Center Your Energies Before Writing

How to Center Your Energies Before You Begin to Write

Journal PenThis post is in response to a question I revived in one of the comments on my Blog.

Here are some tips and ideas to help you center your energies and clear your mind before you write. Breath as always is a key element to calming your mind and opening yourself to the insight and wisdom of your Higher Self. It is the wisdom and insight of your Higher Self that you want to access in order to do your best writing.

By connecting to the flow of energy from you Higher Self, you are able to write from the perspective of your whole being. Your thoughts can then take on the wholeness of your Self by bringing the alignments of your emotions with your mind and the wisdom and insight that your Soul brings to the expression of your self in the process of writing.

So, begin by sitting quietly and focus upon your breath. As you observe and become aware of your breath, allow your mind to quiet. The awareness of your breath automatically begins multiple events in motion. The simple act of observing your breath with no attempt to control your breathing helps you relax and bring your energy to a calm quiet and receptive place.

You can then further enhance the process of writing by forming the clear intention that your Higher Self will influence your writing.”
– Genevieve Gerard

As you sit there observing your breath letting your body calm and your mind let the chatter fade away you can further prepare to write by opening your heart and mind to the impressions and insight of your Higher Self. You can then further enhance the process of preparation by forming the clear intention that your Higher Self will influence your writing. Express that intention as an expression of your will.

You can further strengthen this connection by imagining golden light connecting your heart, your mind and your Soul in a triangle of energy. As you continue to breathe, see the light flow easily along this pathway to connect your body (at the heart center), mind (at the point of energy midway between your eyebrows) and Soul Imagine (imagined as a radiant point of Light about 3 feet above your head) the blending and fusing of those energies.

This can all be accomplished in just a few minutes. You can then engage in a meditation, or just begin to write. It is important to suspend self-criticism and self-judgment as you begin to write. You can always change and edit your writing once you have created a draft in the natural flow of your writing. Allow your writing to flow naturally.

If you find that your flow of thoughts and words slows, return to letting the breath move your energy in the magic triangle of heart, mind and Soul. You can return to blending, fusing and circulating that energy as many times as you need to throughout the process of writing whenever you feel your energy flow becomes stagnant.

Approaching your writing from a centered place of awareness, connected to your Higher Self is particularly important when you write in a journal or are engaged in creative or spiritual writing. Check out my blog post on “Keeping A Journal Can Be A Doorway To Spiritual Insight.” Even technical and business writers will benefit from taking the time to center and connect your energies before you write.

Over time, these simple steps of coordinating your breath and your intention with the connection of your heart, mind and Soul will become second nature to you and free you from the stress and tyranny of self-criticism that limits the creative process.

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