Does Your Soul Sing To You?
Within you is a song that is unique to you. It is the song of your Soul.
The Song of the Soul is the voice with which you join in the celestial music that is known as the heavenly hosts. It is a pulsing thrum that joins to create what is known as the music of the spheres. It is probably not a song you hear or are aware of as you rush through your daily life.
The Song of Your Soul is found only within the sound of silence, the silence that is within all sound.
I would invite you to open your life and your inner sense to this voice as a meditative experience to help you increase your awareness of the beauty and magnificence of your Soul. This meditative experience is an experiment in consciousness. As with all meditative experiences your experience is unique to you and is guided by the wisdom of your Soul to offer you what you need at this exact moment in time and what can be of benefit to you right here and right NOW.
At times, and I must admit that they are rare and precious times; in deep meditation I have heard the music of the spheres. In those singular and treasured times, I have felt transported to the angelic realm. I have been so filled with love that it overflows my mind and my heart as I am infused with the love of my Soul.
I have never written about these peak meditative experiences before. I have not spoken of them often even among my spiritual meditation group. They are moments of bliss and communion with the Divine that I doubt I can even find the perfect words to express.
So, when in my morning meditation I felt directed to write about one of these extraordinary moments I immediately found my “mind chatter” limiting me. I found myself doubting that I could do what I felt I was being guided to do. Then, when I felt directed to create a meditation to open you and others to this extraordinary experience my mind and my personality began to argue that 1.) It couldn’t be done. 2.) I was both incapable and more significantly not worthy to even try to do it.
My very human experience of denying the directing of my Soul led me to consider how often my “mind chatter” and insecurities stop me from being who I am meant to be, or doing what I am directed to do. Sadly, I must admit much more often than I would like it to be.
No matter how often I surrender my personal Will to Divine Will and I do it very often, not only each day but frequently throughout the day; I am still limited by my beliefs. And, no matter how often I dedicate myself to the Divine work and purpose, I know that what I give and what I offer falls short of the magnificence of my Soul with which I regularly align in my meditations. This is the conflict between the Soul and the personality.
Here I sit in my morning meditations and writing time feeling directed to create something to help others touch what I have only been able to touch in the exalted peak moments of my meditations. I have to trust that although my efforts will fall short of perfection, it is important to make my very best effort.
How I Try To Listen To the Song of My Soul
First, to try to write something that can provide a portal to this transcendent experience I find that I must, as I recommend to you each time I create a guided meditation, calm my mind. Then I must open my heart. As I strive to do this, I am filled with the Love that I have for you.
Please ponder on these words as I share with you the blessing and the beauty of the Touch of your Soul that this meditative experience can provide you. I have faith and trust that your Soul will direct and guide you to experience what is right for you.
Then in full faith, with trust and confidence that my Soul has wisdom beyond my mind, I invite the Light of my Soul to guide me.
The words of one of my favorite mantras comes to me and with intention I invoke:
May the energy of the divine self inspire me
and the light of the soul direct.
May I be led from darkness to light,
from the unreal to the real,
from death to immortality.
– Djwhal Khul (Tibetan master)
With that openness and invitation to the Light, I shall strive to quiet the criticism and judgements of my mind chatter. I attempt to capture for you the direction of my Soul to create a guided meditative experience to help you open to the Touch of your Soul so that you too may hear the song of your Soul.
Within my mind’s chatter is an understanding that my best efforts as a human being will fall short of the glory of the Soul in its realm as it joins with the angels and the heavenly hosts. Still, I will dip my pen in heaven and write as best I can to create this for you. After that, you will have to rely on the wisdom of your Soul to guide you.
What it will reveal and what you will experience is uniquely for you. As I frequently advise before you begin any meditation where you consciously open to and invite Soul contact, I recommend that you have a journal beside you to record the impressions, images and promptings of your Soul.
Although you may be propelled by the business and busyness of life, with your awareness focused on your body, emotions, mind and your personality’s needs and desires; each and every one of us is endowed with a Soul, that is a spark of Divine Light and is our eternal essence.
Listen To the Song of My Soul Meditation
Take a minute now and sit with your spine aligned and your feet firmly on the floor as you open your whole being to this moment of time. Let all that has come before in your life fade away as you come into the eternity of the now.
Imagine the Light of your Soul as a radiating Light three to six feet above your head.

Then visualize that Golden Light descending into your field of energy (your aura) into the top of your head, down into your heart filling your heart with Love.
To enter into this meditative experience you must hear, not with you physical ears but with your Soul, a song of the sounds that are the essence of all sound that is found only in the silence. Quiet yourself and connect to the part of you that is One with that Divine spark, your Soul.
A Mantra that you can use to empower you to connect with and identify with your Soul is:
I am the Soul.
I am infused with the Light of my Soul.
Grace fills me with Diving Love.
As Soul, I am joined and fused with the heart of God.
As Soul, I am empowered by the Christ to
be of service to do His work in the world.To do God’s work aligned with God’s Will,
I surrender my little will.
With gratitude and joy,
I open my heart and my mind to the directing of my Soul.– Genevieve Gerard
Now, having identified with and aligned with your Soul, sit quietly with your mind as calm as you can bring it to be, open your heart to the outpouring grace of Divine Love. Invite again the Light of your Soul, confident of your Oneness with that Light.
This is a sacred moment. In the peace of this moment and the Presence of your Soul, sit in the silence and listen to the Song of your Soul.
Embrace whatever experience has been granted to you with gratitude. Let whatever blessings and insights that come to you grow without judgement.
Record whatever guidance and impressions linger from this experience in your journal.
Let you heart be filled with the Love of your Soul and your mind be filled with greater understanding and insight.
Before you move back into the events of your day, pause to express your gratitude for the blessings you have received.
The Blessing of Love on all that you do!
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Last updated 2-04-2018
Copyright © 2015-2017 Genevieve Gerard and Touch of the Soul LLC. All rights reserved.
Thank you for your time for a beautiful writing. I especially liked your guide to meditating. I need to be more discerning. It means so much to me. Thank you for the reminder.