How To Meet Your Guardian Angel

Childhood Angelic Message

Open Your Heart To Your Childhood Angelic Message

Open Your Heart To Your Childhood Angelic Message article by Genevieve Gerard

This article is part of my ongoing series on Angels

There is, among those who identify themselves as spiritual, a common childhood experience.

This common childhood experience seems to be an early conscious awareness of the Soul as a presence and force in their life. It appears to be, most often an experience that occurs around the age of seven.  It may be interpreted, especially by the adults in the child’s life, as an episode of childhood imagination and sadly dismissed and discounted.

As such, it is often forgotten.

Angels often appear in our lives and just wait for us to say hello.
        – Katrina Mayer

When you begin to talk about Angels, it’s incredible how many people suddenly remember the experience.  It is almost as if when you open your mind and your heart to the awareness of Angels the memory gets unlocked.

What I have found most significant about unlocking this childhood memory is the importance it holds in your adult life.

This experience is often a forecasting and clarifying of the purpose of your life.  This event of foretelling and guiding is frequently described as a sensation of being so completely loved and so completely supported that the fullness of the heart can barely be contained.

Most people who describe this childhood memory have tears in their eyes.  The sense of feeling loved so unconditionally becomes a cherished memory that is re-affirming.  The guiding message and insights shared, for many, confirms a belief in God.

This angelic appearance and guiding message have for some long been cherished and pondered in their heart. Some seem to have forgotten this experience, but once they recall and remember it, find a sense of meaning and direction that is both life affirming and profound.

What is fascinating to observe is how such an intense experience can be forgotten and dismissed.  What is sad is that the answer you may have been searching for your whole adult life is often whispered to you by an Angel in your youth and then dismissed or forgotten.

Read my Open Your Heart To Your Childhood Angelic Message article


You might not think that is possible, but I have found it to be such a common experience that it seems necessary to talk about that childhood experience.  Then it is important to consider its meaning and purpose in your life.  I have after the memory is revealed, heard people wonder “how could I have forgotten that?”

The relief and assurance that accompanies the memory can be life transforming.  With the memory comes the reassurance that you are not alone.  The relief of that realization is profound.  Consider that this message about the purpose of your life can often be life changing.


There are lessons and revelations available in the process of both forgetting and remembering.  The discounting and discarding of your childhood experience by adults and the influence of “conscious reality” is enlightening.


There are a few thoughts and observations that are important you understand.

  1. You are not alone in your life.
  2. Your Angels have been with you since the beginning of your life.
  3. Your Soul is the Divine spark of you that remains a source of unconditional love and grace throughout your life.
  4. Your Soul and your Angels reside together in the etheric plane.  Their substance is of energy and Light, a different creation or composition than the world of matter.

Many children find it easy to believe in an experience of the presence of what is invisible in the world.  In childhood the veil between the material world and the spiritual world is thin.  Children are born with an understanding and awareness that there is more to life than just the experience of the five senses.

Over time, that awareness of the dual nature of themselves as a being of both Soul and matter is all too often carefully and critically trained out of them.  Parental fears of what it might mean or how others might interpret it limit many childhood experiences.  Criticism and judgment ultimately cause a rejection of the truth and awareness with which they are born.

So much of becoming aware of the presence of Angels in our lives is a process of remembering and accepting what we knew to be real as children.
            – Genevieve Gerard

There are a special time and special event that often happen in your youth (a lot of times around the age of seven.)  This experience is uniquely empowering and revealing to remember as an adult.  Most often this event is a contact and communication with your guardian angel.  It is a starting point to a relationship that could be fostered to support and sustain you through your entire life.

What is most significant about this childhood meeting is that it is so life affirming and life changing.  When you remember the content of the message that is delivered by your guardian Angel about the purpose of your life it can provide a sense of purpose and direction.  In my many years of counseling and life guidance coaching, or as someone recently identified it “Soul Coaching,” finding your Soul purpose in life is inspiring.

The more clarity with which you can visualize and understand the purpose of your life the more empowering it is.  The more you can transcend your fears to achieve and manifest your dreams the more successful you can be.

So, this angelic childhood encounter of life guidance is critical.  It is important to remember this special blessing and, therefore, worth taking some time in meditation to consider.

For many just realizing that an experience that they have held deeply in their hearts was real is enough to unlock the memory.

For others, the habit of denying the reality of angelic presence has become deeply ingrained.  Even, when as adults they begin to explore the reality of the presence of Angels in the world and their lives, that parental voice that this event was just childish imagination might be a challenge to transcend.

If you are one of those people who was criticized or even reprimanded for your imagination as a child, it may help you to understand that imagination is a portal to the realm of angelic presence.  Angels can cross into the world of matter at times, but it is not where they reside.  Their substance, their guidance, and their messages are gentle promptings that work through the intuition and the imagination.

Their voice is a whispered prompting that often flashes so quickly across your mind that you need to quiet your mind chatter even to hear it.  The voice of your angels and the promptings of your Soul are often only heard in the silence of prayer, meditation or contemplation.  There they respond to your invitation and invocation.

In fact, it is during this childhood visitation that your Angel can reveal your Soul purpose.  It is one of the very few times in your life where those who remember the encounter may report a voice accompanying the revelation.  If you are someone who experiences communication with the Angels you know that most often their communication is telepathic and not frequently accompanied by sounds that can be perceived by your material senses.

It also seems significant to observe that among those who remember and report this visitation event, it often is at an age when you are too young to be able to write insightful notes to yourself.  This divine message is written on your heart.  It is meant to be pondered in your heart.

Remembering the guidance received from your Guardian Angel depends on opening your heart and your mind as you ponder.


Below is a meditation link to help you remember the advice you received as a child from your Guardian Angel.

Meditation is the most efficient way to open the threshold between the material world and the realm of spirit where the Angels reside wince it is where your Soul calls home.

I mention your Soul for two reasons:

  1. First, opening to the touch of your Soul is a dynamic way to transform your life.
  2. Second, is that there is a very special relationship that exists between your Guardian Angel and your Soul as partners to support you in your earthly life, from the heavenly realm.

So to come into greater awareness of your Guardian Angel and to have the increased awareness of the Presence of your Soul, use meditation as the bridge.

To meditate upon or to remember and clarify the childhood guidance you received, it is as always wise to prepare.  Since in this meditation, you have the intention of revealing guidance about the purpose of your life I recommend some preparatory steps.

  1. Get your journal or, at least, some paper and a pen and place it next to where you will sit to meditate. That is often important so you can record and remember the insights and impressions you receive in meditation.
  2. It is often helpful to take some steps to make the space sacred. It can be as simple or complex as you like, but this focus declares your intention to open your mind to the realm of Angels and your Soul.
  3. You might wish to light a candle or burn some incense or have a crystal’s energy to be infused from this meditation.
  4. These little rituals are sometimes helpful in realizing that meditation is a time apart from you ordinary consciousness. It is a special time designated for greater awareness and understanding.
  5. Then consider your intention to remember the guidance of your Guardian Angel and be open to gain the insight and wisdom of your Soul about the Higher purpose for your life.

Now click on this link to experience my gift to you a Meditation On Remembering




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Last Updated 3-26-2017


Copyright © 2016 Genevieve Gerard and Touch of the Soul LLC. All rights reserved.


Childhood Angelic Message Read More »

Meeting Your Guardian Angel

Meeting Your Guardian Angel

Read my Meeting Your Guardian Angel article by Genevieve Gerard

In the realm of the invisible, where your Soul resides there is a Presence that you can bring into your conscious awareness that is your Guardian Angel.

To begin to open your mind and your heart to a greater and more conscious awareness of the Presence of your Soul starts you on a journey of living within the full scope of your being with your Soul a part of your conscious everyday awareness.

One of the benefits and blessings that come with this relationship with your Soul is that you can begin to be aware of, and access more of, the invisible world that exists beyond the material world of spirit.

I think we all do have a guardian angel. I believe they work through us all the time, when we are thoughtful and good and kind to each other.
        – Roma Downey

Within the dominion of the Soul are the angelic beings that are, like your Soul, connected with and supportive of your life. Perhaps one of the most significant of these is your Guardian Angel.

You can connect with and develop a relationship with your Soul through Meditation by the act of invitation and invocation. You can also open your heart and your mind to the impressions and guidance of your Guardian Angel.

Meditation is the portal through which you can experience and discover a world more magical and fantastic than you had ever dared to dream. The nature of your Soul is Love and as you develop a conscious relationship with your Soul that Love and that Healing Presence becomes ever more available to your conscious mind and awareness.

This Love is Divine Love and is therefore unconditional. It rejoices in the good that you do with no requirement that you do good. It is available to you but makes absolutely no demands, and it gives, in response to each time you invite it through meditation, exactly what you are ready to receive, no more, no less.

The same is true of connecting to Guardian Angels.

The footprints of an Angel in your life are Love.
       – Genevieve Gerard

Your Guardian Angel made a commitment to you, to your life, and whether or not you ever choose to become aware of that Presence consciously or not, it is there for you.

In this way, your Soul Presence and your Guardian Angel are alike. Both are composed of the essence of Divine Love. Both Love you unconditionally. Both await in readiness and willingness your desire for relationship with absolutely no demand or requirement that you ever turn to them.

The full extent of this incredible nature of unconditional love is beyond the typical experience of our human consciousness. It reveals the truth that God is Love, and on some level may explain some of the mystery of how God demonstrates and expresses Love to us through the emissary of your Soul and your Guardian Angel.

So much of the true nature of the life of the Soul and the Presence of the Guardian Angel is a mystery because the concepts of eternal life and eternal commitments of Love are beyond what our human personality, ego, mind or even emotions can truly grasp.

However, when you open yourself, your mind and your heart to the experience of Divine Love, whether it is through prayer or meditation, the grace and the joy that accompanies that inflowing blessing can be amazing.

Just know that when you turn your attention to Divine Love it is available to you for the asking.

When you open to the Presence, whether it be to call upon your own Soul for greater relationship, insight or wisdom, or to call upon God in prayer or your own Guardian Angel, there is no wrong way to do it.

How To Meet Your Guardian Angel

All of the teachers and guides who have ever walked the earth in the annals of time can only share their wisdom and insight from the perspective of what worked for them or what was revealed to them. Although their teachings or my own can be used as a guide, this journey is unique to you.

Your Soul and your Guardian Angel are both deeply committed to you and your life experience so that you learn, grow and manifest the plan and purpose that guides all lives. That there are an overall plan and purpose of evolution is to me both comforting and inspiring. To call upon your Guardian Angel and your Soul to receive the wisdom, insight, and revelation to understand and support your manifestation and fulfillment of that purpose just makes sense. To leave such powerful and dynamic resources untapped does not.

My writings and my guided meditations provide you, to the best of my ability, an opening to these energies. However; the experience you get when you make the conscious choice to open yourself to your relationship with your Soul or your Guardian Angel is completely individual to you, and it is determined by your readiness and willingness to be receptive to it.

That said I will provide you with a simple technique to use to open the portal to meeting your Guardian Angel.


A Simple Technique to Meet Your Guardian Angel

As always, I remind you to Calm Your Mind, Open Your Heart, and Invite the Light.

Sit quietly and receptively with the intention to come into conscious awareness of your Guardian Angel. It is always helpful in meditation to have your spine aligned and your feet firmly on the earth.

Bring your awareness to your heart and imagine a connection of Light from your heart to the top of your head (called your crown chakra.) Imagine that Light continuing to ascend to a radiant point of Light 3 to 6 feet above your physical head (which represents your Soul.)

Realize that by doing that simple visualization from your crown to the Light of your Soul you are building, with intention and etheric substance, a rainbow bridge to your Soul that is called the Antahkarana.

Then say in your mind and heart this
Mantra of Invitation:

Beloved Come

Infuse . . . Inflame . . . Instill . . .

Incorporate in living substance,

All Thy Will.

Then I recommend sitting quietly and receptively for the next 10 to 15 minutes. In that time if you are keeping a Spiritual Journal (as I recommend) you may wish to record the impressions and insights you receive.

Remember that communication with the Angelic realm and the Soul comes in the stillness.

An attitude of gratitude for what you have received is also always a good idea.

Once the time you have set aside for meditation has passed return to your daily life and agenda knowing you are enhancing and empowering your life by keeping this sacred time.


I know that your life will be blessed by this intention and invitation to Meet Your Guardian Angel. This ability is your birthright as a child of God.



The Blessing of Love on All That You Do!


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Last updated 2/17/2019


Copyright © 2014-2019 Genevieve Gerard and Touch of the Soul LLC. All rights reserved.


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