All the shackles of the past dissolve into nothingness. What has been has no power over you. What will be is just emerging.

Let the illusions all fall away as you enter into this essence of Love, this essence of being. In this moment is the opportunity for truth and in that truth the freedom that is granted by grace, when you let yourself accept the forgiveness and Love that is the true and essential nature of life.

Embrace and enfold this grace and forgiveness into the very essence of your being and know that unlimited possibility and potential are available for you, NOW, and from this moment forward.

Grace and Forgiveness article image

Take a moment to celebrate and enjoy the grace and forgiveness that are freely available to you. Let yourself receive the Love that is available for you. Let your heart be filled with joy. Claim that joy as your own as you let yourself receive the unlimited potential that life offers you.

From this moment of Grace and this blessing of forgiveness consider how you can share this power and this blessing with others. Love freely. Forgive easily and let your life become a demonstration of the grace which you have received.



   Genevieve Gerard

The Blessing of Love on All that you Do!


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Last updated 11-24-2019


Genevieve - Soulful


About the author:
Genevieve Gerard teaches Transformational Consciousness – from first awakening to enlightened Soul awareness. She helps you experience the joy that results from the spontaneous “touch of your soul.”

Read more details…

Genevieve has a Bachelor’s Degree in Philosophy and Theology and a Master of Arts Degree in Counseling and for over thirty years has worked one-on-one with people who were recovering from devastating disabilities and chronic pain. Teaching the mastery of the mind-body relationship she was one of the early professionals trained in biofeedback, visualization, imagery, and meditation as essential techniques to help people heal their bodies, heal their emotions, heal their minds, and heal their lives.

Genevieve’s work demonstrates what she knows so well, “It is spiritual connectedness that triggers physical healing and emotional and mental well-being.”  Helping people, like you, tap into your higher-self is the power she wields to guide you to heal and transform your life.

Now, with this understanding, she combines the effective techniques she developed over decades teaching mind-body mastery along with her extensive experience in meditation and spiritual development to create a synthesis of mind-body-spirit that delivers complete healing and opens the door to unlimited personal growth and an encounter with your Soul.

In addition to her current life guidance coaching sessions, and workshops performed around the world, Genevieve has produced more than 20+ guided meditations in the last eight years that are available on iTunes, Amazon, CDBaby, and her website.

It is her vision that through your experience with the techniques of awareness, visualization, and meditation, the love of your Soul will touch and transform your life through her writings and products. It is her sincere desire that the potential of a life of joy and celebration that seems to elude so many people can become a reality for you, now and forever.

Browse her life story and read the Touch of the Soul that changed her world. To contact Genevieve, visit her keep in touch page.


Copyright © 2013-2019 Genevieve Gerard and Touch of the Soul LLC. All Rights Reserved.


Accepting Grace and Forgiveness Read More »

Freedom, Fear and Forgiveness

Reflections on the
15th Anniversary of 9-11


When Franklin Delano Roosevelt announced the attack on Pearl Harbor, a shocked nation listened to his resonant voice on the radio with the words “a day that will live in infamy”.  Americans were horrified that without a formal declaration of war, Japan would attack a US Military base in Hawaii.  As most of us remember from our history class, if not from our own lives, the surprise nature of the attack without the prior declaration of war was a part of the horror.  War had in that event, become different.  The old rules no longer applied.  It marked a change in how the world worked and required an adjustment in the thinking of not just Americans, but the whole world. 

This was also true, on 9-11 as the world watched domestic airplanes filled with peaceful passengers crash into the World Trade Center.  Not only was the sudden assault an act of war, but it was an act of war without a clear opponent in a war.  Victims were not citizens of a country, but symbols of a society against which a group of people, not a government had created a war, with no declaration or even clear purpose that we could understand.

The fact that this event was watched through the day and night courtesy of 24-hour news coverage made this unique in the history of civilization.  An act of war, an act of unspeakable terror was right there with us in our homes.  Where we were and what we were doing when the planes hit the towers and then even more unthinkable when the towers collapsed became a part of our ordinary life.  The terror, the horror, and the fear this engendered affected everyone in the country and indeed most people in the world.  In addition, due to the media, as we relived the experience repeatedly we became a society suffering from Post Traumatic Stress.

That the fear has lingered is not surprising.  That the blame has extended to an entire religious group instead of a group of fanatic individuals is potentially one of the most dangerous aspects of the after effects of 9-11 as it is this factor that most threatens our freedom.  This fear now threatens to destroy what has made America a people unique in the history of civilization.

This threat to our freedom comes not from the outside world but from our response to our own fears.  We must as a people now learn to transcend our fear without offering up our liberty.  We must with vigilance and the distance of the passing years look at the effects that terrorism has had on our life and our society and re-evaluate how much power we wish to give our attackers to destroy our values.

As one of our Founding Father’s Benjamin Franklin once commented, “They who can give up essential liberty to obtain a little temporary safety deserve neither liberty nor safety.”

If we allow our fear to erode our liberties we have surrendered what is most valued and the terrorists would have won a victory that the Nazis and the Communists failed to win.  See article “Did Osama Win” by Andrew Sullivan in Newsweek September 4, 2011.

Freedom of religion is a key principle upon which our country was founded.  If that principle were reinterpreted to only grant that freedom to popular regions, what it means to be an American and to live in America would be lost.  As High School Civics teachers have taught for generations we must preserve freedom for everyone, because the logical consequence of loss of anyone’s liberty is the loss of everyone’s liberty.

Therefore, as we face this milestone of unspeakable horror it is necessary that we begin to focus our efforts upon releasing the fear that terrorism generates in us.  Releasing Fear and learning to transcend and transmute our fears is one of the most profound, powerful and life changing aspects of transforming our consciousness.

Downloadable on my website is a visualization (called “Feeling Free“) to help you transmute fear and other negative emotions. This crucial time when our fear is being refreshed with all of the media coverage about 9-11 is a perfect time to begin releasing the fear that this event may have engendered.

Finally, to free your country from the residuals of terrorism you must begin a process of healing.  Healing ultimately is enhanced by forgiveness.  We have seen the failure of revenge.  As Mohandas Gandhi once stated,

An eye for an eye only ends up making the whole world blind.

It is time to let the past be in the past.

It is time as a people to put the fears and the horrors of terrorism behind us and as we begin the rebuilding of our lands and lives remember to rebuild our faith and confidence in our world. It is time to renew in our hearts and minds the freedoms that we have worked so hard to achieve. We can conquer our fears, honor our liberties and our values, and learn to forgive.  Yes, even the unforgiveable.

If it were not unforgivable, true forgiveness would not be required.
      — Genevieve Gerard

When my friend Alan Scherr was killed, along with his 13-year-old daughter Naomi, in the Mumbai Massacres at the Oberio Hotel his wife Kia formed an organization to honor the sacredness of life. Her leadership in response to her loss is a powerful force in the world to bring peace and transformation out of sorrow and loss.  For more information on forgiveness visit her site “One Life Alliance” here.

As our thoughts go to the families who have lost loved ones, let us pray for the healing of the families, the healing of our nation and the healing of the world, that today marks the moment when we as a people move forward to greater understanding of those who live life differently from us with the realization that we are more alike than different and we are ultimately one people, in one world.  Peace best serves us all.




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Copyright © 2011-2016 by Genevieve Gerard & Touch Of The Soul, All rights reserved.


Freedom, Fear and Forgiveness Read More »

What is Forgiveness

What is Forgiveness

Forgiveness is one of the most powerful and significant of spiritual tools to transform your life.  Forgiveness is an act that has a dual benefit.  It benefits the one who forgives and the one who is forgiven.  It is freeing and releasing. 

Forgiving releases old attachment to the past and frees you to enter into present time.  By forgiving, you open the opportunity for a positive change in your perspective, your understanding and your consciousness.  You create the possibility for a new and better way for things to be.

What is Forgiveness Read More »

A Prayer to Heal The Soul of Our Nation

Pray to Heal the Soul of Our Nation


woman praying in a field of flowers looking at the Sun, mountains, and river in the valley

Lord of Light,

Lord of Love.

We the people of the United States of America come to You, humbled, and reminded of the Trust in You that we have long declared with the immortal words “In God We Trust.”

We come to You in time of crisis petitioning You to help us realign with the Soul of Our Nation, asking your Divine intervention, help and support of “our better Angels” to restore and remind us of who we are as a nation, as a people.

Call forth in the hearts and minds of all our people the Hope and The Promise of the purpose of the great experiment of Right Governance upon which our Founding Fathers relied Freedom, and Equality of the unique blending of Democracy with the guidance of a representative republic.

We ask that you stimulate in the hearts and minds of all the people who make up the consciousness of “We the People” a reminder of who we are as a people, as a nation.

Restore in the hearts and minds of our citizens that this nation, in its essence and its very Soul, was designed to be a bastion of not only religious freedom, but also the gathering of any and all religions of the world, that Your people, whoever and however they name You and worship You can live free of discrimination or fear of persecution, for it is only in Freedom can humankind make the choices and decisions upon which the destiny of your Creation, this great and beautiful Earth depends.

Heavenly Father, Divine Mother, Beloved Son, two women praying for the Soul of our nation in a colorful valley with the Sun shining abovewe call upon You with Faith and the Hope that those Freedoms that “we the people of The United States of America” have enjoyed will not perish.  Stir in the hearts, the minds, and the Soul of all our citizens their Love of Freedom that they may stand up, stand strong, and unwavering.

I beg for the grace of forgiveness for us to extend across all the political divides that exist in the world, that we may find the wisdom of dialog even where there is disagreement.  That we can find compromise where there is conflict. And that we can find the unity of “we the people” as we realize that we are more alike than different and upon that unity we depend.

We the People of The United States of America have long strived to form a more perfect Union.  We acknowledge and understand that can lead to mistakes and missteps, so we call upon the Light of our Soul and the Wisdom of our Soul to guide us as we face the challenges of a Free Nation to maintain our freedoms that we may continue to be a beacon of Light shining as an example of Truth and Justice as the American Way.

Restore to us the determination and passion that fueled the Constitutional Congress and the creation of the Bill of Rights that those Freedoms are enshrined in the hearts and minds of our citizens as principles to be defended as countless soldiers, legislators, and leaders have vowed when they swore allegiance to the Constitution of the United States.

We give thanks for that guidance, for the freedoms upon which our democracy depends, and affirm and align our allegiance to those principles.

Finally, today, we ask dear Lord for your help and support as we strive to determine the Truth from the Lies and Disinformation that have invaded the public discourse and are tempting people away from the values that have long stood for our way of life, Honor, Honesty, and Service.

For these blessings we give thanks.




   Genevieve Gerard

The Blessing of Love on All That You Do!

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Genevieve - Soulful

About the author:
Genevieve Gerard teaches Transformational Consciousness – from first awakening to enlightened Soul awareness. She helps you experience the joy that results from the spontaneous “touch of your soul.”

Read more details…

Genevieve has a Bachelor’s Degree in Philosophy and Theology and a Master of Arts Degree in Counseling and for over thirty years has worked one-on-one with people who were recovering from devastating disabilities and chronic pain. Teaching the mastery of the mind-body relationship she was one of the early professionals trained in biofeedback, visualization, imagery, and meditation as essential techniques to help people heal their bodies, heal their emotions, heal their minds, and heal their lives.

Genevieve’s work demonstrates what she knows so well, “It is spiritual connectedness that triggers physical healing and emotional and mental well-being.”  Helping people, like you, tap into your higher-self is the power she wields to guide you to heal and transform your life.

Now, with this understanding, she combines the effective techniques she developed over decades teaching mind-body mastery along with her extensive experience in meditation and spiritual development to create a synthesis of mind-body-spirit that delivers complete healing and opens the door to unlimited personal growth and an encounter with your Soul.

In addition to her current life guidance coaching sessions, and workshops performed around the world, Genevieve has produced more than 20+ guided meditations in the last ten years that are available on iTunes, Amazon, and her website.

It is her vision that through your experience with the techniques of awareness, visualization, and meditation, the love of your Soul will touch and transform your life through her writings and products. It is her sincere desire that the potential of a life of joy and celebration that seems to elude so many people can become a reality for you, now and forever.

Browse her life story and read the Touch of the Soul that changed her world. To contact Genevieve, visit her keep in touch page.


Copyright © 2024 Genevieve Gerard and Touch of the Soul LLC. All Rights Reserved.

A Prayer to Heal The Soul of Our Nation Read More »

You Are Born To Be Free

You Are Born To Be Free  

Sunrise with gull flying free in the sky

The urge for and the need for true freedom is integral to the human heart.

Since the dawn of creation freedom has been a defining force of life that has guided the evolution of consciousness.

Philosophy and religion sometimes associate freedom with free will. I too believe freedom is a Divine Right and necessary to the Divine element of life that is Free Will.

From the first breath of creation the very first man and the very first woman had freedom and more importantly, free will.

The omniscient wisdom of the Creator knew that without freedom and free will all that life means could not be achieved.

That makes freedom a cornerstone of human evolution.  That makes freedom something worth fighting for, something worth dying for, and more importantly something worth demanding from governments.

Freedom has within it the element of choice.  The freedom of free will includes the right to choose good and the right to choose evil. If you look at a long ark of human evolution you will see the forces of freedom inextricably woven into the Cosmic battle of good vs. evil, right action and right relationships vs. tyranny.

The urge for freedom is part of the heart, the mind and the Soul of every creature ever created by the Creator because it is woven into the choices you must make in life.
       -Genevieve Gerard

Not only does life require you to choose between good and evil, but also to choose between love and hate.  It may be said that those choices not only define you, but they define the life you will live.

Freedom and its companion free will are essential to the fulfillment of the purpose and destiny of your life.  I believe that your destiny is to choose Love.  I believe that Love is the only thing you can create in life that is eternal.

I believe that God is Love and the nature of your Soul is Love, so by choosing Love you are transported from what is impermanent to what is real and eternal.  This is ultimately the choice that life supports.  That is ultimately the choice for which freedom and free will exist.

You Have the Choice To Do What Is Right For Humankind

Civilizations, governments, societies, are all engaged in choice and the challenge to do what is right for humankind.  Freedom is an essential part of empowering you to make that choice freely.  Choosing love over hate, good over evil, are all elements supported by freedom.

Of course, people do not always make the right choices, the choices that reflect love, the choices of goodwill.     We need only look at the harm of selfishness and greed to observe that.  But I honor the importance of the freedom to make that choice.  I honor the civilizations, societies and governments that support freedom.

Men and women across this planet are committed to supporting freedom.  They are choosing love over hate, good over evil, kindness and compassion over cruelty and selfishness.

It is only where humanity has freedom can the evolution of all of humanity make progress in the Divine Plan of evolution to fulfill our Divine purpose.

Freedom is the Cornerstone

Freedom is the cornerstone of the political system known as democracy.  Democracy took a giant step forward when the Founding Fathers of the United States of America formed a representative republic that became a beacon of Light of the principles of right governance.

Influenced by philosophers of the ancient Greeks, and the more recent voices of the philosophers of what was known as the Age of Enlightenment, those dedicated to forming a “more perfect union” examined and explored what made governance work.

The philosophic principles imbedded in the immortal words of Thomas Jefferson “We the People” spoke to the power of people when granted freedom.  The United States of America Declaration of Independence also spoke of freedom as an inalienable right granted to humankind by their Creator.  In that Declaration of Independence lies the declaration for people everywhere to reject tyranny.

Indeed, quickly on the heels of the American Revolution came the French Revolution and the changes in the British Parliamentary system which advanced and impowered freedom in the lives of the citizens of those lands.

Indeed, the cry of the French Revolutionaries of “Liberty, Equality, and Fraternity” became synonymous with the urge for freedom.  And although the revolutions of the United States of America and the French are in the long past, unfortunately, the battle between freedom and tyranny continue in the world today.

William Faulkner We must be free, Freedom Quote

William Faulkner once said, “We must be free not because we claim freedom, but because we practice it.”

Not all governments grant their citizens freedom.  Tyranny remains a temptation of political leaders around the world.  Human freedom must be won and defended as the will of the people and a right of the people whenever and wherever subjugation and tyranny raise their ugly heads.  Freedom is a Divine right and a birthright of the human spirit, but it must be defended.

It is only with freedom can humankind demonstrate the free will of decision and choice that is essential to the Cosmic battle of good and evil.  It is only with freedom can humanity choose love over hate.

In the adventure of life each individual is faced with decisions and choices.  That is the purpose of freewill.  But freewill can only be fully demonstrated and expressed in an environment of individual freedom.

Principles of right action, right human relationship, harmlessness, and right speech are endemic to the human experience.  Choices between love vs. hate is perhaps one of the most profound and life structuring.  Ironically that choice influences the life experiences of fear vs. peace, kindness vs. compassion, and ultimately forgiveness vs. resentment.

All of these diverse life experiences are a matter of choice which you must have the freedom to make.

Of course, as a spiritual teacher I encourage you to choose love.  That choice influences so much and many aspects of life.  Choosing love, living love, being loving are woven into so many life experiences that are fundamentally important and positive that choosing love becomes the portal to a life of happiness and contentment. Ponder On This.

Explore this further by experiencing the following gifts:

Free Exercise For Freedom

Take a deep breath.  With that breath let yourself relax, releasing all that has ever come before as you come into the power of right here and right Now.

In the power of NOW is complete freedom.  The freedom to create the life you desire.  The freedom to change.  The freedom to forgive both yourself and others.

You are neither bound nor limited by the past.  Right here, right Now your life is before you as a clean slate.

Nothing that has ever happened before limits you or restricts you.  You have the freedom to be and become all you are meant to be.  You have the freedom to claim your destiny.  You have the freedom to change.

Within freedom is the Divine spark of Light that is your Soul.  Connecting to your Soul invites you and empowers you to your co-creator relationship with the Divine.  That is a power you are granted as a Child of God who is also the Child of Man.

Take another deep breath.  With that breath let yourself relax even further and let it sink in that you are the director of your life and your freedom.


Affirmations That Celebrate Your Life,
Your Freedom, Your Possibilities

Calm your mind, open your heart, and invite the Light

Then say and affirm:


I am free.

I am free to create the life of my dreams.

I am free to forgive myself.

I am free to do things differently than I have ever done before.nto the essence of my self, the power of the peace that passes understanding.

Nothing that has ever come before limits me or defines me.

This is the power of the Now.

This is the freedom of this moment in time.

Today is the beginning of the rest of my life.  I claim it. I embrace it. I celebrate it.

In freedom, is my power.  In freedom, is my strength.

I am a human being who has been designed and blessed with a Soul.

As a Soul I am empowered as a co-creator with God.  As a human being I am empowered and blessed with choices.

I choose Love.

I choose community and companionship.

I choose kindness and compassion.

I choose fellowship and friendship.

My life lies before me like a pristine field of snow, clean and clear.

I release from my mind any limiting thoughts, any limiting beliefs.

I release my fears and any illusions that may have entrapped me by what I once believed.  Today I invite the real truth to be revealed.

Today I choose to clearly see the possibilities that are before me.

This is my moment. Now is my time to create my life anew.

I am grateful for the blessing of my freedom and the freewill that gives me the power to choose.




The Blessing of Love on All That You Do!


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Genevieve - Soulful

About the author:
Genevieve Gerard teaches Transformational Consciousness – from first awakening to enlightened Soul awareness. She helps you experience the joy that results from the spontaneous “touch of your soul.”

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Genevieve has a Bachelor’s Degree in Philosophy and Theology and a Master of Arts Degree in Counseling and for over thirty years has worked one-on-one with people who were recovering from devastating disabilities and chronic pain. Teaching the mastery of the mind-body relationship she was one of the early professionals trained in biofeedback, visualization, imagery, and meditation as essential techniques to help people heal their bodies, heal their emotions, heal their minds, and heal their lives.

Genevieve’s work demonstrates what she knows so well, “It is spiritual connectedness that triggers physical healing and emotional and mental well-being.”  Helping people, like you, tap into your higher-self is the power she wields to guide you to heal and transform your life.

Now, with this understanding, she combines the effective techniques she developed over decades teaching mind-body mastery along with her extensive experience in meditation and spiritual development to create a synthesis of mind-body-spirit that delivers complete healing and opens the door to unlimited personal growth and an encounter with your Soul.

In addition to her current life guidance coaching sessions, and workshops performed around the world, Genevieve has produced more than 20+ guided meditations in the last ten years that are available on iTunes, Amazon, and her website.

It is her vision that through your experience with the techniques of awareness, visualization, and meditation, the love of your Soul will touch and transform your life through her writings and products. It is her sincere desire that the potential of a life of joy and celebration that seems to elude so many people can become a reality for you, now and forever.

Browse her life story and read the Touch of the Soul that changed her world. To contact Genevieve, visit her keep in touch page.


Copyright © 2023 Genevieve Gerard and Touch of the Soul LLC. All rights reserved.


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