Be One with the Body of Christ

Be One With the Body of Christ

Read "Be One With The Body of Christ" by Genevieve Gerard

There is in the Christian faith a concept that holds within in it such great mystery and such great power that it bears some deep pondering and consideration.

It is a thought we can only hope to comprehend with our hearts and minds open as we touch our Souls.

As you open to the presence of your Soul, enter into the essence of Spirit where you are beyond the limitations of matter.

Join in the mystical union with the Christ to support and add your efforts to His mission and work in the world.

This is a concept of what it means to “be One with the body of the Christ that I have often pondered. I would like to share my thoughts and understandings on this today.

All of you together are Christ’s body, and each of you is a part of it.
            – Bible ESV 1 Corinthians 12:27

To enter into the awareness of your Soul is a mystical experience. It is through this expanded awareness that you can consider what it means to be a part of the body of Christ (beyond the Church as the body of Christ.)

This is truly a mystery and you must open yourself to this mystical experience to appreciate the full depth and scope of what that phrase means.

I have read in the course of my years of studying and pondering spiritual questions, the Body of Christ phrase used to describe the Church or the community of faith. However, that seems too limiting when I consider the full glory and power of the presence of the Christ. The Christ as the Risen Lord whose resurrection Easter celebrates is a living and vital force in the world today.

George Weigel, in an article on Easter and the Cosmic Christ believes, “that Christ’s transformed body is also the place where men enter into communion with God and with one another and are, therefore, able to live definitively in the fullness of indestructible life.”

I believe you can by your love, and with your life, support His work in the world. You can help bring into the world the meaning of the words affirmed around the world as the mystery of faith on Easter morning. Christ has died, Christ has risen, and Christ will come again.

Indeed, Christ coming again joins with the prophesies and promises of all religions across the world.

In the explorations of the Ageless Wisdom is expressed a concept of the Christ as The Word Soul and as we join with His Light, His Love and more importantly His purpose as World Savior, that concept expands.

In meditation when we join symbolically with the Christ, by invocation into the exalted energies of the heart of the Christ, we are opening our heart, mind, and Soul to a mystical and almost magical unity with the body and mission of the Christ in the world today.

In the exalted moments of prayer or meditation that you can reach His Divine Presence, you realize He calls you to a life of service. This calling to active service was revealed by Jesus in the parable of Judgment Day. Matthew 24:40. To realize that and consider that each time that you serve your fellow man, the good that you do is being done for the Christ (or even to the Christ) really expands this concept of the body of Christ. In my lifelong ponderings, this seems to speak to my heart, my mind and my very Soul.

This call to service includes all of humanity as a part of the brotherhood with Christ, a brotherhood that he calls “even the least of these my brethren.” To consider all (wo)men united in a brotherhood of man seems to give a hint to what it means to be an active disciple of Christ, of mystically joined as a working and living demonstration of His love and compassion in the world.

For you to join in the body of the Christ as a part of His work and mission in the world, seeing the Christ in the face of all of your fellow man, and serving the Christ every time you serve your fellow man may be a broad reach. It is what motivated Mother Theresa when she went into the hell holes of Calcutta. It is a level of work and service that seems beyond what you are capable of doing except as you enter into this mystical union of the body of Christ. That empowers you to achieve and dare acts of love, compassion, and service beyond what you would otherwise consider or dare.

In my own life, to give me the strength to provide the love and the service that the world so desperately needs, I often use this Affirmation:

The Love of the Christ flows through me. Alone, I am nothing.
            – Genevieve Gerard

In the writings of the Ageless Wisdom, we are told that the work and mission of the Christ is a unifying of His followers on a planetary level, that have now 2000 years after He walked with us on the earth expanded to a worldwide work and service that is known as The New Group of World Servers. These are the men and woman of goodwill who are energetically united to serve their fellow man acting as if in each act of service they are serving the Christ.

This fellowship of planetary service is united energetically under the direction of the Christ. It is a group of Souls of many religions and paths unified in the love and dedication to the love of the Christ and creating on the earth the conditions that Christ can come again. These mystical unions of Souls most probably have never met, but their commitment to serving the Christ as they serve their fellow man joins them as the material representations of the body of Christ in the world.

These men and woman of Goodwill are comprised of every religion. They answer to the promptings of the Christ through the connection and direction of their Souls. The limitations of doctrine and dogma fade as this call to planetary service guided by the Law of Love comes ever more into manifestation.

This service, this mystical connection throughout the world, seems to be how you (and I) can best join efforts in the mystical union of the Body of Christ at work in the world.

A profound and powerful way that you could join this holy effort is by combining your efforts with others across the planet every evening at 5 p.m., whenever it is 5 p.m. where you are in the world by saying:

The Blessing of the New Group of World Servers:

May the Power of the One Life
pour through the group of all true servers;

May the Love of the One Soul
characterize the lives of all who seek to aid the Great Ones.

May we fulfill our part in the One Work
through self-forgetfulness, harmlessness, and right speech.

The “Power of the One Life” is a reference to the Christ.

In energetically joining with this world mission, and this world service, you are energetically expanding your life and the reach of your service.

To further enhance and support your mystical union with the Body of Christ I offer you a Mantra, I created for my own use in meditation, which I call, The Love of the Christ Mantra.

Love of the Christ Mantra


May the Love of the Christ enfold me


May the Light of the Christ surround me


May the Wisdom of the Christ guide me


May the Energy of the Christ sustain me


That I may go forth to serve my fellow man


Giving the Love of the Christ to comfort them


Giving the Light of the Christ to guide them


Giving the Wisdom of the Christ of to enlighten them


Giving the energy of the Christ to fill them

            – Genevieve Gerard © 2011-2018

Christ is mystical and he addresses a deep esoteric principle that is a part of the mystery of faith. Thankfully, you do not have to understand this with your mind to experience it in your Heart and Soul.

Being One with the body of Christ is done as a Soul. Your connection with the others with whom you join through the community of faith is accomplished Soul to Soul.

Miraculously, by the simple act of joining your energy with the Christ and the community of all who serve Him in the world, through your invitation and intention, you can consciously experience this Love and Light through your own Soul. Remember, consciously striving to be One with the body of the Christ is enhanced when you join with others.

The promise that whenever two or more gather in His name He is with you, is a profound and powerful truth that can be used to enhance this experience.

Now is the dynamic and fertile time to open your heart, your mind and your Soul to this mystical union of Oneness.

Here is a prayer I wrote that may support you in this effort:

Beloved Lord Prayer

Beloved Lord

I come to you today with an open heart and an open mind to offer up my Soul to you. Please hold me in your radiant heart.

I offer myself up to be One with you in the mystical union of Souls that makes up your body in this world as an active service to you.

I put away any of my fears or concerns about my worthiness, relying on your grace and forgiveness to guide me and support me as I strive to serve you more completely.

As I receive the blessing of your Love freely, I commit to giving freely of my Love. This I do with intention and a commitment to serve others in your name.

I invite you to work with me in the world. Guide my words as I strive to help and comfort others. Direct my steps to take me where you need me to be. Let me be a source for your forgiveness and your grace whenever I discover those who need your healing touch.

I praise you and give thanks for this miracle of faith that I may be One with you for your glory and work in this world.


So be it and it is so.

I pray that these words, tools, and techniques will support and sustain you in your journey and your faith. Our Oneness, our Brotherhood, and our Soul connection is available to you across the limitations of space, in the dynamic essence of the Eternal Now.




The Blessing of Love on All That You Do!


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Last updated 1-28-2018


Copyright © 2015-2018 Genevieve Gerard and Touch of the Soul LLC. All rights reserved.


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