Gratitude Works Magic

Gratitude Works Magic

Read Gratitude Works Magic blog post by Genevieve Gerard

The way of life has little secrets in it that once revealed and practiced have great power to influence and affect your life.

Gratitude is one of those secrets that influences your life.

Amazingly, gratitude is one of the most powerful portals to a life of joy.

To practice gratitude and to incorporate it into your daily habits will transform your life.

This is true on multiple levels. From our youngest days, we were all taught the importance of saying words like “thank you” and “please.” In fact, I remember a children’s rhyme from my own childhood that said: “these are the keys that will open any door with ease, thank you so much and if you please.”

However, since these simple phrases often can be layered with demand, criticism and judgments it is easy to avoid saying them to one another. Worse than that, you may end up saying the words without really meaning them, which from an energetic perspective could be worse than not saying them at all.

To begrudgingly express gratitude, not from a sense of real appreciation but because of a demand or simply because it is “manners” or expected from you, dissipates the impact that gratitude has.

Gratitude and appreciation are the handmaidens of “The Law of Attraction.” When dealing with Universal Laws, like the “Law of Attraction” or the universal principle that “energy follows thought” you are inside of the very matrix of creation. Their insincere words expressed without the heartfelt spirit with which the words are usually infused are automatically ignored and therefore lack the power and energy to have an impact.

Therefore, to unlock the magical power and profound impact that gratitude can have in your life I caution you to make sure that your expressions of thanks are sincere and heartfelt. We have all received a perfunctory or polite “thank you.” You have probably ignored them or didn’t even fully register them. They can turn into a meaningless social communication with one another.

When I say that gratitude works magic I am not talking about the results of automated heartless responses. For the magic of the Law of Attraction to be truly released, the expression of gratitude and feeling of appreciation must be real. When you genuinely feel grateful, it is accompanied by your heart feeling full and love energy is ignited in a transpersonal and unconditional way.

If you pay attention to the feeling that you have in your heart (chakra) area when you are feeling genuine gratitude and appreciation for someone or something you will know what I mean. It is that energetic spark that ignites the magnetic impulse of the Law of Attraction that brings into your life greater abundance of exactly what you are appreciating and enjoying. This is the secret power that unlocks the deep magic of gratitude.

When you send out a magnetic impulse, to bring into your life more of what you have truly appreciated, you invoke an energetic response that is a manifestation of your co-creator role of your life with the Divine. It is through this mystical mechanism that thought leaders and spiritual teachers have said that you are responsible for what you attract. Ponder on this.

Just as thoughts, send out vibrations to which there is a creative and attractive power, gratitude stimulates the field of etheric energy that surrounds you on a subtle level to bring into your life more of what brings you joy.
            – Genevieve Gerard

These universal principles, such as the law of attraction, energy follows thought and countless others, are the subtle dynamics that impact energy in the alchemy of our role as co-creator whether you choose to use them or not. The laws of the universe, although they can be used to work for you, continue to work even if you never attempt to utilize them to have a better life.

Much like the Sun shines the same on the rich and the poor, these creative principles, such as the law of attraction, energy follows thought, and the law of repulse affect the laws of physics. Their true nature is just beginning to reveal itself with the study of noetic science. This has been changing the understanding of the world since the revelation of quarks and other unseen factors of energy that are just coming into our conscious awareness. Interesting enough, this new science is proving many of the truths long held by the esoteric teachings of the Ageless Wisdom.

As more and more understanding of this subtle world reveals how thoughts, gratitude and fear and worry impact the world of our experience and manifestation there becomes an increase in the understanding of how much you can impact your life experience by using these subtle laws to create the experiences you desire. Likewise, you can see your responsibility in creating what you experience.

Principles such as energy follows thought and the response to expressions of gratitude are some of the easiest ways to demonstrate the truth of these universal laws and principles because they react so quickly to manifesting. Almost everyone who has begun to practice gratitude and appreciation in their life can tell you a story of how their life has become more joyful, happier and they have ever-increasing reasons for which to express gratitude. This is why I call gratitude, magic.

For some reason gratitude has an accelerated noticeable response time, perhaps because it is much easier to express gratitude, than to stop negative thoughts, fears or worries, although the subtle principles of energy field theory are exactly the same. The key is learning to manage your thoughts to what is positive and what you desire and not what you fear or worry about.

A technique that can powerfully transform your life to align with these subtle laws and principles is to increase your awareness of the content of your thoughts and then, once observed, take an active creator role with them, focusing on what you are enjoying and appreciating. Then, immediately express with that deep sensing of gratitude your delight.

What you are appreciating will range from simple to complex. The response of the increased joy is significant. All around you, everywhere you go today, there are opportunities to practice appreciation and gratitude. These sensations will be so strong that they can dispel fear or worry and bring you into greater alignment with your Higher Self and your Higher Power.

Therefore, I invite you to practice the magic of gratitude. I know your life will respond. Enjoy.



The Blessing of Love on All That You Do!


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Last updated 3-27-2019


Copyright © 2014-2019 Genevieve Gerard and Touch of the Soul LLC. All rights reserved.


14 thoughts on “Gratitude Works Magic”

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