Pray For My Country

Pray For My Country

Pray For My Country Serenity Sunday prayer by Genevieve Gerard

Across the planet in every country we, the people and citizens are noticing that the winds of change are blowing.

More than any time in my life or recollection it seems to be a time that the people are being called upon to make a stand, a stand that will determine and influence the direction and life of your county, and by extension, the world.

Recently in my meditation I created a prayer for the people to invite and invoke the help and support of the Creator, however, you envision the Divine force in life.

By whatever name you call upon the Divine force, it is working through humanity on a plan that was created concurrently with the creation of the first man and the first woman on the planet.

Creation is an ongoing process that fuels the evolution of consciousness in ways beyond our comprehension and understanding.

As you say this prayer feel free to change it in a way that reflects the wisdom and yearning of your Soul.

Your prayer, your intention, your invitation, and invocation attract to your place in the world the help you see needed in the dynamic co-creation of humanity and the Creator.
         – Genevieve Gerard

Your prayer, your intention, your invitation, and invocation attract to your place in the world the help you see needed in the dynamic co-creation of humanity and the Creator.

As you say this prayer you are joining with the prayers of citizens around the world to make this world a better place.  Join your heart, mind, and Soul with the men and woman of Goodwill all across the planet as all seek to make this world a better place.


Prayer For My Country


Divine Creator,

Our troubled world needs help. With faith and hope, we turn to You to guide the happenings of these times.

We pray for Peace, that every man, woman, and child can be safe.

Guide the leaders of our country to turn away from the conflicts that separate us from others.  Inspire them to find the ways to unity and cooperation with other lands and governments.

We pray that those who make the laws that govern us are moved by compassion and consider their decisions in keeping with their understanding of what fosters Right Relationships.

We ask that how Love is best served be woven into the laws of our land and Harmlessness is considered in all regulations to serve all with equality and justice.

The morality of our country is embedded in every law, help our legislators to consider the moral implications of the decisions they make.

Please protect our leaders from the evil of greed and selfishness that they may find the moral strength and courage to do the right thing for the highest good of all.

Our leaders and our legislators are tempted by evil every day.  We pray for them to find the strength in their hearts and minds to stand firm against those temptations to do what they know to be the right thing for the people they represent and govern.

Help the people to find the strength and courage to stand up for what they believe and know to be Right Action.

We seem to be at a time in the human story when it is more important than ever to make a stand for what we believe.  It may not be easy to stand in Your truth and in Your power so we ask that You empower us with Your guidance and strength.

Protect the poor and disenfranchised from the tyranny of oppression that every life may be granted the freedom and opportunity to fulfill its Divine purpose.

We know deep down that every life, every Soul, has a purpose.  Let education and employment fuel the engines of our success; so that creativity and Divine Inspiration can benefit all of humanity.

Inspire our leaders with wisdom so that solutions to the problems of the day can be found and grant them the courage to stand up for those who cannot stand for themselves.

It is not always easy to do the right thing, to stand up for those who cannot stand up for themselves.  Courage and strength are needed by those who strive to do the right thing.  I ask that these men and woman of good will be provided the Divine blessings to strengthen and fortify their efforts of service.

In all that we pray we surrender to the wisdom of Divine Will that this world may manifest Your Purpose and Your Plan for all of humanity. Let me stand as a vessel of your Divine Love.

For these blessings we give thanks.

And it is So.




   Genevieve Gerard


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P.S. If you are moved by this prayer to join your heart, mind, and Soul to pray for your Country, please share it with all who may like to join in the service to humanity by creating a better place in the world.



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Last updated 1-14-2024


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