forgive yourself

Love Yourself First

Love Yourself First

Read "Love Yourself First" Super Serenity Sunday article by Genevieve Gerard

It is one of the great mysteries of life that in order to love others, it is essential to love yourself first.

I have often thought it was interesting that when Jesus, in his role of Rabbi and teacher, considered self-love as a basic element in life he taught that the most important law was to Love God with all of your heart, your mind and your Soul, and to love your neighbor as yourself.

What good is loving thy neighbor as thy self, if you don’t love thyself?
        – Donald L. Hicks

This famous teaching assumes as self-evident that you love yourself. Unfortunately, in my many years of counseling people and coaching them to live happier and more fulfilling lives, I observed that self-love is far from self-evident.

For many, the idea of loving yourself is challenging. It is not a basic part of self-evident consciousness as it may have been when Jesus walked the earth. It falls into the same category as forgiving yourself. For some reason many of us find it easier to give than to receive, loving yourself, forgiving yourself, being gentle and compassionate with yourself is something we need to learn.

Although this is logically counterintuitive it is a result of societal training and pressures that get confused as we strive to be and become what we are told that we should be. Unfortunately, this is most often seen in women who have been reinforced and rewarded by how self-effacing and self-sacrificing they can be.

Many lessons that are passed through the traditions from Mother to daughter do not consider or understand how harmful and damaging they can be. These are often subtle and specific but when accumulated, result in a message that is toxic and damaging. It is not that there is the intention to harm or limit the full expression of success and joy in the life being molded, but rather, parents are teaching what they were taught without the conscious awareness or consideration of the consequences and the impact of the cumulative effect of these life instructions.

The result is often a belief on the part of the child as they emerge into adult life that to love oneself, to nurture oneself and to let oneself receive, is in some way wrong. The wounding that this wrong teaching and wrong interpretation can result in is so pervasive and so deeply embedded in the myths and culture of our society that to break through to truth is often the most powerful transformation one can do to heal your life and embrace success.

To understand, release and reframe all of the subtle destructive messages that it is wrong to love ourselves and wrong to receive not only love but the vast array of blessings that are available for us is a profound journey that leads to joy, success, and empowerment.

One of the cornerstones of this transformation is learning to love yourself. Inherent in that concept is learning to receive and allowing yourself to receive. Loving yourself and opening yourself to receiving will change your life on so many levels and in so many ways that it may be beyond imagining. The success you can achieve, the joy and happiness you can experience will cascade through your life. As you dissolve the lies and illusions that keep you removed from the freedom of expressing you will enjoy being who you truly are.

Key Elements To Loving Yourself

There are inherent in this journey certain key elements and key experiences that have great significance and have the power to heal you on a very deep and profound level.

The first of these elements is to shed the illusion and reject the lies that you have been taught in favor of a realization of the truth. That truth is that you are an amazing being, a creature of love and joy and this is the natural expression of your being. In coming to the full realization of this truth, it is also an important step to forgive yourself for all the ways you have limited and denied your full power and potential to be all that you were meant to be and all that deep in your heart you knew you could be.

Along with the important act of self-forgiveness comes the act of forgiving those who perpetuated and propagated these untruths and wrong thinking. We can assume that they only taught what they believed or thought was right, handed down through generations. Illusion and lies become embedded in our society.

It takes courage to see the truth and let the truth free you. Forgiveness and even compassion for those who cling to wrong thinking, is a part of affirming and enhancing yourself in this new expression of life as someone who has learned to love themselves and opened themselves to the opportunity to be a being of love.

Forgiveness, both of yourself and those who taught and fostered mistakes and illusion unlocks grace and joy in your life. It is in these acts and affirmations of forgiveness that you begin to demonstrate what it means to not only love yourself but how that self-love results in love and compassion for others.

It is by loving yourself, and honoring yourself, that you manifest your true power and potential as a child of God.
        – Genevieve Gerard

You are an amazing being. You deserve to be loved, not only by yourself but also by others. You are a spark of Divine Light.

Open Yourself To The Energy Of Divine Love & The Love That Your Soul Brings To You with my Gift of Love Meditation MP3.

Learn more about the Gift of Love Meditation by Genevieve Gerard

Here are some simple affirmations you can incorporate into your daily practice to allow this important principle of Self Love to manifest in your life. It is best if you can do these quick simple affirmations three times a day, perhaps in the morning as you do your morning rituals, once more during the day, then again as you cleanse and prepare yourself for sleep.

Love Affirmation

Look in the mirror and affirm the following:

  1. I Love myself
  2. I deserve to be loved exactly as I am
  3. I am worthy of being loved
  4. I give my love generously
  5. I accept the love of others appreciatively
  6. I delight in who I am becoming.
  7. I am a beautiful, successful, joy filled being
  8. I open myself to the love that surrounds me and gather it into my heart to support and strengthen me.

[NOTE: Some people prefer typing these affirmations on a small piece of paper that they stick on the upper corner of their bathroom mirror.]



Affirmations are a powerful tool to healing and transforming your life. When I have had my coaching clients add these affirmations to their life practice, their life begins to change, especially their relationships with others and themselves.

To come into the present, freed and unfettered by the past is opening your life to unlimited possibility. This is available to you through the healing power of your Soul and the enlightened embrace of your will as you affirm and accept that you have the power, the promise and the intention to love yourself and open yourself to the many joys and blessings that are available to you for the taking.

The timeless dance of giving and receiving, loving and being loved is before you. Celebrate and enjoy all that comes to you. Your Soul knows the real truth; your heart knows the truth.

Ponder on this. You deserve it.

To Love Yourself is one of the Greatest Gifts, begin right now to give that gift to yourself.



The Blessing of Love on All that you Do!


QUICK FACT: This post has been viewed 2,848 times. Checkout our other related posts below.


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Last updated 11-17-2019


Genevieve - Soulful


About the author:
Genevieve Gerard teaches Transformational Consciousness – from first awakening to enlightened Soul awareness. She helps you experience the joy that results from the spontaneous “touch of your soul.”

Read more details…

Genevieve has a Bachelor’s Degree in Philosophy and Theology and a Master of Arts Degree in Counseling and for over thirty years has worked one-on-one with people who were recovering from devastating disabilities and chronic pain. Teaching the mastery of the mind-body relationship she was one of the early professionals trained in biofeedback, visualization, imagery, and meditation as essential techniques to help people heal their bodies, heal their emotions, heal their minds, and heal their lives.

Genevieve’s work demonstrates what she knows so well, “It is spiritual connectedness that triggers physical healing and emotional and mental well-being.”  Helping people, like you, tap into your higher-self is the power she wields to guide you to heal and transform your life.

Now, with this understanding, she combines the effective techniques she developed over decades teaching mind-body mastery along with her extensive experience in meditation and spiritual development to create a synthesis of mind-body-spirit that delivers complete healing and opens the door to unlimited personal growth and an encounter with your Soul.

In addition to her current life guidance coaching sessions, and workshops performed around the world, Genevieve has produced more than 20+ guided meditations in the last eight years that are available on iTunes, Amazon, CDBaby, and her website.

It is her vision that through your experience with the techniques of awareness, visualization, and meditation, the love of your Soul will touch and transform your life through her writings and products. It is her sincere desire that the potential of a life of joy and celebration that seems to elude so many people can become a reality for you, now and forever.

Browse her life story and read the Touch of the Soul that changed her world. To contact Genevieve, visit her keep in touch page.


Copyright © 2014-2019 Genevieve Gerard and Touch of the Soul LLC. All Rights Reserved.


Love Yourself First Read More »

Release Your Fears

Release Your Fears

Read Release Your Fears by Genevieve Gerard, a Wisdom Wednesday Blog Post

Fear is probably the most limiting thing you can feel.

It stops you from doing what you truly want to do.

Learning to transcend your fears is one of the most powerful and liberating tasks that you may encounter on your spiritual journey.

Fear stops you from being who you know yourself to be truly. It limits you in many little ways that destroy the joyful spontaneity of life. That said releasing and freeing you from your fears is one of the most challenging charges you may ever undertake.

If you think back over the course of your life and consider the ways in which your fears may have prevented you from trying something new, going somewhere different, or seizing a new opportunity, they are probably vast. Of course, one of the most difficult issues you may struggle with is in determining whether something is just a fear vs. a warning of intuition. In order to actually make that discernment from a place of centered awareness, you must strive to conquer your overall shapeless fears to some extent, and so dealing with fear becomes a proverbial Catch 22.

So many little fears and worries can linger in your undetected and unaware mind chatter that they can rise to sabotage you. Because of this addressing your fears becomes a significant step in your spiritual work and evolution.

It is essential to realize that what you fear may be a real danger. Learning to release your fears and improve and empower your life can happen during certain circumstances in life that are generating your worries. War, Pandemics, environmental dangers such as fires, floods, earthquakes, and hurricanes, typhoons, and tornados are all examples of things we as human beings justifiably fear.

However, even when the cause of the fear is genuine, you are far more able to cope with the severe life changes these situations may engender if you learn to transmute, transform, and transcend your fears.

The mind is more effective and efficient if it is free from the paralysis that fear engenders. Your emotions are more effective and efficient when you don’t let the stress of a difficult situation be in control.

The spiritual life lesson of stress and even danger is to learn to let your Higher Self (your Soul) have more control. Allowing your Higher Self and your whole self to be released from the paralyzing influence of fear is both freeing and dynamically empowering. Using the opportunity of the current life crisis to learn how to release your fears can make your life much better.

I use as the entering invocation of every meditation the words. “Calm your mind, Open your heart, and Invite the Light.

I have found that every life circumstance, no matter how dangerous, is better when approached with a calm mind, and open heart, and openness to the wisdom and direction of your Higher Self.

To free yourself from letting fear limit your life, so that you can take advantage of the possibilities and potential that life serves up to you in the buffet of life experiences, you need to understand better the purpose of your life. When an event or opportunity presents itself, you can, by identifying and aligning with your higher source and affirming and understanding your Soul purpose, use that strength to face your fears. This is where many people throughout the ages have found using the powerful tools of meditation and affirmations can be very helpful.

I believe that every single event in life happens in an opportunity to choose love over fear.
      – Oprah Winfrey

Meditation can help you calm the chatter of your mind which too often generates fear, not from what is happening, but what might happen or could happen. The way that your fears bring you out of the NOW moment, into reliving past events and errors, is part of how they grab hold of your attention. Releasing the past with the firm realization and awareness that the past is truly over and is in the past, and there is nothing that you can do to change it, is helpful in releasing fear. Likewise realizing that the future is right NOW, both unformed and yet to be created is also very freeing.

Feeling Free Guided Training by Genevieve Gerard


Check out…

Genevieve Gerard’s Feeling Free Meditation:
Transmute Fears and Doubts and Feel Renewed and Alive


Affirmations can also help you invoke your intention and engage your own will, which strengthens and empowers you. Ultimately, using positive affirmations can help you energetically create a future more aligned with your Higher Self and your higher life purpose.

Meditation can help you focus on what is real and calm both the mind and emotions. Meditation helps you center yourself in the powerful and potent potential of the NOW.

To be afraid and experience fear is a normal and natural response to the human experience. A great deal of fear is instinctual. Over the ages fear developed, in our evolution, as a way of keeping us safe from harm. Some fears are spontaneous responses to what is unfamiliar and unknown. A loud noise unexplained is an example of a fear response that resolves immediately upon an understanding of what caused the sound.

Freeing yourself from fear does not eliminate those natural and normal responses to a stimulus such as the automatic response to a loud noise. Freeing yourself from fear just means taking control of your life in ways that open you to explore the vast array of possibilities and opportunities that life offers you from a different perspective of your consciousness.

Learning to transcend fear does not mean that you never feel fear, but it does mean that you are the one in control in your life. This transforms the fear. This makes it more manageable and less of a presenting factor in your life.


To Free Yourself From Fear Is A Multistep Process


1) Use Discernment & Discrimination

Before you let your fears prevent you from doing something irrational use your better judgment and discrimination as the first step in freeing yourself of the limitations of fear.

2) Clarify What It Is That You Are Fearful Of

A key element in releasing your fears is to use your mind to explain what it is you are afraid of. In the clarity of understanding, what exactly you are fearful of, you can often see the absurdity of the fear itself. I am reminded of times in my coaching when upon hearing someone’s fears expressed I have fed back to them what they just said by asking them to clarify “Just what is so bad about feeling good?”

3) Face Your Fears

To transcend fear it is important to not only look at what it is that you fear in any situation or circumstance in life but to face your fears. As the saying goes “do what you fear most and you will conquer that fear.” When you do this, what is underlying the fear may surprise you and once revealed may dissolve in the light of your consciousness looking at and understanding the fear.

4) Learn From The Past

Often, the underlying genesis of the fear lies in events or circumstances of the past. Past failures, past rejections, or past events that may have seemed to justify and validate the fears may often be the most difficult to transcend. Honestly exploring the nature of a particular fear is crucial. If the fear is from your past life experiences, it is wise to evaluate and examine what caused those failures. What lessons can you learn from the past failure that can help you avoid mistakes as you move forward in your life?

This shift in your attention and intention to learn from your past errors while not letting the fact that you have made mistakes limit you from embracing the full power, potential and promise of the future is vital in manifesting your life’s purpose and your Soul purpose to fulfill your true destiny.

5) Put The Past Behind You

Once the lesson aspect of the past is clearly understood, it is equally important to put the past behind you and realize that what has happened in the past does not have to affect what is going on in the future which is still uncreated and unformed. You are a co-creator of your present and future.

6) Transcend Your Fears

It is important when you experience fear that you make a choice between living your life with fullness and abundance or letting fear keep your happiness and joy locked up so you can only take it out to look upon occasionally and wistfully. Transcending your fears and then moving forward to do and become what you know in your heart is what you are meant to do, to be or become is an important growth or spiritual evolutionary step.

To help you transcend your fears
here is a simple affirmation technique:



I align myself NOW with the wisdom of my Soul
that I may clearly see the
opportunities life is presenting to me.


I consciously choose to
embrace my life guided by how love is best served,
directed by my insight and intuition so that I may
manifest my higher purpose in my life today.
      – Genevieve Gerard

By affirming your choice, you take control of your life from the tyranny of fear and limitation opening your life and yourself to the freedom and the joy that are your birthright as a spark of Divine Light and a child of God.

For me I choose not to let fear control my life. That does not mean things are easy or always go right for me, but it does mean that I give the control of my life to my heart to be guided by love, my mind to be directed by discernment and my Soul to direct me to where I need to be when I need to be there to fulfill and manifest what is for me right and good.

Just remember that your unexamined fears and mind chatter may work against you. Meditation and contemplation allow you to be the director in your life instead of just the actor or re-actor when you consider your mind chatter with your higher consciousness and awareness.

Finally I will close with:

An Exercise to Help You Learn to
Transcend Your Fears

For just 3 minutes every day, sit quietly in reflective meditation. Take a deep breath while you calm your mind, open your heart and invite the Light. Open to the wisdom and guidance of your Soul.

Then, for that 3 minutes step outside yourself and be a detached observer of your chattering mind. Each time you catch your mind in a thought of fear, take a few seconds to identify the nature of the fear. If it is from a past mistake, consider where the mistake was and learn from it, then quickly forgive yourself for the error. Remember the past is finished. It is over and what is happening now is different.

If it is an intuition or warning, consciously decide not to do what you are being warned about. If it is a limiting thought or belief that could hold you back, reframe the thought (in a positive light) and look into the possibility and potential that life is offering you.

In this brief exercise you may find some mistakes in the past that you need to forgive, that’s ok. Don’t beat yourself up over them. Forgive yourself for them and let them go. They are in the past and only the present moment can be truly lived. Ponder on this.

In this way you can learn from your life lessons, release your fears and take back conscious control of your life, refusing to let fear control you.

Then go forward into the events and circumstances of your life that are happening at the moment, emboldened and empowered by this brief meditative experience to help you transcend your fears.

Embrace your personal power as you learn from these daily 3-minute experiences and if necessary, forgive your past mistakes. Relegate the past to the past; enter into what is real NOW. Free from the limitations of your fears you are now empowered to move forward into a future in which you can fulfill and express your reason for living.

When you are aligned with your Soul and have faced the fears that are generated in your chattering mind life presents you with unlimited possibilities to be and become all that you are meant to be and to manifest and do all that you are destined to do.


You have my blessing to release your fears!


   Genevieve Gerard

The Blessing of Love on all that you do!

P.S. Please comment and share your experience with these techniques


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Genevieve - Soulful


About the author:
Genevieve Gerard teaches Transformational Consciousness – from first awakening to enlightened Soul awareness. She helps you experience the joy that results from the spontaneous “touch of your soul.”

Read more details…

Genevieve has a Bachelor’s Degree in Philosophy and Theology and a Master of Arts Degree in Counseling and for over thirty years has worked one-on-one with people who were recovering from devastating disabilities and chronic pain. Teaching the mastery of the mind-body relationship she was one of the early professionals trained in biofeedback, visualization, imagery, and meditation as essential techniques to help people heal their bodies, heal their emotions, heal their minds, and heal their lives.

Genevieve’s work demonstrates what she knows so well, “It is spiritual connectedness that triggers physical healing and emotional and mental well-being.”  Helping people, like you, tap into your higher-self is the power she wields to guide you to heal and transform your life.

Now, with this understanding, she combines the effective techniques she developed over decades teaching mind-body mastery along with her extensive experience in meditation and spiritual development to create a synthesis of mind-body-spirit that delivers complete healing and opens the door to unlimited personal growth and an encounter with your Soul.

In addition to her current life guidance coaching sessions, and workshops performed around the world, Genevieve has produced more than 20+ guided meditations in the last eight years that are available on Apple Music (iTunes), Amazon, CDBaby, and her website.

It is her vision that through your experience with the techniques of awareness, visualization, and meditation, the love of your Soul will touch and transform your life through her writings and products. It is her sincere desire that the potential of a life of joy and celebration that seems to elude so many people can become a reality for you, now and forever.

Browse her life story and read the Touch of the Soul that changed her world. To contact Genevieve, visit her keep in touch page.


Last updated 3-26-2020


Copyright © 2014-2020 Genevieve Gerard and Touch of the Soul LLC. All rights reserved.


Release Your Fears Read More »

The Greatest Love

The Greatest Love Is To Love Yourself

To Love Yourself Is The Greatest Love - Genevieve Gerard

It is one of the great mysteries of life that in order to love others, it is essential to love yourself.

I have often thought it was interesting that Jesus, in his role of Rabbi and teacher, considered self-love as a basic element in life when he taught that the most important law was to Love God with all of your heart, your mind, and your Soul, and to love your neighbor as yourself. This famous teaching assumes as self-evident that you love yourself.

Unfortunately, in my many years of counseling people and coaching them to live happier and more fulfilling lives, I observed that self-love is far from self-evident.

For many, the idea of loving yourself is challenging. It is not a basic part of self-evident consciousness as it may have been when Jesus walked the earth. It falls into the same category as forgiving yourself. For some reason many of us find it easier to give than to receive, loving yourself, forgiving yourself, being gentle and compassionate with yourself is something we need to learn.

Although this is logically counter-intuitive it is a result of societal training and pressures that get confused as we strive to be and become what we are told that we should be. Unfortunately, this is most often seen in woman who have been reinforced and rewarded by how self-effacing and self-sacrificing they can be. Many lessons that are passed through the traditions from Mother to daughter do not consider or understand how harmful and damaging they can be. These are often subtle and specific but when accumulated, result in a message that is toxic and damaging. It is not that there is the intention to harm or limit the full expression of success and joy in the life being molded, but rather, parents are teaching what they were taught without the conscious awareness or consideration of the consequences and the impact of the cumulative effect of these life instructions.

The result is often a belief on the part of the child as they emerge into adult life that to love oneself, to nurture oneself and to let oneself receive is in some way wrong. The wounding that this wrong teaching and wrong interpretation can result in is so pervasive and so deeply embedded in the myths and culture of our society that to break through to truth is often the most powerful transformation one can do to heal your life and embrace success. To understand, release and reframe all of the subtle destructive messages that it is wrong to love ourselves and wrong to receive not only love but the vast array of blessings that are available for us is a profound journey that leads to joy, success, and empowerment.

One of the cornerstones of this transformation is learning to love yourself. Inherent in that concept is learning to receive and allowing yourself to receive. Loving yourself and opening yourself to receiving will change your life on so many levels and in so many ways that it may be beyond imagining. The success you can achieve, the joy and happiness you can experience will cascade through your life. As you dissolve the lies and illusions that keep you removed from the freedom of expressing you will enjoy being who you truly are.

There are inherent in this journey certain key elements and key experiences that have great significance and have the power to heal you on very deep and profound level. The first of these elements is to shed the illusion and reject the lies that you have been taught in favor of a realization of the truth. That truth is that you are an amazing being, a creature of love and joy and this is the natural expression of your being. In coming to the full realization of this truth, it is also an important step to forgive yourself for all the ways you have limited and denied your full power and potential to be all that you were meant to be and all that deep in your heart you knew you could be.

Along with the important act of self-forgiveness comes the act of forgiving those who perpetuated and propagated these untruths and wrong thinking. We can assume that they only taught what they believed or thought was right, handed down through generations. Illusion and lies become embedded in our society. It takes courage to see the truth and let the truth free you. Forgiveness and even compassion for those who cling to wrong thinking is a part of affirming and enhancing yourself in this new expression of life as someone who has learned to love themselves and open themselves to the opportunity to be a being of love. Forgiveness, both of yourself and those who taught and fostered mistakes and illusion unlocks grace and joy in your life. It is in these acts and affirmations of forgiveness that you begin to demonstrate what it means to not only love yourself but how that self-love results in love and compassion for others.

You are an amazing being. You deserve to be loved, not only by yourself but also by others. You are a spark of Divine Light. It is by loving yourself, honoring yourself that you manifest your true power and potential as a child of God.

Discover how to use affirmations effectively and attract abundance in your life when you
download our FREE MP3: How To Use Affirmations Effectively.

Here are some simple affirmations you can incorporate into your daily practice to allow this important principle of Self Love to manifest in your life. It is best if you can do these quick simple affirmations three times a day, perhaps in the morning as you do your morning rituals, once more during the day, then again as you cleanse and prepare yourself for sleep.

Look in the mirror and affirm the following:

  1. I Love myself
  2. I deserve to be loved exactly as I am
  3. I am worthy of being loved
  4. I give my love generously
  5. I accept the love of others appreciatively
  6. I delight in who I am becoming.
  7. I am a beautiful, successful joy filled being
  8. I open myself to the love that surrounds me and gather it into my heart to support and strengthen me.

[NOTE: Some people prefer typing these affirmations on a small piece of paper that they stick on the upper corner of their bathroom mirror.]

Affirmations are a powerful tool to healing and transforming your life. When I have had my coaching clients add these affirmations to their life practice, their life begins to change, especially their relationships with others.

To come into the present, freed and unfettered by the past is opening your life to unlimited possibility. This is available to you through the healing power of your Soul and the enlightened embrace of your will as you affirm and accept that you have the power, the promise and the intention to love yourself and open yourself to the many joys and blessings that are available to you for the taking.

The timeless dance of giving and receiving, loving and being loved is before you. Celebrate and enjoy all that comes to you. Your Soul knows the real truth; your heart knows the truth.

Ponder on this. You deserve it.

To Love Yourself is the Greatest Gift, begin right now to give that gift to yourself.



The Blessing of Love on All that you Do!


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Copyright © 2014 Genevieve Gerard and Touch of the Soul LLC. All Rights Reserved.


The Greatest Love Read More »

If Not Now

If Not Now… When?

Its time to forgive colorful vortex

Have you ever found yourself saying “if not now, when?

Recently, I was speaking with a young woman who was caught up in the turmoil and tribulations of a divorce.

Her 10-year marriage was ending. Her older but wiser Self was realizing that she and her husband had let passion and love thrust them into marriage while they did not take the time and care to find out what was important to them in life and so, now that their relationship needed firmer ground to work through conflict, they were on a slippery slope of anger, blame and recriminations.

She described the little and big hurts and betrayals that had brought her to the realization that she had nothing more to give in this relationship. Even as they were trapped in the pain and disappointment that ending the marriage engendered, so more importantly she was trapped in the past, unable to look at what was happening in her life today, because she was viewing it through the memories and events of the past ten years.

She realized that she had made a number of mistakes over the past ten years. She was both angry at her husband and angry at herself.

As we spoke, I observed that she needed to forgive herself for her past mistakes. Interestingly, she felt that she had to wait to forgive. She thought she could forgive, both herself and him, later. She had constructed a list of events that she needed to check off her list before she felt ready to address the issue of forgiveness.

Although, this construction of what must happen before we forgive (ourselves or others) is very common, I found myself wondering and questioning if not now, when is the time to forgive?

If Not Now... When, time


I know, as one who teaches about and preaches about the importance of forgiveness, that the one who benefits the most is the forgiver, not the forgiven.

By forgiveness, both of yourself and others you are freeing yourself and releasing the past, opening your life to all of the potential and joy that you can embrace once you have shed the burden of old sorrows and circumstances.


Right now, mired in the past hurts and resentments, one’s vision is limited to seeing through a pinhole the light and potential that is available. This self-limiting constraint is all too common in life decisions. The freedom that forgiveness offers is a gift that is available whenever we finally choose to accept and embrace it, today or tomorrow.

One essential key to facilitating the transformation of family gatherings is forgiveness, and the other is love. Although there is a great deal that can be said (read my other forgiveness posts) in these two areas instead of thinking and theorizing on these. I suggest a dynamic experiment that you can do. It requires no agreement or participation from anyone else. It is very simple and yet both powerful and empowering. No one needs to know you are doing this.

Forgiveness Exercise

This exercise incorporates the very powerful forces of Love, Forgiveness, and Gratitude.

They involve saying in your mind specific repetitive phrases when observing the behaviors of those around you. You can shift freely and fluidly between these phrases. You can choose them at will.

For as much of the time you are with your family as you find possible (or someone you need to forgive), repeat these phrases in your mind. You may find your own variations and expressions of the phrases.

Keep repeating the phrases no matter what is happening or what anyone is doing. Beyond using the power of your mind, there is nothing you need to do or say. There is no reason to explain or belabor this, just repeat these phrases in your mind and heart.

The Forgiveness Phrases:

    Please forgive me
    Thank you
    I love you
    I forgive you
    I forgive myself

You may find other similar thoughts flow through your mind. You may find yourself lured by specifics. Let yourself be freed from your entire past “story” and return to repeating these simple phrases in your mind. The past is over. The future is unwritten.

At this moment, right now, just repeat these simple phrases.


Please note: The phrases included here are a minor modification of the teachings of Hoʻoponopono [ho-o-pono-pono] (an ancient Hawaiian practice of reconciliation and forgiveness.) You can find more about this in a book by Dr. Joe Vitale and Dr. Ihaleakala Hew Len, titled “Zero Limits”.


If you, like my young friend, acknowledge that ultimately forgiving the past and both yourself and your spouse are important life tasks, and that deep within, you understand are elements of growing past your present pain and sorrow, I must ask “Why suffer any longer?

Forgiveness is powerful and the results are immediate. Forgiveness is the portal to the present and all of the opportunities life is offering.

If, having forgiven an event or circumstance of the past, sometimes you may become aware that there were dynamics and forces in play of which you were not previously aware and while embracing and benefiting from this insight you can forgive again, releasing and freeing yourself.

Each time you forgive, each subtle nuance of understanding that you unlock can add to the compassion that you bestow on yourself or the other. You do not need to wait until you understand to forgive. Forgiveness itself unlocks the layers of shame and sorrow that hold old hurts in place.

You can unlock the doors to forgiveness by the simple thoughts “I Forgive You or I forgive myself”. The thought can be event-specific or general and amorphous and the amazing thing is it begins to unravel the past. Prayers, meditations or specific visualizations such as the one I recently created called “How to Forgive Yourselfare all helpful and beneficial, but most important is the decision to forgive, NOW.

There is no need to carry the past or let it diminish the present. The dynamic principle that energy follows thought can be activated in you and for you, right here, right now.



The Blessing of Love on all that you do.


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Last updated 12-20-2019


Genevieve - Soulful


About the author:
Genevieve Gerard teaches Transformational Consciousness – from first awakening to enlightened Soul awareness. She helps you experience the joy that results from the spontaneous “touch of your soul.”

Read more details…

Genevieve has a Bachelor’s Degree in Philosophy and Theology and a Master of Arts Degree in Counseling and for over thirty years has worked one-on-one with people who were recovering from devastating disabilities and chronic pain. Teaching the mastery of the mind-body relationship she was one of the early professionals trained in biofeedback, visualization, imagery, and meditation as essential techniques to help people heal their bodies, heal their emotions, heal their minds, and heal their lives.

Genevieve’s work demonstrates what she knows so well, “It is spiritual connectedness that triggers physical healing and emotional and mental well-being.”  Helping people, like you, tap into your higher-self is the power she wields to guide you to heal and transform your life.

Now, with this understanding, she combines the effective techniques she developed over decades teaching mind-body mastery along with her extensive experience in meditation and spiritual development to create a synthesis of mind-body-spirit that delivers complete healing and opens the door to unlimited personal growth and an encounter with your Soul.

In addition to her current life guidance coaching sessions, and workshops performed around the world, Genevieve has produced more than 20+ guided meditations in the last eight years that are available on iTunes, Amazon, CDBaby, and her website.

It is her vision that through your experience with the techniques of awareness, visualization, and meditation, the love of your Soul will touch and transform your life through her writings and products. It is her sincere desire that the potential of a life of joy and celebration that seems to elude so many people can become a reality for you, now and forever.

Browse her life story and read the Touch of the Soul that changed her world. To contact Genevieve, visit her keep in touch page.


Copyright © 2014-2019 Genevieve Gerard and Touch of the Soul LLC. All Rights Reserved.


If Not Now Read More »

10 Things I Have Learned About Consciousness From My Dog

10 Things I Have Learned About
Consciousness From My Dog Silky

Genevieve Gerard Dog Silky


Life offers us many lessons, sometimes from unlikely teachers.

Although I originally published this post in December of 2013, I am republishing it because the lessons I learned from my dog Silky are different from the lessons I learn from my current dog Bentley, just as our human teachers have different personalities and characteristics that teach us different life lessons.

As I was considering what to post for this week’s Wisdom Wednesday Blog I chose to update and repost this article.


Silky passed on to doggy heaven in July of 2014. In 2014, a new fur baby came to me as a rescue, my dog Bentley. He has a very different nature and teaches different life lessons.

In October of 2014 I wrote a post about what Bentley was teaching me.

The thing that I think was most wonderful is that each of these souls had mastered giving unconditional love.

The world would be a nicer place if everyone had the ability to love as unconditionally as a dog.
      — M. K. Clinton

I am very grateful for the blessing of unconditional love that each of these dogs have brought into my life.

My life has been richer and blessed by the animals that have accompanied me on my adventure. I encourage you to take some time to consider what you can learn from the animal consciousness that has come into your life. Each Presence is unique in what they teach you and offer to you.

I hope you enjoy this somewhat lighter perspective on life lessons. Life lessons are available to us from everywhere if we keep our hearts and minds open.


10 Things I Learned

    1. How to relax – when my dog relaxes he does it completely without a worry or concern.
    2. How to forgive immediately – my dog forgives any error on my part and then forgets it.
    3. How to express love with spontaneous joy – my dog gets completely into expressing his love and doesn’t stop until I say enough.
    4. How to be grateful for what I receive – my dog approaches every treat or blessing that life offers with gratitude and appreciation.
    5. How to be in the moment (in the Now) – my dog does not let anything that has happened in the past have any impact on the present and he never worries about the future.
    6. How to Love unconditionally – my dog always loves me and it has nothing to do with what I do. It is always there for me.

If You Would Like To Open Yourself To The Energy Of Divine Love & The Love That Your Soul Brings To You,
check out my Gift of Love CD Meditation (MP3 Download.)

    7. How to forgive yourself – as quickly as he forgives me he also forgives himself, even if he has done something wrong; as quickly as any of my transgressions are forgiven and forgotten so are his.
    8. How to honestly express his feelings – if he doesn’t like or trust someone, no amount of comforting or commanding will stop the expression of his feelings, he trusts his intuition completely.
    9. How to delight in the simple joys of life – playing – running- sniffing a new smell – whatever the experience, it is approached with a joyful abandon
    10. How to just be – My dog never makes demands of himself or his time, is never self-critical, he enjoys and appreciates just being.




The Blessing of Love on All That You Do!


P.S. Silky is a Havanese (his breed is from Havana Cuba and is sometimes referred to as a “Havana Silk Dog” and they are hypoallergenic because they have hair like a human.)

P.P.S. Please comment below and let me know what you have learned from your dog.


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Copyright © 2013-2016 Genevieve Gerard and Touch of the Soul


10 Things I Have Learned About Consciousness From My Dog Read More »

How To Forgive Yourself

How To Forgive Yourself MP3

Let Go Of The Past and Release Your Pain And Sorrow

Check out How To Forgive Yourself: Let Go Of The Past and Release Your Pain and Sorrow guided meditation by Genevieve Gerard

Forgiveness is an act that can do more to transform your life than any other tool in the quest for enlightenment, awareness and joy.


  • Learning to forgive yourself unlocks a power and a potential in your life that you have only dreamed of as possible.
  • It is through forgiveness that you become free, free to accept, enjoy and embrace the life you have spent countless hours wishing for, praying for.


Until you address this important life lesson, you are held back from moving into the full potential of your power to manifest and create your life by clinging to thoughts and feelings of shame, of guilt. It may be your belief that you do not deserve the happiness you seek because of some great wrong or mistake of the past. It is by forgiveness, most importantly self-forgiveness that you can finally be free of the past.

  • You hold the power to unlock the cage that has been imprisoning you. By focusing upon the conscious work of self-forgiveness you can choose to transform your life.


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This visualization guides you step-by-step through a process and perspective, which with your heartfelt intention and attention can open your life to all of the new possibilities that are available to you.

Because old sorrows, guilt, and shame are deeply embedded in your consciousness, you may need to, or wish to do this visualization many times offering up new insights and realization into the freedom of self-forgiveness.

Unpeeling the layers of illusion, glamor, misunderstanding, and misinterpretation that have kept you imprisoned in the past requires turning on the Light so you can see clearly and come into the opportunities and awareness that have not been clear to you before.

I invite you to embrace this adventure with the anticipation and expectation that the rest of your life can be the best of your life as you sever the bonds that have held you back for way too long.”
        – Genevieve Gerard

This visualization offers you the tools and techniques I have used in my own spiritual journey to find freedom and be open to and experience transcendent peace and joy.

Thank you for giving me the opportunity to be of service to you.

Add How To Forgive Yourself Download To My Cart

MP3 Available For Download Now

P.S. You can use this visualization as often as you like to liberate any lingering pain, blame or sorrows of the past and then be prepared to go forth living in the moment and open yourself to new experiences, assured that the future is as yet unwritten, waiting to be created.

P.S.S. Download this MP3 at any time of the day, even at 1 am in the morning.


Last Updated 8-28-2018


Copyright © 2013-2018 Genevieve Gerard and Touch of the Soul LLC. All rights reserved.


How To Forgive Yourself Read More »

Independence Day 2013: Freedom

Independence Day 2013

Freedom of Forgiveness

Independence Day Freedom

Today is the 4th of July; a day that all across the United States the concept of freedom is pondered and considered.

This concept is very powerful and in the years since our Forefathers espoused the principles of governance to guide the emerging nation that became our country freedom has been a constant principle, sometimes misused, sometimes misunderstood and yet it remains a deep principle and tenet of our consciousness.

The freedom to do, the freedom to say, the freedom to think and the freedom to be are all cornerstones of the awareness of modern man all around the planet.
Today as I meditate and ponder upon these weighty concepts I am aware of a kind of freedom that comes not from a governmental system but rather from our individual heart, mind and Soul. That is the freedom to forgive ourselves.

It is not unusual that I would think of this as I have been working on creating meditations on Self-Forgiveness for a variety of different groups in a variety of circumstances of life events. But as I ponder the concept of Freedom as the dawn breaks over the skies of a 4th of July, the freedom to forgive oneself and to free oneself from the endless toxic cycle of self-judgment and recrimination seems to be important.

All too often our thoughts and feelings are trapped in self-blame, self-doubt and shame that not only limits our ability to be free but destroys our hope, our promise and our potential to both give and receive love.

This lack of self-forgiveness, this blame game we all play to varying degrees, disconnects us from those around us, separates and isolates us and denies both us and others of the Love that we all so desperately need and desire. It serves no purpose for all that you have ever done and all that has ever been done to you is in the past. It is only by your lack of self-forgiveness or forgiveness of the other that it is brought into the present to contaminate what is truly happening and deprive you of the peace the love and the joy that life is offering you in the now, in this moment, here and now today.

As we celebrate with family and friends the freedoms we enjoy, I invite you to add a new freedom to enjoy, the freedom from self-judgment, self-blame and self-recrimination.” – Genevieve Gerard

To do this I invite you into the present, into this moment of time. Consciously and with intention realize that the past is past. It cannot invade or influence this moment of time unless you invite it in. In the moment you have the power and the freedom to be released from any and all pain and circumstance in life that has come before.

Let yourself enter into the freedom that this moment grants by both expanding your awareness into this moment of time and confining your awareness to this moment of time. In this moment the past is both dissolved and resolved. In this moment all you have ever experience can be released because it is in the past. You are free from it. You are unfettered and released in the awareness that because it is in the past it cannot be altered or changed, but it can be forgiven.

In this moment is a magic that lays before you a future that has not been written that holds a potential and a promise that everything can be different and new from everything that has ever come before. This power is available to you as you enter into the reality and realization of what is truth, without the distortion of the past. Accepting this moment, while releasing and forgiving what has been, while opening yourself to all that can be, all that can happen in this ongoing adventure of life.

Shedding the past as the worn out garment you have worn and worried too long invites you into NOW and gives you true freedom, the freedom to be and the freedom to become all that you have ever longed to be.

Accept this freedom, release the past through self-forgiveness and embrace the full possibility of your life to celebrate true independence.

Happy Independence Day. Today is truly the first day of the rest of your life. Go forth freed from past errors and mistakes to fulfill you higher purpose and destiny.


Independence Day 2013: Freedom Read More »

Winter Solstice Vision

Winter Solstice:

A Vision to Usher in the New Age

snow capped forest with the dawn of light coming through

From a dream by Genevieve Gerard preparatory to the Winter Solstice

Here, Now, at this moment of time this exists within, cloaked and encased in the poignant power of this moment of time, in the space of the Eternal Now, the opportunity to be free, be released, to be healed and restored.

Gather As Souls in the Hall of Records

Enter now into the Hall of Records.

Great Ancient Wisdom Hall of Records golden lighted books


Into this sacred place you are invited today.

Here we gather as Souls, as our consciousness only, we are free from the trappings of our bodies.

We are aware, without the burdens of our physical desires in the radiant pure blue Light of the Soul, of our eternal and essential Self.

This holy place is only accessible in the Eternal NOW. It is open to you through your meditation for your healing, for your empowerment to provide the perspective of enlightenment, to grant you greater clarity and freedom.

Here, in this radiant room of white alabaster, as far as the eye can see are sections of shelves overflowing with golden scrolls, here is the recorded history of your progression through lives and your progression through the annals of time.

Here reside the lessons your Soul has learned in the adventure we call life.  Here all of your glories are recorded, all your failures are accessed, all your challenges recalled.

As you prepare to enter here you are met at the door by three angels, the first of which presents you with a gossamer robe of resounding light.

Your Angel of the Presence, blazing forth in resplendent Light and Glory, places a golden crown upon your head.

The Angel on the Threshold places a (rod) (staff) in your prepared and waiting hands.

Your Guardian Angel places a golden chain around your neck that has a diamond resplendent with rainbow light as unlimited prisms of color sparkle forth lighting the hall before you.

That Diamond Light connects your heart to the heart of the Christ and radiates in the Light Supernal the essence of pure love.  This love lights the room in ever-changing prisms of loving light.

You have come here today to do great work, great service.  From this task, you shall not waver.  From this task, you shall not shirk.

Behind you are all of your brethren.  Their strength supports you as your strength supports them.

Great work stands before you in the hall of records.  A service that will free your fellow man.  A work that will serve the transforming power of love.  A service that will heal and release bindings that have subverted and sabotaged the best efforts of man, lifetime after lifetime.

Now is the hour of release.  Now is the time of transformation.  The key to freedom has been given to you and to all who enter herein with a clarity of purpose and intention.

The tasks before you are not small.  The task before you may not be easy.  The task before you is absolutely and completely essential to ushering in the new age in a way that can bring real and lasting change.

So important is this work that all of the hierarchy, masters, and initiates are here to join this work and do their part, encompassing all of their lives throughout the span of time.

So important is this work that the Souls of all those dedicated servants of mankind called the New Group of World Servers are gathered to both aid the work and receive the blessing and transformation it will bring.

This is a moment in time for which mankind has waited for over 26,000 years.  This is a release that will heal our hearts, our minds, and our Souls from sorrows and pains that we did not even know we carried.

Here, in the Hall of Records, with the aggregate of all of our lives since the earth was formed we are charged to completely, now and forever, wield the power of forgiveness.

As we look upon the recorded history of our journey through time we are charged to forgive, now and forever, any and all slights and wrongs, no matter how large, no matter how small.  We forgive every betrayal, every selfish or self-serving act that ever caused us to hurt or harm.

We release now and forever any vows of vengeance or retribution, releasing us and the other from the karmic bonds that have limited us.

No sin is too great or too small.  It is all offered up.  It is all forgiven.  It is all released through an act of grace by the Lords of Karma.

Winter Solstice Forgiveness


Freedom from the limitations of the past is opened, here and now, through this unprecedented flow of forgiveness.  You must give the forgiveness to receive forgiveness.


This is the opportunity to wipe your slate clean and to wipe clean the slate of all your brethren through their parade of roles and relationships in your lives.


Now and forever you may be free of all that has come before by this awe-inspiring act of forgiveness, this profound, powerful, and poignant moment in the annals of life and the annals of time.

Embrace this power of forgiveness; free yourself from the karmic ravages of the past in time.  Release yourself and release all who have ever walked through any of your lives, completely, now and forever, throughout time, beyond time, freed from time.

Forgiveness is the portal to your complete freedom to be and become all you were created to be.  This gift is yours and available to all of your brethren who gather in this hall today.

Now is the moment, the moment is eternal, the release is complete, the healing is complete.  The miracle of forgiveness opens to freedom.  Love is fully served and love prevails beyond our imagining.

Something magical and miraculous is happening here on planet earth. It happens at the winter solstice as we move out of the challenging year of 2020, we move beyond the sacrifice and sorrows of a worldwide pandemic that has cost the world so many as we enter a new time of hope and healing. As we transition from the darkness into the Light comes an opportunity to practice the pillars of virtue, harmlessness, kindness, compassion, and right speech.

As we celebrate the Solstice it is time to celebrate and embrace the transforming power of Love that is flooding to Earth from the Heavens. As we enter the New Year of 2021 the Angels are aligning with the ashram of Christ to help humanity make the next step forward in learning to Love.

Love is the answer to a myriad of life’s problems. The power of Love is transformation. It is available without limitation freely to all simply by opening your heart and inviting it in.

Within you is your Soul, whose nature is Love. As you open your heart, calls to like and Love flows freely to you from the unlimited Source of Love to infuse you and transform you. The stars and planets are aligning across the Universe to ignite and empower the consciousness of humanity with enlightened awareness as the veils of illusion shred.

Truth and clarity reveal the strength of unity and brotherhood/sisterhood among the human family of the world. Resources of revelation guide restoration and redemption. The gifts of this Solstice of 2020 are available to heal the world after the death and devastation of a worldwide pandemic and offer hope and the promise of new solutions and new opportunities.

As always in the human adventure there is free will and free choice. I call upon you to choose Love, to choose kindness, to choose compassion, and to choose harmlessness. After a year of disagreement and division, it is time to practice forgiveness. It is time to find what strengthens and unites us. It is time to practice the commandment of Christ to Love One Another

A Winter Solstice Ritual for Forgiveness

This is to help you take full advantage of this event of forgiveness.

From the sacred place within the hall of records, take your stand.

Declare from the point of focus of your Soul to forgive all others who have ever, in any time, in any life, caused you harm, created sorrow or suffering in your life, wronged you in any way.

Let yourself release the pains of attachment. Let the Light of Love enlighten you and free you as being in the eternal NOW loosens and releases you as you stand forth in the eternal glory of your eternal essence, your Soul.

As you clearly state your intention and desire to forgive, focus your heart energy in Love.  Let that love fill your heart and pervade your being.  No matter what the sorrow, no matter what the sin, love can heal it and you and all who have ever sinned against you can be released into the freedom and the joy of forgiveness.

From the center of your heart see lines of love come forth from your Soul, scanning and reviewing the aggregate golden scrolls stored in the hall of records.  Let the bond of Love connect your Soul to the Soul of the one whose life is recorded herein.  At that touch, forgiveness springs forth and Love heals and restores you and all with whom you have ever shared the bonds of love.

All sorrow melts away and the joy of unity is restored.  Karma is both transcended and released at this touch through the miraculous transformation.  This is an act of Grace over-lighted by the Lords of Karma who have gathered at this juncture of time, the transition of the ages to give the gift of release and forgiveness to all who are willing to forgive.

Freedom rings forth throughout the universe with the release that forgiveness brings.  The healing is complete and on all levels.

Your will and intention are all it takes.

With each strand of Light that flows forth from your heart and your Soul, carried on the wings of love, forgiveness heals and transforms the past, throughout the annals of time, along the scrolls of the recorded events of all your lives and the recorded lives of all who you have touched throughout time.

With the full force of your will, with the full power of your love, send forth from your Soul to the awaiting Soul of the other with the statement, I forgive you, now and forever, from the past and in the present, in this dynamic moment of the eternal now.

Within the laws of love and imbued with the grace of compassion and mercy I release you from any karmic debts owed to me.  I join this spirit of utter and complete forgiveness by asking forgiveness from you for any harm or wrongs I may have committed, knowing, or unknowing throughout our lives, no matter how large or how small.

Lastly, but as important I invoke and invite this gift of forgiveness by forgiving myself.  I have made mistakes.  I have been selfish and self-serving.  I have failed to live by the laws of love and harmlessness.  I sincerely repent of these ways and invite into my life the release of redemption and the joy of love and unity for the rest of my life.

In the downpouring love of the heart of the Christ with the outpouring cleansing and healing waters of this new Age of Aquarius I am made anew.  I assert my intention to live my life from this day forth by the laws of love, aware of harmlessness and right speech as my guiding principles.

Most of all know that I Am Love.

And thus, I stand.  Here as revealed and recorded in the sacred space of the hall of records, freed to go forth and live fully and serve fully unencumbered by the past, free to the joy and grace of the ongoing celebration of the eternal Now.


Before you leave this sacred place take a moment and pause. Give your thanks and appreciation to the Angels who keep the Hall of Records as their work and service throughout eternity in the eternal now for the granting of Grace and igniting the release of forgiveness empowered by Divine Love.

Then take some time to bask in this release today as the 2020 Winter Solstice celebrates the return of the Light after the darkest hour. Let all of your sorrows be released into the darkness as with the rising of the Light comes the reassurance that good will prevail.

Record your meditations and contemplations to help empower you and enlighten you as you prepare for a new year in the turn of life and a new decade in the wheel of time for humanity in the evolution of consciousness.



   Genevieve Gerard


Last updated 12-20-2020


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Genevieve - Soulful


About the author:
Genevieve Gerard teaches Transformational Consciousness – from first awakening to enlightened Soul awareness. She helps you experience the joy that results from the spontaneous “touch of your soul.”

Read more details…

Genevieve has a Bachelor’s Degree in Philosophy and Theology and a Master of Arts Degree in Counseling and for over thirty years has worked one-on-one with people who were recovering from devastating disabilities and chronic pain. Teaching the mastery of the mind-body relationship she was one of the early professionals trained in biofeedback, visualization, imagery, and meditation as essential techniques to help people heal their bodies, heal their emotions, heal their minds, and heal their lives.

Genevieve’s work demonstrates what she knows so well, “It is spiritual connectedness that triggers physical healing and emotional and mental well-being.”  Helping people, like you, tap into your higher-self is the power she wields to guide you to heal and transform your life.

Now, with this understanding, she combines the effective techniques she developed over decades teaching mind-body mastery along with her extensive experience in meditation and spiritual development to create a synthesis of mind-body-spirit that delivers complete healing and opens the door to unlimited personal growth and an encounter with your Soul.

In addition to her current life guidance coaching sessions, and workshops performed around the world, Genevieve has produced more than 20+ guided meditations in the last eight years that are available on iTunes, Amazon, CDBaby, and her website.

It is her vision that through your experience with the techniques of awareness, visualization, and meditation, the love of your Soul will touch and transform your life through her writings and products. It is her sincere desire that the potential of a life of joy and celebration that seems to elude so many people can become a reality for you, now and forever.

Browse her life story and read the Touch of the Soul that changed her world. To contact Genevieve, visit her keep in touch page.


Copyright © 2012-2020 Genevieve Gerard and Touch of the Soul LLC, All Rights Reserved


Winter Solstice Vision Read More »

The Power to Forgive

The Power to Forgive

The Power to Forgive

Deep within the recesses of the human heart, at a point of complete and utter peace, exists a power that has within it the essence of transformation that can heal the world.


Take a moment to open your heart and receive this power.  It is the power to forgive.  By being open to forgiveness, by being willing to give forgiveness, you become a participant in an active role that can transform the world.

The Divine Love that can flow through your life and flow into your life when you open yourself to the power to forgive is life changing.  By opening yourself to forgiveness you create a place of peace deep within you that provides a fertile womb for a kind of love to grow that is so amazing, so Divine, so awe-inspiring that you may wonder how you ever lived without it.

To touch the magnitude of forgiveness and to share it with everyone who longs for it and needs forgiveness is to wield a magic wand of transformation that touches everyone everywhere.

The mystery of this power, the magic contained in the power of forgiveness was revealed as a hint in the healing miracles of Jesus when he used the phrase “Your sins are forgiven.”  Luke 5:17

Who among us does not long in the secret sorrow of our heart to hear the words “your sins are forgiven”.  We all harbor within us a longing to know and truly believe that our past mistakes, our past sins can be forgiven.  There is little in life that is as healing and restorative as forgiveness.

Forgiveness is a double blessing because it blesses both he who receives it and him who gives it.  Grace is the cloak that garbs forgiveness. 

When we have opened ourselves to give forgiveness or to accept forgiveness we have opened ourselves to touch the Divine.”
    – Genevieve Gerard

The power, the peace and the transformation that is ours when we unlock the power of forgiveness is so profound and changes our life so completely that the real mystery is why we would ever choose to not forgive or fail to fully embrace being forgiven.

There is no sorrow that forgiveness cannot heal.  There is no separation that forgiveness cannot bridge.  Forgiveness is not earned. It is received by love through Grace.  It is the most profound and most powerful of all spiritual gifts. 

By unlocking the power to forgive you are bringing the power of God into your hands.  You are demonstrating your unity with God and you are rewarded with a peace so tangible, so deep, that is passes understanding.

In quiet, in reflection, in meditation review those you could forgive and whatever you need to be forgiven.  Call upon the Light of your Soul and in gratitude and joy let yourself accept the forgiveness that is available to you and give the forgiveness that is accessible to you.

Then go forth in life with a new opportunity to live the life you were meant to live in joy, in celebration of love for yourself and your fellow man.


About the author: Genevieve Gerard teaches Transformational Consciousness – from first awakening to enlightened awareness.  She helps you experience the joy that results from the spontaneous “touch of the soul.”   Browse her body of work at  Copyright © 2012-2018 by Genevieve Gerard. All rights reserved.

For more writings on forgiveness please go to my website and read my other posts on the importance of forgiveness.

The Power to Forgive Read More »


Reflections on Life

That Was Yesterday: No Regrets

Yesterday has passed. It shall not come again.  Whatever you have done, or left undone can be released into the moment, the nowForgive yourself and any others who may need forgivenessFlow into today open to the promise of becoming with No Regrets.  Every moment brings you to the NOW.  Celebrate!


To Forgive

To Forgive

Forgiveness seems to come in layers.  Too truly focus upon forgiveness requires looking at events from different perspectives and each of those individual lenses benefits from the act of forgiveness.  I use the words act of forgiveness because forgiveness is not passive.  It involves both will and intention.

The power and significance of forgiveness in our lives is a source of endless blessing. – Genevieve Gerard

To forgive has so many levels and layers to it that it is an issue to which we can return to over and over again.  Moreover, each time we release ourselves from the toxic poison of holding a grudge, or anger or hate we move more toward wholeness and health and open the space for more healing and joy to come into our life.

To forgive completely you need to look at the whole circumstance around the event or incident that requires forgiveness.  This is best done from the perspective of the dispassionate observer.  The dispassionate observer is a vision of your life when you free your awareness of the emotions and judgments you have held previously, invite, and invoke the perspective of your Higher Self or Soul.

When you observe the act or event that requires forgiveness from an outside perspective, you can become aware of factors that influenced the behavior of the other person that have not been clear to you in previous memories of the event.  Your perspective widens, as you can begin to understand factors about the other person that had previously been shielded from your sight by the anger you carried about the event or circumstance.

As you become more aware of the factors regarding one who wronged you, it becomes easier to forgive them.  Likewise, when evaluating a past wrong from the insight of the dispassionate observer you usually become aware of how your own behavior, needs or desires, played into the event where you were wronged and you can see the areas in which you need to forgive yourself.

It is often in this step of self-forgiveness that we receive the greatest healing.  The greatest release and freedom often comes from the actual act of self-forgiveness.  The bonds that have held you to this sorrow are finally severed and you are open to new understanding and new joy as you look forward to new opportunities and experiences.

Often this is felt as a sense of lightness or openness and the spontaneous openness of your heart to more love and more joy than you were able to experience.

To forgive the act of the wrong that was committed, and forgive the one who committed the act, and then to forgive yourself for whatever ways in which you allowed the wrong to be done to you is a powerful tool of transformation in your life.  It frees you of the past and enables you to enter into the joy of present time, unencumbered.

Open yourself then to the Grace that abides and the presence of Love in your life.  This grace and this love are available from your Soul to aid your personality to live your life more fully and completely.  This grace and love is available from your Soul to help in your healing and to help you to live life more abundantly.

About the author: Genevieve Gerard teaches Transformational Consciousness – from first awakening to enlightened awareness.  She helps you experience the joy that results from the spontaneous “touch of the soul.”   Browse her body of work at  Copyright © 2011 by Genevieve Gerard. All rights reserved.


To Forgive Read More »

Key to Freedom and Happiness

Forgiveness: The Key to Freedom and Happiness

by Genevieve Gerard

I often said I would write an article entitled “Forgiveness, the Ultimate Act of Selfishness.”  However, this morning as I sit down to write it seems a more appropriate title would be “Forgiveness: The Key to Freedom and Happiness.”  We have all seen the results of a failure to forgive in mean, embittered old people who live lonely lives, blaming others for their misery and their lot in life. 

Shakespeare shared his insight on forgiveness’ grace in these lines from the
Merchant of Venice:

“The quality of mercy is not strain’d,

It droppeth as the gentle rain from heaven

Upon the place beneath. It is twice blest:

It blesseth him that gives and him that takes.”[1]

Forgiveness may be a blessing to the one you forgive, but to you it offers a healing and freedom to move forward in your life that is much more powerful for you than it is for the one who is forgiven. 

When I have said this to people they frequently ask if forgiveness is warranted even when someone has done something that is unforgivable.  They ponder whether it is right to forgive someone of a truly heinous act.  My answer to this is always a resounding yes.  In forgiving someone there is always the possibility that the grace of forgiveness will allow them to truly see the error of their ways and thus bring about transformation. 

However, far more important is the grace that forgiveness offers you in freedom from the burdens of anger, hate, resentment, or sorrow that is harbored inside of you.  Carrying these old feelings burdens you in the present.  If past wrongs are continually brought into present time they are never really over.  As long as you carry the burden of your anger, hate and resentment the past is dominating your present.  You become inextricably bound to that old wrong as you carry it with you into the present, into the now.  By not forgiving and letting go, you allow the old wrong or hurt to color your whole life.

It is reminisant of an old Zen parable from Zen Flesh, Zen Bones called “The Muddy Road” about Tanzan and Ekido, two Buddhist monks, who were renunciates. 

Tanzan and Ekido were once traveling together down a muddy road.  A heavy rain was falling.  Coming around a bend, they met a lovely girl in a silk kimono and sash, unable to cross the intersection.  “Come on, girl” said Tanzan at once.  Lifting her in his arms he carried her over the mud.  Ekido did not speak again until that night when they reached a lodging temple.  Then he could no longer restrain himself.  “We monks don’t go near females” he told Tanzan, “especially not young and beautiful ones.  It is dangerous.  Why did you do that?”

“I left the girl there.” said Tanzan.  “Are you still carrying her?”

So it is with us when we fail to forgive past wrongs.  We are required to carry them long beyond their time.  If you fail to forgive, the past limits your ability to fully appreciate and experience the gifts of the present, because these old harbored wrongs are filling your present time with useless baggage from another time and place.  In order to fully experience the freedom and the happiness that is granted to those who live in the now, it is necessary to let go of what you are bringing with you that is not a part of the now.  To do this you must forgive the people who caused all the old hurts, wrongs or resentments you are carrying with you.

Of course, there is often another element that must be faced.  In order to fully forgive you must make an honest assessment of any responsibility you may have had in the situation that resulted in your being hurt.  If after an honest assessment you find that you share any of the blame in bringing about this situation, you also must forgive yourself.

One final step in any situation where you find mutual responsibility is to allow yourself to be forgiven by the other.  All that is required is simply your openness to the energy of forgiveness from the other and does not require their active participation.

Forgiveness of old hurts and forgiveness of yourself is like dropping a heavy load that you have carried for far too long.  Once you have let go of it you may well find yourself wondering why you chose to carry it for so long.  Once you have let go of the old hurts, resentments and pains you will be free to experience what is happening and what is possible in the now. 

There is a tremendous freedom that comes from being able to cope with the challenges of the now, in the now.  Burdens are lightened and your perspective becomes clearer. Today’s challenges become sufficient for today. And, at last, you have the freedom to live your life fully, one day at a time, one moment at a time, blessed by the freedom of the eternal now.

About the author: Genevieve Gerard teaches Transformational Consciousness – from first awakening to enlightened awareness.  She helps you experience the joy that results from the spontaneous “touch of the soul.”  Browse her body of work at

Copyright © 2011 by Genevieve Gerard.  All rights reserved.


[1] The Merchant of Venice, Act 4  Scene 1

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