When Angels Come to Earth

When Angels Come to Earth

Read When Angels Come to Earth by Genevieve Gerard

This article is a part of my on-going series on Angels.

To share with you the mystery and magnificence of the presence of Angels in human experience, I find that I must discuss the subtle role that angels play to bring a unique energy into manifestation.

A part of the angelic mission and purpose, when they choose to come to the earthly realm, is to embody an energy that needs to be manifested in humanity.

It is an act of love and service to humanity that these angelic beings take on this mission.  The celestial beings that focus on a specific and particular energy are often called Devas since the choice to embody a specific energy is a mysterious part of how the angelic realm (a realm of pure energy) works to create energy and influence matter.

The heavenly realm reflects Divine Will at the source of all creation.  The heavenly hosts have an opportunity to serve as the messengers to help with the manifestations of Divine Light and Divine Love that it is the Will of God to provide for humanity.

This choice is one of great service and great sacrifice for an angel whose substance is pure Light and pure Love.  To choose to embody a particular energy requires the angel moving from what is unlimited by either time or space to a specific focus.  This is, by definition contained and, therefore, limited.  It is a sacrifice fueled by Divine Love and empowered by Divine Will.  It is the work for which the angels were created, so it is simultaneously their burden and their joy.

Angels are spirits, flames of fire; they are higher than man, they have wider connections.
         – Matthew Simpson

This inner working of the angelic kingdom is not something that is explored and expressed very often.  The mechanism is the same as what is manifested for an angel to become an individualized guardian angel.  That is a powerful and personalized service.  This is different in a subtle way because it is more impersonal.

The transition to becoming available to the needs of humankind is a somewhat different service for an angel as their influence is more generalized and I imagine may be less rewarding since the result is more general and diffused.

For the angels, infused with Divine Love and directed only by Divine Will, there is a willingness to serve the Lord of creation to a task trusting in Divine Wisdom.  This need of humanity or a human individual becomes the life work and the life purpose of that angelic expression. 

As the veils between the planes of the angelic realm are thinning, more and more awareness of angelic presence is coming into human consciousness.  Angels are coming into a greater understanding of the human experience, as humans are increasing their knowledge and awareness of the angelic realm.

Make friends with the angels, who though invisible are always with you. Often invoke them, constantly praise them, and make good use of their help and assistance in all your temporal and spiritual affairs.
       – Saint Francis de Sales

This is a dynamic transition in the overall Divine plan of evolution.  Human consciousness is evolutionary.  Angelic consciousness is in-volutionary.  What all of this means, especially in this amazing transformation that is being revealed in this time of change is just now beginning to be revealed.

More and more individuals are becoming conscious of angelic beings and their presence and influence on human experience.  Angels are being called upon more and more with the asking for help and guidance through the extensive use of angel cards and the invocation of angelic presence in prayers, there is a response of love and compassion.

This response is wider than just a response from your Guardian Angel.  The heavenly hosts are hearing and responding to the invitation from the human hearts for greater companionship.

Since the essence of angels is composed of Love, this increased invitation and invocation of humanity for the presence of angels increases the awareness of the blending of Divine Love with the human experience.

This building of an energetic bridge from the angelic kingdom to the human material world has a profound influence.  Since your Soul is composed of the same substance as the angels and is known as your solar angel, this calling forth of the presence of angels builds more and more energetic etheric substance along the rainbow bridge.  This not only helps and enhances the ability of angels to respond to your call but forges a pathway along what is known as the Antahkarana (the rainbow bridge) for you to have a greater conscious awareness of the wisdom, the Love and the Power of your Soul.

This greater awareness and greater merging of angelic presence open the human consciousness to a vast world that lies beyond the limitations and restrictions of the material world.  Learning to listen to the soft, gentle promptings of your Soul opens you to a greater perspective of what is real.

Imagination is a gift of your higher mind and is powerful and dynamic.  It fuels your understanding and appreciation of a reality that lies beyond the five senses of matter.

Intuition, empathy, and telepathy all exist in this space beyond the limitations of your five senses.  Learning to sense, to hear, to see and to feel these subtle energies are a part of claiming enlightened awareness.

The essence of life is beyond matter.  Love, joy, peace are all real powers that have a profound impact upon and influence in your life.  Angel’s help these subtle energies manifest in a way that can be more easily experienced by your human mind and sensed emotionally.

At times, great angels choose to come to earth and bring with them specific energies that humanity needs.  This is for these presences an act of Love and an act of service, for with their descent to earth and the material world, they become a source of Divine Love and amazing grace as an active force to manifest God’s overall plan on earth.

These great angels are aligned with Divine Will and Divine Love by their very nature.  They serve as God’s emissaries.  The individual energies that they embody and deliver to humanity can become known to you through revelation in meditation.

Angels offer the energies that they have been charged to bring into human awareness in a subtle way that relies upon those who reach out to experience their gifts of the spirit, like telepathy and imagination.  A part of the expanding of your consciousness to listen with your heart to the whisper of their energetic impression, which is what brings about the healing they bring and the help they offer to humankind.

This blending and opening from the angelic realm to human consciousness is a special blessing.  Many of the great Devas and Angels who appear to help humanity are emissaries of the Divine Mother, the female part of the heart of God and are responding to the prayers of humanity.

These great presences can be touched in meditation and may provide healing or help in response to humankind’s needs.   They are a part of the energetic interaction of heaven and earth, God and man, the world of the visible and the invisible.

In times of exalted meditation, they may reveal to you their name or their purpose and, when that happens, that is an invitation for you to invite and invoke the extraordinary energy they bring into your own life for your benefit and blessing.

Their presence, especially when revealed in meditation can have not only significant healing power but can help bring into manifestation and conscious awareness energies that can help humanity face times of great challenge.

Because these great Angels and Devas are of the substance of divine love, they manifest as spirits who are richly imbued with the essence that they are charged to help bring into manifestation.

When their name and purpose are revealed, you are invited to tap into that energy.

To empower you to receive these angelic presences in meditation I am naming a few who have been shown to me in meditation that you can call upon and connect with:

The Spirit of Perpetual Joy (is a vast and powerful angel)

The Spirit of Peace and Equilibrium

The Goddess of Grace

The Spirit of Compassionate Forgiveness

These great Angels have opened their presence so you can experience the blessings that they have chosen to embody for humanity.

Read about The Angel of Perpetual Joy by Genevieve Gerard


To become familiar with an angelic presence first hand read and experience my free Meditation To Invite an Angelic Presence Into Your Life.


New insights and awareness’s are available for you to enhance your life with joy.

Before you conclude your meditative time, you might wish to express your gratitude for the blessing and healing you have received.



The Blessing of Love on All That You Do!


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Last updated 12-10-2017


Copyright © 2015-2017 Genevieve Gerard and Touch of the Soul LLC. All rights reserved.


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