Today Is A New Day

Today Is A New Day

What You See Right Now by Genevieve Gerard

This post is part of my on-going series on Awareness & Being In The Now.

Life requires choices.

Some choices you have made in the past have been both wise and wonderful.  And if you are at all like me, as you have moved through your life experiences some choices have been awful and awesome mistakes.  That’s life!

What matters in this great adventure we call life is not that you have chosen well in the plethora of choices and paths that have laid before you, but what you have learned.

Some decisions you have considered mistakes.  Yet, when you look at them as your life lessons, you will possibly see that they may have taken you in a way you may not have gone without that mistake.

A life without mistakes is a life without purpose.  It is the times you have dared, dreamed and stretched beyond what you believed was possible that give your life definition.  The way we learn, as a human being is by trial and error.  That makes a mistake as necessary as the trial.

Sometimes, after a particularly painful error, you might get angry with yourself.  You might even get caught up in blame and shame and doubt.  I suggest that you not waste your time and energy blaming yourself.

I suggest that each mistake is explored as the opportunity to learn and grow that it is.  When you discover the lesson from that mistake, you remember that you are now wiser and more capable than you were before.  As you step into the new opportunities that are available for you today, you are forearmed by the mistakes and errors of your past.

Considering all the mistakes you have made in your life, you have been uniquely prepared for what life is offering you right NOW, TODAY.

Never Forget Today Is A New Day

To take advantage of the new possibilities that are emerging several life lessons can help you seize the present.  Since ancient times the advice of Carpe Diem has been a call to action.  It is the advice to seize the day and make the most of the opportunities that are emerging today.

Things You Can Do To Empower & Support Yourself

In my many years as a counselor and life coach, and more importantly as a human being who has made many mistakes and learned many life lessons, I have found that there are things you can do to empower and support yourself.  I would like to share a few of those simple life lessons with you right now, today.

  1. Be gentle with yourself. Once you have learned the life lesson of the error you have made incorporate that understanding into your life and then let it go.
  2. Forgive yourself. You are not perfect.  You are not designed to be perfect.  You were created to learn by experience, trial, and error.  Once you gave something the trial and made the error, let that error be in the past.  It no longer defines you.  It is over and finished.
  3. Next, open yourself to the unlimited opportunities that present themselves to you right now, today.

Yesterday is but today’s memory, and tomorrow is today’s dream.
         – Khalil Gibran

  1. Dare to dream about today, for dreams are the creative power of your mind and work with the creative energy of the universe. You can create the life you desire when you dare to dream.
  2. Listen to the promptings of your Higher Self (Soul) for Grace comes in the silent promptings of your Soul to help you align with your life purpose.

Today is a new day.  The possibilities and opportunities that present themselves today have never been available before.  They are unique to right now, today.  However, to take advantage of those possibilities, you must put your past behind you.

Free yourself from the tyranny of your own self-judgment and criticism.  Let yourself see and then release all the reasons you were vulnerable and misguided by your failure to understand what you now can see clearly.

What you see right now, today is what matters. 

To learn from a past mistake does not mean to continue to berate yourself for having made a mistake.  Learn the lesson and then trust yourself to know better now, do better now.
         – Genevieve Gerard

There is no day more bursting with new possibilities than today.  Life has given you the opportunity for a reset.  It is called today.  What you do with it can only be done now, today.  If you could have done it before now, you would have.

All that is past has no power over you!

As the old saying goes, “Today is the first day of the rest of your life.  Make it the best of your life.”  It is what you do with your day that matters.

So, shake off your past mistakes like the dust from a town you have left behind.  The future is beckoning you, but you must walk through right now, today to get there.

Daily Affirmations To Empower & Support You

Right Now, Today Affirmations

These Right Now, Today affirmations may help you if you repeat them often:

Right now, today, I will forgive myself, knowing that what I have learned from past errors has prepared me for what today brings and what tomorrow may bring like a stern teacher.

Right now, today, I will appreciate all of the life experiences and life lessons I have learned for they brought me to today.

Right now, today, I will open myself and my life to the guidance of my Soul that I may fulfill my unique purpose in this span of years that I have been granted.

Right now, today I will be bold with my dreams and courageous in my actions to seize and see the opportunities large and small that life offers me.

Ultimately, you really only have this moment in time.

Realize deeply that the present moment is all you have. Make the NOW the primary focus of your life.
         – Eckhart Tolle, The Power of Now

Now, life awaits your exploration of this adventureI celebrate you, right here, right now.




The Blessing of Love on all that you do!


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Last updated 8-21-2019


Genevieve - Soulful


About the author:
Genevieve Gerard teaches Transformational Consciousness – from first awakening to enlightened Soul awareness. She helps you experience the joy that results from the spontaneous “touch of your soul.”

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Genevieve has a Bachelor’s Degree in Philosophy and Theology and a Master of Arts Degree in Counseling and for over thirty years has worked one-on-one with people who were recovering from devastating disabilities and chronic pain. Teaching the mastery of the mind-body relationship she was one of the early professionals trained in biofeedback, visualization, imagery, and meditation as essential techniques to help people heal their bodies, heal their emotions, heal their minds, and heal their lives.

Genevieve’s work demonstrates what she knows so well, “It is spiritual connectedness that triggers physical healing and emotional and mental well-being.”  Helping people, like you, tap into your higher-self is the power she wields to guide you to heal and transform your life.

Now, with this understanding, she combines the effective techniques she developed over decades teaching mind-body mastery along with her extensive experience in meditation and spiritual development to create a synthesis of mind-body-spirit that delivers complete healing and opens the door to unlimited personal growth and an encounter with your Soul.

In addition to her current life guidance coaching sessions, and workshops performed around the world, Genevieve has produced more than 20+ guided meditations in the last eight years that are available on iTunes, Amazon, CDBaby, and her website.

It is her vision that through your experience with the techniques of awareness, visualization, and meditation, the love of your Soul will touch and transform your life through her writings and products. It is her sincere desire that the potential of a life of joy and celebration that seems to elude so many people can become a reality for you, now and forever.

Browse her life story and read the Touch of the Soul that changed her world. To contact Genevieve, visit her keep in touch page.


Copyright © 2018-2019 Genevieve Gerard and Touch of the Soul LLC, All Rights Reserved.


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