You Are Not Alone

-Connecting through Love

interconnected lines of golden energy write out love connection

This article is part of my ongoing series on Love and Soul Consciousness.

You are not alone!

Even if those you loved have left, passed on, or you have lost contact, you are not alone.

I believe the mystical and magical nature of Love builds an etheric connection between Souls when you love that is beyond space and beyond time. It is this etheric connection that gives truth to the reassurance that "Love never ends."

When you Love, you create something that is eternal. That creation of Love is not limited by matter. It exists in the realm of the Soul and is available in your heart and your consciousness.

Spiritual vs. Physical Senses

It is easy in life to begin to believe that the only reality is the physical and material reality, but that is not true. However, the nature of the Soul, and indeed the nature of Love, are things that are coming into increasing clarity in our present evolution of human perception.

What is spiritual is real. Life is more than what is physical. Perceiving the reality that lies beyond what is physical and opening your awareness to the incredible breadth and scope of what is real is not limited to sight, sound, touch, taste, or smell. What is significant is that you can feel what part of a spiritual reality is. Even if you go through a process of convincing yourself that what you feel is not real.

This discrimination between what is real vs. what is unreal is fundamental to the evolution of consciousness in humanity. Sadly, over the past few hundred years of human evolution, science, because of the emphasis on repeatable and observable experimentation of the scientific method has limited the ability to understand and experience the elements of life that are spiritual in nature.

That makes many of the very best parts of our human experience not be perceived or understood.

Life to be fully lived and enjoyed requires an ability to blend the awareness of what is physical with what is spiritual. That is because, as a human being, you are a blend of the spiritual and the physical world. Your nature is to be both physical and spiritual, and your consciousness is expanding to understand and include both.
- Genevieve Gerard

The study and experiments of Noetic Sciences that have been a part of modern science have begun to confirm much of what spiritual teachers have been saying for years but have been dismissed as mere faith. Sadly, that has also meant that because your ability to perceive a truth required belief led to rejecting what is spiritual as not real. Nothing could be further from the truth.

Consider Love. You cannot touch it. You cannot see it. You cannot hear it. You cannot smell it or taste it. But you certainly can feel it. It is real.

If you let yourself experience, Love can bring you more joy and satisfaction than anything you can touch, see, smell, or taste. But, because it’s true essence is not in the material world, it is often dismissed or confined within your mind to be limited to sexual pleasure and gratification that results in defining something that is primarily a spiritual experience to one that is physical.

Sex is a physical experience, but Love is a spiritual experience. The unfortunate failure of the human experience to discriminate between sex and Love has brought much pain and suffering.

The stubborn insistence on ignoring and denying anything that can be perceived beyond the physical senses is the core issue in discrimination in human consciousness between what is real vs. what is unreal; what is temporal vs. what is eternal.

Love Never Ends

The stark reality that your physical body will die may generate fear, a fear that results in rejecting the part of your being that will not and cannot die, your Soul. The Soul, your Soul, is real. Your Soul is integrally involved in Love because the nature of your Soul is Love.

When you Love, it is your Soul that creates an eternal bond that transcends death and allows you to experience what is eternal. It is what allows the truth that "Love never ends" to be a part of the human and the spiritual experience simultaneously.

Ponder that for a moment!

Examine your heart as you consider those you have loved and those who have loved you. Allow yourself to put aside the illusion that only what can be perceived with your five senses is real. Let the resonance of truth expand your awareness and consciousness.

This is the reality that you as a Soul have while you have a human body. To let your consciousness expand to the awareness of your Soul is the next step in human evolution. Love serves as the bridge from your human experience to the perception of your Soul.

It is the nature of Love to allow matter (your physical self) to reach your Soul (whose nature and substance is Love). In this way, matter (which is a substance that has no love and is not Love) can be transformed.

We are not human beings having a spiritual experience.
We are spiritual beings having a human experience.
- Pierre Teilhard de Chardian

This transformation of matter by Love is what makes Love the solution to the Universal issue of redemption. This is an act of salvation in which every human being participates when they learn to Love.

Love, because it is eternal, can free humanity from the limitations of Life that fear creates. Fear is the greatest enemy of humanity. Like Love, fear cannot be touched, seen, heard, or smelled. However, like Love, fear can be felt and sensed.

Ironically, these two significant life experiences (fear and love) have opposite effects in life. Fear limits and often incapacitates your life force. Love expands and enhances your understanding of life beyond what is temporary and material into what is both eternal and spiritual.

In order to help you with this transformation, I have created this simple meditative exercise on the connection of love.

A Meditative Exercise on the Connection of Love

So that one may fully experience the comfort of this meditative exercise there are some energetic principles you must ponder on in order to start:

  1. Love creates a bond that is not limited by either space or time.
  2. You can strengthen and solidify that bond by affirming and confirming that connection by focusing on and opening to your Soul, realizing that Love is both limitless and eternal.  Through your Soul, on the wings of Love, anyone you have ever loved is available to you in meditation when you let your heart, your mind, and your Souls connect.
    1. No one with whom you have forged a Love bond is ever lost to you, whether they are still living in their body or not. What is Spiritual and energetic does not require material substance.  The power of Love is that it is free to cross the barriers between spirit and matter.
  3. That is true of those you are separated from by death, and those you are separated from by the situations and circumstances of life.
    1. Those from whom you have been separated by situations and circumstances may require consciously detaching from any waves of anger, or resentments that may have interfered with or limited your Love connection.  If that is the case, to open and release your Soul Love connection, forgiveness may be necessary.
    2. It is important to understand that forgiveness like Love is an energetic process and does not require anything on the physical and material plane to happen.  Connecting Soul to Soul (imagining a golden thread from you Soul Star to the Soul Star of the one you once shared a Love bond is sufficient.)

In life the energies of Love and forgiveness are entwined with gratitude and appreciation.

When you in your mind, heart, and Soul have remembered and connected with the Love you once shared, it is time now to offer upon the wings of Love, the forgiveness of the other.

This forgiveness is empowered when you also forgive yourself for your previous limitations and failures to Love.  In so doing, you now have created a miracle of release deep within your being that opens the energy of Love to be available to you.

At this time, to facilitate this release please use the powerful forgiveness technique that comes to us from Hawaiian shamans using a repetition of three simple phrases:

Thank you

I Love you

Please forgive me

These phrases come from the practice of Hoʻoponopono [ho-o-pono-pono] which is an ancient proven Hawaiian practice of reconciliation and forgiveness.

I have found adding these additional words at this time can be very helpful:

I forgive you and

I’m sorry

Doing this ritual of remembering and forgiveness is powerful.

The Love connection that is freed by forgiveness releases your Love from the bonds of attachment and allows the Love to flow unconditionally which is the nature of Love.

I suggest that this meditative exercise is enhanced by doing it with your journal near you and that in your journal you write the names of those with whom you have practiced this Love connection, Love affirmation exercise.

You can make a connection with whomever you have lost contact with, whether through death or circumstances.  Then open your heart, your mind, and your Soul to the comfort and sensation of being loved. Knowing you are never alone.

When you need to refresh and restore your awareness of the connection of Love in your life you will have a way you can call upon the energetic connections with whom you have forged the eternal bonds of Love in your life.

At this time imagine yourself held energetically with the arms of Love. You can let yourself feel comforted and caressed by the bonds of Love.

Let this exercise and meditation remind you that you are not alone, and comfort and console you in times of loneliness and sorrow.

Enhance your sense of connection by imagining your Soul Star connected with those you have lost physical continuity with, in triangles of Light.  You can expand your sense of connection by visualizing in addition to your Soul to their Soul (3 feet above your head), lines of energy from your mind to their mind (at the ajna center near the brow of your eyes) and your heart to their heart.

For those relationships that are still living, you may wish to take the additional step in the future (when safe) of physically getting back in touch or re-connecting. Even though this exercise is mostly energetic and etheric its feeling and gratitude can be manifested on the material plane also.

Opening your heart, your mind, and your Soul to Love connects you energetically and often telepathically so if you do search out those with whom you shared a Love bond, you may find that they have been remembering you or thinking of you also.

This is especially true of the (Philos) Love of friends whom you may have lost contact along your life path.

This simple meditative exercise is a celebration of Love in life.  Experiment with it.  Approach it with joyful playfulness and let yourself be restored and refreshed by the awareness of Love in your life and gratitude for those you have loved, and those who have loved you.

Remember Love never ends!


We Are All Connected Through Love
& You Are Not Alone

Earth globe with interconnected triangles of energetic souls
Interconnected Souls

When you open your heart, mind, and awareness into a consciousness of Love, you realize you are not alone.

You are supported by those you are connected with through Love, whether they are physically present or not in your Life. Anyone with whom you have formed the bond of Love is energetically linked to you beyond time or space constraints.

The more you allow yourself the awareness of that connection, the less confined you are by your physical body, and the more freedom your consciousness can perceive. Much of the emotions of suffering and loss are healed by opening your awareness to the Love that is available to you at any moment.

Love, of course, is not attached. It just is. Love requires nothing of you and nothing from you. That is a part of the miraculous nature of Love. It frees you to be you with no limitations. It is eternal and available.



The Blessing of Love on All That You Do!


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Last updated 7-8-2020


Genevieve - Soulful


About the author:
Genevieve Gerard teaches Transformational Consciousness – from first awakening to enlightened Soul awareness. She helps you experience the joy that results from the spontaneous “touch of your soul.”

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Genevieve has a Bachelor’s Degree in Philosophy and Theology and a Master of Arts Degree in Counseling and for over thirty years has worked one-on-one with people who were recovering from devastating disabilities and chronic pain. Teaching the mastery of the mind-body relationship she was one of the early professionals trained in biofeedback, visualization, imagery, and meditation as essential techniques to help people heal their bodies, heal their emotions, heal their minds, and heal their lives.

Genevieve’s work demonstrates what she knows so well, "It is spiritual connectedness that triggers physical healing and emotional and mental well-being."  Helping people, like you, tap into your higher-self is the power she wields to guide you to heal and transform your life.

Now, with this understanding, she combines the effective techniques she developed over decades teaching mind-body mastery along with her extensive experience in meditation and spiritual development to create a synthesis of mind-body-spirit that delivers complete healing and opens the door to unlimited personal growth and an encounter with your Soul.

In addition to her current life guidance coaching sessions, and workshops performed around the world, Genevieve has produced more than 20+ guided meditations in the last eight years that are available on iTunes, Amazon, CDBaby, and her website.

It is her vision that through your experience with the techniques of awareness, visualization, and meditation, the love of your Soul will touch and transform your life through her writings and products. It is her sincere desire that the potential of a life of joy and celebration that seems to elude so many people can become a reality for you, now and forever.

Browse her life story and read the Touch of the Soul that changed her world. To contact Genevieve, visit her keep in touch page.


Copyright © 2020 Genevieve Gerard and Touch of the Soul LLC. All Rights Reserved.


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