It All Depends on Your Perspective

It All Depends on Your Perspective

Read It All Depends On Your Perspective blog post by Genevieve Gerard

How you experience something is influenced by your perspective.

Everything that happens in life is always being processed, cataloged and interpreted by the combined influence of the input of your physical senses, sight, sound, smell, taste, and touch.

As quickly and spontaneously as that information is noted and processed a flood of emotion is added to the situation. Immediately, your quicksilver mind begins evaluating, processing and analyzing. The sum total of your life experience is spontaneously judging and comparing what is being experienced.

The power of realizing this amazing way that information and events are being experienced is that you have the potential to interpret and truly understand an event simultaneously. This gives you great power to be in the role of the director in your life.

In spiritual teaching, in the Ageless Wisdom and in so much of psychological and motivational thinking is the reminder that how you react to any life circumstance is important. Every situation and happening require interpretation. In that process of interpretation lays a profound secret of being happy vs. sad, frightened or excited, fulfilled or disappointed.

When you wake up every day, you have two choices. You can either be positive or negative; an optimist or a pessimist. I choose to be an optimist. It’s all a matter of perspective.
      ~ Harvey Mackay

Perspective is important. Unfortunately, so much of your response to an occurrence is framed in an automatic almost knee-jerk reaction to what is happening and does not come from a fair evaluation and comprehension of what is unfolding. So much is being colored by fear and the desire to avoid pain that it takes being conscious and living in the moment when you consider something to have a true perspective.

This is one of the reasons that when you do the personal work to release your fears you can have a cumulative effect on every aspect of your life.

To be able to consider something consciously requires a multitude of very important and significant factors.

Perhaps the most important factor to consider when you are evaluating and responding to something is to ask if your response is based on what is happening right here, right now in your present situation.

This is very important because the tendency to respond to something is often influenced by the past. Unfortunately, in making a correlation between something that is happening in the present and in the past, all too often fears come in. Once fear enters the equation, whether it be from the input of your mind chatter (also at times called the “Monkey Mind”), you are no longer experiencing the present, the moment, the NOW, but living in the past.

When you observe the influence of the past from the perspective of the detached observer, you are able to shift your consciousness into the present moment, and that can transform your experience of the past or the present.
      ~ Genevieve Gerard

The realization you gain as the detached observer enables you to engage consciously the power of your mind to reframe and reinterpret your experiences of the past.

To use your awareness and your perspective in this empowering way enables you to be the director in your life rather than the actor and reactor. It allows you to harness the incredible power of your mind to manifest the life that you have dreamt about. It puts you into an active and vibrant partnership with your Higher Self or Soul so that you can be a co-creator in your life with that Source.

In order for you to experience this and have a better understanding, I will share with you a detached observer technique.


Seeing As the Detached Observer

– a technique to transform your life

The first step in this process is found in really understanding the word “detached.” When you look at your life, events and situations using the detached observer technique it is important to be as “detached” as you possibly can. The detached observer does not judge or criticize; the observer only needs to observe.

It helps if you realize that the part of you that is the observer is the Higher Self. By affirming and connecting with your Higher Self in the start of this process, you have already shifted your perspective to a more enlightened awareness of the situation.

The second step is to focus your attention and determining how much of what you are experiencing is leftover fears of frustration or failure from the past. You are then able to enter into the present as you consciously and with intention put the past behind you, knowing and affirming that the past is powerless in the present moment and in the future. What has the potential to be created now is filled to the brim with potential and possibility because it is yet to be manifested.

Next you want to reinforce further your alignment with your Soul. This can be aided by the addition of the aspect of Divine Will into the unfoldment of your circumstance or situation. Your will, intention and goals will be enhanced when they are in union with Divine Will in your role as a co-creator of your life with the Divine.

Ultimately, focusing your conscious mind on being in the present also has a ripple effect on your life because by doing this you release your fears that are based on your past or your unknown possible future. This further empowers you when you, again consciously, choose to observe without judgment or criticism, stilling the toxic mind chatter of “should have, would have, could have” thinking.

While using this detached observer technique it is helpful to take deep and relaxing breaths. You may be pleasantly surprised how much stress you can relieve by doing this. Simply breathe in deeply through your nose and breathe out long relaxing breaths through your mouth.

Next having aligned with your Higher Self, and opened your mind to the objective assessment that is required to be detached be open to automatically creating a shift in your perspective and perception. This new perspective and perception are now having a dynamic change for good in your life.

With this new frame of reference you can now consciously reframe your interpretation of the situation and apply insights or use techniques such as affirmations; I am statements, or even prayers, meditative ponderings and invocations to reinforce what you have realized in this perspective shifting technique.

It is also frequently reported that using the method of the detached observer and accordingly releasing the fears that come from the past, has a healing influence on your emotions as you realize that you are not bound or limited by your past beliefs that may have been limiting you.

Remember, you can receive these benefits when you consciously align with your Soul and use your mind as the powerful tool that it is in your life.

Having now aligned with the consciousness, the Love and the wisdom of your Soul, it is with your mind and your emotions that your personality must incorporate the new insights, the promptings and the guidance you have received. You are a whole being as a human being.

Finally, to actually manifest your full possibility and potential in life you must utilize, integrate and incorporate the wholeness of yourself, calling upon and using all of you, valuing and including all of the input awareness granted to you by your body with your five senses, then appreciate the sensing’s that are provided by your emotions and the insight of your intellect and mind. This is the information that your personality can integrate and utilize instantly in any and every life situation. The simplest way to reinforce this is with regular meditation.

I have found daily meditation is a powerful tool for helping you free your fears and clear your energy field of the congestion of clinging to old hurts, past failures, and past pains. Although I recommend daily meditation, when you are working to release the residuals of your fears and your sorrows, it helps to do an energetic clearing technique throughout the day to help process these emotions.

Because of the law that “energy follows thought” you are able to use your thoughts to release your fears throughout the day while you are busy living your life. Recently, I was speaking to a friend of mine, and we were talking about 2 of my most effective healing meditations “I am Feeling Free” and the longer “Feeling Free” meditation. I shared that during the most difficult times in my life I used the energetic clearing techniques included in these two meditations hundreds of times in a day. Moreover, I still use this technique (that you can do instantly in any situation) whenever I find myself experiencing anger, frustration or fear.

I hope you now have a better understanding that the sooner you clear away the residual of an uncomfortable or unsettling experience, the sooner you can be in present time and react and respond to life free of what is having an influence over you from the past, from your fears or from your limiting beliefs so that you can take advantage of what opportunity of possibility is in the here and now for you.



The Blessing of Love on All That You Do!


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Last updated 9-8-2018


Copyright © 2014-2018 Genevieve Gerard and Touch of the Soul LLC, All Rights Reserved.


6 thoughts on “It All Depends on Your Perspective”

  1. I loved the picture. I enjoyed the article. It was really informative. Your site is extremely helpful.
    Thank you for sharing!

  2. Cute picture. This helped me look at how changing my perspective can affect my life. A real benefit that enables me to see how I can be in control in my life. Deep!

    1. John, I am so pleased that these concepts helped you feel more in control in your life. In changing how you interpret things is great power. You have the choice how you react to everything that happens in your life. Enjoy!

  3. This article changed my perspective and I have to agree, it has helped me. Thanks a lot. I will come again soon to see what new posts you have. I really liked this one.

  4. jovita r. miguel

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