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Open to the Healing Light, Love, and Power of Your Soul

Open to the Healing Light, Love,
and Power of Your Soul

The Essence of Your Soul is Love by Genevieve Gerard

This article is part of my ongoing Series on Love and The Soul.

Within you, from the first breath you take to the last breath you take, there is a part of you that you may not be aware of.

As you move through your life experiences and adventures you may pay little or no attention to the spark of Divine Light that is known as your Soul.

Or, you could be someone who through either prayer, contemplation or meditation has throughout your life sought the spiritual side of life.

Certainly, prayer, contemplation, and meditation are all practices that can enhance and empower your life.  But to open to the healing Light and the Love and power of your Soul there is a step in your spiritual journey that we as human beings usually find difficult.

That step is surrender.

In our human arrogance as co-creators with the Divine force of Creation, we tend to believe we are the sole masters of our destiny and our life.  And, to some extent that is true, for as a co-creator with the Divine we have been given immense power to influence the way our life emerges through the Universal Law that “energy follows thought.”

But, as powerful as that principle is (and it is very powerful), being human requires a delicate dance between our physical and material nature and our Soul or Spiritual nature.  We as human beings were created as co-creators to live and be in relationship with the Divine (however you define that Divine Source to be.)

The theologian Martin Buber described it in a way that reveals our right relationship with the Divine to be an “I-Thou” relationship.

In that relationship, you are empowered to be emboldened to create and resolve the many problems of the material world while still remaining surrendered to and aligned with Divine Will.

Through that “I-Thou” relationship you are able to be both fully human while remaining respectful and honoring the Divine Spark that distinguishes humanity from all other life on the planet.

You, of all of life and of all of creation, are unique because you were created and endowed with a spark of the creator to live and grow as a bridging being between Spirit and matter.
         – Genevieve Gerard

You are unique because you were created and endowed with a spark of the creator to live and grow as a bridging being between Spirit and matter.  This was not an accident.  This was part of the purpose and plan of evolution that is important to the whole Universe.  How to merge matter with Love.

Your body is built of material substance.  As such, it lives and then it dies.

But you, what truly makes you, you are a spark of the Divine that is eternal, that is your Soul.  Your Soul cannot die.  It is the seat of your consciousness.

Learning to Love happens in your Soul.  Connecting to another and building a bond of Love creates something that is beyond either time or space because Love is created by the merging of the physical and human experience with the eternal and spiritual experience.  This is a part of the great mystery and miracle of life.

That the nature and essence of your Soul is Love means that when you learn to Love there is a surrender of your ego and emotions to what it means to Love.  It is not surprising that learning to Love and what is called “falling in Love” is resisted.

Surrender is not easy, but so sweet and amazing that it makes everything in life worthwhile.  If you have ever loved you know that is true.

Fear, the fear of being hurt, fear of losing yourself, fear of being vulnerable and needing someone are all of the tricks of the mind and emotions that may try to keep you from Loving.  The human, solitary part of you may resist and reject Love.  But your Divine Self, your co-creator self that is your Soul knows the truth.  You were born to Love.

Once you surrender to Love everything changes.  The term “falling in love” is well chosen because in that surrender you don’t know how it will change.

It is only by opening to the joy and adventure of living and loving that you can fully express your potential to live the life of your dreams.
         – Genevieve Gerard

Once you open to Love you also open to the healing power and Light of your Soul.  Love opens you to joy and demonstrates your unity and oneness that enfolds and embraces you.  No matter what sorrow and loss life may bring, you know it is worth it because you have known Love.

Life is a song – sing it.
Life is a game – play it.
Life is a challenge – meet it.
Life is a dream – realize it.
Life is a sacrifice – offer it.
Life is love – enjoy it.
         – Sai Baba

The Blessing of Love on all that you do!




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Genevieve - Soulful


About the author:
Genevieve Gerard teaches Transformational Consciousness – from first awakening to enlightened Soul awareness. She helps you experience the joy that results from the spontaneous “touch of your soul.”

Read more details…

Genevieve has a Bachelor’s Degree in Philosophy and Theology and a Master of Arts Degree in Counseling and for over thirty years has worked one-on-one with people who were recovering from devastating disabilities and chronic pain. Teaching the mastery of the mind-body relationship she was one of the early professionals trained in biofeedback, visualization, imagery, and meditation as essential techniques to help people heal their bodies, heal their emotions, heal their minds, and heal their lives.

Genevieve’s work demonstrates what she knows so well, “It is spiritual connectedness that triggers physical healing and emotional and mental well-being.”  Helping people, like you, tap into your higher-self is the power she wields to guide you to heal and transform your life.

Now, with this understanding, she combines the effective techniques she developed over decades teaching mind-body mastery along with her extensive experience in meditation and spiritual development to create a synthesis of mind-body-spirit that delivers complete healing and opens the door to unlimited personal growth and an encounter with your Soul.

In addition to her current life guidance coaching sessions, and workshops performed around the world, Genevieve has produced more than 20+ guided meditations in the last eight years that are available on Apple Music (iTunes), Amazon, CDBaby, and her website.

It is her vision that through your experience with the techniques of awareness, visualization, and meditation, the love of your Soul will touch and transform your life through her writings and products. It is her sincere desire that the potential of a life of joy and celebration that seems to elude so many people can become a reality for you, now and forever.

Browse her life story and read the Touch of the Soul that changed her world. To contact Genevieve, visit her keep in touch page.


Last updated 6/7/2020


Copyright © 2019-2020 Genevieve Gerard and Touch of the Soul LLC. All Rights Reserved.


Open to the Healing Light, Love, and Power of Your Soul Read More »

Let the Healing Touch of A Comforting Angel Embrace You

Let the Healing Touch of A Comforting Angel Embrace You

Comforting Angel by Genevieve Gerard

This article is part of my ongoing series on Angels.

In times of great sorrow and despair, a special Angel is called upon from the Heavenly Hosts.  She is the comforter.  

She responds as an emissary of the Divine to dispense hope and provide comfort.

People most often experience her healing Presence in response to the loss of a loved one through death.  Your very human pain of loss brings forth her expression of Divine Love to lend strength to a human being who may be in danger of being trapped in despair.

The stories you hear of those who have experienced her healing embrace are often those who have suffered the death of a child or a parent or may have been confronted by the unexpected death of a loved one.  In these life situations, mourning and pain may seem more than can be born.

Special Angels whose dedication to helping humanity through these difficult times are especially aware of the human emotions that lead away from being aware of Divine Love.

Knowingly being reminded of Divine Love can provide comfort and grace.  Angels understand the anger, the rage, and pain that must be worked through in the human experience.

Comforting Angels offer, through their essential nature as Divine Love, a glimpse into awareness of the eternal quality of life and the eternal nature of a perspective that can help you transcend the suffering of the loss by awareness of the deep truths as they move into your consciousness even in the midst of your pain.

Those who have been ministered to by a comforting Angel have often described it as being wrapped in a cocoon of Love that feels tangible.  Somehow, mysteriously in the midst of their deepest pain, they feel loved, supported and connected to life in a way that strengths them.

The experience is fleeting.  It often is wondered about because it can be hard from the limitations of our human perspective to understand how such a deep and profound love can enfold them in the midst of their sorrow and loss.  The blessing of this Angelic touch is so different from the other moments of mourning the loss of a loved one that it remains burned in the heart as a mystery.

The ridged instance of defining reality to the confines of what can be experienced with the 5 senses may leave you unable to even believe what occurred.  Although the touch of a comforting Angel is so profound that it may be pondered in the heart throughout the rest of your life, it is not of the material world but instead of the crossing of the spiritual world.  It may well be dismissed as imagination.

As humanity evolves into the next stage and next age of understanding, more and more stories are shared of those whose lives were touched by an Angel.  Between the perceptions of humanity and the realm of the Angels there is a thinning of a veil that separates these different realities.

As more and more of these otherworldly experiences are revealed, people find the courage to share their truth. Hearing the experiences of others serves to bring awareness into what is known as conscious reality.

More and more, the Presence and even the intervention of Angels is a part of mainstream understanding.  Each time that someone shares the mystical and mysterious story from their own life, others find the courage to believe in their own experiences.

There is more than what is material in this world that is real.  Opening your heart and mind to an awareness beyond the confinement of only the physical senses expands your knowledge in profound ways.

Something I find fascinating is that it is only since humanity has crowned science as King that the presence of Angels was questioned.  Throughout the history of the Bible, Angels were the frequent messengers of God.

Artists revealed their inner vision in their art which was often populated by Angels, from Archangels to cherubim.  Mankind before the age of science did not question the Presence of Angels as a part of life.  It was understood that Angels were a part of the world in which we lived.

This separation of the world of Spirit from the world of matter is a somewhat recent societal perspective.  Sadly the insistence on only perceiving what is material as real deprives humanity of enjoying the vast array of beings that live in a non-material form.

Scientific research proves that you can only perceive what your mind believes.  That is part of why the sharing of the subtle experiences of the healing touch of a comforting Angel is essential.

Denying the existence of Angels serves no purpose in life.
Truth does not disappear by our denial of it.
      – Genevieve Gerard

More people than you can imagine have told themselves they must be imagining things when they received the healing touch of an Angel.  I find that very sad.  Angels are a part of life.  They are a crucial part of the heavenly hosts, and they are an integral part of how Spirit interacts with and influences humanity.

The Touch of A Comforting Angel

It seems that at the time of deep despair and sorrow it is easier for the touch of a comforting Angel to make it through to your perception because the pain of the loss has lowered your defenses.

hope to heal the heart of the genuine pain of loss, seems to make it easier to expand your consciousness to the Presence of Angels.

Comforting Angels have dedicated their lives to serve humanity as an expression of Divine Love and grace.  Their mission is to provide hope to their human counterpart across the veil.

You may have felt their healing touch when your heart was broken and you thought that all was lost.  You may have been blessed by the protective enfoldment in peace, love and even joy in the time of your greatest sorrow.

If so, at the end of this article is a way you can share your story and experience.  It may be a blessing to others who struggle to understand.  It may fortify others to reveal their truth.

Bringing an understanding of the Angelic presence and spiritual purpose is why I write about Angels.  The Heavens are not deaf to the cries of humanity.  God knows all sorrows and hears all pleas.  He dispenses His Angels to distribute His Love and comfort to humanity that often turns away his messengers and denies his blessing because of the instance that only what is experienced through the 5 senses is real and that the material world is the only world there is. That is quite simply not true.

The life force of Spirit, the world of the Soul, the realm of Angels is all real.  The world of the Soul and the kingdom of Angels are a part of the living force of Spirit, are all real.  To expand your awareness to their presence and purpose in your life opens you to truths and understandings that will enrich your life.

Meditation and prayer are often the portals to this enlightened awareness.  I invite you to leave behind the limitations of what is unreal to open your heart, mind, and Soul to the rich reality of spiritual life.

I invite you to call upon Angels to join with you when you pray and meditate.  Aligning with your Soul is helpful.  The kingdom of Angels is in the realm of Spirit where your Soul resides.

If you want to be comforted by Angels I encourage you to consciously build the energetic bridge to your Soul through meditation and then expand your awareness to the presence of Angels.



The Blessing of Love on All That You Do!


QUICK FACT: This post has been viewed 11,040 times. Check out our other related posts below or in the Hot Topics sidebar.


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Genevieve - Soulful


About the author:
Genevieve Gerard teaches Transformational Consciousness – from first awakening to enlightened Soul awareness. She helps you experience the joy that results from the spontaneous “touch of your soul.”

Read more details…

Genevieve has a Bachelor’s Degree in Philosophy and Theology and a Master of Arts Degree in Counseling and for over thirty years has worked one-on-one with people who were recovering from devastating disabilities and chronic pain. Teaching the mastery of the mind-body relationship she was one of the early professionals trained in biofeedback, visualization, imagery, and meditation as essential techniques to help people heal their bodies, heal their emotions, heal their minds, and heal their lives.

Genevieve’s work demonstrates what she knows so well, “It is spiritual connectedness that triggers physical healing and emotional and mental well-being.”  Helping people, like you, tap into your higher-self is the power she wields to guide you to heal and transform your life.

Now, with this understanding, she combines the effective techniques she developed over decades teaching mind-body mastery along with her extensive experience in meditation and spiritual development to create a synthesis of mind-body-spirit that delivers complete healing and opens the door to unlimited personal growth and an encounter with your Soul.

In addition to her current life guidance coaching sessions, and workshops performed around the world, Genevieve has produced more than 20+ guided meditations in the last eight years that are available on iTunes, Amazon, CDBaby, and her website.

It is her vision that through your experience with the techniques of awareness, visualization, and meditation, the love of your Soul will touch and transform your life through her writings and products. It is her sincere desire that the potential of a life of joy and celebration that seems to elude so many people can become a reality for you, now and forever.

Browse her life story and read the Touch of the Soul that changed her world. To contact Genevieve, visit her keep in touch page.


Copyright © 2018-2020 Genevieve Gerard and Touch of the Soul LLC, All Rights Reserved


Let the Healing Touch of A Comforting Angel Embrace You Read More »

The Healing Power of Sleep

The Healing Power of Sleep

Read about the Healing Power of Sleep by Genevieve Gerard

Did you ever wonder why you need to spend a third of your life asleep?

Amazing things happen while your body rests, amazing things that have a profound impact on your waking life.

While your body is at rest healing occurs in multiple ways and on multiple levels.

Just because you are not conscious and aware during sleep does not make your sleep time irrelevant.  What happens when you are asleep is healing and restorative on a physical level, integrative and calming on an emotional level and stimulates both insight and intuition on a cognitive level.

Sleep is a critical time for your being, physically, emotionally, mentally and spiritually.

The third of your life that you spend sleeping is an active and vital part of your life.  It is a time to activate and synthesize thousands of decisions and directions you have generated in your waking hours.  It is the time to set into motion your thoughts and desires.

It is a creative time of manifestation for your consciousness.  The directions of your thoughts throughout the day become the blueprint for your sleep.  During sleep, it is important to harness the power of your mind generated throughout your waking hours.  I believe your life force listens to your dream thoughts and resolves to create in your life what you have directed it to do.

This directing of your life through the power of your thought happens on a very diverse field.  It includes your glands and your organs and even works on an atomic level, shifting your subtle energies to bring them into harmony and alignment with your desires.  For this reason, it is best to reach a state of peace as you enter into sleep.

Sleep is not a time of unconsciousness, but rather is the fertile time in which your mind, your emotions, can align with your Higher Consciousness (your Soul).  Sleep creates a productive and creative time.  While you sleep, as your physical body rests and restores, the autonomic parts of your body are engaged in healing and balancing your hormones which activate a whole host of factors that were created by your emotions and glandular secretions in the day that has just passed.

It is a process of healing your, mind, your emotions, and your body that is a subtle yet powerful part of healing sleep.  Sleep as a healing balm is understood in our collective awareness since the time of Shakespeare.  Sleep is a vital and dynamic part of your day.

For this reason; it is important to learn how to sleep.

The vital and important role of sleep in your consciousness physically, emotionally and spiritual is why I created my guided “Sleep in Heavenly Peace Meditation.”

Checkout Sleep In Heavenly Peace CD by Genevieve Gerard

Because sleep is such a difficult issue for so many people, and the failure to get a restful and restorative sleep has such far reaching implications in life, sleep was one of the very first challenges I addressed when I started publishing my guided meditations. My Sleep In Heavenly Peace meditation CD remains one of my most successful, widely distributed, and reviewed products I have ever created. Click learn more here to check out this MP3 download and glide effortlessly into sleep. USE COUPON CODE sleep5 and get the digital mp3 download for only $5 until Sunday May 13th 2018.


In addition to what is happening to you physically during sleep is the emotional processing of what you have experienced throughout your day.  This often occurs in the creation of your dreams.  Dreams are certainly the assurance that when your body sleeps your consciousness remains actively engaged.

At times your dreams may seem random or strange.  On other occasions through dreaming, it is clear that you have come to a resolution of a significant life issue.  In your dreams, you may gain insight into something you have been striving to understand and gain mastery over.

Dreams can leave you feeling empowered.  It is often beneficial to record your dreams in a journal to bring into your conscious awareness the insights and information that may have come to you as you sleep.  When you do this as a part of your spiritual and psychological development, many report that their intuition is enhanced and awareness is increased in a dynamic way.  To keep a journal next to your bed and then spend a few moments recording your dreams is a simple morning meditation.  Try it tonight.

It is hard to talk about the process of dreams, especially the healing power of resolution, without mentioning the less than pleasant part of dreaming, nightmaresI believe nightmares are a way of working through and resolving fears.

I have found throughout my life that the more I have consciously worked to transmute, transform and transcend my fears as an integral part of my spiritual and life lessons, the fewer nightmares have plagued me.

I have also found that there is a direct relationship between what I have focused my conscious attention on during the day and the creation of nightmares in my sleep.  For this reason, I discourage people from watching violent or dark movies or television shows or even reading horrifying novels right before bed.

In sleep, your mind processes all of the input of your day that pertains to your positive thoughts and your fears.  Somehow it all goes into the consciousness mixing bowl of your dreams.

A well-spent day brings happy sleep.
      – Leonardo da Vinci

That is why before sleep is a particularly valuable and vital time to say affirmations, especially affirmations that begin with the magic words of “I Am.”  Meditating before you sleep is also something that many people find beneficial and empowering.  And, of course praying just before sleep is a tradition many learned from their early childhood that remains an effective and valuable ritual with which to transition into sleep.

While you sleep your consciousness is often growing and expanding your awareness.  Sleep is a particularly fertile time for incorporating and synthesizing insights you have received in meditation. In fact, I have often found that after a particularly insightful and profound meditation, it is beneficial to take a nap to incorporate your experience.

The National Sleep Foundation recommends the following levels of sleep.

Age and condition Sleep Needs
Newborns (0–3 months) 14 to 17 hours
Infants (4–11 months) 12 to 15 hours
Toddlers (1–2 years) 11 to 14 hours
Preschoolers (3–4 years) 10 to 13 hours
School-age children (5–12 years)  9 to 11 hours
Teenagers (13–17 years)  8 to 10 hours
Adults (18–64 years)  7 to 9 hours
Older Adults (65 years and over)  7 to 8 hours


Many traditions consider sleep as a spiritually enlightening time because your Soul is free from the constraints of your ego and personality. Using your dreams as a portal to wisdom is common among the teachings of many of the world’s people. It is particularly valued by indigenous and spiritual teachings across the world.

Sleep is the best meditation.
      – Dalai Lama

Consciously considering what you do to prepare for sleep helps this part of your life to be valuable beyond just an opportunity to restore your ability to keep going.  If you consider the times in your life that you have, by necessity, been sleep deprived and how that affects your overall efficiency and sense of well-being, you can realize the significant opportunity for healing and empowerment sleep is.

It is a common experience that a problem difficult at night is resolved in the morning after the committee of sleep has worked on it.
      – John Steinbeck

Each day is divided into a time for doing and a time for sleep.  We all strive to use our doing time wisely and efficiently.  Now empower your sleeping time to be the blessing that it can be.  Sleep time is valuable to your success and your happiness.  You want to make it a productive part of the fabric of your life.

When you awaken with the light of the new day, you can place the past behind you and open your life to the promise and unlimited possibilities of a new day brimming with new opportunities!

Sweet Dreams and Rest Well.



The Blessing of Love on All That You Do!


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Last updated 5-9-2018


Copyright © 2016-2018 Genevieve Gerard and Touch of the Soul LLC, All Rights Reserved.


The Healing Power of Sleep Read More »

Breathe for Healing and Harmony

Breathe for Healing and Harmony:

A Meditative Experiential Article

Read Breathe for Healing and Harmony: A Meditative Experiential Article by Genevieve Gerard

Part of my ongoing
series on Healing.

Breathing is essential to maintain life.  A guided or controlled breath is often one of the best techniques used in meditation.

Breath is both a physical action and an energetic act.  Prana, life energy is available through the breath.

Follow me now as we enter a meditative experiential article about using breath for healing and harmony.

This meditation will unify your mind, your heart and your body with your Soul to heal you.  To begin this meditation, I invite you to Calm Your Mind, Open Your Heart and Invite the Light. Now take a deep breath.

When using breath in healing, there are several purposes of the breath: Clearing your energy field and relaxing your body and releasing emotionally any fears and anxieties of which you are aware.

This breathing exercise becomes a meditation through your intentions.  Be receptive and aware as you peacefully and calmly just breathe.

As you read this meditation, let your breath move throughout your body, aware that prana, life energy surrounds you.

Begin by sitting quietly and receptively and let yourself relax.  As you relax, let your mind calm as you observe your breath.  Make no attempt to control your breathing; just follow the natural rise and fall of each breath.

As you breathe in the air that is essential to maintain and sustain your life force, let your awareness that this gift is freely available to the full extent of your need.

Draw in as much air as your lungs can hold, expanding your lung capacity by relaxing your solar plexus as you drop your diaphragm.

Then as you draw in your breath, as it moves up your body, let your energy move with the Prana (Life Force) you are breathing in.

Become aware that you are the one who is breathing in, and you are the one who is breathing out.  Let this awareness happen naturally and spontaneously requiring no conscious thought or consideration.

By bringing your awareness to the simple act of breathing you can expand your consciousness.  You may become aware of the symbiosis and cooperative dynamic of all of life.  The oxygen you freely partake of has been created by the trees and plants and verdant life that surround you.  It sustains you.  Your very act of breathing produces the carbon dioxide that the trees and plants require maintaining their life cycle.  There is deep magic in this cooperative and co-dependency of life.

As you observe that natural rise and fall of your breath, you can be a detached observer letting your mind calm, and your body relax.  As you just sit quietly receptively observe the rise and fall of your chest and your belly as you breathe in the vital life force of Prana, which is all around you and freely available to you.

As you continue to relax, breathing and observing the natural ebb and flow of the air that you breathe, you might notice the coolness of the breath as you breathe in or the warmth of your breath as you breathe out.

You might notice that this breathing process happens both naturally and spontaneously without requiring any thought or action on your part.

All that you need to do is Be, right here and right now.  As you just sit quietly and receptively and breathe, let the vital life force fill you, relax you and restore you.  This gift is available to you freely and spontaneously.  It is a gift you can use for your healing.   It is available to you now and always available as a vital force for your life and living.

To enhance and expand the healing power of your breath engage the healing power of your mind and the healing power of your higher source, your Soul.  You can invoke your higher source through the loving power of your Soul.  Just open your whole being to the Light of your Soul by imagining your Soul as a radiating golden white Light 3-to-6 feet above your physical body.

The Light of the Soul Descends
Soul Light Descending

Upon observing the Light of your Soul, recognize its Presence as a part of who and what you are.  As a human being, you are miraculously composed of a physical body, although you are more than your physical body.  You have a creative and dynamic mind which you can use to focus your powerful capacity for thought.  Your heart is a spark of the force of Divine love. You are a Soul that is a unified part of the Divine Creative Source for all of life.

As you breathe in a full and relaxing breath, let these energies merge and blend to manifest as the healing Presence and the Healing Power that they are.

Use intention, visualization and invocation to invite this healing into your life through the air that you are breathing.

With your breath consciously consider that as you draw in this breath you can infuse the air with the dynamic healing power of Prana to rebuild, refresh and restore your body.

Let the very air that you breathe be filled with the healing Light of your Soul and the generous grace of God.  As the air fills your lungs realize that it has in it the atomic substance of your Soul. The creative power of Divine Light is now offered to you and available.  You can now heal your life on all levels, physical, emotional, and mental through your spiritual unity and integration.

Recognize that the air that you breathe now is infused with the atoms empowered by the Healing Presence of your Soul and the loving grace of the Divine.  The particles that make up the air that you breathe have been a part of earth’s atmosphere since the beginning of earth’s cycle of time.  The atoms that compose the air you call upon to serve your life were in their life used by every Avatar and Holy One, whoever walked the earth.

Let the miracle of the ancient ones Healing Presence enter your body as a demonstration of grace.

Through the power of your breath, you can be touched by the body of Christ as a manifestation of his healing Presence in the world.

As air moves from your lungs into your circulatory system by the agency of blood, it travels and touches every molecule of your body, every organ in your body, as a force of Prana. As it moves through you, in and around you atomically and molecularly it is healing you, balancing you and infusing you for a full expression of health.  This healing is available so that you can move forward from this meditation to fulfill your purpose and do your work in the world.

As your breath circulates through your body and into your circulatory system, visualize every part of your being align with your Soul Light.  As you release each breath, you can release your stress.  You can let go of emotions that no longer serve you.  

You can be peaceful and calm.  You can come into the unique gift of this moment of time, choosing to free your body, your mind and your emotions from thoughts, feelings, and fears that have held you back or limited your expression.

Continue to sit quietly and receptively as you ponder and consider the atomic restoration that is available.  As with the air, healing atoms circulate through the blood through all of your organs balancing, healing and helping them be restored to complete function and health. 

As the breath flows through your heart, imagine it infused with love. Let your breath send the energy on to draw out any toxins from which your body needs purifying.  The circulation continues to carry through the cleansing and purifying organs of your liver, spleen, kidneys, and colon. The atoms are infused and charged with Soul Light, Love and Divine Grace with power.

Allow the circulation that occurs both naturally and spontaneously with your breath to be a miracle of healing as you continue to breathe. You are quietly aligning with and infusing the wholeness of your being.  This gift is provided for your healing, for your happiness and vitality.

Before you return to your activities, pause and just let yourself breathe in and out deeply one more time, as you let the breath be a healing force in your life

As you just breathe and relax into the powerful potential to heal your body, your emotions and your mind, realize that you can release anything that is not harmonious and balanced.  With another breath, draw in life Prana and Life energy to fill, heal, restore, balance and transform you.

Give thanks for this great blessing of healing that your meditation has created while you paused in your life to “just” breathe.

I recommend that when you do this Breathing Meditation that you follow it by sitting quietly and receptively and record the impressions and thoughts you have received.




The Blessing of Love on All That You Do!


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Copyright © 2014-2019 Genevieve Gerard and Touch of the Soul LLC, All Rights Reserved.


Breathe for Healing and Harmony Read More »

Invoking Healing Miracles

Invoking Healing Miracles Today

Read the Invoking Healing Miracles article by Genevieve Gerard

Pondering how miracles happen and considering the next subject for my ongoing series on Healing, I realize that healing, either for oneself or a loved one, is the most common reason a miracle is requested. 

The synchronicity of this thought motivates and focuses my meditations to explore creating healing miracles.

Understanding the dynamics of what must take place to create a true life-transforming healing miracle is important because within that dynamic we see without any hesitation the most practical and profound aspect of spirituality.  A miracle, especially a miraculous healing experience, is where the rubber meets the road in the dual aspect of being both a human being and a spiritual being.


You Can Be a Co-Creator in Your Life

Miracles can teach and demonstrate to us that as you live your life, you are also the co-creator of your life.  This is one of the great mysteries of life.  It is a concept that is both amazingly empowering and awesomely threatening.

The part of this that is uncomfortable is the responsibility that comes with this understanding.  In the process of becoming a co-creator in your life adventure, thousands of questions may come to mind.  Your mind chatter may begin to argue and reject the concept that you would create any of the problems and challenges that you face.

It is, of course, a concept that may not be easy to grasp.  You might reject the idea completely because it seems unfathomable that you would create problems for yourself and most certainly illness and suffering.  It is within this mysterious concept about the nature of reality that the real power of miracles exists.

It is certainly easier to go through life believing yourself to be a victim of happenstance.  You can blame others for anything bad that happens to you, or you can even ultimately blame God, as many do.  You can even blame luck or karma, placing responsibility on anybody or anything but yourself.  Yet to be and become the powerful, amazing, being you were created to be when God chose to create humankind in His image, this concept deserves consideration.

If you are a person of faith, you may bruise God’s ears with your prayers and petitions for what you think you want or need.  You may call upon the angels and the whole congregation of saints to intercede on your behalf.  Yet with all of this, you are still not stepping into the role of a child of God who is the Son of Man.  It is in this mysterious, miraculous concept of co-creating with God that you are empowered beyond your current understanding. 

Being in this co-creator role is being all that you were created to become as a partner with God in the experience of living.  It is in this co-creator concept that Jesus taught, when after his great healing miracles he proclaimed, “I and the Father are One.”  The absolute bliss that is inherent in that affirmation opens you to a new understanding of miracles. Ponder on this!

To accept that you are both able to influence your life and by extension, the life of others, requires some deeper openness and understanding of both the miracle of life and how you can be aligned with the Divine and an instrument for Divine blessings to others.


Universal Laws & Principals

The role of claiming your co-creator part with the Creator requires taking on a level of responsibility that may be beyond what you are willing to accept. Nevertheless, it is in that responsibility that you can gain a deeper understanding of the Laws of the Universe, transform your life and empower the service you can be to your fellow man.

Now, what is fascinating, and in relationship to the concept of miracles and healing, is to realize that there are universal laws and principles in place, and these are completely impersonal.  You can use them or deny them.  They are at work both when consciously used and equally at work when you are completely unconscious of them.  It seems that the more you can work with the Laws of the Universe consciously in your life, the more you are coming into the fullness of what you were created to be.

In a miracle, Universal Laws are not circumvented but rather exalted.  Amazingly, the desire for miracles and the need for healing in life motivate people to come to a greater understanding of these laws and principles.  Equally amazing is that when you work with and wield these laws and principles consciously, miraculous things happen.


Healing Miracles

I think that it is around the issue of healing miracles that the biggest dichotomy of what is meant by being a co-creator is faced.  As perhaps the greatest healer of our time, “John of God” always pointed out, “It is God that heals, not me.”  I think any successful healer, physician or energetic healer would acknowledge that a true statement.

I know in my life when I have been blessed to be a part of a miracle, I have been overwhelmed with awe and gratitude to have even been allowed to be a part of a miracle.  The energy that has flowed through me is so far beyond what I can usually touch and experience that I am immediately humbled.  The grace that flows is beyond my understanding and most certainly my abilities.

It is crystal clear that like John of God I can say without any doubt in full acceptance, it is God that heals.  The gift and grace that I have been granted are to have been a part of the event.  It is in the absolute bliss of having come to that place of utter surrender of personal will and attachment that you can blend into the activation of Divine Will, and a miracle can occur. 



Now you might say, “if this is true then all that I need to do is pray for healing.”  Certainly, prayer is an effective way to request a miracle.  But to think that prayer does not involve activating and utilizing the very principles and Universal laws that empower a miracle is looking at prayer in a very simplistic way and ignoring the powerful dynamics that are activated with prayer.

Prayer works within the universal laws and principles that are causative factors in the creation of miracles.  The fact that you don’t have to understand those laws in order to pray does not mean that prayer works outside of the laws, but rather as fulfillment and manifestation of them.  For many to pray is easier.  But it would be incorrect to ignore the dynamic power of the tools and techniques utilized in prayer.

Prayer works within the universal laws and healing miracles work within universal laws.  There is no need to go outside of laws to manifest healing miracles but rather to look deeper at the way the word works to manifest miracles.

Miracles do not, in fact, break the laws of nature.
      – C. S. Lewis

Bringing your awareness into the mechanics of both miracles and prayer is a way to see the many ways that you can collaborate with God and co-create with God in your life.

Those who actively practice the Law of Attraction in their life often see a miraculous transformation in their material circumstances and the material world.  Countless miracle tales demonstrate the universal laws as people learn that “energy follows thought.”  This is a real dynamic in the mystery of miracles and the magic of being a co-creator in your life.

Using the power of the invocation of energies that prayer employs, or using the dynamic that energy follows thought, are not different.  Consciously working with invocation and intention creates miracles and it could be said that the miraculous property of prayer is in the act of invocation and intention.


The Use of Intention and Invocation

The use of intention and invocation are an active part of the dynamic of our being created in the image of God, as a Son of God.  This duality of our human nature is our greatest mystery and our biggest blessing.  It is in wielding that dual nature that we are empowered to “do greater things than I have done” as promised and foretold by Jesus (John 14:12.)

It is in studying and considering the miracles of Jesus that we see a demonstration of the miraculous healing power that is available from the dual consciousness of being in this co-creator role with God.  Jesus even said regarding his miracles, “Greater things than I have done you shall do.”  It was in his energetic merging with the Father that Jesus demonstrated the power and importance of the union with God by going to the Father.

Because He did that, he empowered all of humankind to follow his path.  It is in the desire to help and heal with miracles that you can find the motivation to surrender your personal Will to Divine Will.  Even if you can yield sufficiently to that Oneness with the Father for only a second of time, that second is held in eternity in the eternal NOW and that act is so very amazingly powerful and profound that a miracle happens.


Oneness with a Higher Power

If you talk to those healers who have participated in healing miracles, the transforming bliss and astounding joy of that moment is what they remember most. And although they may not have been able to sustain that awareness of Oneness with the Father that marked the miracle, it is both affirming and confirming that that pathway exists.

In the energetic release that happens with a miracle, the illusion is cleared and at that moment, “The Son of God creates to bring him joy, sharing the Father’s purpose in his own creation, that his joy be increased and God’s along with his.A Course on Miracles page 489”

It seems appropriate when you consider the role you are striving to play to facilitate a miracle, that you are as God created you.  You are one with him, and He is one with you.  That great miracle of your creation and your oneness with the Father is the basis of all of your abilities to live as a co-creator with God.

When you can sufficiently surrender your personal will to Divine Will, you will be blessed to help facilitate and participate in miracles.
     – Genevieve Gerard

Before this article concludes, I think it is important to delve deeper into the role of prayer in miracles, for prayer serves as the portal to aligning your personal will with God’s Will.  Prayer can help you reach the place where you can open your mind, your heart and your Soul to the Oneness with the Father. 

And certainly when the bliss of that union has been touched, and you know to the depth of your Soul that a miracle has happened prayers are the best way to express your overwhelming gratitude for the blessing you have received in healing another.

In the afterglow of a healing miracle, I have found that the expression of joy is spontaneous as is the gratitude of having been blessed with the opportunity to be a part of a Healing Miracle. 

What is learned through participating in a healing miracle can fuel your understanding in profound and life-enhancing ways that you can ponder in your meditations and incorporate into your spiritual life.


A Meditation on Merging With Your Soul

Coming into a state of Oneness with the Divine and with Divine Will (the Father aspect of God,) while beyond what you (or I) can typically accomplish from our current awareness, is an exercise of being in Soul consciousness and completely surrendering. What you need to do is open yourself as much as you can to the conscious awareness of your Soul, with the expressed desire and intention to as fully as you can, open to the presence of your Soul in an attitude of complete surrender. 

This can be incorporated into an act of healing and service to another.  In fact, the intention to create miraculous healing for another helps you bring your consciousness to the highest place you can experience.  Then, surrendering your personal will to Divine Will, while aligning as fully as you are able with your Soul, you can open to the touch of your Soul.

Mantras may help with this as you hold your intention to calm your mind and fully open your heart as you invite the light.  In the related posts below, I provide links to articles and meditations to help you open to the touch of your Soul while you are in an aspect of surrender to your Divine Will.

Now is a time when the guidance of your Soul is required, and I cannot presume to direct or guide you on the surface beyond the physical words I write today.  Know that when you open energetically to your Soul in surrender with intention, you enter what may be uncharted territory for you and what I am sharing is as much as I can share at this time.  Ultimately, any meditation you create for yourself should be under the protection and direction of your Soul. Whatever revelations or realizations you will have are uniquely yours.

As always, when you meditate I recommend you have a pen and journal to record the thoughts and impressions you receive.

Because you are striving to reach a more exalted awareness, I also suggest you prepare your space by setting aside time without limitations in a situation where you are assured you will not be interrupted so you can let the experience flow.

Since your Soul is in control, you will only receive what is exactly right for you at this time.  Moreover, since your intention for healing is surrender to Divine Will, the healing will be what is exactly right for the one you are striving to heal.

My final instruction before you embark upon this adventure in consciousness is the reminder to express your gratitude for any insights and blessings you receive. 



The Blessing of Love on All That You Do!


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Last updated 01-04-2020


Genevieve - Soulful


About the author:
Genevieve Gerard teaches Transformational Consciousness – from first awakening to enlightened Soul awareness. She helps you experience the joy that results from the spontaneous “touch of your soul.”

Read more details…

Genevieve has a Bachelor’s Degree in Philosophy and Theology and a Master of Arts Degree in Counseling and for over thirty years has worked one-on-one with people who were recovering from devastating disabilities and chronic pain. Teaching the mastery of the mind-body relationship she was one of the early professionals trained in biofeedback, visualization, imagery, and meditation as essential techniques to help people heal their bodies, heal their emotions, heal their minds, and heal their lives.

Genevieve’s work demonstrates what she knows so well, “It is spiritual connectedness that triggers physical healing and emotional and mental well-being.”  Helping people, like you, tap into your higher-self is the power she wields to guide you to heal and transform your life.

Now, with this understanding, she combines the effective techniques she developed over decades teaching mind-body mastery along with her extensive experience in meditation and spiritual development to create a synthesis of mind-body-spirit that delivers complete healing and opens the door to unlimited personal growth and an encounter with your Soul.

In addition to her current life guidance coaching sessions, and workshops performed around the world, Genevieve has produced more than 20+ guided meditations in the last eight years that are available on iTunes, Amazon, CDBaby, and her website.

It is her vision that through your experience with the techniques of awareness, visualization, and meditation, the love of your Soul will touch and transform your life through her writings and products. It is her sincere desire that the potential of a life of joy and celebration that seems to elude so many people can become a reality for you, now and forever.

Browse her life story and read the Touch of the Soul that changed her world. To contact Genevieve, visit her keep in touch page.


Copyright © 2015-2020 Genevieve Gerard and Touch of the Soul LLC. All rights reserved.


Invoking Healing Miracles Read More »

Activation of Healing Energies

Activation of Healing Energies

Read Activation of Healing Energies article by Genevieve Gerard

This is another article in my on-going series on Healing.

When you pray for healing, you are activating energy.

Healing energy activation takes place on many levels.

First, it activates your thoughts, engaging the powerful life dynamic that “energy follows thought.”

Immediately by focusing positive thought, intention and desire on healing, the healing power within your body is empowered.  This happens in the organs and glands, all the way to the cellular level of your body and even into the atomic substance of your being.

Also, when you pray for healing you are calling upon help from the Divine.  In so doing, you are surrendering to and aligning with God’s Will and purpose for your life.  That is always powerful and empowering.  Re-aligning, or aligning for the first time in your life is transformative.

Your prayers also draw the conscious attention of your physical problem(s) to your Soul.  Praying for healing alerts your Higher Self that you are now open to learning whatever lesson the dis-ease was created to teach.

Dis-ease often manifests to alert you to the ways your life may have gone out of balance, physically, emotionally or with your thoughts.  Invoking healing and inviting healing declares your desire and your intention to rebalance and restore your life.

Your Soul then can call for the help and support of the angels.  It may call for the assistance of your guardian angel that is committed to you in this life, or it may call upon angels and devas who provide specialized energy that is more responsive to the healing that you need.

Energy is activated, and that activation creates a response on the physical level of your being, as well as in your emotional and mental bodies.

The merger of energies that invoking and surrendering to healing activates bridges the spiritual world with the world of matter and demonstrates the integration of the wholeness of the Self, body, emotions, mind and Soul.

It is important to remember that all of this happens energetically and spontaneously when you pray for or invoke, healing help.  Your conscious part in all of this is to keep your thoughts positive.  It is also important to remain receptive to what you need to learn from this dis-ease experience.  In that are the seeds of miracles and wisdom, ponder on this.

As you ask for healing it is of vital importance that you join in with the efforts being activated by your prayers.  Healing is a team effort, and you are by definition a key player on that team.  Divine intervention and angelic help are no substitutes for doing your work of consciousness to facilitate healing.

Important Ways That You Can Activate and Support the Healing Process:

Maintain a positive mental attitude.  The dynamic principle that “energy follows thought” is of paramount importance when you are involved in a healing transition.  It is a powerful time to engage the power of your mind.

Engaging the power of your mind as a support to the prayers and invocation for Divine and Angelic help is a way that you can help yourself.  That requires being conscious of what you are thinking and what you are feeling and, when you find your thoughts negative, immediately replacing that negative thought with a positive or hopeful one.

As much as it is important to cooperate in your healing by maintaining a positive mental attitude and using your mind to encourage and support your healing, so too is it important to use your time of healing and restoration to learn to conquer your fears.  Often in times of illness, you may experience fear.  This is normal and to be expected.  With severe illnesses the logical result, if there is no healing, is often death.  Focusing on your fears hinders healing.  Realize that sometimes the ultimate healing is the release of the physical form from this planet.  When invoking healing its best to invoke “right action” and live in the NOW moment.

Fear keeps us focused on the past or worried about the future. If we can acknowledge our fear, we can realize that right now we are okay. Right now, today, we are still alive, and our bodies are working marvelously. Our eyes can still see the beautiful sky. Our ears can still hear the voices of our loved ones.
       – Thich Nhat Hanh

These are two of the most important life lessons so it makes perfect sense that they would be significant in a time of healing.  Fear is both debilitating and damaging to your body, mind, and emotional well-being. Therefore, to take the time, while you are healing, to gain mastery over your negative thoughts and replace those with positive thoughts make perfect sense.  Likewise, take the time of healing to learn mastery over your fears.

Healing creates a fertile time to learn important life lessons; lessons which when mastered in the healing process, empower and improve the rest of your life.   That is why among those who work with “laying on of hands”, psychology and energetic healing often refer to an illness as a healing crisis.

Healing is a matter of time,
but it is sometimes also a matter of opportunity.
       – Hippocrates

When you pray for healing and invoke the power of the Divine, the power of your Soul and the help and assistance of Angels, it is a good time to consider your life particularly in light of how you can improve your life.  What is the purpose of this life and how can you bring your life into alignment to manifest that purpose.

If your healing requires, as is often the case, a time of recovery then I suggest again that you use that time to strengthen your ability to maintain a positive mental attitude and to conquer your fears, and ultimately let go of any negative influence from your past by forgiving yourself.

You may need to use your recovery time to re-evaluate your life and consider mistakes you have made and what you need to do differently.

You may recall from the biblical stories of Jesus’s healings that very often forgiveness played a crucial role.  Jesus made the statement “your sins are forgiven.”  Forgiveness is always available once you have the understanding and insight that you have made a mistake. Forgiveness is available to empower the transformation process.

Although Divine forgiveness is assured, in my many years of coaching and counseling I have found that although most people can accept the concept of forgiveness coming from a God of Love and Grace, they often have a hard time forgiving themselves.  Forgiving yourself is often a key element in healing.  Once you have understood the lesson of a dis-ease and modified your thinking or behavior, it becomes essential to stop clinging to the self-recrimination and blame.

It becomes important to put the past in the past where it belongs and let yourself move forward into the present where the great release is available to you.  Forgive yourself and then open your life to the unlimited possibilities of a future that is only now being created and coming into manifestation.

There is a fine balance between honoring the past and losing yourself in it. For example, you can acknowledge and learn from mistakes you made, and then move on and refocus on the now. It is called forgiving yourself.
       – Eckhart Tolle

Self-forgiveness is the final step in the process of healing.

Over my many years of helping people through healing crisis’s, be they from injury or illness, I have found the following things to be important steps in the healing process.  To facilitate and help with these important steps, I have created guided meditations to help you and your loved ones.

For positive mental attitude,
consider the use of positive affirmations:

         Awaken to Success Affirmations

         Soaring to Success Affirmations

For transcending, transforming and
transmuting negative emotions and fears:

         I Am Feeling Free Meditation

For forgiving yourself and
freeing yourself from the past:

         How to Forgive Yourself Meditation

And to help you experience
the healing blessing of sleep:

         Sleep in Heavenly Peace Meditation

I hope you are drawn to using these guided meditations and visualizations and that their use enhances and empowers your healing and your life.



The Blessing of Love on All That You Do!


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Lessons Learned From Injury or Illness 

The Keys to Harnessing Your Thoughts 

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Ways to Use Affirmations 


Last updated 11-05-2017


© 2015-2016 Genevieve Gerard and Touch of the Soul


Activation of Healing Energies Read More »

Pray To The Divine Mother For Healing

Pray to the Divine Mother for Healing

Read "Pray to the Divine Mother For Healing" article by Genevieve Gerard

This article is part of my ongoing series on Healing.

Today I am going to talk to you about connecting to the healing power and amazing love and grace of the Divine Mother.

The energy of the Divine Mother is archetypical and available to you when you bring the presence of the Divine Mother into your consciousness. As an integral part of the Trinity (Father, Son, and Holy Spirit) her power and her presence is available to you through your invocation at your invitation.

The Divine Mother is sometimes called the Holy Spirit and her presence is often experienced when people pray to Mary, Mother of Jesus.

The Threefold Flame

There is a light that shines beyond all things on Earth, beyond us all, beyond the heaven, beyond the highest, the very highest heavens.

This is the light that shines in our heart.
      – Chandogya Upanishad

The Divine Mother is associated with unconditional love, forgiveness, and grace and can be an active and powerful presence in your life. Many say she is more accessible in prayer and petition than the Father aspect of the Trinity. Countless across the world pray to Mary to intercede on their behalf with Jesus, the Son aspect of the Trinity.

Because Mary, the Mother of Jesus, has over the past two thousand years been the recipient of prayers and petitions to the Divine Mother, these energies have merged largely.

Yet, the Divine Mother as an eternal part of the Trinity remains distinct, as she is the eternal expression of the Divine Feminine, also known as the Mother of the World. This has been evident since the dawn of time.

In the patriarchal emphasis of church leaders in the past 2000 years it is through Mary, the Mother of Jesus, that humankind has reached the great love, profound forgiveness and vast unconditional love that is the essence of the Divine Mother.

When you consider and ponder on the prayer of the words of the Hail Mary prayed by faithful Catholics around the globe, you will see the powerful and profound way in which Mary, Mother of Jesus, has served as a representative of the Divine Mother to provide comfort, grace, and forgiveness.

Hail Mary, full of grace, the Lord is with thee;
blessed art thou amongst women,
and blessed is the fruit of thy womb, Jesus.

Holy Mary, Mother of God,
pray for us sinners,
now and at the hour of our death.


This powerful prayer invokes the presence of the Divine Mother who is known by many names, including the Divine Feminine.

As with all aspects of Divinity, the limitations we as human beings ascribe with names does not limit the power with which the Divine responds to our invocation and petition.

God, in the full power and glory of the Trinity, is available to you and to all human beings as a dynamic living part of the covenant that exists between God and mankind. This is a deep mystery and a profound truth.

When you call upon God, as the Father, as the Son, as the Holy Spirit or as the Divine Mother, God responds, undeterred and unrestricted by what words you choose in your petition.

God is not limited by our understanding of the nature of Divinity.
      – Genevieve Gerard

What I have come to understand about our human experience is that much of this is unknown to us and all of our feeble attempts, including mine, may fall short of the glory and majesty of what is real.

It is for this reason that I frequently, in my own meditations, say the Mantra:

May the Divine Self inspire me
and the Light of the Soul direct.


May I be led from the darkness into Light,
from the unreal to the real,
from death to immortality.
      – Mantram of Unity by Alice Bailey

To give you a glimpse and insight into the powerful presence of the Divine Feminine today, I have written an invocation to help bring the Divine Mother into your prayer or meditative experience in a way that will stimulate your conscious experience of the presence.

I invite you to experience this invocation, although it may be more a prayer than a traditional meditation, with an open mind and an open heart, dropping judgement and criticism and calling upon your own inner sense of truth and knowing.

This, like all meditations, is what is revealed from the promptings of your heart and the wisdom of your Soul. I make no claims that my thoughts and ponderings are the truth, but bring to you the opportunity to receive whatever experience is right for you to ponder and find your own sense of rightness and truth.

All I ask is that you say this invocation with the intention to bring the power and presence of the Divine Feminine (the Divine Mother) into your conscious awareness, your heart and your mind.

She will respond to that intention and invitation and provide you what you need from this experience.

A Prayerful Invocation
to the Divine Mother for Healing

Calm your mind, open your heart and invite the Light.

Begin by taking in a very deep and relaxing breath.

As you breathe in, open your whole being to being receptive to the love, grace and healing presence of the Divine Mother.

With your next deep breath, consciously open your heart and make it receptive to Love.

With your next breath, consciously open your mind and make it open to insight.

With your next breath invoke and invite the presence of your Soul, which you could imagine as a radiant golden point of Light about 3-to-6 feet above your head.

As you breathe in a full breath, invoke and invite the healing power and the healing Presence of the Divine Mother into your life.

Know that invocation and invitation open a portal for you to receive the blessings and grace of Her Divine Presence.

As you exhale at the conclusion of the breath cycle, release from your mind and your heart any pain or sorrows you may have experienced from lack of mother-love or nurturing in your life. Let any sorrow, sense of lack or loss be healed in her awe-inspiring love and grace. Let her power heal you, relieve you, support and sustain you.

With one more deep, relaxing and satisfying breath, open your Soul Light to receive the tremendous power and grace of the Divine Mother, the omnipresent flow of Divine Love through Her from the Source of Universal Love, the transcendent essence of unconditional love.

Let Her Love fill your heart to overflowing. Let Her Love and Grace enfold you.

As you connect with Her Presence, place your needs for healing before her by invoking:

Divine Mother, Source of Divine Love and dispenser of the healing power of Grace, I place in Your gentle care my need for healing. In this life, many of my needs for the Unconditional Love and Grace that You bring into the world have been unmet and unfulfilled.

I now ask You to fill my heart with Your transcending and transforming Love. I now ask You to heal my life that I may attract Love and give Love freely.

The failures of my earthly mother may have left wounds and burdens that trouble my heart and may have created limitations and misunderstandings of the meaning, purpose, and power of Love in my life.

I ask that your Love erases and heal all hurts. Understanding that my mother’s failures may have come from her own lack of love in her life, I now forgive her as a demonstration of the unconditional aspect of Love that Your Presence demonstrates to me.

Make me an instrument of Your Grace. Help me to demonstrate in my life what it truly is to Love unconditionally, without attachment or expectations.

Before You Holy Mother, I place all of my needs for Your unconditional Love. Within Your loving embrace and imbued with Your transcending grace, I ask forgiveness for any and all of the times in my life that I have failed to Love.

Assured of Your forgiveness I am able to be at peace. Embraced by Your Grace I am strengthened.

The unconditional Love that Your Love demonstrates to me serves as a guide in my life for how to Love others. Your Grace and Your forgiveness demonstrate to me how to be compassionate and forgiving.

I affirm my desire to be an instrument of grace and love to others in the world.

Now, I open my heart, my mind, and my Soul to receive Your Divine Love to support and sustain me for the rest of my days.

As I accept and receive this amazing blessing, all wounds and damage created by a lack of Love or a misunderstanding of Love are offered up for Your healing power in Your healing Presence.

My life is transformed and healed by your goodness and grace.

As Your Love fills me, filling in every crevasse of lack or loneliness; I extend the power of Your unconditional Love and transcending Grace out to all who touch my life.

I open myself to the Divine Love that flows through You and invite and invoke that flow to be an omnipresent force in my life that I can demonstrate and share.

As I am One with You, my heart is filled to overflowing with Love.

I now sit quietly, calmly and receptively open to the healing power and presence of my Soul as I let my heart be filled. I rejoice and give thanks for the amazing blessing I have received.


I now sit quietly, calmly and receptively with my mind open to wisdom and insight about love that I may see and experience the truth. As I am freed from attachment and illusion, I am freed to really Love.


Any lack of Love that I have suffered in the past, any shortage of Grace I have ever experienced is now healed and removed from me with Your healing Presence in this meditation.

I know that Your Healing is complete and Your Grace is sufficient for all of my needs. I give thanks that this great blessing that I have received today is available to me at any time of my need when I come to You in prayer or meditation.

I ask that I may now be a beacon of Love in the world and a demonstration of Your endless ability to forgive and that I become a source for Grace and Compassion to all who touch my life.

This I offer in gratitude for Your Healing Power and Your Healing Presence in my life.

This Love and this great blessing are mine without limit. Each time that I share Your Love with others I am holding open the door of Divine Love for the ongoing blessing and nurturing in my own life.

Each time I offer forgiveness and compassion, I am holding open the door to the Grace and Forgiveness You make available to me.

It is by giving I receive and it is by grace I am healed, so that my life is ever filled with the joy of loving, and of being loved.


No sorrow can stand or wound can fester in the Healing Power of Your Divine Love once You have been called forth.

Let me be an instrument to focus Your healing power to those I encounter in need of Your Divine Love and Grace that You have granted me. This is a service I offer to You, and to the world in gratitude.

In gratitude and appreciation of the healing I have received, I vow to be a source of Love in the world that I can move forward in my life, free from past sorrows, filled to overflowing with Your omnipresent Love, Your limitless Compassion and Your gentle Goodness and Mercy.


Now take a few minutes to ponder on this great blessing and go forth to love and live and serve humanity.

The blessing of Love on all that you do!


   Genevieve Gerard


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Genevieve - Soulful


About the author:
Genevieve Gerard teaches Transformational Consciousness – from first awakening to enlightened Soul awareness. She helps you experience the joy that results from the spontaneous “touch of your soul.”

Read more details…

Genevieve has a Bachelor’s Degree in Philosophy and Theology and a Master of Arts Degree in Counseling and for over thirty years has worked one-on-one with people who were recovering from devastating disabilities and chronic pain. Teaching the mastery of the mind-body relationship she was one of the early professionals trained in biofeedback, visualization, imagery, and meditation as essential techniques to help people heal their bodies, heal their emotions, heal their minds, and heal their lives.

Genevieve’s work demonstrates what she knows so well, “It is spiritual connectedness that triggers physical healing and emotional and mental well-being.”  Helping people, like you, tap into your higher-self is the power she wields to guide you to heal and transform your life.

Now, with this understanding, she combines the effective techniques she developed over decades teaching mind-body mastery along with her extensive experience in meditation and spiritual development to create a synthesis of mind-body-spirit that delivers complete healing and opens the door to unlimited personal growth and an encounter with your Soul.

In addition to her current life guidance coaching sessions, and workshops performed around the world, Genevieve has produced more than 20+ guided meditations in the last eight years that are available on Apple Music (iTunes), Amazon, CDBaby, and her website.

It is her vision that through your experience with the techniques of awareness, visualization, and meditation, the love of your Soul will touch and transform your life through her writings and products. It is her sincere desire that the potential of a life of joy and celebration that seems to elude so many people can become a reality for you, now and forever.

Browse her life story and read the Touch of the Soul that changed her world. To contact Genevieve, visit her keep in touch page.


Last updated 3-29-2020


Copyright © 2015-2020 Genevieve Gerard and Touch of the Soul LLC. All rights reserved.


Pray To The Divine Mother For Healing Read More »

Healing Energy is Empowered by Love

Healing Energy is Empowered by Love   

How to send healing energy from a distance


How to Send Healing Energy From a Distance by Genevieve Gerard

Everything, including our body and our thoughts, are energy.

Sending good intentions and good thoughts when someone is in need of physical, emotional, mental or spiritual help can be more important than you might realize.

Thought energy is particularly powerful and has been proven to influence matter.

There is a realm of reality that goes beyond the physical
where in fact we can influence each other from a distance.
      – Deepak Chopra

This means that distance healing is not only possible but very real.

The world of matter has many limitations.

It is easy to get caught up in those limitations and begin to believe that the limited world of matter is all that is real. I believe nothing could be further from the truth.

There is a material reality of course. What you perceive with your physical sensations of hearing, sight, taste, touch, and smell are known to be real.

However, to believe that reality is limited only by perception would be to deny a deeper and more profound reality. By knowing the ways that energy works, you can open yourself to a reality that expands your consciousness. Therefore, you can live incorporating and using your full potential as a human being.

You can live in the world of matter, enjoying and appreciating all of the many delights that it has to offer. And, you can live in the world of energy and spirit and express the amazing freedom and power that it provides. Ultimately, I believe one of your goals, as you walk the earth, is to live simultaneously as fully human and as a spark of the Divine.

Love one another and help others to rise to the higher levels, simply by pouring out love. Love is infectious and the greatest healing energy.
      – Sai Baba

Loves Role In Healing

This is of particular significance when you are engaging in healing across the miles or when physically separated from someone you love. If you have ever been away from someone you love, you know that the nature of love is unlimited by both space and time. Although you may miss their physical presence in your days, their absence does not diminish the love that you feel for them.

My Grandmother used to say, “Distance is to love like wind to a flame, it puts out the small but enkindles the large.” If you have ever been parted from a loved one you realize that physical distance does not impact love. Your love can flow across the miles without limitation.

Love is the empowering force for all energetic healing. It is this truth and this reality that enables you to do energetic healing at a distance. Since that connection remains in place, healing can happen no matter what the physical separation. You can have a positive impact on someone through the power of thought and intention.

The Souls Role In Healing

When you engage in healing at a distance, you are working in the realm of etheric energy and through the bonds of love and the connection between your Souls. This is especially true when you are sending healing Light, Love or Power to a loved one, but the same principle is true when you are focusing on healing for someone you may not know personally.

Remember that in all energetic healing, it is the Soul of the one who needs healing to whom you send energy. Ponder on this.
      – Genevieve Gerard

This is a safeguard as it is their Soul that knows what is truly needed. This also speaks to the reality the Soul is ultimately in control in all crises that require healing. That the Soul is always a manifestation of Divine Presence, Divine Grace, and Divine Love also provides a subtle surrender to Divine Will that serves as a protection to the one for whom you are intending and invoking healing.

When connecting Soul-to-Soul you also have the added benefit of protecting yourself from taking on the physical, emotional or mental dis-ease of the person you are trying to help.

Intention & Invocation Roles In Healing

In all energetic healing, the intention is important. It is known in Quantum Physics that the intention of an experimenter influences the outcome of the experiment. Intention is energy; energy does not have any time or space constraints (unlike our physical senses.) Particles in our cells exist in a field of potentiality – meaning intention can influence the behavior of particles.

The very act of sending healing energy across the miles serves as an invocation. It is this merger of intention and invocation with the Soul connection that makes distance healing miraculously effective.

Because this work is energetic and spiritual it is free from the limitations of the world of matter. It is open to the invitation of healing angels or healing devas to enhance your efforts. You can add to the healing force your prayers. You can use the power of visualization by “seeing” the person as if they were whole and healthy. This focuses your energy on wellness and not the disease of ailment.

Right Action In Healing

Again, I stress that the energy you send for healing is sent from your Soul to their Soul enfolded in love. Always in healing, it is important to focus on right action for that person because the Soul has the wisdom and understanding about their lives and their lessons that you probably do not have. This is an import factor as you never want to use your personal will in healing another. Your thoughts and energy are there to support the process of healing, not control it with your personal will or desires.

Although energetic healing is not subject to any of the limitations of the material world, I have always found it helpful to know where someone lives or where they are physically in the world when I tune in to provide energetic healing. That may only have value as a mental tool to enable me to focus, but I have found it helpful over the years. That is a subtle difference in energetic healing from prayer where the invocation is a petition, versus being active in the healing process. Certainly, prayer is effective in distant healing and works.

Meditation Can Set The Stage For Healing

My gift to you:
Here is a quick meditation technique for Distance Healing that you should find helpful.

First, Calm Your Mind, Open Your Heart, Invite the Light.

As you calm your mind, put the week behind you, surrender your personal will and release your desires for a particular outcome.

Clearly, state that your intention is for the Highest Good of the one to whom you are sending healing light and energy.

As you open your heart, focus on the bonds of love that connect you. From your heart to their heart, realize that love is a powerful and tangible energetic force.

Let your unconditional love flow forth to provide them comfort and support. Trust that this is received and goes forth as an invocation with your intention.

The Light of the Soul
Soul Light


Then imagine or visualize your Soul (with unlimited access to your higher source) as a golden white light 3-6 feet above your head.

Then imagine the Soul light of the one you intend to heal as a point of golden white light 3-6 feet above their head.

Along this energetic pathway, visualize the energy of Light, of Love and of Power gently flowing across the space that separates you physically, knowing that you are unified energetically through etheric substance.

If there are others joined with you in the desire to heal and help this person, build a network of etheric substance to empower the healing by imagining each of them as Souls, with their golden-white light radiating above their heads and link (in groups of three), your Souls to the Soul of the person that needs healing.

When finished, place your right hand over the left hand in a sweeping motion. This is the mudra of detachment.



This triangulation of energy is a powerful force for good. The meditation can be expanded to include a larger group, adding in more triangles of energy and always Soul-to-Soul.

When you are also bound by love, such as with a close group, family or friends, you can also add triangle lines of energy from heart-to-heart, building an etheric network of love.

As a group, this healing network is even more powerful and has far-reaching implications, as you can participate in the multiplied healing efforts unlimited by either space or time.

By working in this way, through your Soul to their Soul, you will be able to join your energy with theirs for whatever healing result is right for them. It is important that you do not use any of your life force, but instead tap into the unlimited higher source provided through your Soul. It is important that when you work in this way that you do not let your desire for a particular outcome influence you. It is important to keep your personal will harnessed and only invoke what is right for them, understanding that the Soul is in control of both the outer form of life and all events.

Here is a Mantra that you can say that is helpful for this:

Let the Soul control the outer form and Life and all events
and bring to Light the Love that underlies the happenings of the times.
Let wisdom come and insight. Let the future stand revealed.
Let inner wisdom demonstrate and outer cleavages be gone.
Let Love prevail.
      Excerpt from Invocation For The New Group Of World Servers
            – Alice A. Bailey

Experience this meditation, the healing energy empowered by Love and become a powerful force for healing in the world. Let us know in the comments section below how this impacts you.



The Blessing of Love on All That You Do!


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Genevieve - Soulful


About the author:
Genevieve Gerard teaches Transformational Consciousness – from first awakening to enlightened Soul awareness. She helps you experience the joy that results from the spontaneous “touch of your soul.”

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Genevieve has a Bachelor’s Degree in Philosophy and Theology and a Master of Arts Degree in Counseling and for over thirty years has worked one-on-one with people who were recovering from devastating disabilities and chronic pain. Teaching the mastery of the mind-body relationship she was one of the early professionals trained in biofeedback, visualization, imagery, and meditation as essential techniques to help people heal their bodies, heal their emotions, heal their minds, and heal their lives.

Genevieve’s work demonstrates what she knows so well, “It is spiritual connectedness that triggers physical healing and emotional and mental well-being.”  Helping people, like you, tap into your higher-self is the power she wields to guide you to heal and transform your life.

Now, with this understanding, she combines the effective techniques she developed over decades teaching mind-body mastery along with her extensive experience in meditation and spiritual development to create a synthesis of mind-body-spirit that delivers complete healing and opens the door to unlimited personal growth and an encounter with your Soul.

In addition to her current life guidance coaching sessions, and workshops performed around the world, Genevieve has produced more than 20+ guided meditations in the last eight years that are available on Apple Music (iTunes), Amazon, CDBaby, and her website.

It is her vision that through your experience with the techniques of awareness, visualization, and meditation, the love of your Soul will touch and transform your life through her writings and products. It is her sincere desire that the potential of a life of joy and celebration that seems to elude so many people can become a reality for you, now and forever.

Browse her life story and read the Touch of the Soul that changed her world. To contact Genevieve, visit her keep in touch page.


Disclaimer: Ideas and techniques discussed on this website are not intended and should not be construed as medical advice, nor is the information a substitute for professional medical expertise or treatment. If you or any other person has a medical concern, you should consult with your health care provider or seek other professional medical treatment. Never disregard professional medical advice or delay in seeking it because of something that you have read on this blog or in any of its linked materials. If you think you may have a medical emergency, call your doctor or emergency services immediately.


Last updated 3-24-2020


Copyright © 2014-2020 Genevieve Gerard and Touch of the Soul LLC. All rights reserved.


Healing Energy is Empowered by Love Read More »

Laying On Hands For Healing

Laying on Hands for Healing

Read Laying On Hands For Healing article by Genevieve Gerard

This article is part of my on-going series on Healing.

Hands-on healing, also known as energy healing or the spiritual healing practice of laying on hands, has been experienced for thousands of years.

In Greek mythology, Chiron, taught Asclepius, the God of Medicine, hands-on healing. This was the source of the word Chi-ergy, which evolved into surgery.

Later, in Christianity, we are told stories of Jesus ability to heal using the laying-on-of-hands and initially the Apostles laid hands on new believers as well as believers.

If God can work through me, he can work through anyone.
      – Saint Francis of Assisi

Even Science has proven that your energy; your thoughts and intention can be used to help heal another. This is a gift we can give one another in life. One important way we can do this is by the laying on of hands. This connection of your physical body with the body of the one who needs healing acts as a transmitter to energize and empower the act of healing.

A tradition of the early church that extended well into the middle ages was the laying on of hands for healing.

Offering healing to one another is a way of
demonstrating love for one another.
      – Genevieve Gerard

For whatever reason, the laying on of hands is not widely offered today even among groups of spiritual people. Yet to participate in healing is one of the most significant ways you can demonstrate your faith and serve others.

As I open my heart and my mind to the guidance of what I should share with you today, I realize that some of your hesitation to engage in the act of “laying on of hands” could stem from having never been provided adequate instruction in this lost tradition. So this article is to help you gain a deeper understanding of the how’s and why’s of this ancient art.

There are some crucial understandings that will enhance the experience and the effectiveness of the requested healing that I share with you today.

Work In A Group

The first is a recommendation that you work in a group. Not only is working in groups for the purpose of healing a part of the ancient tradition of “Laying on of Hands” but working in groups increases the effectiveness of the healing. If you are moved by this instruction, I encourage you to gather together a group of like-minded people who want to learn and to heal as a service to their community.

The reason for gathering a group together to offer healing to others is that working in groups dramatically increases the effectiveness of healing. From the days of the early church believers were assured that whenever two or more are gathered in His name, Christ is present. When gathered for the purpose of helping and healing another, that Presence further empowers the healing energy. Therefore, to work as a group is more effective than you can ever be as a lone individual.

While this has always been true among a community of faith, it is even truer as humanity enters into the new Aquarian Age that is all about learning to work in groups. On the issue of healing, the passing age and the New Age are in complete agreement. Working as a group is not only more efficient, but is also more effective.

Right Use of Will

When forming a group for the purpose of healing there are certain basic things it is important to honor and understand. There is perhaps no place in life where it is more important than in healing to combine Will and surrender effectively. There is so much about a life experience that can only be understood in a broader perspective than we are privy to that certain safe guards have been built into the tradition of energetic healing since time immemorial.

Among these is the right use of will. Whereas intention, the intention to provide healing, is very important it is also important to invoke the powerful principle of Right Action. Although there is more about this principle that I can say here today, and surely will be a subject I bring up again in future articles and is a subject I know I have mentioned previously, surrendering what you are asking for in the process of healing another to an invocation of, and a request for, Right Action is where that important blend of will and surrender come together.

Ask Only For Right Action

A disease, an illness or an injury may have a purpose, meaning or lesson in someone’s life that we cannot see from our perspective, so requesting or invoking the healing we desire with the clear intention of also invoking Right Action is a way of protecting the person requesting healing from unintended consequences or harm. This alignment with Right Action whether by aligning with Divine Will or the Higher Will (the Soul) of the person you are striving to heal is of paramount importance.

For most engaging in laying on of hands, is for healing. You must however remember that as a group participant it is not your personal will that you are invoking. You need to surrender to and be a conduit of group Divine Will, and focus on what is right action for the person you are trying to heal.

Phrases such as “within God’s Will” and “the highest good of all” are examples of how to invoke the desired healing and the necessary surrender of your personal will. There are many others. Whereas what protective phrase you use is not important, this harmony of using you mind and intention while concurrently surrendering to right action, highest good or Divine Will are essential “rules of the road” to energetic healing. That blending is a protection from the unintended consequences that can cause harm, which is certainly never the intent of healing.

Soul to Soul

It is important to build this invocation for Right Action into your thoughts and techniques of healing and “Laying on Hands.” Therefore it is important that when you offer healing Light you are offering it with Love, from your Soul to the Soul of the one who seeks healing in the full understanding that it is the Soul that brings the miracle of healing into fruition.

Formation of Groups

I would love to see the formation of groups with the focus to do energetic healing be the result of publishing this article. As I realize that I need to bring this article to a conclusion I am frustrated by the understanding that there is so much that is important to know about healing that I can share with you and that I wish to share with you that I find myself wondering about how that could best be provided.

In these days of the technology miracles of Skype, YouTube Live and a variety of other international and national possibilities, if you feel directed in your own meditations and prayers to form a group of like-minded individuals to learn more about energetic healing I invite you to make contact with me and I will consider and create a way that I can provide further teaching for you and your group.

Both my website and Facebook provide ways to contact me so we could together determine what would be most effective for you and the group that you gather for the purpose of healing. If you do not feel so directed at this time I invite you to watch for other articles and instruction on energetic healing that I will publish in my Super Serenity Sunday Articles and I encourage you to check back on my website and I will today commit to twelve more article on the subject of energetic healing. Everyone has the potential to be able to help in the healing of others and I am grateful that I can guide you in this important life service.



The Blessing of Love on All That You Do!


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Last updated 8/19/2018


Copyright © 2014-2018 Genevieve Gerard and Touch of the Soul LLC. All rights reserved.


Laying On Hands For Healing Read More »

When You Want To Heal Someone

When You Want to Heal Someone

When You Want To Heal Someone - Serenity Sunday article by Genevieve Gerard

This is another article in my on-going series on healing.

Whether you are a novice or a seasoned healer when you want to give healing Light and provide energetic healing there are some important things to keep in mind.

These healing (literally meaning to make whole) guiding principles can increase the effectiveness of energetic healing and protect both you and the one you are striving to heal.

However, there are some ways that you can make sure that in your desire to provide healing you avoid unintended consequences and assure that right action is the result.  These are some of the important understandings that can guide your efforts.  They also can serve as a protection for the one to whom you are giving or sending Healing Light.

You need to remember that healing is a complex process that involves many factors.  Many of the factors and the dynamics that have resulted in dis-ease may be unknown to you as the healer.  There may be a Higher Purpose to the dis-ease or an important life lesson that is being revealed to the person by the disease.

These reasons and purposes are usually not known to the conscious mind.  The reasons may be a result of karma or things the person facing the dis-ease needs to learn through the dis-ease or come to understand about their choices, their decisions or their behavior.

Healing, true healing, happens on multiple levels and may require layers of healing, physical, emotional and mental.

It helps if you understand, all healing is in the sole direction and authority of the Soul.  The Soul is the part of the spiritual anatomy that, in its role as the Divine spark within you, that gathers from Universal Source the atoms that become your body for you to be born.  There are a myriad of miracles and factors that influence this process.  There are universal laws that must be considered as a new life is formed for a new birth.  Your Soul remains integral and essential in all healing.   It plays a vital part in both allowing the dis-ease and healing the disease.  It plays a vital role in bringing to you what you need to learn from every life situation.

Throughout your life adventure, your Soul remains a part of you.  Whether you are ever aware of it, or whether you connect with it as a source of unconditional love, guidance, and support (as I recommend.)  It is always with you from your first breath to your last, where it returns to the Creator.  It is an integral part of you.  It is a part of you as your life is being formed in the mind of God and it is the part of you that is eternal and returns when your life is through, to the heart of God.

It connects you to your Guardian Angel.  It functions unseen and unknown to help you learn and grow in this life’s adventure.  It is fundamental in any healing.  It is the force to which a healer provides energetic healing.  As a healer, you use your energy and your love to enhance and support the work and purpose of the Soul.  I believe any different direction of healing energy will miss the mark.

It is always the Soul that heals.  That is something to be grateful for because the Soul is never disconnected from Universal Source (God.)  The Soul is by its very nature both aware of and in complete alignment with Divine Will.  That is an important protection for the one you seek to heal.  The Soul being united with Divine Source in the process of creating the substance of your life remains as the force that directs and empowers what is good and right.

Not my will, but Thine be done.
        – Jesus

It also speaks to a very important factor for when you are engaging in energetic healing.  It is essential that at all times you remain aligned with Divine Will.  This can at times be difficult when you are providing healing to someone you love, but this alignment and surrender to Divine Will is an essential part of energetic healing.  To provide healing to another without the possibility of harm requires detachment.  This is why effective energetic healing is often incorporated into prayer in which the “healer” prays for healing.  I always use in any request for healing the protective phrase “within God’s will and for the highest good” I invoke the healing of… .

It is true that thoughts are energy and true that “energy follows thought” in every aspect of life, including energetic healing.  However, this ability to surrender to Divine Will is a core part of the responsibility of an energetic healer.  Although it is not always easy to consider or remember, death can be a part of the healing process.

If you have ever been with someone, who has lingered on the edge between life and death too long, you will understand this statement.  Life extended at all costs is not a blessing.  There is a reason they call death an Angel.  If you have ever sat with someone at the end of his or her physical life, you will start to understand what I mean.  Death can be a blessing and a transition to the next phase of life. Ponder on these thoughts.

As I write these words, I am reminded of the last line of the St. Francis prayer, “And it is in dying that we are born to eternal life.”  It is all too easy to fall prey to the illusion that physical life is the only life.  As one who may provide energetic healing, it is important to consider the whole experience of life, physical, emotional, mental and spiritual or Soul life.

Whenever you are providing energetic healing, you need to be providing the healing essence from the power and wisdom of your own Soul (which comes from Source) to the Soul of the person you are intending to heal.  This Soul to Soul connection takes the healing process into the realm of miraculous and removes your personality and emotions from the process.

Miracles are a part of life.  A miracle is always possible.  As a healer your Soul, and your access to life energy can be used to help facilitate the process of healing.  However, it is only when the energy and intention are attuned and aligned with the Soul of the person you are striving to heal, and aligned with the Light and Love of your own Soul which provides access to the energy to fuel a miracle and the healing is in keeping with the highest good and Divine Will, that healing is right action.

Since you cannot know the highest good or the Divine purpose for every circumstance, the detachment and surrender aspect of energetic healing are of paramount importance.  For this reason, it may be most effective to pray while you are “laying on hands” for healing, or sending healing Light or Love across the miles.

An affirmation that may be helpful to say is:

I stand in spiritual being and, as a Soul, I serve.
I stand within the Light, and as the light shines throughout my form,
I radiate that light.
I stand within the love of God, and as that love streams through and from the heart, I magnetize the ones I seek to aid.
        – Discipleship in the New Age: Vol I, page 213, by Alice A. Bailey, Djwhal Khul

A powerful way that you can safely provide healing energy to someone in need of healing energy and healing Light is to first imagine the Light of your Soul as a radiating Light three to six feet above your head.

The Light of the Soul Descends
Soul Light Descending

Then visualize that golden Light descending into your field of energy (your aura) into the top of your head, down into your heart filling your heart with Love.  You may then wish to let that energy flow into and infuse your hands.

Then imagine the same Soul Light three to six feet above the head of the one you are endeavoring to heal and visualize the Light of their Soul descending into the top of their head and moving effortlessly to the place in their body and there being that needs healing Light.

To further empower your endeavor, imagine the Light from your Soul connected to their Soul and build into your mind’s eye a third point of Light to represent the Light of Divine Will.  You might also want to imagine that, as a pure white Light emanating from the heart of the Christ, or Source.  Let that healing Light flow freely along the pathway activating and empowering healing on all levels, physical, emotional and mental in surrender to ‘Right Action” and the Highest Good of All.  Visualize the other person in their perfected health.

This image of your Soul, sending forth healing Light and healing Love, to the Soul of the one who needs healing, supported and enhanced by Divine Will and Divine Love is the fuel for miracles.

This combination of intention and surrender to Divine Will is what spiritual or energetic healing is all about.

The final step in this is gratitude for the healing that has taken place.  Thanks for the blessing of the healing is an affirmation of faith and assurance that whether you see it or not, or understand it or not, what is right action for that person is taking place.  The expression of gratitude is also an affirmation of faith that the requested healing is moving forward and taking place.

Then go about your life in the deep awareness that you have given all that is needed and the healing Soul Light will continue to work in keeping with your intentions and purpose.



The Blessing of Love on All That You Do!


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Last updated 6-3-2019


Copyright © 2015-2019 Genevieve Gerard and Touch of the Soul. All rights reserved.


When You Want To Heal Someone Read More »