Open Yourself To Being Guided By Kindness

Open Yourself To Being Guided By Kindness

Read Open Yourself To Being Guided By Kindness Serenity Sunday article by Genevieve Gerard

A standard can be applied to life’s many little decisions that can help you choose what is right and help you create a better world.

That is to let kindness be your guide.

It does not matter if others believe what you believe; you can be a teacher of your truth, without words, by simple acts of kindness.

Kindness demonstrates and teaches more than your words ever can.  As the adage simply states, “Action speaks louder than words.”

Kindness is a gateway to compassion. 
Compassion is a gateway to Love. 
      – Genevieve Gerard

For most, to live a spiritual life, to follow the teachings of Christ, can be a challenge as circumstances and events present themselves.

Anger, frustration and judging others as wrong or lacking in some way, are all too easy to do.  Deep in your heart and Soul you know that is not what Jesus would have done.  His teachings speak of forgiving many times, yet this may seem to be too hard to do.  To respond with kindness is somehow more achievable.

Therefore, I suggest simply allowing the concept of kindness to be your guide.

Kindness in words creates confidence. Kindness in thinking creates profoundness. Kindness in giving creates love.
      – Lao Tzu

Somehow, kindness is a simpler standard to achieve in your relationships with others.  It can be communicated in a smile or a random compliment to a complete stranger.  That simple act, even a random act of kindness, can have a profound influence on someone else’s life.

Often it costs you nothing to give.  Frequently, it does not require planning or forethought.  Kindness can provide hope to another that has become hopeless, or encouragement to someone who is lonely or discouraged.

A kind word and a kind act most often cost you nothing. It is a small way that you can make the world a better place.

None of us can ever know the secret burdens in the lives of others.  However, when we practice kindness we can have an impact and influence to ease their way.  Even though we may never know the result of our little gesture of goodwill, at times it may have a dramatic and transforming effect.

No act of kindness, no matter how small, is ever wasted.
      – Aesop

Kindness is a cornerstone of right human relations that builds and grows as it moves from one person to the next.  It ignites energy that can then be passed along.

Kindness requires no belief system.  It is a way to demonstrate your love and your joy with total strangers.  Although you may never know the influence a kind word has in someone’s life, it is a powerful way to share the spiritual blessings you have received.  It is a way that you can be an instrument of grace and compassion in the world.

My religion is very simple. My religion is kindness.
      – Dalai Lama

When you consider how you can emulate the lives of the great spiritual teachers of the world, it is easy to feel that they are so far beyond you that you have no chance.  You know your limitations.  Kindness is so simple and so easy that it is a way that you can be a spark of Divine Light and an emissary of Divine Love as you walk through your daily Life.

When you let kindness be your guide, many of the spiritual teachings are fulfilled.  It does not require deep understanding of theology or philosophy to practice kindness, yet it has a powerful influence.

Kindness is a way to demonstrate the qualities of Love and grace for others.  The wonderful thing about kindness is that it becomes contagious and when it becomes a habit blesses your life in return.

A kind act or a kind deed brings Light into an environment.  It helps dispel sorrow.  It loosens the bonds of fear.  And amazingly this happens spontaneously.

Kindness brings a response in others that emerges naturally.

Think about a time you may have been feeling a little down or insecure and a complete stranger offered you a very simple compliment.  Something said to you as simple as remarking “you have such beautiful eyes.”  Did that random comment by a stranger not give you a gift of support and encouragement?

Kindness is a way to pass that good feeling on.

Learn more about the Gift of Love Meditation by Genevieve Gerard

Download your copy of the Gift of Love Meditation MP3.

I encourage you to try an experiment of noticing the lives of strangers around you as you engage in a practice of random acts of kindness this week.  Observe the way that it makes you feel to be kind to others.  Notice how their body language might change after your act of kindness.

Most of all, notice how the generosity of a kind word or kind act makes you feel.  For me, it is happier, more relaxed and less isolated in the world.

It is by giving we receive.  Through kindness, you can be the change in the world that you wish to see.  Remember to be guided by kindness, practice acts of courtesy, good will, graciousness, understanding, and tenderness.



The Blessing of Love on All That You Do!


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Last updated 1-27-2019


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