The Dance of Love Throughout Eternity

The Dance of Love Throughout Eternity

– Even in death love prevails

Read The Dance of Love Throughout Eternity by Genevieve Gerard

This article is part of my ongoing Series on Love.

A profound truth that resonates deep within your Soul is Love Never Ends.  It defies logic and yet is cherished and depended on upon, especially when you lose a loved one to the tyranny of death.

Love and death are archetypically tied together in the human consciousness.  Death is one of life’s experiences that makes you wonder about life with a need to understand.

It is often the loss of a loved one through death that causes you to begin to explore life beyond the limitations of matter and the five senses.  It is not uncommon for the death of someone you deeply love to open your mind to reality and consciousness that is more than what you can touch and feel in the material world.

It may be that when you love someone, your awareness expands beyond the limitations of your physical awareness.  Take a look back over your life and consider whether life is larger and more wondrous than what is only physical.

Love is the key that unlocks your understanding of life beyond what is only physical.  This dichotomy exposes the reality and understanding of life as a dual existence.  This duality requires merging what you experience and perceive with your physical sensations, with the perceptions of your Soul.

It is both mysterious and miraculous that you can be aware of physical reality and spiritual truths simultaneously.  As you explore this duality, you begin to understand the full potential of what it means to be a human being.

Love is the greatest teacher of truth that you have in your life.  The lessons of love and perceptions of love are realer and may be more important than any doctrine ever preached.  This is because the lessons of love are recognized deep in your heart and Soul.  When you love someone you know you are transcending into what is real and meaningful in life.

Love allows you to take on power that is not available with any other human endeavor.  It is a unique force that is available when death brings the sorrow of separation.  In spite of the stark reality of mortality, the love is still there.

That makes the death of a loved one an opportunity to learn and expand your spiritual consciousness.  Somehow, the very breadth of love and the stark reality and pain of death are incongruent.  In spite of the loss and the sorrow of someone who you love dying you are confronted with the awareness that your love somehow not only did not die but also understand to the depth of your being could not die.

Life’s lessons, the particular lesson that love reveals come with a resonance of knowing that transcends understanding.  Although love’s lessons may support and fuel faith, they transcend faith.  Love teaches truth.  Truth has the power of revelation that extends into the very essence of your being.

Your Soul has no doctrine, no dogma, and no denomination, yet it always resonates with the truth.

You may not understand the hows & whys of this, but the knowing and recognition that comes with acknowledging the truth are unmistakable.  Your Soul recognizes the truth and understands the mysterious and miraculous with a profound sense of knowing.

Even in the midst of mourning and sorrow you realize that love is not limited to the physical body which you now know and understand to be just a temporary vehicle for your Soul.
       – Genevieve Gerard

There is within you an amazing teacher that always knows what is true.  That insight opens your awareness to understanding the mysteries of eternity that are otherwise incomprehensible and unknowable.  It is that knowing that becomes apparent when striving to cope with the death of a loved one.  Ultimately, to lose someone you love to death brings you face-to-face with the truth that love cannot die.



It is the test of truth known by your Soul that I ask you to apply to any and all of your teachings.  Simply give any experience the test of the “ring of truth,” if it resonates in your Soul as truth, you cannot be misled.

When you open your life to love, you create a bond that is beyond both time and space.  You open the door to what is Divine in life and what is eternal.

Comfort comes with realizing that love transcends even death itself because it exists within eternity.

Love is the bond that connects your Soul to the Soul of your beloved.  This bonding of love is beyond the physical expression because it happens between two Souls.  This bonding of love cannot be destroyed by death because it exists within the eternal.  This bond of love is what you know is still there as you face the fact of mortality.

You may have to learn to live without the companionship of a loved one’s presence in your life, but you can draw succor and strength from the realization that the bond of love continues throughout time.

When you consider the many ways and roles in life that express love, the eternal nature of love begins to make sense.

Time is too slow for those who wait, too swift for those who fear, too long for those who grieve, too short for those who rejoice, but for those who love, time is eternity.
         – Henry Van Dyke

When you remember all those you have loved in life, and the many diverse ways that love manifests in your life, the expression of eternal love through our life begins to make senseWe all seek to bond with others through loveThat occurs from the initial bond of love that an infant seeks from its MotherIt continues into the love of close childhood friends and the romance and sexual love of finding a mate.

Love ultimately directs all of the relationships of our lives.  Friendship bonds can be stronger than familial bonds.  There are also sisters and brothers whose relationships are so much more than friends are.  These differing themes and variations in relationships that provide the expression and support of love in life create what I call, “the dance of love throughout eternity.”



Each life adventure provides different roles and relationships through which you can experience love.

It is with this insight on love that you can expand your understanding and awareness to make peace with the concept of physical death.  It is through this expansion of your consciousness that thousands of little mysteries can be clarified.

To live in a temporal word of matter that experiences the loss and heartbreak of death yet be an eternal Soul who is a spark of Divine Light requires a dual reality and requires a dual awareness.  This duality in your consciousness can be a strength that explains many of life’s challenges.

This duality of a Soul, who has a body but is a being that is so much greater than your body, provides strength and guidance.  Ponder on this!  Coming to understand your dual natures as you face life’s challenges and potential is revealing. 

Death, by its very finality and limitation, brings you face-to-face with the Soul as it is only with an understanding of the life of the Soul and the actual nature of Love does death become bearable and comprehensible.

The eternal nature of your Soul and the eternal nature of love can be a comfort to you at a time of loss.  If you ponder these thoughts and put them through the test of the truth of your Soul’s knowing, your awareness expands to comprehend much in life that has previously been unfathomable and incomprehensible.

Love is exalted as the life lesson that honors the bonds of love throughout eternity as an expression of Divine Love in our adventure of life.  So remember that it is a dance of love throughout eternity.



The Blessing of Love On All That You Do!


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Last updated 4-20-2018


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