Most People Believe In Guardian Angels

Most People Believe In Angels

Read the article, "Most People Believe In Guardian Angels" by Genevieve Gerard

This article is part of my ongoing series on Angels

Those who cannot quite seem to believe in angels want to believe.

It is certainly comforting and reassuring to think that as God watches over us through all of our challenges in life, that there are messengers and emissaries of the Divine to help and guide us (the late Latin meaning of angelus is “messenger of God”.)

The best-known, and most often considered angelic presence, is your guardian angel.

As I wrote in, Meeting Your Guardian Angel,” there is a special relationship between your Soul, which resides in the 5th kingdom, and the kingdom of the angelic realm.

Today, I would like you to consider and explore the presence and purpose of what I call Guiding Angels.

The presence of guiding angels in your life is more subtle and less dramatic than your guardian angel. Guardian Angels have an angelic commitment to your Soul and your life that is in place throughout the whole of your life. Whereas, guiding angels have a role that engages with a variety of individuals throughout a variety of life circumstances. Because of this, guiding angels have a greater perspective on the human experience that helps them appreciate and understand the subtle factors of what may concern you.

Since angels are beings of pure energy and light, they are not a part of the world of substance, form and matter. Their nature is different from that of a human being. They are created in the substance of Divine Love, and all their life force and interaction with the human kingdom is colored by and influenced by that.

There are changes happening in the world that have thinned the veil between the human kingdom and the angelic kingdom. This thinning permits a greater ease of communication and awareness of angels. This awareness is a profound change and provides to the human experience resources and support that are beyond the five senses.

Guiding Angels have chosen to provide guidance to human beings through their ability to bridge Divine Love and Wisdom. These connections with and understanding of human life events and challenges are beneficial to a Guiding Angels evolutionary life experience, so it is a mutually beneficial relationship.

Angels Are Watching Over Us

These angels in the angelic kingdom choose to observe your life and provide the support of their presence and guidance especially in times of a particular challenge or difficulty. Their commitment to you is temporary, unlike the commitment of your Guardian Angel. These angels come and go taking what they have learned in their experience with you to help others. In this way, their perspective serves as a bridge from the heavenly to the human world.

To touch the realm of angels and to call upon and use their support in your daily life requires some shifts in your consciousness and understanding. The rules are different in the realm in which angels live. Angels have their evolutionary path and connection with and communication with the human world is as unique and different for them as communing with Angels is for you.

Just as you are learning to recognize what the touch of an angel feels like, so they are learning how to make their presence known to you.
      – Genevieve Gerard

Tips to Hearing the Whisper of a Guiding Angel

There are certain ways that angels have made their presence known throughout the history of the world and these are still in use today. However, as the separation between these two worlds is narrowing, new ways of communicating their presence are emerging. The revelations that communication between these two realities brings is emerging as a key element of increasing the awareness of your Soul’s role in your life.

When you open your heart and your mind to the active relationship with your Soul, through meditation or prayer, you reveal the presence and communion with angels as an added benefit. For this reason, it is good to begin to discriminate and understand some of the ways that angels make their presence known to you.

Communication with the angelic realm is a still and quiet whisper through a telepathic connection. It is more sensing than hearing, more of an impression. To hear the whispering guidance of an angel is truly a blessing. Realize though that it is subtle and different. It comes with absolutely no demands, requirements, expectations or attachment to the outcome. In this way, it is a unique relationship. The only purpose is the greater good in your life.

Expanding your consciousness and listening to the whisper of your guiding angel, enables you to explore new ways of being that are more congruent with the wisdom and perspective of your Higher Self. Guiding angels provide this gentle nudge from the realm of spirit.

This angelic communication leaves a sense of being loved so deeply and unconditionally that it can only be understood in the heart. Love, joy, and peace are the residuals of guiding angels transforming touch.

I suggest that you set aside some time for prayer and meditation to invoke and invite the presence of your guiding Angels.

Since the dawn of creation, people have used rituals to call upon the presence of angels. A ritual both helps you to calm your mind of the fears and chattering that can drown out the still silent whisper of your angel’s voice.

To create a call to the Angels to provide you help and guidance, bring your mind to a point of calm, open your heart to receive love, and be quiet with an open receptivity to the thoughts and impression of your Soul to guide you in your life.

Many people who regularly meditate have a special place that they use. It may be a special chair or a special view. Some have candles or have designated particular incense that helps them calm their mind and open their heart as they invite the Light of their Soul.

There are as many ways to create a sacred space as there are people on earth. None of them is wrong. The intention that goes into the creation of sacred space is a part of the empowerment. That intention helps your energy, whether, through prayer or meditation, invocation or affirmation connect you with your Higher Self and the angelic world. Ponder on this.

If you create such a sacred space for yourself, I always suggest that you have a journal in easy reach to record the promptings and insights you receive.

Throughout the ages, special chapels in churches have been used for meditation, prayer and the communion with your Soul and Angels. If you use one of these sacred spaces, I also suggest you bring your journal to record the thoughts and impressions you receive. The whispering of angels or the silent prompting of your Soul can all too easily be drowned out by the noise of life, so what your record in these special times is of special import and value.

Most important, in this sacred time, I open my mind and my heart to receive the guidance of my angels. I look to the wisdom of my Soul to clarify my choices and inspire my thinking that I may be an instrument of Divine Love for the aid and service to the world.

I also give thanks for the blessings I am about to receive. I welcome my guiding angels and appreciate their presence in my life.

Finally know that your prayers, your meditation and your invocation help to bring the realm of the angelic closer to the world of matter.



The Blessing of Love on All That You Do!


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Last Updated 2-4-2018


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