I Want To Be My Whole Self

I Want To Be My Whole Self

Be Your Whole Self by Genevieve Gerard

This article is part of my ongoing series on Soul Awakening.

When your lower-self (your personality [body, emotions, and mind]) merges with your higher-self (your Soul which is the essential part of you into which your Divine Spark is embedded) you become empowered by your whole-self.

In your natural life journey, there is a development process that goes on throughout your life between your lower-self (personality) and your higher-self (Soul.)

This developmental process occurs naturally but for you may be unconscious.  When you invite the integrative process of your Soul to merge with your personality, you bring into your consciousness a greater awareness and empowerment of your life’s purpose.

Most likely, inviting your Soul to be an active player in your life is not something you learned to do in Sunday School.  After countless hours in churches and listening to countless hours of homilies and sermons I can say the Soul is rarely mentionedEven the Bible does not specifically teach you how to activate and engage with your Soul.

Although throughout your life, your Soul may have opened to you its presence, your conscious awareness of your Soul may have well been hit or miss.  You may have felt your Soul most present in times of heart-wrenching sorrow when a loved one has died.  And, that pain and compassion may have driven you to your knees and opened your mind and heart to the Presence of your Soul, although it’s doubtful that you were consciously aware that your Soul was the comforter.

I believe your Soul may have given you insight through your intuition that may have saved you or a friend from harm’s way.

I believe that your Soul is willing to step in at times of crisis as an act of Love or Grace, but to really provide the power and majesty of which it is capable it requires a relationship.

Most likely you have been raised from infancy to focus on your five material senses as the way you experience the world.  Any insights you may have experienced beyond the reality of those physical senses is usually discouraged by parents, adults and those who are not seeing or feeling what you might be experiencing.  This limitation is factual across most cultures and is especially true in the Western world.

This emphasis on the physical and material world has led to a long span of evolution that denies awareness of the spiritual realm.  This tendency has limited the education and knowledge of the Soul to mystics such as Hafiz, King David (in the Psalms) or Osho. Without this spiritual education, you are left with a part of you that is missing.

You may have unconsciously longed for contact from and connection with your Soul, while steadfastly ignoring or denying the reality of anything spiritual.  You may have turned to religion to find out about your Soul, but religion, unfortunately, is currently usually not the source for learning how to develop a relationship with your Soul.

All religions are true, but none are literal.
           – Joseph Campbell

The core belief of these spiritual writings of King David, Hafiz, Osho, and other spiritual writers you might cherish is that within every human heart is the longing for connection and relationship with your Soul.

No matter which religions or religious beliefs each of these inspired writers serve, their words call to you because the Soul, your Soul, is calling to be part of you through their wise words.

How To Be Whole

If you listen to the yearning of your heart, you will find a longing to love and be loved.  Your Soul is the portal of Divine Love.  When you bring your Soul into active relationship with your personality, body, emotions, and mind, you start a process of integration that brings joy and wisdom to your life. This Soul integration with your personality makes you whole.

Let my soul smile through my heart
and my heart smile through my eyes.
          –  Paramahansa Yogananda

The Soul is universal and beyond any dogma or religion.  Connecting with your Soul, and engaging in the process of merging your Soul with your lower-self “personality” is also beyond any dogma or doctrine.  It is universal and the next step in the spiritual journey of humanity.

Almost everybody agrees that you have a Soul.  When touched, that awareness opens you to the true nature of the Divine and the unifying principle of Love that transcends religious bigotry or dogma disagreements.

When you consciously open your life to increased Soul awareness and Soul control, you are engaging in what I have referred to as Soul/Personality merging.  Something I have called “The Greatest Merger and Acquisition Project Ever.”  This is when you can live a full life that is Soul infused.

Advantages of Connecting With Your Soul

Connecting with your Soul connects you with your internal source for Divine Wisdom and Divine Guidance.  Your Soul is the teacher that always knows and understands what you need at every phase and step of your life.  Your Soul as your teacher and guide aligns you with the Divine, however, you understand the Divine to be.


To bring your Soul Light into your physical body facilitates healing on many levels.  For some, it is resolution and relief of pain.  It can also manifest as a sense of deep and profound relaxation.  When aligned with your Soul, it might be that you realize that your breath is more accessible, more profound and each breath you breathe is more fulfilling.


To bring your Soul Light into your emotional body frees you to forgive, let go of deep and troubling resentments.  It fills you with a profound peace and calm that releases closely held negative emotions, such as fear and anger.  As your emotional body fills with Soul Light, there is also an activation of Love, deep in your heart.  That Love brings you awareness of unconditional love and Divine Love.


Inviting your Soul Light into your mind opens you to insight and ignites your intuition.  It also activates more creative thinking and has a dynamic impact on problem-solving in your life.

It is because of all of these powerful advantages that with every guided meditation that I create I invite you into the meditative state by asking you to “Calm Your Mind,” “Open Your Heart,” and “Invite the Light of your Soul.”

Your “personality” is the integrator of those three significant energies of the human experience.   When you consciously and with an intention (supported by meditation) affirm these embedded suggestions you are taking a significant step forward in your human evolution experience.

You are embarking on an adventure to become a new kind of human being, a human being who is aware of and in touch with their Divine Spark and their co-creatorship with God. When your lower-self merges with your higher-self you become empowered by your whole-self.

This awareness begins a quest not only to live life but live it more fully.  The adventures on this quest may bring you in touch with much that is unknown to you as you start down this path.  That is true of any great quest or adventure.  There is much your Soul knows and wishes to teach you about your true nature that is beyond the current knowledge of humans at this time.

Merging your personality with your Soul opens your life to new possibilities.  It is a magnificent adventure upon which humanity is only now embarking.  You can be the explorer of this merged awareness.

I invite you to join me in this exploration into the full power of what it means to be a human being, a being that is a part animal man but is also a creative living evolving spark of the Divine.  I invite you to Be and Become All You Are Meant to Be.

I invite you to experience the Touch of Your Soul!



The Blessing of Love on All That You Do!


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Last updated 2-4-2018


Copyright © 2017-2018 Genevieve Gerard and Touch of the Soul LLC. All rights reserved.


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