Angels Are Among Us

Angels Are Among Us

Read Angels Are Among Us by Genevieve Gerard

This article is a part of my on-going series on Angels.

How the visible world co-exists with and connects with the invisible world is a great mystery.

There remains among most of us a sweet residual memory of an awareness of the presence of the angelic realm from a time of innocence and acceptance in our childhood when the realm of angels and devas was open to our inner sight.

You may remember this time. You may be one of the rare people who kept this vision open in spite of the input and insistence of those who only value what was material and tangible as real.

You may remember being ridiculed or disapproval as you insisted that this world you could see with your etheric vision was real.

Gradually, you may have learned to accept the definitions and limitations that the world around you defined as real.

If you are one of the rare and special individuals, who clung to a sense of truth and knowing about the nature of what is real, in spite of your reality not receiving the confirmation of those around you, this post is especially for you.

It is a part of the amazing hubris of the human experience to only acknowledge and value what can be experienced, touched and felt through the senses of sight, touch, hearing, taste or smell.

To deny the reality that anything exists beyond the accepted ways of sensing or experiencing the world is an unnecessary limitation. It confines and entraps you to an awareness that constricts, rather than opens and expands, your reality to the amazing miracle that is all of life and all of creation.

Life, and indeed consciousness, is not limited and confined by what is material in the world. To begin to understand this and expand your awareness to feel and explore energy and consciousness beyond the limitation of matter opens your mind.

To think that matter is the only thing that is real denies and confines truth. The fact is, you don’t know, what you don’t know.

It is an important step in consciousness to begin to understand the immense scope of what is real in this vast and amazing multifaceted adventure we know as life.
        – Genevieve Gerard

To begin to acknowledge that both what is composed of spirit is real and simply obeys different universal laws than the laws that govern matter, opens your heart and your mind to an awareness that is even more amazing and miraculous than you have ever imagined.

Physics in its quest for understanding the nature of what is real is just beginning to explore reality in ways that demonstrate that the world is more mysterious and magical that we have ever imagined.

I’m a big believer in quantum physics, which says that the universe is more incredible and mysterious than any of us can imagine, which is my way of saying, ‘Anything is possible, including angels.’
        – Caroline Leavitt

The knowledge of the subtle world is just beginning to be explored and explained by the scientific world. Much of what has been taught in the Ageless Wisdom, or has been revealed in spiritual teachings of the Bible, are just beginning to be explained or understood.

Physics and science has the ability to measure increasingly more refined subtle energies, which unveils a world that is much more diverse and amazing than has been imagined.

The nature of energy, the nature of consciousness, how thought and other invisible forces impact the material world, are all revealing concepts that are changing our understanding of life.

For those for whom the only reality is scientific proof, what is being revealed through quantum physics and especially the groundbreaking field of noetic science, requires opening and expanding the understanding of what is real.

Concepts such as the Holographic Universe and the revelation that space can be inter-permeable, as well as new revelations about the nature of subatomic particles, are mind expanding and awareness enhancing.

Angels Are . . .

In light of these revelations, we can begin to understand how angels can be among us and have always been among us.

Most people believe that there are angels. I think most people want to believe that angels observe our human experience and can at times provide assistance. The concept of a guardian angel appeals to most people. Throughout literature, there have been many stories told of angels appearing in one’s life, often as messengers from God.

That angels can have a message that is personal and revealing is certainly behind the popularity of Angel cards. That angels are still the messengers of God, aware of a willingness to provide assistance, is a very comforting and appealing concept.

This leads to wondering how the angelic or spiritual realm can connect with and influence the world of dense matter or more significantly come into your awareness.

It seems a first step is to understand that matter must obey the rules of matter, but that there is that which is not matter and therefore functions by different rules. The inter-penetrable nature of space demonstrated through particle physics provides a hint that is most likely beyond the understanding of most people.

Luckily, your consciousness is not limited by your ability to understand these different realms, nor is the truth or nature of the realm of spirit limited by your understanding. Your consciousness can travel freely from the world of matter into the realm of spirit. This you can do through meditation. This you can do by deep pondering in nature.

Open yourself to an encounter with heaven, be as a little child. Release your desire to the winds of the universe. Trust your angels to catch your wish and bring it to you in a delightfully surprising way.
        – Doreen Virtue

People often find it easier to sense and touch the spirit world when they are out in nature. The intermingled interaction between spirit and matter is more visible when the bombarding of the physical senses becomes less intense. When you are in nature the presence of the world of spirit blends with the presence of life itself.

Away from the noise and bustle of cities and stress, in the quiet and amidst the teaming of the life force of nature, is an excellent opportunity to renew and refine your ability to commune with and open your awareness to, the rich energy of the world of spirit.

In order to experience the world of spirit it is helpful to have some understanding of the part of creation that not only co-exists with our human life experience but also co-creates in its own realm under its own Divine direction in harmony and cooperation with the world of matter.

To understand that the realm of angels is different from the world of tangible substance and matter does not make one realm real and the other unreal. It does mean however that they operate within distinctive parameters. They serve different purposes and functions in the world. They are experienced through a distinctive sense that is more attuned to subtle and etheric energy, than the more dense matter that is perceived through the senses of sight, sound, touch taste, and smell.

Angels have long been presences in many of the world’s great Cathedrals. There they have an almost tangible feel that supports the bridging of the awareness of spirit requested by human petitioners.

It is believed by many who receive impressions from the angelic realm that this impregnating of the world’s great Cathedrals is an act of service by the angels so that humans may have an experience of their Soul, which resides in the realm of the angelic. Their presence serves as a conduit to a greater experience of your Soul, thus making it easier to be open to the energy of the world of Spirit.

I believe angels are always among us and we can feel their presence. We can open our hearts and our minds to the soft gentle voice of their nature by invitation and invocation in meditation when we have the intention to experience the world that is not made of matter, yet is no less real.

The Nature of Angels

It is important to understand some essential elements of the nature of angels. Angels are beings who live and move and have their being in a way that is unique to them and different from the human evolutionary experience. Their being resides on a different plane of existence.

The essence of Divine Love weaves the fabric of their life. That is why the sensing or appearance of angels is usually associated with a profound sense of being loved. It also explains why throughout time most who have written of angels have described them as residents of heaven.

The realm of the invisible, that is the realm of angels, is also the realm of your Soul. Your Soul, your guardian angel, and a mystical angel known as the Angel of the Presence are all a dynamic part of your human evolution that is a part of this invisible realm of being.

This awareness may shift your understanding of the phrase oft-touted:

“We are not human beings having a spiritual experience. We are spiritual beings having a human experience.”
        – Pierre Teilhard de Chardin

Think about that possibility and consider what implications that would have in your life. Ponder on this.

You are a spark of Divine Light. You were created in the image of the creator. These are deep truths and deep mysteries that speak to a sense of knowing that defies logic. You are an eternal being who has entered into matter for a span of measured time out of eternity.

You don’t just have a Soul; your Soul is the essence of your being. You have a physical body, emotional body, a mind, and personality but these are under the influence of your Soul, which is the eternal spark of Divinity that defines you.

What you can touch, see, feel, taste or smell all exists in the world of matter. What you can sense beyond the 5 senses of matter comes to you through the gifts of the higher mind, intuition and sensing and impressions of your Soul.

To open your awareness and your ability to touch the reality of this realm of consciousness you need to utilize invitation and invocation to make it accessible to your conscious mind while you sit quietly in the stillness.

Meditate to Invite Angels to Appear

I have found that meditation can be the doorway to experiencing these subtle energies, so I have created a meditation just for you to invite angels into your life.

Before you begin this meditation, you might wish to have a journal and pen at hand so that you can record and capture whatever insights, guidance or impressions you receive.

To begin a meditation to connect with and commune with Angels it is important to first quiet your mind of the constant chatter that masks your ability to hear the promptings in the silence, the still quiet voice of the Soul and of angelic presences.

As much as you are able, suspend thought and judgment as you calm your mind, open your heart and invite the Light.

As you sit quietly and prepare to listen, not with your ears but with your inner ear and to see not with your eyes but with your inner sight, let your mind be open and receptive.

Then issue an Angel invocation and invitation by saying in your heart and mind:

Angels of Light, Angels of Love, Angels of God, I invite you to come into my presence and reveal to me any messages, thoughts or impressions that can help me at this time in my life.

I open my mind to receive any thoughts or impressions that will guide me in my heartfelt desire to live a better life.

For the gift of your guidance, I give thanks. For the blessing that you have come to my awareness at my invitation and invocation, I give thanks.

Now, having issued the invitation sit quietly and receptively for about 5-10 minutes.

Record in your journal any thoughts or impressions you might have. Once you feel the connection to the angelic presences, you can offer up a specific issue or challenge about which you need help and clarity.

Remain quiet and receptive, observing.

This time of communing will begin to fade.

Before you return to your daily life, express your gratitude for this quiet time and any clarity or understanding you may have received.

Carry with you the peace, the love and the joyful sense of communion you may have touched in this meditation.

I invite you and encourage you to open your heart and your mind to the presence of angels in your life. Connecting with your Soul is a portal to consciousness of the world of angels and the Divine that can have impact and influence on your life.

The guidance, the wisdom, the love and the joy that are available through expanding your awareness is empowering and amazing.

When you open your heart, and your mind to experience and enjoy the beauty and blessings of your life on all levels of your being, physical, emotional, mental and spiritual, the miracle of life will be revealed. Joy and love will fill your life. This love and this joy are your birthright and are available to you when you open up to the belief that angels are among us. Celebrate!



The Blessing of Love on All That You Do!


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Last updated 11-7-2017


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