Introduction to How Miracles Are Created

Introduction to How Miracles Are Created

Read Introduction to How Miracles Are Created article by Genevieve Gerard

My meditation and thoughts have been recently focused on the subject of miracles.

Miracles are something that seem important to understand.

As I ponder and consider what makes a miracle happen and what composes the building blocks of a miracle, I realize that some special energetic forces must come together to cause a miracle to happen.

I will strive in this article to explore the factors and components that combine to create miracles. I will try in what I write today to provide you with ways to empower your life to make you more open to miracles.

At its core, a miracle is an amazing thing because to make a miracle happen the physical and spiritual worlds must come together. In this realization, there is an important hint to ponder on about how miracles happen.

As I contemplate on miracles and pray for guidance on how to teach and explain them, I am aware that attempting this teaching is a demonstration of how times are changing. As we enter into this new stage of human evolution, what has long been kept hidden is now being revealed.

The old ways, “to know, to dare and to do and to keep silent” are being replaced by openness, as humanity is changing and evolving. Miracles, while as old as time itself, have traditionally been reserved for Divine beings. The past is peppered with those who were ordinary people before they performed what became known as a miracle.

When I consider the stories of miracles, I, of course, look to the stories of the life of Jesus, which are recorded in the New Testament. At the same time, it is important to remember that Jesus said, “Greater things than I have done you shall do.” John 14.

Jesus’s statement seems to direct people to not only believe in miracles but to take an active role in the creation of miracles. It does not relegate miracles to 2500 years ago. It does not imply that miracles are the exclusive purview of Jesus. It seems to imply that doing miracles is a natural and important extension of being disciples of Jesus and of being a spiritual being. It seems to take away the excuse and limiting beliefs you might have about performing miracles because you are only human.

It seems to mean that miracles are a part of living and coming into relationship with the Divine that it is important to understand. This article, this exploration of the components that make miracles happen and sharing my understanding and awareness of miracles is more than I can do in 2000 words today. I realize that there is so much that goes into a miracle that this article is the first step into this mystery.

Miracles are not contrary to nature,
but only contrary to what we know about nature.
          – Saint Augustine

In pondering the concept of miracles, you may be immediately confronted with what you believe you know about life and science that falls into the realm of miracles. I will remind you that new discoveries are constantly being revealed about the nature of energy, particularly in the area of subtle energies.

Quantum physics and the astonishing revelations of Noetic Science all make it clear that there is still so much we do not know or understand about life.

It is interesting to note that much of what is being revealed and confirmed in Noetic Science is scientific confirmation of much that has been taught in the Ageless Wisdom.

I continue to explore this concept of miracles through meditation. Also, I will continue to ponder and consider what is revealed in my consciousness in my quest to empower you to create miracles in your life.

As I write to you today, I realize that even though I have been pondering and meditating on the subject of miracles for a while now, the insights and understandings I have now are just a small glimpse into the truth of how miracles work.

I will commit to continuing this quest into the subject of miracles and share with you any insights and revelations I receive in subsequent articles. These I will identify, like I do with my healing articles, as a part of an ongoing series.

That said there are some things I have come to understand about miracles that I can share with you today.

Intention, Personal and Divine Will

It seems clear to me that a miracle involves a merger between intention and personal and Divine Will.

This merging of Will seems to be one of the building blocks, or essential components for manifesting a miracle. I am speaking here of miracles beyond the miracle of creation or the miracle of life itself, to the little miracles you and I may wish to focus upon as we move through life.

The dynamic of personal Will and Divine Will is an integral part of all energetic healing. It speaks to the very deep and profound issues in spiritual and life experience.

This issue of personal Will and Divine Will influences prayers, and it most certainly has a profound impact on the creation of miracles.

As I have considered and prepared to write this article, I have found this issue of personal Will and Divine Will interweaving through my thoughts.

As I have explored why my ponderings about miracles have led me repeatedly to the issue of Will, I realized that it is in the creation of a miracle that personal Will and Divine Will must become perfectly aligned.

This alignment of personal Will and Divine Will is an important part of all energetic healing, and since the miracle that many desire in life are directly related to healing, that makes a great deal of sense. So in some way it is natural to consider healing and miracles together.

A miracle is distinctly different from a prayer or invocation for healing. Although some of the components are very similar to prayer, there seems to be more to a miracle than just prayer. This seems to imply that there is a blending of invocation and evocation in both miracles and prayer.

The Role Of The Soul In Miracles

As I write about miracles, I find myself needing to stop and meditate to let my mind be open to what is involved in performing a miracle. That very fact seems to give an important hint about miracles. A miracle is performed by your Soul when held in perfect alignment with Divine Will. Ponder on this.

Another vital and very important part is that the personal Will is also perfectly and completely aligned with the Will of the Soul and Divine Will. This trinity of Wills has a dynamic power to it.

To achieve this alignment of your personality and your personal Will with the Will of your Soul is an exalted experience and can be transformative and transcendent. Just aligning with the power and magnificence of your Soul is already amazing. This experience alone is often life-changing.

When energy is further aligned with the power and presence of the Divine, especially through the aspect of aligning your Will and your Soul with Divine Will, energy can be changed. It is in this alignment of Source, Soul and Self that great power is released. It is in this unity of Will and purpose that dynamic transformation can take place.

To concurrently be invoking your Will and to be at the same moment in time completely surrendered is a unique experience. All of the prayers you have prayed through a lifetime of petitions are preparation for this mystical moment of union. It is special and rare, as miracles are special and rare.

Prayer is the medium of miracles;
in whatever way works for you, pray right now.
        – Marianne Williamson

To come into greater awareness of your Soul and to touch and incorporate the amazing breadth of the wonder of your Soul, is perhaps the best way to open your life to miracles.

Meditation Is The Portal

Meditation is the portal to your Soul. When you open yourself, your heart and your mind to the love that is the nature of your Soul, you have embarked upon a quest to understand the Divine in a more profound and powerful way than you may have thought possible.

It might be said that the first step in a miracle is the step of opening yourself to experience the wonder of your Soul.

The joy of connecting with your Soul in meditation is both wonderful and glorious. Today I offer you a meditation to help you experience the joy of connecting with your Soul. I know of no greater gift that I can give you than to facilitate your connection and awareness of your Soul.

A Meditation to Prepare your Life for Miracles

Much like prayer will help you learn to align your personal Will with Divine Will, this meditation is created to help you align with your Soul.

To begin sit in a quiet place, clear of distractions or interruptions.

This is a special time. This is a sacred time. To enter into this meditation first declare your intention to be open to the amazing Presence of your Soul.

Calm your mind, open your heart and invite the Light.

Let yourself draw in a very deep breath to help you relax. As you exhale, release any tension or anxieties and let them fade away and disappear from your awareness.

Come into this moment of time. It is only NOW. Nothing that has ever been before this moment has any power over you.

Draw in another very deep and peaceful breath. As you release that breath, let forgiveness and grace begin to fill your heart and your mind.

Affirm that although you have a body, you are more than just a physical being. Realize that although you experience a great array of emotions, they wash over you freely and are now freely released.

Accept that you have a mind, yet you are more than the content of your thoughts.

You have a personality. Let it surrender to the Love, the Wisdom and the directing of your Soul. Let the Soul have control.

Identify with your whole self as you open your heart and your mind to experience the magnificent radiance of your Soul.

Visualize your Soul as a radiant golden-white light three feet above your head. Let the Light, the Love and the Power of your Soul, gently fill your whole being. You are Love. You are Light. You are the Soul.

You are a miracle of Divine Light created by Divine Love and infused with Divine Wisdom to be a Soul having a human experience right here and right now on planet earth.

Let that thought pervade your thoughts. Let that truth fill your heart. Open yourself to being your whole self.

Pause as you breathe in this essence of being that is available to you.

Immediately release any thoughts that disturb you. Let the peace that passes understanding into the moment. Accept the grace, understanding and forgiveness that connecting with your Soul brings.

Let all of your fears crumble into dust as they are blown away into oblivion. Gone, they have no substance to emerge again.

You are Soul. You are the spark of Divine Light that is endless, timeless and eternal.

As Soul, you are One with the Universal Presence. As Soul, you are aligned with the mind of God.

Pause and let yourself experience all that is available to you in this meditation and this moment.

Stay with this awareness for as long as you can. Gradually become aware of your breath. Let your awareness drift to your mind, your heart and your body. Let yourself be filled with the Light, the Love and the Power of your Soul.

As you are ready to conclude, become aware of the sounds and the vibration of the world around you.

Before you return to the needs of your life, take a moment to express your gratitude for the blessing this meditation has been.



I suggest that you take some time in the afterglow of this meditation to record your thoughts and impressions in your journal.

To touch your Soul, is to touch the hem of heaven. I invite and encourage you to meditate on your Soul often and open yourself to the amazing creation that you are.

To touch your Soul, can be the fuel for miracles in your life.



The Blessing of Love on all that you do!


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Last updated 2-10-2019


Copyright © 2015-2019 Genevieve Gerard and Touch of the Soul LLC. All rights reserved.


5 thoughts on “Introduction to How Miracles Are Created”

  1. WOW! I can’t wait for the next installment.

    If I were in need of a miracle, I would read this article, and do this meditation, twice a day for two weeks. In that time the substance of love will penetrate even the most stubborn of material concerns.

    You are worth it! You are loved. You have as much right to a miracle as any who have ever received a transformation from human limitation to spiritual freedom.

    If you’re miracle is for another, ask them to join with you. For as has been said, “Where ever two or more are gathered together in my name there in their midst am I”. And that power can surely work a miracle or two.

    Thank you Genevieve, well done. I am going to share this with any in my circle who’s lives are in need.


    1. Thank you Dan for that encouraging comment. I love the idea of a group gathering to create a miracle. Working as a group is empowering.

      I would like to suggest that groups join together to do this meditation for a specific service purpose and then focus on this need for the two weeks you suggest. Such as the service subject of Peace.

      If this idea interests you I will join with you in group meditation to focus on creating peace in the world.


  2. I am in.

    The miracles to come soon are based on our change in how we relate to the true world of spiritual realities. That shift in us, and in humanity as a group, is changing the world and will only grow into world transformation.

    When we come together as a group in meditation to explore that possibility, it works powerful magic in us.

    Put the word out and we will meet on any specific time you want in a live cast, phone or Skype, etc and have a wonderful time.

    Group Soul, when it joins the conversation, always causes transformation and healing.

  3. I have experienced these steps of miracle creation and I am waiting the result. There’s a process already or works that I positively await.

  4. I would like to add to the comments on Creating Miracles. I have found that it is vital to consciously surrender the little separated will of the personality, which blocks miracles from happening by its idea of being separated from the group based love that is the Soul. We know it is the power of love, connected to group life, that can work miracles of any kind.

    In our duality of personality and Soul, under the divine presence, as we give up the little selfish separated idea of ourselves and enter the love of God, miracles occur in our life because the presence of love is increasing. That is how I focus upon it.

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