Experience Praise and Gratitude

Experience Praise and Gratitude

Read the Experience Praise and Gratitude article by Genevieve Gerard

Words have power.

They each resonate with their own energy.

This is a part of the deep magic that was revealed in the opening passages of Genesis. God’s use of words was inherent in the process of creation. So too are your words inherent in the process of what you create in your own life.

Since we think using words, this is also a significant factor in the principle that “energy follows thought.”

When you choose one word over another, you are on a subtle yet powerful level choosing to experience the energy of that one word over another.

This dynamic of word choice can influence what you experience when you choose specific words.

This is always true and provides a significant hint for how you can live a deeper, richer and more joyful life.

Songs of Praise

In my life, I have found song to be especially potent when applied to expressing praise and gratitude.

There seems to be a spontaneous connection to feelings of joy and the words of praise especially when lifted in praise to God. This is especially powerful when you “Make a joyful noise unto the Lord.”

I can think of countless songs that will lift my spirit even in times of the darkest sorrow or despair. These are most often songs of praise. What songs move you?

When I was a young girl mundane household chores were dispensed with quickly and much more happily when songs of praise were sung while they were being accomplished.

My Grandmother and I would sing hymns and songs of praise while washing the dishes in the evening. This was a wonderful way to end the day. Remembering this is a part of what I wish to share with you today.

Praise can both lighten the heart and lighten the burdens you bear. Most songs of praise or prayers of praise are interwoven with gratitude. Praise can support you and help sustain you in both your life and your faith.

It is such a simple thing, that it is often forgotten or ignored.

In the very act of praise, you are affirming deep truths. By the act of affirmation and by expressing the gratitude that is so often entwined with it, you unleash a mighty force. This is true in your own heart, mind, and Soul.

Praise is not prayer, although there are certain prayers of praise. Praise is a unique expression of your relationship with another. It is an appreciation and celebration of the love and grace of that relationship. It is such a deep understanding of the loving dynamic of that relationship that your heart bursts forth with gratitude and joy.

When you focus on how wonderful God is and all the great things He’s done… is doing… and even will do in your life,
your natural response will be praise, adoration and awe. Don’t let yourself ever get used to it… stay amazed!
        – Joyce Meyer

Using Songs of Praise As a Meditation

Just as prayer is different from praise, there is a technique I have used in my life that turns praise into a meditation or meditative experience.

Choose a song that expresses the gratitude or joy you are feeling. One of my personal favorites that I have used many times in this way is “How Great Thou Art.”

Either play the song or sing the song, and each time really consider and listen to the words in the song.

I have found to set up the song to play repetitively creates a joy that impacts me and integrates me with my whole being and aligns me with the Divine.

Let the meaning deep into your heart. Let your listening become the meditative experience.

Let the experience of the song help you calm your mind.

As you do this open your heart to love, grace, and gratitude.

Invite the Light of your higher Self into your life.

The Lighter Side of Praise and Gratitude

You can also lighten this experience up by doing other things while you are doing this.

As you listen to music that invokes praise and gratitude in the background as you go about your day, allow it to permeate your consciousness without requiring your full attention.

You will find the praise becoming integrated within the energy of your home and your life in this way.

I have found this a very powerful way to influence your thoughts and your feelings in a subtle positive way.

Focusing upon the bounty and the blessings you have received will stimulate an expression of joy.

The more you praise and celebrate your life,
the more there is in life to celebrate.
        – Oprah Winfrey

Praise and the Law of Attraction

Praise is also a powerful way to activate the dynamic Law of Attraction in a way that both honors and affirms the source of the good we have received in the world.

It is not insignificant that the gratitude expressed in songs of praise also ignites the Law of Attraction in a way that is asks nothing more but delights and enjoys the bounty and blessings that have already been bestowed on you. It is an expression of both our gratitude and our faith.

It is fine well and good to praise God and raise your voice in thanksgiving and praise in a church service.

However, when you bring that expression of joy into your daily devotions, into your home, and then incorporate it into the simple activities of your daily life as a backdrop, it takes on a different energy. It becomes integrated into the experience and expression of your gratitude.

Ultimately, you attract more of what you are expressing.

Integrate Praise In Your Exercise

Praise can also be incorporated into physical exercise such as walking or running, much like meditation.

Check out my awareness guided meditations for




Walking Aware:
Celebrate and Appreciate Your Unity With Life On All Levels




Jogging In The Sun Meditation MP3 by GG




Jogging In The Sun:
Celebrate the Strength of Your Body While Aligning to Your Higher Self



Praise can spontaneously align your body, your mind and your emotions with the powerful loving presence of your Soul.

It can bring you into a greater awareness of your relationship with all that is around you and with that awareness, you become more receptive to the oneness of life and the true meaning of love.

Dual Awareness

An amazing aspect of consciousness is that you can be concurrently aware of your body, your thoughts, your emotions and the expression and sense of your Higher Self.

This multifunctioning aspect of the self can enable you to let any or every activity in your life become a meditative expression to empower and enhance your life.

This principle of dual awareness enhancing your consciousness is inherent in each of my Meditations For Daily Joy activity based awareness guided meditations.

The Spiritual Side of Praise

Using praise as a way to enhance and expand your spiritual awareness uses these same principles.

You are by your nature as a human being multifaceted and multidimensional. That is a part of the miracle of your being that can be experienced and expressed in a myriad of ways.

It is the benefit of experiencing the power of this alignment to which the vast array of spiritual devotional techniques strive.

As many roads can lead to the same destination, so there are many ways to come into a greater integration of your body, mind, emotions and your Soul, each of which ultimately brings you into greater relationship with the Divine.

There are so many possibilities and paths to the Light that you can experiment and explore a variety of ways to expand your consciousness and awareness.

Thankfully, there is no wrong way to open your Self to the Divine. This journey from the darkness into the Light and from the unreal to the real is directed by a Higher Power.

Life is a glorious adventure of being and becoming. Celebrate, with gladness and praise and enjoy the journey. It is your life.
        – Genevieve Gerard

I invite you to enter with a spirit of joyful playfulness and delight into ever increasing, growing and expanding, enlightened awareness of the full magnificence and glory of praise and gratitude in your life.



The Blessing of Love on All That You Do!


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Last updated 11-18-2018


Copyright © 2015-2018 Genevieve Gerard and Touch of the Soul. All rights reserved.


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