Meditation on Angelic Presence

Meditation on Angelic Presence

Read about The Angel of Perpetual Joy by Genevieve Gerard

To invite angelic presences through meditation, I encourage you to enter into a receptive and meditative state.  To prepare for receiving her angelic presence, I advise you to have at hand your journal to record the thoughts and impressions you receive.

There is great power in knowing the name of the Angel whose energy you wish to invoke.  As you call upon her, you are issuing an invitation.

Consciously invoke and invite your Soul to be your guide.

To enter into this meditative experience suspend all judgment as you:

    Calm your mind, open your heart, and invite the light.

    Listen into the silence with your inner ear.  Open your heart to the presence of Divine Love as it fills you and sustains you.

    Align with the Light of your Soul.

Identify with the Light, Love and Power of your Soul by affirming:

I am my Soul, I am One with my Soul.

Then invite into your conscious awareness the healing power, loving presence and transforming joy of the Angel whose blessing you need.

The Light of the Soul Descends
Soul Light Descending


Imagine your Soul in the realm of Angels as a radiating golden light 3-to-6 feet above your head.

See your chakras open and receptive from the top of your head (your crown chakra.)

Integrating your crown chakra with your Ajna center and the Alta Major center located at the top of your spine.

Then, using your imagination and your intention visualize this energy of light and love and power moving down your central energy channel (2-3 inches) behind your physical spine.

As the energy descends like a golden substance through all of your chakras, it attunes and aligns them for health and vitality.

You may become aware of a significant expansion of your heart energy.

You may feel a calming and balancing in your solar plexus.

Let this healing energy descend through your sacral center balancing as it descends to the base of your spine, your root chakra.

Breathing quietly and calmly letting this energy circulate and then rise and return to the point of light 3-to-6 feet above your head that represents the light of your Soul.

Let the energy circulate freely under the direction of your Soul and the guidance of The Spirit of Perpetual Joy (or whichever angelic presence you have invoked.)

Sense the Angel and identify with it.  Let its love and joy flow over you.

When the energy circulation feels complete, sit quietly and receptively, pondering and recording the impressions you have received.


For further information, if you haven’t already, read my articles When Angels Come to Earth and Joy Is The Antidote To Fear.


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Last updated 12-10-2017


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