My Christmas Prayer

Read the Serenity Sunday Christmas Prayer post by Genevieve Gerard

I invite you to join with me in saying and sharing this prayer.

By so doing we can each be an instrument to bring into manifestation the peace on earth and goodwill to men that the angels heralded on that very first Christmas Day.

You will find that this prayer combines invocation and at the end, a mantra. Saying the mantra daily will help keep this energy activated in your life. It joins the techniques of both prayer and meditation in a spiritual experiment.

My Christmas Prayer

Heavenly Father, Divine Mother, Beloved Son of God who is the
Son of Man.


As Christmas comes again this year I share this reverent prayer.
The world is much in need of your Divine help and intervention.


Today I pray for peace in the world where there is too little peace.
You who are known as the Prince of Peace who walked among us,
the children of the earth for a precious span of years know well
the foibles and failures of mankind, that lead to war.
I ask that you show us a better way.


Today, this Christmas Day, where across the planet men and woman wish for peace on earth and the powerful intention of Goodwill to Men,
I invite and invoke the Spirit of Peace to come among us and abide with us.


I ask that as this past year passes away, that forgiveness and the principles of brotherhood come evermore into human consciousness. Let the wounds of the past be healed in an inflow of Grace and understanding to bring an end to the cycle of revenge and retribution that fuels so much evil in the world and destroys the work of the men and women of goodwill who work for peace.


I ask that the Divine Love that came to the world on that first Christmas and was anchored on earth with the sacrifice of the Christ, is born in the hearts of all of humanity today and grows so that the Divine plan for our planet can be revealed in the minds of people everywhere reveling another way, the better way.


Let the old lies, glamour, and illusions of separateness fade away as the Light, Love and Power of Your purpose come with the Light of each new day.


Let the Sun as it rises every morning be a sign and symbol for all across the world, that your Wisdom and Mercy which endure forever, are now with the dawning of this new cycle on earth. That a new age of time can spring forth from humanity as the urge to live in harmony and brotherhood grows ever stronger with each new day.


I ask that all of humankind be a force for good in the world, as we strive to fulfill the promise and potential of all that we can truly be as human beings. Enlighten us, infuse us and inspire us as a New Year unfolds.


Let compassion fill the hearts of all in power, so the cries of hungry children do not go unheeded or unheard.


With the Light of each new dawn let new ideas and new solutions be discovered. With the blessing of insight and inspiration, draw men away from greed and materialism that they can be filled with the joy that serving others brings.


Bless us o Lord, that we may be your instrument of Light, Love and Peace in the world now and forever in everything that we do.



For all of my brothers and sisters who comprise the One Humanity I ask:


May the Divine Self Inspire me and the Light of the Soul Direct.
May we all be led from the darkness into Light,
from the unreal to the real and
from death to immortality,
so that we may manifest the promise and
the overall plan of evolution for all of creation.




Happy Holidays and a very Merry Christmas to you and all those you love.

Thank you and Namaste,


The Blessing of Love on All that You Do!


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Last updated 12-23-2018


Copyright © 2014-2018 Genevieve Gerard and Touch of the Soul LLC. All rights reserved.


10 thoughts on “My Christmas Prayer”


  1. Genevieve, Your Christmas prayer is deeply worthy as a daily prayer. Thank you for penning those timeless and timely guiding thoughts for us all to share.

  2. Thank you Rich. A blessed Christmas to you and yours. As we join our hearts and minds in prayer this Christmas we join with the Christ to bring, as the Angels sang on the very first Christmas, Peace on Earth and Goodwill to men. Namaste

  3. Merry Christmas Madam Genevieve!
    May the joy, love, happiness and peace reign in our hearts forever.
    a blessed Christmas to everyone. Namaste.

  4. Alejandra A. Bascon

    May the Holy Spirit guide and abide on us all. May God bless us all and shower on us all his blessings and graces that we need as we walk along with the divine providence. Amen

    Thank you for your prayer for peace to the whole world. God bless you always.

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