Miracles Are Always Possible

Miracles Are Always Possible

Read Miracles Are Always Possible by Genevieve Gerard

Miracles are always possible; that was the message that came through in my morning meditation.

As I went deeper into that thought and that promise, I realized that miracles are not only possible; they are your birthright.

There are so many times in life’s adventure that you may look at your life situation and see what you need and then think; “it is going to take a miracle.”  So I say, “make a miracle happen.”

As I write those words, I can feel a wave of judgment and disapproval from many people.  That judgment says; miracles are the providence of God, not mankind.  However, as I ponder and consider miracles; I would say true miracles are about teamwork.  God, in the many ways in which God moves life is certainly in charge of miracles.

Aligning With Divine Will

Any miracle you pray for and invoke acknowledges the importance of aligning with Divine Will.  Aligning with Divine Will is essential in two crucial ways.   First, only when you align with Divine Will are you assured that the Highest Good of All is the result of the creation of a miracle. Second, aligning with Divine Will is your protection for unintended consequences.

None of us can, from our human perspective, see all of the possible results and ramifications of a miracle.  The implications of every shift in energy are vast.  Surrendering your desire to Divine Will reminds you that the right order and right relationship of asking for a miracle are that God is in charge.

That said, God has imbued us as human beings with a spark of Divine Light and Divine essence.  That is not a gift given lightly.  It is an essential part of who you are.  You have within you that spark of Divine Light as the nature of your Soul.

The Role of Your Soul

Your Soul is always aware of the importance of surrender to Divine Will.  When you want or need a miracle it is your Soul that knows how to help you receive that blessing.  It is from your Soul that the perspective of the detachment of selfish will and desire can come to invoke the Highest Good for all.

When you put your Soul in charge and release your little will and the desires and attachments of your personality, a shift takes place that makes miracles possible.  Putting your Soul in charge not only aligns you with Divine Will, but it also opens you to the realm of Angels to help.

Miracles happen by the teamwork and cooperation of three essential elements; alignment with Divine Will, the surrender of your will, and the collaboration of the Angels.  All of this is the natural result of letting your Soul be in control.

Now, knowing human nature as I do, and understanding the difficulty of the personality to surrender to the Soul, you might say that in itself is a miracle.  Certainly, wrestling control from your ego and personal will is a challenging part of creating a miracle or allowing a miracle to be manifest in your life.

It is important to understand that miracles do not work outside of science and the laws of nature.  They may be outside of what you know and understand about the laws of the universe and nature.  Even God works within the laws of nature.

Recently Pope Francis made this point when he announced about creation, God is not a magician waving a magic wand. 

Humanity’s understanding of the laws of science is continually expanding.  The study of physics is regularly revealing new ideas.  The field of Noetic Science is proving many of the old truths of the Ageless Wisdom that have guided spiritual aspirants for years, such as “energy follows thought,” a universal principle on which I frequently write.

When you expand your awareness to your Soul and put your Soul in control, you open your heart and your mind to the realm of Angels and invite them to help in the creation of a miracle in your life.
              – Genevieve Gerard

An essential part of the nature of your Soul and an essential aspect of Angelic Presence is alignment with Divine Will.  Both your Soul and all the Angels align with Divine Love, which is the underlying force of Divine Will.

Miracles must always take place within the combined energies of Divine Will and Divine Love.

You may not know or consciously understand the subtle manipulation of universal laws and principles that need to be applied to create a miracle.  It is not necessary or even important that you do so.  Faith is sufficient when considering the manifestation of a miracle.

Your Co-Creator Relationship With God

Miracles are the place where you, your Soul and God all meet in your co-creatorship relationship with God.  God created you to live in relationship with Him.

That relationship is a sacred covenant the theologian Martin Buber called an “I-Thou relationship.”  In Buber’s view, all of our relationships bring us ultimately into relationship with God, who is the Eternal Thou.

The relationship between God and humanity is an incredible miracle.  Your relationship is a mystical dynamic between you, (as a son or daughter of mankind), and God, as your creator.

A part of that relationship is a responsibility that you have as a child of God who is miraculous, also a child of humanity.  God put you here on planet earth to help manifest a plan of evolution.  That plan requires your active and creative participation.

Your creative part of that plan is as a human and material being and comes complete with all of the faults and failures you have as a human being.  However, you are imbued with a Soul.  In all of creation, it is only a human being who has this higher level dual nature.  It is manifesting from that dual nature that a miracle is created.  It is with this merger of your Soul and your material life that you can take on the role and responsibility as a co-creator with God.

For this to work and not go horribly array, it is necessary for you to merge and integrate your Soul with your personality.

A part of a powerful mantra that encapsulates this truth of Soul-Personality integration is the Mantram of Unification:

Let the Soul control the outer form, and life and all events and bring to Light the Love that underlies the happenings of the time.
               – Alice Bailey (Djwal Khul  Discipleship in the New Age, Vol. II)

Now take a deep breath.  Calm your mind, open your heart, invite the Light.

As you read this phrase from the Mantram of Unification, consider how it may be used to create miracles in your life.  Ponder on this!

Then, call upon your Angels for help.  They too are part of God’s great plan and have dedicated their life to helping humanity achieve that plan.

As others have, you can ask for a miracle through prayer.  Remembering that surrendering your personal Will to the Divine Will and the Wisdom of the Angelic Kingdom and Wisdom of the Divine is a protection from unintended consequences that can harm you or others.


My Prayer for Asking for a Miracle

Father God, Divine Mother, My Angelic Guardians, and Guides, I need help.  It seems that this situation in life, ____________________________________________ needs miraculous intervention.

Please guide and direct me to do what I can do as a human being to resolve this situation.  Please help from your exalted level to create a miracle, if this is beyond my ability to solve.

I ask in full faith and assurance that miracles are possible and in full faith and surrender to the wisdom of Divine Will for the highest good of all.

For this blessing and this miracle, I give thanks.

Amen, so be it and it is so.

When an individual, or even more powerfully and profoundly a group, call upon the Divine for healing or Divine intervention with a world problem, the prayers and invocations create an activation of energy to which all Divine beings respond.
                   – Genevieve Gerard

Remember, miracles are always possible.  You can always pray for and ask for a miracle or a healing.  They are your birthright, and you can manifest them as a part of your great adventure as a Soul, having a great adventure in your human experience.  You are a beloved child of God.  The Angels surround you and are available to you to help you do anything that aligns with the greater plan and Divine Will.




The Blessing of Love on All That You Do!


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Last updated 4-8-2018


Copyright © 2017-2018 Genevieve Gerard and Touch of the Soul LLC. All Rights Reserved.


2 thoughts on “Miracles Are Always Possible”

  1. Please pray for healing of my niece she has goiter, my mother had diabetes, high blood pressure and my father also and to all my sibling, i believe in prayer and miracle, i look forward for your kindness and generosity, God bless and more power.

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