Writing to Gain the Wisdom of Your Soul

Writing to Gain the Wisdom of Your Soul

Read "Writing to Gain the Wisdom of Your Soul" Serenity Sunday by Genevieve Gerard

In the process of writing while tuned into and receptive to your Higher Consciousness, your deepest truth can be revealed through the wisdom of your Soul. Your comprehension can be clarified and integrated on a level of truly knowing.

This is a focus you can use to bring into your life more awareness of the presence of your Soul in your life. It is a way to experience the influence, the wisdom and the love that a relationship with your Soul brings into your life.

This experience is slightly different from journal writing, although it is similar. Writing in one’s journal tends to be personal or personality based. Tuning into and invoking the wisdom of your Soul when you write is a tool for expanding the awareness and influence of your Soul as you journey along the path of integrating the Soul and Personality.

Soul-Personality integration and fusion is an important step in the ever-unfolding evolution of our human consciousness and our expression of our Divine Nature. It is a way to develop your consciousness and expand your awareness of the fullness of your being.

To write as an exercise of meditation with consciousness is a way of clarifying both your awareness and your understanding of whom and what you truly are. It is a way to align yourself with your life purpose and perceive the deeper influences of your Soul. It is a way to begin to utilize the gifts that are available to you, that are there for you at any time, but only when you open yourself to gain the wisdom and invite these offerings into your life.

Free will is a very important universal law of consciousness requires of us that we choose to invoke and request the wisdom and guidance of our Souls. Until that request, until from our “personality” perspective, we summon forth this relationship, the Soul, while present and attentive all of your life for ways to guide you, remains outside of the notice of the mind and personality.

To unlock the profound wisdom of your Soul by writing, begin by sitting quietly and calmly, bringing your emotions to a place of deep and profound peace. As you do this, take the time to open your heart energy and be receptive to the Love that your Soul brings to you.

Quiet your mind and let the chatter fade away as you drop self-judgment and self-criticism. Assert your intention to have the wisdom of your Soul revealed to you in a way that is clear and provides insight and direction in your life.

The Light of the Soul Descends
Soul Light Descending

As you do this, invite the Light of your Soul to provide clarity and insight. As you invite your Soul into your life as a source of love, wisdom and guidance, it is also important to understand that your Soul is an integral part of the wholeness of your being. To do this you can visualize your Soul as a radiating point of golden Light about three feet above your head at the tips of your fingers if you raise your hands above your head.

From that point of radiating Light visualize the gentle descent of Soul energy into the top of your head (crown chakra), illuminating your mind, infusing and enlightening you.

To affirm and identify with this part of yourself, you may find the use of a mantra to be helpful. Affirm in your mind and say with intention the words of the Mantram of the Soul.

Mantram of the Soul

    I am the Soul
    I am Light Divine
    I am Love
    I am Will
    I am Fixed Design
    I am the Soul infusing the personality
    I am the personality Soul-infused
    As the unified Self, I invoke the One
    The One in Whom we live and move and have our Being”

You might now wish to send forth in your mind the silent sound of the OM.

Now, with your mind calm and your heart open continue to invite this Soul Light in as you begin to write, with the wisdom and perspective of your unified Soul-integrated personality revealed in your writing.

You can now write as a meditative experience, conscious of your body as it writes, while deeply aware of the thoughts and impressions you are having. I have written about this concept previously in a blog entitled How to Center You Energies Before you Begin to Write.

By capturing these ideas on paper, you often see solutions that you never imagined before. You may have flashes of insights that have eluded you about yourself or the motivations of others.

In my experience with this kind of writing I have received great understanding and wisdom and a perspective that has helped me transcend many of my fears and limitations, as well as granted a compassionate perspective upon the actions and behaviors of others. For this reason, I have found it very beneficial to record these thoughts and impressions so they can be re-read and re-considered as a way to gain greater understanding in your life.

As you write from this point of dual consciousness, with the awareness of your personality (your personal needs and your personal desires), and at the same time with a connection to your Higher Self, you are in a state of mind that is not meditation, but is certainly meditative.

I have also found keeping a journal to be very beneficial with this experience. I believe it is important to record the dates of your insights and guidance because they are often surrounded by significant life experiences and life lessons. This gives you the ability to look back on what you wrote in this connected state of mind, and state of being so that it can have real relevance in your life.

When you have finished writing, however long that takes, be sure to express your gratitude for the blessings you have received as you go forward in your day.

I know this technique will be a blessing to you to increase and enhance your joy and to bring clarity and wisdom to the challenges of your life. I share this with you to help you tune into and hear the wisdom of your own Soul.



The Blessing of Love on all that you do!


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