Before You Rise… CONNECT

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When you waken in the morning, there is a fertile time before you rise that can be used to connect, align and empower your life.


As you lie in bed, before you let your mind start its endless chatter take a deep breath, settle your body back into the mattress and take a moment to gather Love into your heart.



As you gather that Love and appreciate and enjoy the peaceful sensation that it brings, with the speed of thought, imagine from your heart Love flowing out to touch the lives of all you will connect with today and as your loving energy touches them let it magnetize to you all who you can truly serve today and bring to you, those who can serve you.

If you are enjoying this sensation, as I often do, let your mind drift gently to awareness of the support you can draw from this quiet moment as you align your life with your Soul purpose and gather around you and be receptive and connect to the love your Soul brings to you.

You might wish to add to this brief interlude consideration of things for which you are grateful.

Then move on to your life activities and your day and this connection can bring you strength and support throughout the day.


Genevieve Gerard

7 thoughts on “BEFORE YOU RISE… CONNECT”

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