Starting To Be Aware of Your Soul

Starting To Be Aware of Your Soul

Let Your Soul Light Shine while you read my article

This article is part of my ongoing series on Soul Consciousness.

Throughout the long journey of human evolution and life experience, you have had a Soul.

Through the various highways and byways of life adventures, your Soul has been available to you.  Most often, most times, it is not given even a glimmer of thought.

For most, your physical body and your material needs occupy your primary attention and focus.  Second, to those needs, your emotional needs and desires gain your attention.  Often those attentions are focused on what you want from others, what makes you feel good or a relationship with others that may be unfulfilled, and unattained.

Lost in the maze of these competing needs and desiresyou reach out to your mind to understand what life is all about.  Despite the incredible strength of your physical desires and demands you probably know there is more to life than what you can see, touch, taste, touch or smell.

Your emotions provide the distracting roller coaster ride from anger to depressionfrom a need or fearall wrapped in the illusion that what you sense physically, or experience emotionally are what is real.

Your ego, the great deceiver, feeds your fears and weaves a web of illusion that relies on feelings of separateness justifying selfishness and self-serving behaviors.

In the midst of these competing attention-grabbing perspectives, you may feel like a juggler at a fair, so busy keeping the different colored balls in the air that you dare not pause for even a moment or it will all come tumbling down.

Be Aware of Your Soul

If you are spiritually inclined or spiritually searching you may sense there is something beyond just “dancing as fast as you can.” Even though to stop may feel dangerous.

You may have even tried meditation but found the relentless chatter of the voice of your competing sense of unmet needs and desires too distracting to understand the benefit that is promised by meditation.

This is important to understand.  Your Soul needs all of the parts of yourself working together for your life to be successful.  These different parts of yourself, when each valued and appreciated for what they offer to your life, integrated and aligned, grant you the empowerment to fulfill and express your life purpose.

Surprisingly, your ego, which many spiritual people demean and revile is a valuable and essential part of your human life expression.  It is a necessary element in fulfilling and expressing your Soul’s work and your Soul’s purpose.

Your mind is not superior to your body and emotions; it is different from your body and emotions.  Each has a part to play in the incredible miracle of life that makes up you.

Your physical body, your appetites, your desires, are equal players in the miracle that makes up who and what you are that makes you a human being.  I believe it is a mistake to demean your physical nature or dismiss the value and importance of your emotions.

Peace of mind may seem as impossible to reach as Peace on Earth but hold onto your Hope. 

The Dual Nature of Your Life

One of the keys to starting to be aware of your Soul is that the miracle of life with which you have been blessed is not limited by the sensations of your six senses.  You need not be controlled by your physical body cravings or emotional desires.

You are a human being.  As a human being, you are God’s incredible creation.  You have the unique opportunity to be a physical, temporal creature, and to at the same time have within you a Spark of Divine Light that connects you with Divine Love.

This dual nature of the human experience has the ability to bring your Soul closer to you.  Your Soul is an integral part of who and what you are as a human being.  Your Soul is available to grant you this dual perspective on your life. 

This dual perspective honors and supports all aspects of your life when you learn to utilize the fullness of your being.  Your ego, your personality, your physical nature, your emotions, your thoughts, and your mind, are all essential elements of your Spiritual nature. 

To be able to create and manifest in the world of matter,
your Soul needs the hands of your physical body.
      – Genevieve Gerard

Remember that each part of your Self is not only valuable, but it is also essential.  To be able to create and manifest in the world of matter, your Soul needs the hands of your physical body.   Your physical body is not of less value or status than your Soul.  It has a different function and purpose than your Soul.

To consciously integrate these diverse aspects of yourself in cooperation and harmony with Divine Purpose and Divine Will is the way the Spiritual person can distinguish and define life.  It is by honoring and respecting but not being driven by each of these physical, emotional and mental aspects and talents you have available as a human being that you are empowered.

It is only the fully functioning creative aspect of a human being, integrated on all levels, body, emotions, mind, ego personality and Soul that can stand next to the Creator as a co-creator. Ponder on this.

That is the role for which you, as a human being, you as the recipient of the Spark of Divine Light that became the human Soul and thus differentiated human life from all other life are meant to experience.  That is the miracle of awareness of your Soul and ultimate integration with your body and mind (personality) that allows you to fulfill the purpose that is in the mind of God.

All of life is called to this divine purpose.  All of Love is expressed in this divine purpose.  Your life is designed to manifest this ultimate divine purpose.

All of the parts of your being and all of the availability of integration of your Soul with your Personality are drawn to this purpose.

How Do I Know If I Am Making Soul Contact?

Simple Signs of Soul Contact.

  1. Awareness of new possibilities emerge in your mind with Hope and Promise.
  2. You feel the profound presence of Love. This enables you to open your heart and love others, and also enfolds you in the sensation of Grace as you realize you are loved unconditionally.
  3. You are embraced within a sense of deep Peace and Oneness.

By consciously joining your Heart, Mind, and Soul with this divine purpose you become an active participant in this miracle of co-creation.

To empower this, I offer you, from the Archives of the Masters, the words of what is known as The Great Invocation, The Invocation For Power and Light Prayer.

Voicing this invocation, especially when said from an awareness of integration of your Soul and Personality, when offered from a sincere heart for the purpose of aligning with the divine plan and purpose of life can have healing and transformative power for all of life.

I encourage you to add this invocation to your spiritual practice and spiritual expression daily and ponder on its greater meaning.

If you are curious about this topic check out my other hand-picked related posts below.



The Blessing of Love on All That You Do!


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