Celebrate Every One of Your Accomplishments

Celebrate Every One of Your Accomplishments

Celebrate Your Accomplishments blog post by Genevieve Gerard

Life is a fantastic journey fraught with perils and pitfalls.  There are many dangers along the way.  That is why I think it is important that you make it a habit to consciously celebrate your accomplishments.

This morning, as I began to ponder this a young man I am providing Life Guidance Coaching to gave me a call.  In supporting his growth, I had the opportunity to consider ways that you can celebrate your successes that work.  Some of the ways you can celebrate your success may seem silly or hoky, but they work.

Being human I am often hard on myself.  You may be hard on yourself too.  Being hard on yourself is human nature.  Expecting a lot, or even perfection from yourself is one of life’s potential pitfalls.

You’re Not Perfect

Of course, you can’t be perfect.  No one can!

Years ago, I traveled to Iran.  In the tradition of the great Persian Empire rug making is a tradition.  As a tourist, I wanted to see how that great art and beauty were accomplished.  I went to a place in Isfahan where fantastic silk rugs were created.  The rugs were amazing.  As I admired the workmanship, I spoke with the owner.  He proudly showed me that each rug had woven into it a small flaw.  He said that was done as a reminder that only God is perfect.

In that little shop in Isfahan, a great truth about life was honored.  You don’t have to be perfect.  Only God is perfect.

Celebrate Your Accomplishments

It is because you cannot be perfect that it is especially important for you to celebrate your successes.  You may note that I speak in the plural because your accomplishments can be little victories that may come easy to others, but for you were challenges.

In speaking this morning to the young man I am coaching I suggested he make a little checklist of 3 to 5 things he needs to do every day, and then when he has done them, as he does them, give himself a sticky starThis simple ritual may seem elementary, but this little celebration of success serves as a reinforcement for you to accomplish what you are striving to do.  This little technique is especially helpful when you are trying to establish positive habits in your life.

By doing a specific activity for 21 days in a row, that activity becomes a habit.  You begin to incorporate that habit into your daily routine.  This technique is a powerful way to build positive action into your life.  The more often you repeat the positive action, the easier it becomes to do.

When you use a technique like this, it is important that you keep your expectations of yourself realistic and simple.  The sheets of stick stars are most often found in sheets of red, green, blue and gold work really well.  They are inexpensive, and you can ascribe different values to the different things you are trying to accomplish.

This simple exercise can also help you observe your life from the perspective of what you have conquered or accomplished.  The victories of overcoming addictions, such as cigarettes, the urge to drink or drug, the urge to overeat, learning to manage your anger, are all behaviors that respond well to positive reinforcement.

Likewise, for many, positive habits and discipline, such as daily meditation and exercise, respond to the celebration of success once you have completed the regimen.  Although it is true that these positive habits are their own reward, a silly way to celebrate your success of building these habits into your life is a way of honoring yourself and your growth and loving and supporting yourself.

Another technique that I have found to be effective is that when you complete and accomplish a task, get up and do a little happy dance.  Not only does that signal joy and celebration at the accomplishment, but it gives you the opportunity to get your circulation going and breath engaged in a way that brings in more Prana (Life Force) and therefore stimulates your creativity.

In group efforts, the celebration ritual of the “high five” builds greater cohesiveness with the work team and gives everyone a sense of completion and satisfaction.  These little rituals may seem unimportant and silly, but they signal your consciousness in a positive way.

Building into your life the habit of celebrating your success gives you a visceral experience of accomplishment.  Suspend your judgment and look at your life objectively.  Do you feel joy when you accomplish a goal?  Is the completion of a task or project an opportunity to acknowledge and honor yourself?  Or do you just trudge forward from one duty to the next one in an endless drudgery of too much work performed amidst too little appreciation?

If it is the latter, I suggest that you build in the habit of celebrating your successes.  Whether it is one of the silly techniques or rituals suggested on this blog, or a celebration that has a meaning only to you.  I recommend you build in a way to confirm and acknowledge to yourself the satisfaction of success.

It will increase your joy.  It will support you in the fulfillment of your life purpose.  It will energize and inspire you.  It will empower you.

Celebrating your success helps you have a “success conscious.”  It enhances your innovation and your creativity.

ATS Affirmations For Abundance CD-MP3 by Genevieve Gerard


Check out my Awaken to Success CD or MP3’s, which give you 21 positive affirmations for abundance. Use these to empower yourself to create the life of your dreams.


Success comes to those who become success conscious. 
             ― Napoleon Hill

I encourage you to celebrate your successes, large and small.  Let each accomplishment be a victory whether it seems large or small to the world is not what is important.  Many of the most challenging battles you face in life are in your personal habits.  Conquering your addictions, no matter how small are always a cause for celebration.

Overcoming your fears sufficiently to do something you want to do or need to do is always a success.

I ask that you not reserve your celebration of your success to only the massive and dramatic successes in your life.  Whether your challenge is only to do the tasks on your to-do list or your challenge is to gain mastery over your mind chatter, celebrate each win.

Below, I am including an additional technique that can give you an opportunity to have successes you can celebrate and transform and empower your life.  I call it the technique of the detached observer.

The Detached Observer Technique


One technique that I have found valuable in my own practice and in my years of coaching and counseling people is that you begin just by self-observation.

I recommend starting with committing just 3 minutes a day to consciously observe your thoughts. When you observe a negative or fear-based thought flash through your mind, edit it, correct it and replace it with a conscious thought of what you want and are striving to manifest in your life.

This self-observation, edit, correct (with intention) and replace technique is most important and empowering when what crosses your mind is a fear. To do this consciously and with intention is best achieved in a meditative state while aligning with your Higher Self and focusing upon your life’s purpose. In this alignment, you have a greater vision.

This technique is best done free of self-judgment or criticism (each of which works against achieving positive thoughts to replace the negative and fear-based chatter of the “Monkey Mind.”)

I refer to this as a meditative state because it is not really meditation, but as you are seeking to consciously align with your Soul and your Soul purpose in life you are in a higher state of consciousness and keener awareness than just thinking. So this exercise of observation from the perspective of the “detached observer” is a bridge between normal uncontrolled and casual thinking and meditation.

This can be a powerful and transforming technique. As I mentioned I recommend starting with this technique 3 minutes every day. That may seem very short but if you really consider and catch most of your negative thoughts to edit, and revise and replace the thought, you will have made a huge step forward in your ability to harness the power of your mind and learn to quiet the chattering mind. This simple (although sometimes not easy) step is important in learning to meditate and to empower your life.

In teaching this technique to my coaching clients, most have observed that a daily practice of this technique begins a major transformation in their lives.

I suggest that you start out using this method for 3 minutes a day for 30 days. Three minutes of your day is not very much. However, three minutes is enough to demonstrate my point. Three minutes is sufficient to describe the energy you are sending out.


Celebrate your successes, check off your achievements on your to-do list.  Acknowledge your ever-growing mastery of your emotions, your mind, and furthering your alignment with your Soul (Higher Self) to fulfill those all-important steps in life’s dance.

As you journey through your adventure of life, there are many opportunities for success, large and small.  Each victory, each accomplishment is important.  Life is about learning however, it is also about doing and being.

I encourage you to build celebrating your accomplishments into your life as a way of expanding your success consciousness.



The Blessing of Love on all that you do!


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Last updated 11-8-2018


Copyright © 2017-2018 Genevieve Gerard and Touch of the Soul LLC. All Rights Reserved.


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