Genevieve Gerard

Mothers Day 2013

Mothers Day 2013

Mothers Day 2013

Today (Mother’s Day 2013) I offer this Meditation on the Gift of Unconditional Love, free to you.

I hope it blesses and empowers your life with Love.

The blessing of Love on all that you do.

Genevieve Gerard




Just click on the Add To Cart button and use coupon code “mothers day” at checkout to get this $10 medition on Unconditional Love for free (our checkout system will ask for your credit card details but will not charge your card)

Free Meditation on Gift of Unconditional Love Meditation on the Gift of Unconditional Love MP3 Download FREE WITH COUPON CODE “mothers day”



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Light of the Dawn

Light of the Dawn

Light of the Dawn | Genevieve Gerard
As the last breath of darkness surrenders to the Light of the dawn, I am reminded that the Light has the power over the dark

As a single candle can dispel the darkness, positive thoughts in our mind can dispel the fears that try to hold us captive

Each time we assert our dominion over the tyranny of fear we strengthen the Divine Light within us.  And as surely as the Sun chases the night from the sky, so our affirming and embracing positive thoughts activates the law of the universe that energy follows thought, which places the power for our life firmly in our hands.



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New Possibilities

Today, new possibilities reveal themselves.

Today, I open my awareness to the potential of transformation and healing.

Today, I am free of the mistakes and misunderstandings of the past, as I enter into this day renewed.

Today, the past is behind me. Now is my moment. The future is as yet unwritten.


Goodness and mercy are mine to claim in a celebration of the joy of being.


What new possibilities related to transformation have been revealed to you today, please comment and let us know.

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Perchance to Dream

Perchance to Dream

mysteries of dreaming

Sleep is an essential part of our human life, our human experience. We know we spend approximately one-third of our lives in sleep, and that to do so is essential to our physical, emotional and mental health. And we know that when we get a good night’s sleep we feel better; again, physically, emotionally and mentally.

Since the advent of tools that measure the subtle activity of the brain, we have learned that sleep is an active and fertile time for our consciousness. Dreams are an essential part of the sleep experience. Measurements of time in dreams through the tracking of REM (rapid eye movement) cycles helps scientists and doctors track and examine when in the sleep cycle we dream. And, psychologists will attest to the importance of dreams in the process of communicating to the conscious mind, often in a symbolic language in subtle ways that we sometimes can understand and sometimes find confusing. Indeed there are psychologists who devote the main focus of their practice to interpreting dreams.

Even among those therapists who do not focus their practice on dreams, most psychotherapists would agree that the process of dreaming is important and through the experience of dreams people are put in touch with a part of their consciousness that Carl Jung called supra-personal consciousness. Realizing this, understanding this fact of the dreaming experience, leads us to examine both sleep and dreams from the perspective of consciousness.

Here, in the realm of consciousness, no machines, no matter how scientific or advanced can answer our inquiries. How we dream, and why we dream what we dream, are mysteries. At times our dreams may be a jumbled reflection of a book we were reading before sleep, or a movie or television program we saw, or a conversation we had in the course of our day. I even recall dreams of solitaire- layouts on a night when obviously too much of my day had been spent playing computer games. At other times our dreams present deep insights, revealing greater understanding and wisdom about our life.

Dreams and their symbols remain in the realm of our consciousness, and therefore to my way of thinking, are spiritual, by which I mean pertaining to the spirit or soul contact. – Genevieve Gerard

Old biblical stories resound with prophets or characters being directed in dreams. Recall the story of Jacob who dreamed of an angel telling him to return from where he was staying, to his family’s land. (Genesis 31: 13) “ Likewise Pilate’s’ wife was reported to have been warned in a dream that he should have nothing to do with Jesus, “that just man.” (Matthew 27: 19) Recall that the Wise Men who traveled to the manger, following a star, were told in a dream to return home by a different route when leaving Jerusalem, after they had found the baby Jesus. (Matthew 2: 12)

So throughout over 4,000 years of spiritual stories, the importance of dreams have been considered and recorded. Dreams have been a part of the human experience and our human expression both spiritually and psychologically, as reflected in the words of Shakespeare as Hamlet records in his famous soliloquy of “To be or not to be,” in which he extols the blessings of sleep but fears dreams when he notes “to dream, ah there’s the rub.” So the importance of our dreams has long been known to humanity.

Unfortunately our science, our pursuit of medicine and instant solutions for life problems, have resulted in a in a disruption of our dreams. Those who use sleeping medication on a regular basis are said to dream less. Sleeping medication represses the REM cycle. Those who become habitual users of these medications are removed from both the blessing and the curse of this natural and essential human experience. This is the most unfortunate result of using medication to sleep.

In the years since I first released my “Sleep in Heavenly Peace” visualization, the only people who have told me they tried to use the visualization but it didn’t help them sleep, were those who were the habitual users of sleep medications, and unfortunately that is a large part of our population. So as I examine the experience of sleeping and dreaming from the perspective of consciousness I wish to encourage the use of meditative and relaxing techniques as solutions to sleep problems. These natural solutions leave the portal to dreams open for the insights and awareness that dreams may bring. To disrupt this natural part of our consciousness’s ability to communicate through the sleep experience seems unwise.

And I wish you sweet dreams.




© Genevieve Gerard 3-3-13



About the author: Genevieve Gerard teaches Transformational Consciousness – from first awakening to enlightened awareness. She helps you experience the joy that results from the spontaneous “touch of the soul.” Browse her body of work at Copyright © 2013 by Genevieve Gerard. All rights reserved.


Please feel free to pass this article on to others who may find it of interest. You may reprint the article by following the Permission to Reprint information below.


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You are allowed to reprint articles published by Touch of the Soul, as long as proper credit and citation is given. To reprint an article, you must credit the author, indicate the original date of publication on Genevieve Gerard’s website, and include the appropriate reprint permission language. Content reproduced from Touch of the Soul may not be edited, but you may use excerpts. When reprinting content, you must always include this reprint permission language at the end of the article. If the content will be reprinted on your Web site or blog, you must include a live (search engine followed) link to Genevieve Gerard’s website and the original article Perchance to Dream.


Reprint Permission Language: Reprinted from Touch of the Soul with permission from Genevieve Gerard, author of ‘Perchance to Dream’ 3-3-2013. All rights reserved.


Linking Information:


Genevieve Gerard –

Perchance to Dream –


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Center Your Energies Before Writing

How to Center Your Energies Before You Begin to Write

Journal PenThis post is in response to a question I revived in one of the comments on my Blog.

Here are some tips and ideas to help you center your energies and clear your mind before you write. Breath as always is a key element to calming your mind and opening yourself to the insight and wisdom of your Higher Self. It is the wisdom and insight of your Higher Self that you want to access in order to do your best writing.

By connecting to the flow of energy from you Higher Self, you are able to write from the perspective of your whole being. Your thoughts can then take on the wholeness of your Self by bringing the alignments of your emotions with your mind and the wisdom and insight that your Soul brings to the expression of your self in the process of writing.

So, begin by sitting quietly and focus upon your breath. As you observe and become aware of your breath, allow your mind to quiet. The awareness of your breath automatically begins multiple events in motion. The simple act of observing your breath with no attempt to control your breathing helps you relax and bring your energy to a calm quiet and receptive place.

You can then further enhance the process of writing by forming the clear intention that your Higher Self will influence your writing.”
– Genevieve Gerard

As you sit there observing your breath letting your body calm and your mind let the chatter fade away you can further prepare to write by opening your heart and mind to the impressions and insight of your Higher Self. You can then further enhance the process of preparation by forming the clear intention that your Higher Self will influence your writing. Express that intention as an expression of your will.

You can further strengthen this connection by imagining golden light connecting your heart, your mind and your Soul in a triangle of energy. As you continue to breathe, see the light flow easily along this pathway to connect your body (at the heart center), mind (at the point of energy midway between your eyebrows) and Soul Imagine (imagined as a radiant point of Light about 3 feet above your head) the blending and fusing of those energies.

This can all be accomplished in just a few minutes. You can then engage in a meditation, or just begin to write. It is important to suspend self-criticism and self-judgment as you begin to write. You can always change and edit your writing once you have created a draft in the natural flow of your writing. Allow your writing to flow naturally.

If you find that your flow of thoughts and words slows, return to letting the breath move your energy in the magic triangle of heart, mind and Soul. You can return to blending, fusing and circulating that energy as many times as you need to throughout the process of writing whenever you feel your energy flow becomes stagnant.

Approaching your writing from a centered place of awareness, connected to your Higher Self is particularly important when you write in a journal or are engaged in creative or spiritual writing. Check out my blog post on “Keeping A Journal Can Be A Doorway To Spiritual Insight.” Even technical and business writers will benefit from taking the time to center and connect your energies before you write.

Over time, these simple steps of coordinating your breath and your intention with the connection of your heart, mind and Soul will become second nature to you and free you from the stress and tyranny of self-criticism that limits the creative process.

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New Opportunities

New Opportunities

In our life we are given many opportunities to begin anew.  Today signifies a New Moon, the chance to start a new cycle.  Astrological and esoteric traditions tell us that at the New Moon, seeds of thought and energy are created, which develop and mature as the moon grows to its fullness.  The demarcation of a New Year has just passed for the Western calendar, and Chinese New Year lies immediately ahead, on February 10th.  Thus celebrations of a new start and new beginnings have been enjoyed by mankind for thousands of years.

The chance to put the past behind us and enter into present time with all of its promise and potential is an exciting and hopeful aspect of our great adventure in life.

It is this hopeful promise that is part of the joy that each day, each new dawn, brings to me.  The wonderful thing about these plentiful markers of new beginnings, from a new day to the New Moon or a New Year, is they can be used as a time of reflection or meditation, empowering us to truly put the past behind us and enter into now.

There are also opportunities to forgive yourself of any past failures, and to forgive others of any past wrongs or betrayals.  Each new day, each new moon and each New Year reminds us that our most powerful time is now.  It is in the present that our full promise and full potential are available to us.

Whether we are young or old there is truth in the saying “Today is the first day of the rest of your life.”  Celebrate it by letting go of the past and entering to the power of Now with all of the freedom and joy that offers you, right here and right now.

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Ponderings on a Christmas Morning

Ponderings on a Christmas Morning

Merry Christmas 2012
Today we celebrate the birth of the Christ.  We celebrate by giving gifts and joining together with friends and loved ones.  We celebrate in the remembrance of the gift from God of the birth of him who was to become the World Savior. He through an act of complete obedience and surrender sacrificed his all. In so doing he eliminated of the separation of mankind from God and anchored Divine Love on earth. 

The life of Christ was both a miraculous and a mythical event that fulfilled prophecies and enacted rituals unknown to our understanding.  Just the foretelling of his life was sufficient to make a Cosmic Star rise in the east and, the Angelic hosts sing. 

Since the life and willing sacrifice of the Christ, much has changed in the world.  There is still great work to be done in the world for the Love that was grounded by the Christ 2000 years ago to become manifest on earth and reign in the hearts of humanity.

We can join in this great work by living in Love, expressing love, demonstrating love and letting love guide our thoughts, our feeling and our actions.  The more we can express love in our life, the more we can give love in our life, and then we are filled with the joy of love and the ability to live our life more abundantly.


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The Blessing of Beauty

The Blessing of Beauty

It is all too easy to take for granted the blessings we have in our lives.  This morning, as I watch the light chase away the shadows and bring into focus the world before me, I realize how we can fail to notice the beauty that surrounds us, the blessings that surround us.  Nature in her glorious abundance makes a gift to us that we may easily ignore.


The simple joy, the subtle beauty of the light of the morning, is part of an ever-changing, constantly renewing demonstration that we only need open our eyes to see.” -Genevieve Gerard

No dawn is a repeat performance.  Each dawn is a unique blessing, its own gift.  We receive this gift whether we are rich or poor.  It is available to us by simply opening our eyes and observing.  It is an ever-changing drama, readily available for our enjoyment, our pleasure, our blessing.

This awareness leads me to ponder the question, how many other experiences in our life do we take for granted and thereby ignore?  How many blessings are we being given that we fail to see and fail to appreciate as we hurry and scurry from event to event, caught up in the glamour of busyness?

Today, now, in this moment of time, let us focus our awareness on the beauty that surrounds us, the blessings we may not have observed or have taken for granted.  Let us open our minds and hearts to appreciate all that is being given to us, right here, right now.

Let us focus our attention on what we have, instead of what we think we need or believe we want.  And in this spirit of receiving, let us allow our gratitude and our joy to spring forth.

Let us enjoy this experience of observing and appreciating the beauty that surrounds us and the blessings that are available to us each moment, each day.

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The Joy of Earth’s Beauty

The Joy of Earth’s Beauty

Life on Planet Earth is challenging. Mired in matter and all too often ruled by greed it is often known as a veil of tears. Love, the universal principle of our spiritual being is obscured by our desire nature, our glamour’s and illusions. Suffering and a sense of separateness keep us from experiencing the joy that is available to us if we could just break free to access the fullness of our being.

Meditation can reveal the potential of joy that resides within us, but sorrow and suffering are triggered by so many events and so much of the negative offerings of our mind chatter that is easy to slip away from the consciousness of our Soul’s nature as we return to life even from the most exalted of meditative experiences. It seems unfair that we, the citizens of planet earth should be so rationed.

Yet, as I ponder this I realize as I look around that we have been blessed with the portal to thousands of joys by the beauty that surrounds us. From the first glows of the light of dawn to the last streaks of the sunset across the sky, beauty is available to us. To the verdant green of the rainforest to the windswept sands of the Sahara, and in way the light is captured by the ripples in the water all around this planet, the gift of beauty is here for us as a portal to joy if we only choose to take advantage.

Within the myriad of manifestations of life on this planet, plants, flowers, birds and insects, water and clouds and the whole of nature combine to offer up to us the potential to portal to joy by observing and appreciating the vast and awesome beauty that surrounds us every minute of every day.

If we take a pause to look around us we can see this reminder of the joy that is available to us. If we draw in our breath, or feel the gentle movement of the air that surrounds us we can open our eyes to beauty. This beauty can open us to joy.

Take a minute to just breathe in and appreciate all the beauty that is here for us in life. It is there for us in each moment no matter what sorrows batter our lives. It is free for the taking as a gift from life to every man, woman or child who walks on this earth. And no matter how caught up we get in our busyness, our stresses and our struggles, beauty is there to remind of us the joy, the peace and the potential life offers us in the moment.

In gratitude let us appreciate this gift and enjoy these gifts of beauty of life on planet earth.

Genevieve Gerard

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New Group of World Servers

New Group of World Servers

– Those who work for a better world

New Group of World Servers photo

Throughout the world are men and women of Goodwill, men and women who work tirelessly to help their fellow man. These people live in every nation but transcend all borders. They are citizens of Planet Earth. Their work is not heralded. It may never be noticed by the media. Yet this world is impacted daily by their efforts.

They may not be known to one another but they are drawn together in a vision of the potential for a better world.

They belong to many different religions, many different groups and many different clubs.

The principles they aspire to are self-forgetfulness and harmlessness and right speech.

You can help support their work by joining people all around the world in all languages at 5pm daily.

They are known as The New Group of World Servers.

This invocation incorporates the principle that energy follows thought. It is a simple act that helps align you positively with a better world. It requires no belief. It takes only a moment of joining in your intention. Your voicing this invocation helps support their work for a better world.

The Blessing of the New Group of World Servers

May the Power of the One Life
pour through the group of all true servers;

May the Love of the One Soul
characterize the lives of all who seek to aid the Great Ones.

May we fulfill our part in the One Work
through self-forgetfulness, harmlessness and right speech.

  • Self-forgetfulness – We are demonstrating self-forgetfulness any time we respond to the needs of another without considering our desires or our needs or our personal ambition. This is an act of service and most often engaged in as a demonstration of love.
  • Harmlessness – This is being aware of the consequences of our actions (often unintended) and making a conscious choice to do no harm to another.
  • Right Speech – Words have power. It is important to use that power wisely to use the power of your intention and your will to bring about good.

You are invited to join in this effort of world service each day in a brief meditation at 5 p.m., your local time wherever you are, by just voicing the Blessing of the New Group of World Servers above.

Namaste and thank you for joining in this great service. Please share this with other like-minded friends.


Last updated 9-5-2018


Copyright © 2018 Genevieve Gerard and Touch of the Soul LLC, All Rights Reserved


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mindful meditation

Mindfulness and
Meditations For Daily Joy

-Taking Mindfulness
to the Soul Level

by Douglas Russell, M.S.W.

Mindfulness meditation and Genevieve Gerard’s work have a lot in common. I know this from personal experience. I began meditating regularly in the late 1960’s. At the time, I was studying spiritual philosophies and transpersonal psychology. I was also learning traditional psychotherapy in graduate school. My meditation practice began with the same steps presented in the Meditations for Daily Joy: first getting centered by relaxing my body and calming my feelings and thoughts, then opening my heart and visualizing a brilliant point of light over my head as a symbol of my soul. I was learning that variations of these techniques had been passed down through generations of spiritual teachers in the East over thousands of years.

When I started exploring mindfulness in the 1990’s, it was also described as evolving from those ancient Eastern traditions, but it wasn’t connected directly to spirituality or the soul. It was popularized in the U.S. through the Mindfulness-Based Stress Reduction Program at the University of Massachusetts, founded by a man with a Ph.D. in molecular biology, Jon Kabat-Zinn. The basic technique is to sit or lie down, and simply pay attention to your breath or your body sensations. Anytime the mind starts to wander, bring it back over and over to these sensations in the present moment: breathing awareness, and the five senses.

Over the past 30 years, mindfulness has proved to be very effective–not only for stress management, but for coping with chronic pain, depression and addiction, and for improving relationships. In medicine and psychology, mindfulness is still presented as secular: it works just as well for people who are not religious as for those who have strong spiritual beliefs. It seems so different from Touch of the Soul, which is clearly the work of a spiritual teacher who has combined a variety of techniques to guide people toward the experience of higher consciousness. Let’s look at what mindfulness is, then I’ll describe how mindfulness and Touch of the Soul meet and blend so well, as Genevieve Gerard takes us beyond today’s mindfulness practices into the experience of spirituality.

Mindfulness has been explored in great detail by researchers, physicians, psychologists, and religious leaders. Through the myriad of workshops, writings, CD’s, DVD’s and websites, four basic aspects of mindfulness meditation come up over and over again:

1. Being in the present moment. Often our body is in one place but our mind is somewhere else: we’re thinking about the past (would-a, could-a, should-a), concerned about the future, or wanting things to be different from the way they are. But the body can’t travel to the past or future: it’s living only in the present. When you are mindful of your breathing, or what you are seeing or hearing, your attention shifts from your thoughts to your immediate experience. It is only when you are fully aware in the here and now, that you truly experience your life.

2. Doing one thing at a time and knowing that you’re doing it. Modern life often requires that we think, plan, and move rapidly among many activities. There’s nothing wrong with multi-tasking, but it’s not mindfulness. To be mindful is to take a break from all that movement of body and mind, and focus on just one thing–like the sensations in your feet while walking, or experiencing the pleasure of taking one bite of your favorite food while giving your full attention to smelling, tasting and chewing it.

3. Using in-tention to focus at-tention. If your intention is to sit down and enjoy a good meal, your best chance at success is to keep your attention on eating without the distraction of watching TV or reading or constant conversation. Mindfulness involves learning to stay with your intention: you choose to focus on breathing, and every time you notice your attention has moved to something else, you gently return your focus to breathing awareness. During meditation the mind will surely wander. Your body might capture your attention with feelings of fatigue or pain. Sounds in the environment might disturb your concentration. Any number of things could take your attention away from your breathing; but to be mindful is to stay with your purpose regardless of any such distractions. People from all walks of life find that mindfulness meditation helps with productivity and achieving goals. It’s training yourself to stay focused on what you’re intending to do.

4. Practicing meditation regularly. Mindfulness is a skill that improves with consistent practice. The direct experience and insights this meditation provides are called wisdom-based learning, as contrasted with fact-based learning that comes from a teacher or a book. Taking classes or reading about meditation is useful, but it isn’t mindfulness. When you have practiced day-after-day, returning to a calm center of awareness every time there’s a distraction, eventually you can hold onto that state of mind even when facing life’s trials and tribulations. Beginners in meditation may sense a calm and centered state of consciousness only for brief moments, but with continued practice it becomes a habit, a way of life. In mindfulness terms, “states become traits.”


Genevieve Gerard’s teachings on transformational consciousness point toward many levels of mindful awareness and beyond. She sees centering as a stepping stone to higher states of mind which eventually lead to being in touch with your soul and living a life full of love, creativity and joy.”
    – Doug Russell

The many facets of mindfulness boil down to this: centering comes about by paying attention to the body and the five senses rather than getting caught up in negative thinking or worrying. We can learn to experience life’s challenges and hardships from a center of calm and kindly awareness. Genevieve Gerard’s teachings on transformational consciousness point toward many levels of mindful awareness and beyond. She sees centering as a stepping stone to higher states of mind which eventually lead to being in touch with your soul and living a life full of love, creativity and joy. Her methods include affirmations–focusing on carefully-chosen positive words and thoughts–plus sensory awareness, and use of the creative imagination, visualizing images, symbols, colors, and energy flows.

Here’s how I see the four basic aspects of mindfulness in light of
Genevieve Gerard’s teachings:

1. In the present moment, I know that I am between heaven and earth,
and I am not alone.

Prepare to meditate by focusing on breathing awareness and inviting your body to relax. You surrender your weight to the pull of gravity, acknowledging that you are being supported by the earth. Continue this move into your centered self by inviting your mind to become calm and your heart to open. As this inner observer you can affirm that you are more than any particular body sensation or feeling or thought that you have. You then sense or imagine your higher self as a point of light above your head shining like the sun. This whole process is an acknowledgment that your life in the here and now exists literally between heaven and earth. You are opening your mind to the recognition that you are much more than your earthly existence–that you are a spiritual being.

The next step in meditation could involve focusing your attention on positive thoughts and energies, or on the highest human qualities such as forgiveness or love. In reality, such qualities are often experienced in relationship to others. Your daily life involves contacts with people close to you and with strangers. Even if you are meditating alone, you know that in the here and now, there are many other people going about their lives as you focus on yours. Any meditation technique that promotes personal well-being can be extended for the well-being of others. Start with “joy to myself;” proceed with “joy to the world.” As you continue this practice, you will notice the rising quality of your relationships and the sense of being connected to all of life.

2. My mind can sense and know many things at one time.

Mindfulness emphasizes the physical senses for experiencing the here and now, but there is an acknowledgment of the mind as a sixth sense. The brain interprets what our eyes and ears register in the physical world, while the mind has its own perceptions that are meta-physical. It may be true that the verbal concrete mind does one thing at a time, like looking at a rainbow and naming each color, deliberately focusing your eyes on one color, then the next and the next. But suppose you center yourself, and look at the rainbow as a whole, softening your eyes, perceiving all the colors at once, without labeling them. This is an example of using the abstract mind–the perspective of higher consciousness.

Genevieve Gerard shows us how we can learn through meditation to apply this broader perspective in everyday life. Suppose you go for a walk and as you take a single step you pay attention to the sensation of your foot touching the ground, then build awareness: also notice that you are breathing in, that you are seeing the beautiful colors of flowers, and you are exchanging warm greetings with people you walk by. Suppose you start to eat an egg, and as you bring that first bite toward your mouth, seeing and smelling it, feeling your mouth watering, you pause to reflect on this moment as the culmination of the past, and containing seeds of the future. The egg came from a chicken, was gathered and packaged by ranch hands, taken to market by a truck driver, and placed on display and sold by workers in the market before you bought it and brought it home. After you eat it, it will provide your body the energy it needs as you move through the rest of your day.

3. My intention is to focus on the images, qualities, and thoughts that are pathways to higher consciousness.

As you continue to develop your meditation skills, you can expand the scope and variety of your intentions. To some degree, the chattering mind will continue to disturb your concentration, but you will eventually find that you can return to center more quickly and easily than you could at the beginning. In effect, you’re developing your will, your power of choice. As you choose to give more attention to the image of the radiant light above your head, that alone engenders some of the highest qualities. It’s like sitting in the sunlight on a pleasant day. The sun’s warmth brings a feeling of being nurtured and loved. The sun’s light brings a sense of mental clarity and light-heartedness. It is the opposite of darkness, which symbolizes ignorance, depression or fear.

Subjects for meditation besides the breath could be a single word, a positive phrase or sentence, or a sequence of several steps. A meditation on the word “gratitude” is like holding a precious stone in your hand, looking carefully at all its various facets. You may begin to feel gratitude for each of your loved ones, for anything in your life that you enjoy, for your accomplishments, for the daily moments of noticing that which is good, beautiful, or fulfilling. Expand this idea by meditating on a phrase or sentence from the Affirmations for Abundance, which are positive thoughts that can bring your mind and your life into states of inspiration, celebration, joy, prosperity. Or meditate on a series of steps, beginning with “calm your mind, open your heart, invite the light;” continue by lighting a candle, and as it dispels darkness, hold the thought of faith and hope dispelling fear; then as you get a sense of transcending your own fear, imagine that each moment you focus on the light, it is building and multiplying, and helping to ignite hope for everyone, making the world a better place.

In Genevieve Gerard’s articles and the Meditations for Daily Joy CD’s, you’ll find many examples of going through a set series of steps, on themes ranging from dealing with negative emotions or challenging relationships, to building a broader perspective on everyday experiences like eating, bathing, taking a walk, or traveling. The principle involved here is that energy follows thought: through regular focus on any positive human quality, it eventually becomes a trait–a way of looking at life, a way of experiencing your life that is available throughout each and every day.

4. As I meditate regularly, my soul becomes more familiar to me,
as a part of who I truly am.

The soul is our higher self, that aspect of our identity which has all the highest and best qualities of human nature: unconditional love, wisdom, goodwill, creativity, joy. The soul has a perspective that includes our personal concerns or needs yet goes beyond them. There is a recognition of being part of the larger whole–a sense of the interdependence with other human beings and with all of life. There is a sense that any problems or concerns of the moment can be seen in a new light, free of fear, anxiety or depression.

Among the symbols of the soul to meditate upon are: that brilliant point of light above the head, a wise spiritual guide or master, or an angel. Besides focusing on these during a formal sitting meditation, we can return to these images anytime during the day while involved in other activities. In mindfulness this is called informal practice. In Touch of the Soul work, this is developing a “dual consciousness.” It is applying the principle that energy follows thought. Along with the full awareness of activities and relationships in the physical world, there can be a constant sense of the perspective and influence of the soul–the sense that at each moment, you are a spiritual being, living in the light, with access to the qualities of a higher purpose, love, wisdom, and creativity. Your soul becomes your constant companion on your journey through life.


About the Author: Douglas Russell, M.S.W. has studied esotericism and practiced occult meditation for over 40 years. As a psychotherapist, trainer of healthcare professionals, medical social worker and writer, he specialized in psychosynthesis–a psychology of personal and spiritual growth that combines traditional counseling methods with guided imagery, visualization and meditation. He has been exploring mindfulness practices for over ten years.


About Genevieve Gerard: Genevieve Gerard teaches Transformational Consciousness – from first awakening to enlightened awareness. She helps you experience the joy that results from the spontaneous “touch of the soul.” Browse her body of work at Copyright © 2012 by Genevieve Gerard. All rights reserved.


Please feel free to pass this article on to others who may find it of interest. You may reprint the article by following the Permission to Reprint information below.
Permission to Reprint
You are allowed to reprint articles published by Touch of the Soul, as long as proper credit and citation is given. To reprint an article, you must credit the author, indicate the original date of publication on Genevieve Gerard’s website, and include the appropriate reprint permission language. Content reproduced from Touch of the Soul may not be edited, but you may use excerpts. When reprinting content, you must always include this reprint permission language at the end of the article. If the content will be reprinted on your Web site or blog, you must include a live (search engine followed) link to Genevieve Gerard’s website and the original article Mindfulness and Meditations For Daily Joy.
Reprint Permission Language: Reprinted from Touch of the Soul with permission from Doug Russell, author of ‘Mindfulness and Meditations For Daily Joy’ 06-24-2012. All rights reserved.
Linking Information:
Genevieve Gerard –
Mindfulness and Meditations For Daily Joy –

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Happy Fathers Day 2012

Happy Father's Day 2012

Happy Father’s Day

Each year on Fathers Day in June we spend one day to honor and thank our Fathers.  As we set aside this day we consider and appreciate all that our fathers have done for us over our lifetime.  Many things dads have done go without notice and remark as we are children.  As we are adults the gifts they provided, even just providing for us, take on a different value and weight

So much of how fathers give to and support their children is not noticed and underappreciated that it is well that once a year we take the time to express our gratitude to our fathers.

Whether it is to say thank you to your father or thank you to the father of your children, it is important to appreciate and understand that fathering in our modern times present a myriad of challenges in today’s world

Roles and responsibilities have constantly shifted with the advent of television and movies and changes in the roles and expectations of the modern woman.

Men, especially in their role as fathers are facing transitions in how they parent and what is expected of them as husbands.  Societal changes and shifting responsibilities have made our immediate past a difficult time to live up to the image of fatherhood.

Appreciation expressed on this day set aside to honor fathers is important to help smooth the changes society is making in the roles and relationship of men and women in their ever-changing roles as parents and mates.”  
   – Genevieve Gerard

So, to all fathers everywhere on this day I say thank you.  Thank you for shepherding a new generation of men in your sons and guiding a new generation of daughters.  We live in interesting times, once considered in ancient China a curse.  What has been required of you at this juncture of history has been without precedence in the world.  Through your work and efforts new ways are being forged.  A new world is emerging. 

You have created new ways to be and new ways to fulfill your responsibilities.  It has been difficult but you persevered and remained steadfast to the new consciousness that is emerging in the world.

Thank you and Happy Father’s Day.

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It Is What It Is

It is What It Is

It Is What It Is

Often when events occur in our life we engage in an intellectual and emotional process of trying to determine whether what is happening is good or bad. Although a habitual response to evaluating our life, this is really a waste of our energy. The reality is that “It Just Is”. Because it is the way things are now, does not mean that it is the way things will always be, but right now, whatever is, it is what it is.

The practice of judging what is or evaluating what is, serves no real purpose in our life.

Visualizing the path from what is happening now to what we desire to see unfold is a better use of our efforts. — Genevieve Gerard

As we have explored in a prior article – Energy Follows Thought and other Energy Follows Thought related posts using the powerful resource of your mind to reinforce that which we determine to be negative just adds power and substance to negativity.

Therefore, acknowledge ‘what is’ as a powerful tool for letting it be in the now, in the moment and free the power of your mind to create with intention what you wish to see different in your life.

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Memorial Day 2012

Memorial Day 2012

Memorial Day 2012

A Day of Remembrance,
A Day of Gratitude

Once each year at the end of May we set aside the time to ponder and remember those who over the history of our country were willing to sacrifice their lives for others, for us, that we might live a life of freedom and opportunity.

Let us take some time to consider deeply the blessings we have in our country and express our appreciation for those who have both stood for and died for the truths our Founding Fathers considered to be self-evident rights, the right to life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness.

As we dash about to the parties and sales that have become the traditions of this day let us turn our thoughts to honor and celebrate what is good in our country.

We have so much for which to be grateful, so many things we take for granted that it is appropriate to express our appreciation in our hearts, in our minds and with our words to all who have given there all that we might be here right now enjoying this moment of holiday and celebration with family and friends.

If you serve(d) our country I wish to Thank You, Bless You
and I Wish You a Life of Joy and Fulfillment of All Your Desires
and Goals.” – Genevieve Gerard

We remember!

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Friends On Facebook

Facebook Like vs Dislike

Friends On Facebook

An Affirmation of our Oneness

Today I had a somewhat unusual experience on Facebook. I added 6 “friends” on Facebook who were actually real life friends who were well known to me. This led me to thinking about the very popular phenomena of Facebook.

It is significant to reflect upon Facebook today, because of the long awaited IPO release of Facebook stock. In the years since its inception Facebook has become an essential part of any one whose work involves reaching out with a message or teaching.

I must admit, I do not really understand how to use it effectively to advance my work. But I do use it. One of the things I have most enjoyed about Facebook is the opportunity to follow the lives, both the joys and the sorrows of Facebook “friends”.

I love that friends can request prayers for healing for themselves and those they love and spontaneously a network of healing light is created from everywhere around the country. This is for me one of the most enjoyable parts of Facebook that I can join with the group of men and woman of Goodwill to help and support others.

The use of Facebook to share positive and inspiring messages is also powerful and inspiring. Of course there are those who use Facebook for political or at times demeaning and destructive purposes, but at least on my news feed that is a small number of posts compared to the many motivational and uplifting posts I receive every day.

Following friends on Facebook also helps form energetic supports for those I may have met only once or twice, or perhaps never meet at all but are linked to others I know and love.

This network of love and support affirms our unity with one another and helps us recognize our common human experiences. We are all more alike than different.

Our connection to one another energetically works through the principle of energy following thought (a subject on which I write a great deal). It also gives us the network through which our support, encouragement and love can flow.

Most of all by this amazing technology we can track the life experiences of those we previously would have lost from our lives as people move around the planet. People can remain a part of our lives without the regular communication of the telephone. We discover adventures as well as can celebrate accomplishment of those outside of our intimate circle of friends.

This phenomena is a reminder that we are one people, one world, One. This connection that goes across our country and across our oceans is a powerful manifestation of our community and our connection through the human experience of life.

To that end I say Namaste to all of my friends both physical and Facebook friends.

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