Activation of Healing Energies

Activation of Healing Energies

Read Activation of Healing Energies article by Genevieve Gerard

This is another article in my on-going series on Healing.

When you pray for healing, you are activating energy.

Healing energy activation takes place on many levels.

First, it activates your thoughts, engaging the powerful life dynamic that “energy follows thought.”

Immediately by focusing positive thought, intention and desire on healing, the healing power within your body is empowered.  This happens in the organs and glands, all the way to the cellular level of your body and even into the atomic substance of your being.

Also, when you pray for healing you are calling upon help from the Divine.  In so doing, you are surrendering to and aligning with God’s Will and purpose for your life.  That is always powerful and empowering.  Re-aligning, or aligning for the first time in your life is transformative.

Your prayers also draw the conscious attention of your physical problem(s) to your Soul.  Praying for healing alerts your Higher Self that you are now open to learning whatever lesson the dis-ease was created to teach.

Dis-ease often manifests to alert you to the ways your life may have gone out of balance, physically, emotionally or with your thoughts.  Invoking healing and inviting healing declares your desire and your intention to rebalance and restore your life.

Your Soul then can call for the help and support of the angels.  It may call for the assistance of your guardian angel that is committed to you in this life, or it may call upon angels and devas who provide specialized energy that is more responsive to the healing that you need.

Energy is activated, and that activation creates a response on the physical level of your being, as well as in your emotional and mental bodies.

The merger of energies that invoking and surrendering to healing activates bridges the spiritual world with the world of matter and demonstrates the integration of the wholeness of the Self, body, emotions, mind and Soul.

It is important to remember that all of this happens energetically and spontaneously when you pray for or invoke, healing help.  Your conscious part in all of this is to keep your thoughts positive.  It is also important to remain receptive to what you need to learn from this dis-ease experience.  In that are the seeds of miracles and wisdom, ponder on this.

As you ask for healing it is of vital importance that you join in with the efforts being activated by your prayers.  Healing is a team effort, and you are by definition a key player on that team.  Divine intervention and angelic help are no substitutes for doing your work of consciousness to facilitate healing.

Important Ways That You Can Activate and Support the Healing Process:

Maintain a positive mental attitude.  The dynamic principle that “energy follows thought” is of paramount importance when you are involved in a healing transition.  It is a powerful time to engage the power of your mind.

Engaging the power of your mind as a support to the prayers and invocation for Divine and Angelic help is a way that you can help yourself.  That requires being conscious of what you are thinking and what you are feeling and, when you find your thoughts negative, immediately replacing that negative thought with a positive or hopeful one.

As much as it is important to cooperate in your healing by maintaining a positive mental attitude and using your mind to encourage and support your healing, so too is it important to use your time of healing and restoration to learn to conquer your fears.  Often in times of illness, you may experience fear.  This is normal and to be expected.  With severe illnesses the logical result, if there is no healing, is often death.  Focusing on your fears hinders healing.  Realize that sometimes the ultimate healing is the release of the physical form from this planet.  When invoking healing its best to invoke “right action” and live in the NOW moment.

Fear keeps us focused on the past or worried about the future. If we can acknowledge our fear, we can realize that right now we are okay. Right now, today, we are still alive, and our bodies are working marvelously. Our eyes can still see the beautiful sky. Our ears can still hear the voices of our loved ones.
       – Thich Nhat Hanh

These are two of the most important life lessons so it makes perfect sense that they would be significant in a time of healing.  Fear is both debilitating and damaging to your body, mind, and emotional well-being. Therefore, to take the time, while you are healing, to gain mastery over your negative thoughts and replace those with positive thoughts make perfect sense.  Likewise, take the time of healing to learn mastery over your fears.

Healing creates a fertile time to learn important life lessons; lessons which when mastered in the healing process, empower and improve the rest of your life.   That is why among those who work with “laying on of hands”, psychology and energetic healing often refer to an illness as a healing crisis.

Healing is a matter of time,
but it is sometimes also a matter of opportunity.
       – Hippocrates

When you pray for healing and invoke the power of the Divine, the power of your Soul and the help and assistance of Angels, it is a good time to consider your life particularly in light of how you can improve your life.  What is the purpose of this life and how can you bring your life into alignment to manifest that purpose.

If your healing requires, as is often the case, a time of recovery then I suggest again that you use that time to strengthen your ability to maintain a positive mental attitude and to conquer your fears, and ultimately let go of any negative influence from your past by forgiving yourself.

You may need to use your recovery time to re-evaluate your life and consider mistakes you have made and what you need to do differently.

You may recall from the biblical stories of Jesus’s healings that very often forgiveness played a crucial role.  Jesus made the statement “your sins are forgiven.”  Forgiveness is always available once you have the understanding and insight that you have made a mistake. Forgiveness is available to empower the transformation process.

Although Divine forgiveness is assured, in my many years of coaching and counseling I have found that although most people can accept the concept of forgiveness coming from a God of Love and Grace, they often have a hard time forgiving themselves.  Forgiving yourself is often a key element in healing.  Once you have understood the lesson of a dis-ease and modified your thinking or behavior, it becomes essential to stop clinging to the self-recrimination and blame.

It becomes important to put the past in the past where it belongs and let yourself move forward into the present where the great release is available to you.  Forgive yourself and then open your life to the unlimited possibilities of a future that is only now being created and coming into manifestation.

There is a fine balance between honoring the past and losing yourself in it. For example, you can acknowledge and learn from mistakes you made, and then move on and refocus on the now. It is called forgiving yourself.
       – Eckhart Tolle

Self-forgiveness is the final step in the process of healing.

Over my many years of helping people through healing crisis’s, be they from injury or illness, I have found the following things to be important steps in the healing process.  To facilitate and help with these important steps, I have created guided meditations to help you and your loved ones.

For positive mental attitude,
consider the use of positive affirmations:

         Awaken to Success Affirmations

         Soaring to Success Affirmations

For transcending, transforming and
transmuting negative emotions and fears:

         I Am Feeling Free Meditation

For forgiving yourself and
freeing yourself from the past:

         How to Forgive Yourself Meditation

And to help you experience
the healing blessing of sleep:

         Sleep in Heavenly Peace Meditation

I hope you are drawn to using these guided meditations and visualizations and that their use enhances and empowers your healing and your life.



The Blessing of Love on All That You Do!


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Last updated 11-05-2017


© 2015-2016 Genevieve Gerard and Touch of the Soul


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